ABSTRAKKebutuhan puskesmas rawat inap sebagai unit pelayanan transfusi darah sudah
memasuki tahap kritis dikarenakan anak dengan penyakit kronis memerlukan
layanan khusus guna mengoptimalkan kualitas hidupnya termasuk fungsi sekolah.
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesiapan
puskesmas rawat inap dalam pemberian transfusi darah pada anak dengan
thalassemia di kota Depok. Metode menggunakan cross sectional melibatkan 66
tenaga kesehatan, 10 staf PMI, 13 anggota POPTI. Analisis menyatakan terdapat
hubungan signifikan antara pendidikan dan pengetahuan dengan kesiapan
puskesmas. Pengetahuan memiliki peluang 6,2 kali terhadap kesiapan. Hasil
penelitian dapat menjadi acuan merencanakan intervensi bersifat elaborasi antara
puskesmas, UDD PMI, POPTI dan pemerintah.
ABSTRACTNeeds of inpatient care in public health center (PHC) as a unit blood transfusion
service has entered a critical. This study to determine the factors related to the
readiness of PHC to provide blood for children with thalassemia in Depok. This
study used cross sectional method involving 66 health workers, 10 PMI staff, 13
staff member POPTI. Result of the analysis stated there is a statistically
significant relationship between education and knowledge with the readiness.
Knowledge also had chances 6.2 times the readiness. This result could be a
reference intervention, which is the elaboration between PHC, UDD PMI, POPTI
and government, Needs of inpatient care in public health center (PHC) as a unit blood transfusion
service has entered a critical. This study to determine the factors related to the
readiness of PHC to provide blood for children with thalassemia in Depok. This
study used cross sectional method involving 66 health workers, 10 PMI staff, 13
staff member POPTI. Result of the analysis stated there is a statistically
significant relationship between education and knowledge with the readiness.
Knowledge also had chances 6.2 times the readiness. This result could be a
reference intervention, which is the elaboration between PHC, UDD PMI, POPTI
and government]"