ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran locus of control guru SD dalam mempersepsikan penyebab misbehavior siswa ketika belajar di dalam kelas dan mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh atribusi penyebab terhadap strategi guru menangani misbehavior siswa Sekolah Dasar. Ada limaMisbehavioryang digunakan menurut versi guru. Locus of control internal dijelaskan oleh atribusi penyebab dari guru, sedangkan locus of control eksternal dijelaskan oleh atribusi penyebab dari dalam diri siswa, keluarga, dan teman sebaya. Atribusi penyebab tentang misbehaviordiukur dengan alat ukur penyebab masalah perilaku siswa di kelas (FORM KAG)berdasarkan studi literatur dan strategi guru diukur dengan alat ukur strategi penanganan masalah perilaku siswa di kelas (FORM SAG)berdasarkan teori Ormrod (2008). Penelitian dilakukan kepada guru-guru SD Negeri dan SD Swasta di wilayah Jakarta Selatan (N=140).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan guru SD memiliki skorlocus of control eksternal lebih tinggi secara signifikan dalam mempersepsikan lima misbehavior yang digunakan dalam penelitian (M(SD): 2,25(0,455), 2,49(0,503), 2,11(0,377), 2,35(0,425), 2,46(0,486).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh dari empat atribusi penyebab(dari dalam diri guru, siswa, keluarga, dan teman sebaya) secara bersama-sama terhadap penggunaan strategi guru mendiskusikan masalah secara pribadi dengan siswa(R2= 0,110, F(4,135) =4,165, p< 0,05). Ada pengaruh dari tiga atribusi penyebab(siswa, keluarga, dan teman sebaya) secara bersama-sama terhadap penggunaan strategi guru mengajarkan strategi regulasi diri(R2= 0,059, F(3,136) =2,862, p< 0,05). Ada pengaruh dari atribusi penyebab siswa terhadap penggunaan strategi guru melakukan intervensi (R2= 0,053, F(1,138) =7,706, p< 0,05). Ada pengaruh dari tiga atribusi penyebab(siswa, keluarga, dan teman sebaya) secara bersama-sama terhadap penggunaan strategi guru berunding dengan orang tua (R2= 0,105, F(3,136) =5,319, p< 0,05). Tidak ada pengaruh dari atribusi penyebab guru terhadap penggunaan strategi guru menggunakan manajemen kelas.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to have an understanding of the locus of control of elementary school teachers in perceiving the cause of students' misbehavior when studying in the classroom and to understand if there is an influence of the causal attribution on teachers' strategies in handling the misbehavior of elementary school students. There are five types of misbehavior that are used according to teachers. There are four factors of causal attribution which are from the teacher, students, family and peers. Internal locus of control explained by teacher causal attribution. External locus of control explained by student, family, and peers causal attributions. Causal attribution of misbehavior was measured using a cause of student misbehavior in the classroom questionnaire (FORM KAG) based on a study of literature, and teachers' strategies were measured using a handling strategies of students misbehavior in the classroom questionnaire (FORM SAG)based on Ormrod (2008).Participants in this study are 140 teachers from state and private elementary school in South Jakarta.The results of this study showed that teachers tend to have significantly highe score on external locus of control attributing this to family, student and peers as the cause of the students' misbehavior(M(SD): 2,25(0,455), 2,49(0,503), 2,11(0,377), 2,35(0,425), 2,46(0,486).The results show that there is an impact from the four causal attribution (teacher, student, family and peers) togetherwhen using discussing problem privately with studentstrategy(R2= 0,110, F(4,135) =4,165, p< 0,05). There is an impact from the three causal attribution (student, family and peers) together when using teaching self regulation strategies (R2= 0,059, F(3,136) =2,862, p< 0,05). There is an impact from student causal attribution when using interventionsstrategy (R2= 0,053, F(1,138) =7,706, p< 0,05). There is an impact from the three causal attribution (student, family and peers) together when using conferring wth parentsstrategy (R2= 0,105, F(3,136) =5,319, p< 0,05). There is no impact from teacher causal attribution when using classroom management strategy., The purpose of this study is to have an understanding of the locus of control of elementary school teachers in perceiving the cause of students' misbehavior when studying in the classroom and to understand if there is an influence of the causal attribution on teachers' strategies in handling the misbehavior of elementary school students. There are five types of misbehavior that are used according to teachers. There are four factors of causal attribution which are from the teacher, students, family and peers. Internal locus of control explained by teacher causal attribution. External locus of control explained by student, family, and peers causal attributions. Causal attribution of misbehavior was measured using a cause of student misbehavior in the classroom questionnaire (FORM KAG) based on a study of literature, and teachers' strategies were measured using a handling strategies of students misbehavior in the classroom questionnaire (FORM SAG)based on Ormrod (2008).Participants in this study are 140 teachers from state and private elementary school in South Jakarta.The results of this study showed that teachers tend to have significantly highe score on external locus of control attributing this to family, student and peers as the cause of the students' misbehavior(M(SD): 2,25(0,455), 2,49(0,503), 2,11(0,377), 2,35(0,425), 2,46(0,486).The results show that there is an impact from the four causal attribution (teacher, student, family and peers) togetherwhen using discussing problem privately with studentstrategy(R2= 0,110, F(4,135) =4,165, p< 0,05). There is an impact from the three causal attribution (student, family and peers) together when using teaching self regulation strategies (R2= 0,059, F(3,136) =2,862, p< 0,05). There is an impact from student causal attribution when using interventionsstrategy (R2= 0,053, F(1,138) =7,706, p< 0,05). There is an impact from the three causal attribution (student, family and peers) together when using conferring wth parentsstrategy (R2= 0,105, F(3,136) =5,319, p< 0,05). There is no impact from teacher causal attribution when using classroom management strategy.]"