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Samsul Rizal
Abstrak :
Angka pemanfaatan ulang pasien rawat jalan sejak tiga tahun ke belakang di Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda Lampung Tengah, memperlihatkan adanya penurunan pemanfaatan layanan ini. Menurunnya angka pemanfaatan ulang pasien rawat jalan ini sangat perlu untuk antisipasi dengan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi turunnya pelayanan rawat jalan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan ulang pasien pada instalasi rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda Lampung Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional (potong lintang). Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner yang diisi sendiri oleh responden (self- administered questionnaire yaitu pasien instalasi rawat jalan). Populasi penelitian adalah semua pasien yang berkunjung ulang lebih dari satu kali ke instalasi rawat jalan RS Harapan Bunda Lampung tengah dengan besar sampel sebanyak 106 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar pemanfaatan ulang pasien rawat jalan di RS Harapan Bunda Lampung Tengah rendah. Faktor-faktor yang memiliki hubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan pemanfaatan ulang adalah persepsi responden terhadap tarif, fasilitas rumah sakit, pelayanan dokter, pelayanan SDM rumah sakit, waktu tempuh dan sumber pembiayaan. Pemanfaatan ulang pasien rawat jalan di RS Harapan Bunda Lampung Tengah sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Peneliti menyarankan pihak manajemen rumah sakit untuk mendorong semua petugas rumah sakit baik medis maupun non medis memberikan pelayanan yang berorientasi kepada pasien. Selain itu, pihak manajemen menerapkan sistem penghargaan dan sanksi disiplin untuk memotivasi petugas rumah sakit melayani dengan lebih optimal. ......The number of re-utilization of outpatient since three years ago at Harapan Bunda Hospital Central Lampung, it shows that there is a decrease in the utilization of this service. The decreasing number of outpatient re-utilization was extremely need to be anticipated. It can be analyzed from the influence factors that caused the decrease this outpatient service. The objective of this research was to investigate the influence factors of patient re-utilization in outpatient installation at Harapan Bunda Hospital, Central Lampung. This research used Quantitative approach with Cross Sectional Design. This research applied the Primer Data that was taken from the self-administered questionnaire. The population of the research was all patient who ever visited the Outpatient Installation at Harapan Bunda Hospital Central Lampung more than one time. There were 106 respondent involved in this research. The result showed that most of all outpatient re-utilization at Harapan Bunda Hospital Central Lampung is low. The factors that have a statistically significant relationship with re-utilization were respondents? perception toward the cost, hospital facilities, doctor care services, hospital human resources service, travelled distance and financial resources. The outpatient re-utilization at Harapan Bunda Hospital Central Lampung was depend on the quality service that given to the patient. The researcher suggested to the hospital management staff to encourage to the entire staff in the hospital, both medic and non-medic, to give service that oriented to the patient. In addition, the management introduced a system of reward and punishment discipline to motivate hospital staff to serve optimally.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samsul Rizal
Abstrak :
Pasokan peralatan dalam proyek minyak dan gas membutuhkan standar dan spesifikasi yang tinggi dikarenakan adanya persyaratan keamanan dan kehandalan yang juga tinggi. Keterlambatan pengiriman peralatan adalah sangat sensitif karena sebagai dampaknya akan langsung ke seluruh proyek, sedangkan keterlambatan penyelesaian proyek akan berdampak pada produksi awal KKKS (Kemitraan Status Kontraktor). Hal ini akan mengganggu target produksi minyak dan gas dari Pemerintah Indonesia. Data operasional yang menunjukkan banyak penundaan menjelaskan ketidakefektifan manajemen rantai pasokan di PT AMN. Kondisi ini meningkatkan keluhan dan denda dari pelanggan dan penurunan efisiensi operasional PT AMN. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, maka diperlukan evaluasi rantai pasokan yang ada dan pengembangan kemampuan rantai pasokan baru. Dalam hal menentukan kemampuan rantai pasokan baru dari PT AMN, diperlukan yaitu: analisia data PT AMN, kebutuhan pelanggan, penilaian internal, rantai pasokan yang ada, daftar periksa kemampuan rantai pasokan, analisis SWOT, lima pilar, lanskap teknologi rantai pasokan, game changer dan analisis manajemen risiko. Dalam hal penentuan kemampuan rantai pasokan, PT AMN dikategorikan dalam Adaptive Initiative atau disebut Inisiatif Continuous Improvement.
