ABSTRAKKeterlambatan pengambilan keputusan saat persalinan dengan komplikasi
obstetri berdampak kematian ibu dan neonatal. Penelitian memahami pengambilan
keputusan rujukan. Informan utama ibu dengan komplikasi obstetri saat
persalinan. Studi kasus kualitatif, purposive sampling
Hasil penelitian, keputusan diambil secara terpaksa. Ibu menerima rujukan
hampir seluruhnya belum memahami masalah, alternatif paraji dan orang pintar.
Ibu menolak rujukan belum memahami masalah, alternatif dan penanganan paraji.
Persepsi kualitas pelayanan kesehatan sulit dijangkau. Proses rujukan terdapat
kendala biaya, kemandirian keluarga kurang, dukungan sosial tidak tepat dan
dukungan bidan belum maksimal serta persepsi penanganan komplikasi obstetri
cukup baik.
Saran : peningkatan kinerja tim, komunikasi efektif, kualitas ANC, amanat
persalinan, kemitraan paraji?bidan. Koordinasi pemetaan ibu hamil risiko tinggi,
pengembangan pelayanan rujukan.
AbstractDelay in decision making during delivery with obstetric complication may cause
maternal and neonatal death. The purpose of this study to understand decision
making about referrals. The main informants were mothers who had obstetric
complication during delivery. The study is a qualitative case study with purposive
The result of study showed that decisions were made by force. Almost women
who had accepted referrals did not understand the problem, alternatives by
traditional birth attendant and traditional Healing. All women who had refused
referral have not understood the problem yet, the alternative selecting with
traditional births attended (paraji) and management with traditional births
attended (paraji). in referal process are found that perception about health service
quality was hard to reach, money, lack of family autonomy, incorrect social
support and lack of midwife support but also perception about obstetric
complication are good enough.
Recommendation For Health Office the District Cianjur, Mother and Baby
Friendly of Hospital Cianjur are should : Increase team work, make effective
communication, ensure antenatal care quality, Do plan of delivery and
parthnership traditional birth attendant-midfery, Make Coordination and mapping
of high risk pregnant mothers, development of referral health service."