ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas mengenai kebijakan penegasan penerbitan faktur pajak yang
diatur dalam Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak No. SE-26/PJ/2015. Kebijakan tersebut
mengatur mengenai tanggal penerbitan faktur pajak yang seharusnya yaitu pada saat
diberikannya nomor seri faktur pajak oleh DJP. Penerbitan faktur pajak yang tidak
sesuai dengan kebijakan dalam SE-26 yang telah diatur sebelumnya dalam PER-
24/PJ/2012 merupakan faktur pajak tidak lengkap atau disebut sebagai faktur pajak
backdate, sehingga bagi PKP Penjual dikenakan sanksi administrasi sebesar 2% dari
DPP berdasarkan UU KUP Pasal 14 Ayat (4) dan bagi PKP Pembeli pajak
masukannya tidak dapat dikreditkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menjelaskan
kebijakan penegasan penerbitan faktur pajak ditinjau dari asas kepastian (certainty)
dan untuk menjelaskan kebijakan penegasan penerbitan faktur pajak terhadap biaya
kepatuhan (compliance cost) PKP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif
deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kebijakan penegasan penerbitan
faktur pajak tidak memenuhi asas kepastian hukum (certainty) dalam hal tidak
terpenuhinya faktor-faktor kepastian hukum yaitu materi/obyek kebijakan, subyek,
pendefinisian aturan, perluasan materi kebijakan karena keberlakuan efektif
kebijakan yaitu 2 April 2015, tetapi DJP memberikan surat klarifikasi penggantian
faktur pajak tidak lengkap untuk faktur pajak tahun 2013, 2014 dan 2015. Selain itu,
dikarenakan kebijakan ini tidak memberikan kepastian hukum bagi PKP, maka
menimbulkan biaya kepatuhan PKP berupa direct money cost, time cost dan
pyschological cost
ABSTRACTThis study discusses the issuance of tax invoices affirmation policy as regulated in
the Directorate General of Taxation No. SE-26 / PJ / 2015. The policy stipulate the
issuance date of the tax invoice is supposed at the time when the tax invoice serial
number given by the Directorate General of Taxation. The issuance of tax invoices
which are not in accordance with the policy as regulated in SE-26 that had been
arranged earlier in PER-24 / PJ / 2012 is considered as an incomplete tax invoice or
is referred to as backdated tax invoice, therefore the taxable person shall be subject to
administrative sanction amounting to 2% of the tax base as regulated in Article 14
Paragraph (4) of General Provision Tax Law Number 36 Year 2008 and VAT IN
unable to be credited by the related of taxable person. The purpose of this research is
to explain the policy affirmation on issuance of tax invoices policy as viewed from
the principle of certainty and to explain the policy affirmation issuance of tax
invoices to the cost of compliance taxable person. This research applies quantitative
descriptive. The results of this study concluded that the policy affirmation issuance
of tax invoices did not met the principle of legal certainty in the case of nonfulfillment
of the factors of legal certainty that the material/object of the policy,
subject, defining rules, expansion of policies in terms of the effective enforceability
of the policy is April 2, 2015, but the Directorate General of Taxation issues the tax
clarification letter for the replacement of incomplete tax invoices issued on 2013,
2014 and 2015. In addition because of this policy does not provide legal certainty for
taxable person, then generate compliance cost in the form of direct money cost, time
cost and pyschological cost."