ABSTRAKBisnis film di Indonesia diperkirakan akan terus bertumbuh ke depannya. Film asing masih menjadi mesin pendorong bisnis film di Indonesia. Salah satu film asing yang konsisten memperoleh pendapatan besar di Indonesia adalah film-film Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ini membuktikan bahwa brand merupakan hal yang penting. Untuk memastikan suksesnya strategi membangun brand yang kuat, penting bagi perusahaan untuk memahami brand equity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu efek dari brand equity terhadap tanggapan konsumen yaitu price premium, brand extension, brand preference, dan purchase intention, serta efek dari dimensi brand equity yaitu brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, dan brand loyalty terhadap brand equity. Penelitian ini meneliti sebanyak 390 responden yang pernah mendengar tentang Marvel dan setidaknya pernah menonton dua film Marvel Cinematic Universe dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan pengaruh signifikan dari brand awareness terhadap perceived quality dan brand associations, perceived quality dan brand associations terhadap brand loyalty, brand loyalty terhadap brand equity, brand equity terhadap price premium, brand extension, brand preference, dan purchase intention, serta brand preference terhadap purchase intention. Penelitian ini tidak menemukan adanya pengaruh signifikan dari perceived quality dan brand associations terhadap brand equity.
ABSTRACTMovie business in Indonesia is expected to continue to grow. Foreign films are still the driving force of the movie business in Indonesia. One of the foreign films that consistently earning huge revenues in Indonesia is Marvel Cinematic Universe films. This proves that brand is important. To ensure the success of building a strong brand, it is important to understand brand equity. This study aims to find out the effects of brand equity on consumer responses, which consisted of price premium, brand extension, brand preference, and purchase intention, and the effects of brand equity dimension, which consisted of brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, and brand loyalty to brand equity. This study examined 390 respondents who have heard of Marvel and have seen at least two Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in the last three years. The results of this study proves the significant impact of brand awareness on perceived quality and brand associations, perceived quality and brand associations to brand loyalty, brand loyalty to brand equity, brand equity to price premium, brand extension, brand preference and purchase intention, an also brand preference to purchase intention. This study found no significant effect of perceived quality and brand associations to brand equity."