The supply of equipments in oil and gas project requires high standard and specification due to the high requirements of safety and reliability. Delay of equipments delivery is very sensitive as the impact will be direct to the whole project, while the delay of project completion will disrupt PSC‟s (Partnership Status Contractor‟s) initial production. Ultimately, this would disrupt oil and gas production target of Government of Indonesia. Operational data shows that a lot of delay is caused by the ineffectiveness of supply chain management at PT AMN. These conditions increase complaints and penalties from customers while at the same time decrease operational efficiency of PT AMN. To overcome this problem and enhance customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of existing supply chain and development of new supply chain capabilities. In terms of determining new supply chain capabilities of PT AMN, it requires the data analysis of PT AMN in terms of, customers need, internal assessment, existing supply chain, check-list supply chain capabilities, SWOT analysis, five pillars, and landscape of supply chain technology, game changer and risk management analysis. In terms of determining supply chain capabilities, PT AMN is categorized in Adaptive Initiative or called Continuous Improvement Initiatives;The supply of equipments in oil and gas project requires high standard and specification due to the high requirements of safety and reliability. Delay of equipments delivery is very sensitive as the impact will be direct to the whole project, while the delay of project completion will disrupt PSC‟s (Partnership Status Contractor‟s) initial production. Ultimately, this would disrupt oil and gas production target of Government of Indonesia. Operational data shows that a lot of delay is caused by the ineffectiveness of supply chain management at PT AMN. These conditions increase complaints and penalties from customers while at the same time decrease operational efficiency of PT AMN. To overcome this problem and enhance customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of existing supply chain and development of new supply chain capabilities. In terms of determining new supply chain capabilities of PT AMN, it requires the data analysis of PT AMN in terms of, customers need, internal assessment, existing supply chain, check-list supply chain capabilities, SWOT analysis, five pillars, and landscape of supply chain technology, game changer and risk management analysis. In terms of determining supply chain capabilities, PT AMN is categorized in Adaptive Initiative or called Continuous Improvement Initiatives, The supply of equipments in oil and gas project requires high standard and specification due to the high requirements of safety and reliability. Delay of equipments delivery is very sensitive as the impact will be direct to the whole project, while the delay of project completion will disrupt PSC‟s (Partnership Status Contractor‟s) initial production. Ultimately, this would disrupt oil and gas production target of Government of Indonesia. Operational data shows that a lot of delay is caused by the ineffectiveness of supply chain management at PT AMN. These conditions increase complaints and penalties from customers while at the same time decrease operational efficiency of PT AMN. To overcome this problem and enhance customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of existing supply chain and development of new supply chain capabilities. In terms of determining new supply chain capabilities of PT AMN, it requires the data analysis of PT AMN in terms of, customers need, internal assessment, existing supply chain, check-list supply chain capabilities, SWOT analysis, five pillars, and landscape of supply chain technology, game changer and risk management analysis. In terms of determining supply chain capabilities, PT AMN is categorized in Adaptive Initiative or called Continuous Improvement Initiatives]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samsul Rizal
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Pada saat ini hampir semua kegiatan manusia tidak terlepas dari pemakaian komputer. Pemakaian komputer secara terus menerus dapat menimbulkan antara lain nyeri bahu kanan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi nyeri bahu kanan Serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan pada pekexja pengentri data. Metode: Penelitian ini antara April 2008-Mei 2008, menggunakan desain potong lintang. Data dianalisis dengan regresi logistik. Populasi adalah pekerja pengentri data di Perkantoran X, Jakarta yang dipilih secara simple random sampling. Nyeri bahu kanan jika satu positif hasil tes provokasi (yang dilalcukan oleh peneliti) Appley scratch, Yergason, dan Moseley di daerah bahu kanan. Jika semua hasil pemeriksaan negatif, subyek clinyatakan tidak nyeri bahu kanan. Data