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Ditemukan 25 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Menyajikan tulisan di bidang perpustakaan, dokumentasi, informasi dan komputer; sebagai medium informasi dan komunikasi antarpustakawan dan diterbitkan untuk seluruh pustakawan dan pemerhati bidang perpusdokinfokom di indonesia"
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, {s.a.}
020 JPI
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhi Trisna Atmajaya
Information and communication technology (ICT) has been implemented in almost every division at the National Library. This implementation is supported by Undang Undang Nomor 43 tentang Perpustakaan. The aim of using ICT is to improve working performance and services of National Library. Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Pusdiklat) is one of divisions that has not fully implemented ICT yet to increase the training quality and quantity, therefore management information system is required to support decision making related to the training. This research objective is to design a management information system using enterprise architecture framework, TOGAF. TOGAF provides a flexible framework to accommodate management information system design according to the organizations vision, mission and goals. This research yielded a blueprint of management information system of trainings program and evaluation. It is expected that this blueprint could be used to guide the development of management information system in Pusdiklat."
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2016
020 JPI 15:1-2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pungki Prayughi
"Nowadays the quality aspects of information technology (IT) implementation plays an imperative role in the case of supporting services to its related stakeholders, mainly more on the issue of an effective and efficient process. To provide a more reliable, understandable, reusable, and maintainable academic information systems, Graduate School of IPB needs to improve the quality of its IT. Development of information systems (IS) through the proper stages of analysis and design expected to create a reliable and qualified IS. This research will evaluate the effectiveness of Academic Management IS. An evaluation conducted by observing the current system, using questionnaires, and measurement using a Likert scale. Questionnaire instrument tested for its validity (Product Moment) and reliability (Cronbachs Alpha) using SPSS version 19. This study adopts an integrated database schema that IPB has developed and designing research seminar online registration prototypes using object-oriented approach for a better IS future development."
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Puji Astuti
"Pengidentifikasian penyakit kedelai secara dini menjadi salah satu cara untuk meningkatan angka produktifitas kedelai. Jumlah pakar penyakit kedelai yang masih relatif sedikit apalagi di daerah pedesaan membuat ketergantungan atas keberadaan seorang pakar penyakit kedelai sangatlah tinggi terutama bagi para pemula di bidang pertanian. Suatu sistem pakar menjadi salah satu solusi yang dapat dijadikan sarana untuk berkonsultasi tentang penyakit kedelai layaknya seorang pakar. Sistem yang diimplementasikan dalam basis Android akan lebih mudah digunakan di manapun dan kapanpun tanpa harus bertemu dengan pakar karena kesempatan dan waktu pakar yang tidak mudah untuk ditemui setiap saat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem pakar identifikasi awal penyakit kedelai dengan mengadopsi metode Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) untuk tahapan pengembangan sistem dan pendekatan Naïve Bayes sebagai metode inferensinya. Hasil penelitian ini berupa prototype sistem pakar XSIDS yang terdiri dari enam modul utama yaitu modul pengetahuan tentang kedelai, kebijakan pemerintah, konsultasi, tentang kami, tentang XSIDS dan note."
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Directory of Indonesianist is one of the reference collections that a library must provide. Only a few libraries provide it. The second fact is the directory of Indonesianist is an old publication that never has a new version. This directory is printed material and limited edition, it makes the library-user difficult to find the Indonesianist data. Until this time, there is no one of directory of Indonesianist administered online. This research purposed to build an online web based directory of Indonesianist database by using SLiMS Cendana. This research has five steps: (1) preliminary investigation; (2) choosing the sample of Indonesianist data and publication using googlescholar, scholarometer and googlebooks; (3) studying SLiMS, (4) making a prototipe based on study about SLiMS in the previous step; (5) examination of the recall and precision of the search engine of the directory of Indonesianist database that has been created. The making of the application uses prototyping method by modifying SLiMS, the process prototyping using flowchart and data flow diagram (DFD), and the data prototyping using entity relationship diagram (ERD). The Indonesianists data can be presented by name, domicile, social sciences, topics research, areas of research, background of education, research titles, titles of journals, and the office where Indonesianis worked. This reserach succeed to build an online database directory Indonesianists can used in accordance with library-user needs."