yang lain diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner khusus. Hasil: Subjek yang berpartisipasi 150 dari 250 pengentri data. Prevalensi nyeri bahu kanan sebesar 46% (69/150). Faktor potensi risiko yang dominan untuk nyeri bahu kanan adalah kebiasaan olah raga dan kenyamanan posisi kelja. Subjek dengan kebiasaan olah raga yang buruk dibandingkan dengan yang baik berisiko nyeri bahu kanan hampir tiga kali lipat [odds rasio Suaian (0R)= 2,93; 95% interval kepercayaan (CI) = 1,41-6,07]. Jika ditinjau dari segi kenyamanan posisi kerja, subyek yang tidak nyaman dibandingkan yang nyaman berisiko nyeri bahu kanan Iebih dari dua kali lipat (odds rasio suaian (OR) = 2,27; 95% CI = 1,11-4,64). Kesimpulan: Prevalensi nyeri bahu kanan sebesar 46%. Kebiasaan olah raga dan kenyamanan posisi kerja merupakan faktor risiko dominan terhadap nyeri bahu kanan. Maka diperlukan senam kesegaran jasmani dan perbaikah kenyamanan posisi kerja.
Background: At present time, almost all activities are related with computer use. Long term computer use may, among others, cause right shoulder pain. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of right shoulder pain and related risk factors among data entry workers. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted from April to May 2008 among simple random sampling selected data entry workers at an office in Jakarta. Data analysis used logistic regression. Based on physical examination, a subject considered had positive right shoulder pain if at least one test results positive provocation test Appley scratch, Yergason, and Moseley on right shoulder, or otherwise. Other data was collected by interviewing the subjects. Results: A hundred and fifty subjects participated in this study. The prevalence of right shoulder pain was 46% (69/150). Sport habits and comfortable sitting position were dominant risk factors related with right shoulder pain. Those who had poor sport habits had almost three-fold risk to right shoulder pain [adjusted odds ratio (OR) =?- 2.93; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.41-6.07]. Those who felt uncomfortable sitting position had more than two times risk to get right shoulder pain (OR = 227; 95% CI = 1.11-4.64). Conclusion: The prevalence of right shoulder pain was 46%. Poor sport habits and uncomfortable sitting position were dominant risk factors related with right shoulder pain. Therefore, aerobic class and more comfortable seats are recommended for data entry workers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samsul Rizal
Abstrak :
Kebijakan zero accident merupakan program prioritas TNI AU untuk mengurangi kecelakaan(accident)dan insiden (incident) dalam operasional pesawat TNI AU. Implementasi kebijakan dapat menekan jumlah kecelakaan maupun insiden yang dapat menimbulkan korban jiwa dan Alutsista TNI AU. Namun demikian, implementasi kebijakan masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga belum dapat diwujudkan interoperability dalam implementasi kebijakan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan interoperability business process dilakukan analisis terhadap implementasi kebijakan zero accident. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan sumber data primer melalui narasumber terpilih (purposive sampling). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan dengan menggunakan sistem yang interoperability dalam kebijakan zero accident belum dilakukan oleh sub organisasi TNI AU. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan penggunaan aplikasi agar dapat mewujudkan interoperability dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan zero accident.
Bogor: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2020
355 JDSD 10:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samsul Rizal
Abstrak :
The zero accident policy is a priority of the Indonesian Air Force to reduce accidents and incidents in the aircraft operations of the Indonesian Air Force. Implementation of the policy can reduce the number of accidents and incidents that can cause casualties and Air Force Weapon System. However, policy implementation is still done manually so that interoperability cannot be realized in implementing the policy. Using the interoperability business process approach, an analysis of the implementation of the zero accident policy is carried out. This study uses a qualitative research design with primary data sources through purposive sampling. The results showed that the implementation of the policy using a system that interoperability in the zero accident policy had not been carried out by the Air Force sub organizations. This study recommends the use of applications in order to realize interoperability in the implementation of the zero accident policy.
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan, 2020
355 JDSD 10:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library