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Wakhid
"Library performance measurement is one of a strategy to evaluate utilization of library resources. The objective of this study was to identify indicators needed to measure the performance and to design an counting system measurement at Open Service at National Library of Indonesia. The measurement indicators were based on ISO 11620:2008 consisting of 45 indicators. It was selected 10 indicators: 1) percentage of required titles in the collection (RTC); 2) shelving accuracy (SA); 3) staff per capita (LS); 4) collection turnover (CT); 5) loans per capita (LPC); 6) in-library use per capita (IUC); 7) library visits per capita (LVC); 8) percentage of target population reached (PTPR); 9) user satisfaction (AUS); 10) user services staff as a percentage of total staff (USSPTS). The indicators were selected through four stages: 1) selecting indicators related to activities in the Indonesia National Library and removing indicators related to activities that are not conducted in the institution; 2) removing indicators related to cost; 3) identifying and selecting indicators related to vision and mission by the questionnaire; 4) analizing the results of the questionnaire and setting the indicators that have an average value of the results greater than 0 as an selected indicator. The results of managements attitude that required the a performance counting system. System design was developed based on the system requirements and managements needs. The system that was able to process data into information of performance. The system was integrated with the integrated national library system (INLIS) and the data that were not available in INLIS were manually input. Steps of system developing were defining use case, description use case, activity diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, object role/relational mapping and entity relationship diagram. "
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erus Effendi
"Information technology application of in libraries functionsin a variety offorms, one of which shaped by the utilization of libraryi nformation system to enablet he processing of data and reports quickly. Therefore the libraryi nformation system is in dispensable in determining business decisions. The development of library information systems are needed to carried out in accordance with the need of the business process. The purposeof this research is developing feature reports SliMS at President University Libraryto meet business process. SLiMS has been chosenasone of the development library information system to creat the enrichment of the report feature. They are Annual Circulation, Circulation per Capita, Membership Report, Registration as a Percentage of Population, Visitor perYear, Library Visit perCapita, Growing of Collection, with using the method of prototyping model.The Testing sistem results the enrichment of report feature can help to create library report with user friendly dan based on decision making for future library planning at President University Library."
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study aims to conduct risk assessment on information vulnerabilities, to get the level of information vulnerabilities, and to generate strategic recommendations to overcome information vulnerabilities in the X Library using OCTAVE Allegro as a method. The result showed that from 4 categories, information vulnerabilities at X Library is at category 3 or vulnerable enough with 22 areas of concern or equal to 42.31%. The risk assessment carried out in X Library turns the result that there are 10 assets information held by the Head of Central Library, Adminisration Services Unit, Cataloging and Classifying Unit, Circulation Services Unit, Reference Services Unit. The second result is contained threats to information assets by 52 areas of concern that conducted by internal X Library are 14 actors, by internal X are 13 actors, and by external are 2 actors. The third result is there are 62 consequences of 52 information assets with at the most consequences found in electronic document collections X-ana which from 6 areas of concern produce 10 consequences. The strategic recommendations to overcome the information vulnerabilities in X Library is adjusted according to the risk mitigation that carried out in each area of concern which is called the control or risk control. From the results of this risk assessment that can be done is to reduce or eliminate risk (mitigate) as many as 21 areas of concern, to transfer or mitigate risk as many as 16 areas of concern, to defer the risk a total of 12 areas of concern, and to receive risk (accept) or defer as much as 3 areas of concern.
Bogor : Perpustakaan IPB , 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Yunianto
"Untuk mengundang partisipasi pemustaka dalam library 2.0, Perpustakaan Nasional RI membuka account Facebook Fan Page. Keterlibatan pihak-pihak yang berpartisipasi dalam library 2.0 ini didasari oleh kepercayaan satu sama lain. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan hubungan dimensi kepercayaan yang terdiri dari kemampuan, kebaikan hati, dan integritas pustakawan dengan partisipasi pemustaka melalui penerapan Facebook Fan Page di Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan kuesioner. Teknik analisa untuk menganalisis data adalah Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan metode estimasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) dan menggunakan alat bantu software AMOS 21. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 169 responden, sehingga dapat dianggap mencukupi ketentuan minimal SEM. Hasil analisis dan kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa hanya variabel integritas pustakawan yang mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel kepercayaan pemustaka pengguna Facebook Fan Page Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Sedangkan variabel integritas pustakawan dan kepercayaan pemustaka menjadi variabel-variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel partisipasi pemustaka pengguna Facebook Fan Page Perpustakaan Nasional RI. "
Jakarta : Perpustakaan IPB , 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Indrawati Irwan
"Acquisition Management of Deposit Collection Information System in Indonesia National Library has been used for 3 years (since January 2012). During the usage, the Group of Acquisition, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Deposit Sub Directorate found some obstacles include the unability of the system to detect double regist, a monotone display, too many menus and too many pages to get through before going to the desired page, the information resulted is not according to what needed, and the exsistance of backward analysis system which should be passed by a system when it has already been used. The data collection of this research used quessionaires which were spread among 17 system users that are the members Group of Acquisition, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Deposit Sub Directorate. The data analysis used student statistic examination of one sample. The result of the study was the need of improvement about SIM of Deposit Collection Acquisition of Indonesia National Library related to the usability of the system to fulfill the usability elements, and the repairment recommendation belong to the categories of: Learnability, improvement of response for fasten of data searching by query optimization involving related tables of data required and indexing based on the tag ID and repair on the arranging and the use of features to be adjusted with the needs of users based on their user ID and position authority. Efficiency, improvement of response for fasten the response of data searching by query optimization involving related tables of data required and indexing based on the tag ID and addition to be able to copy and modify existing data and increase the ability of the system that the function keys in the keyboard can be use in using the system. Easy to remember, the addition of the ability of the system that the keyboard function keys can be use in using the system. Error prevention, repair system's ability to identify errors and provide a message box or sign acclamation sign of error message containing an error message when the user made a mistake and adding dictionary menu associated with the terminology in the search box to avoid mistakes in typing. Satisfying, adding help menu that can provide guidance and can be followed when finding problem that help users to solve a problem"
Bogor : Perpustakaan IPB , 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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