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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Minakiyatun Nabawiyah
Tesis ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh pemberian kredit usaha kepada rumah tangga
terhadap keputusan anak bekerja dan sekolah di provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
dengan menggunakan data Susenas 2012. Selain itu penelitian ini juga mencoba
melihat pengaruh aset yang diukur dengan indeks aset terhadap terjadinya
keputusan anak bekerja dan sekolah. Tesis ini menggunaan model keputusan
sequential probit dimana keputusan anak bekerja dan sekolah di asumsikan terjadi
dengan mengoptimalkan keputusan yang paling ideal berupa anak sekolah dan
tidak bekerja berurutan ke keputusan yang kurang ideal yaitu anak sekolah dan
bekerja, anak bekerja dan tidak sekolah dan keputusan paling tidak ideal untuk
anak yaitu anak tidak sekolah dan tidak bekerja. Indeks aset pada tesis ini dihitung
dengan mengikuti metode yang diperkenalkan oleh Filmer dan Pritchet (2001)
yaitu metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Tesis ini menemukan bahwa
kredit usaha yang diterima rumah tangga tidak selalu berhubungan negatif dengan
pekerja anak. Anak - anak yang berada dalam rumah tangga penerima kredit
usaha memiliki peluang lebih besar menjadi pekerja anak dibandingkan anak anak
dari rumah tangga yang tidak menerima kredit usaha. Tesis ini juga menemukan
bahwa keberadaan aset dalam rumah tangga mampu mengurangi kemungkinan
rumah tangga memutuskan anak untuk bekerja dan lebih memilih anak untuk
tetap bersekolah. Implikasi kebijakan yang diperoleh dari tesis ini adalah
kemudahan akses kredit usaha bagi rumah tangga untuk mendorong usaha dalam
rumah tangga berpotensi meningkatkan pekerja anak, sehingga diperlukan desain
pemberian kredit usaha yang menggabungkan antara pemberian kredit usaha
dengan kehadiran anak di sekolah.

This thesis examines the influence of giving business credit to households in the
decision of sending children to work and school in the province of South
Kalimantan using Susenas 2012. In addition, this study also tried to see the effect
of the assets as measured by asset index against the decision of sending children
to work and school. This thesis uses a probit model of sequential decision-making
where the decision of sending children to work and school is assumed happened
by optimizing the decision from ideal to less ideal: the children are sent to school;
the children are sent to work and school; the children are sent to work but not
school; and the least ideal decision: the children are sent only to work. The asset
index to this thesis is calculated by following the method introduced by Filmer
and Pritchet (2001) the method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This
thesis found that business credits received by households are not always
negatively related to child labor. The children who are member of the family that
received business credits have a greater chance of becoming child laborers than
those from one that do not receive it. This thesis also found that the existence of
assets within the household are able to reduce the possibility of sending children
to work and prefers to send them to school. The policy implications derived from
this thesis is that the ease of access to business credits which encourage
households to ventured is potentially increasing child labor, thus the necessity of
designing a business credit that combines the administration of credit with the
children school attendance.;This thesis examines the influence of giving business credit to households in the
decision of sending children to work and school in the province of South
Kalimantan using Susenas 2012. In addition, this study also tried to see the effect
of the assets as measured by asset index against the decision of sending children
to work and school. This thesis uses a probit model of sequential decision-making
where the decision of sending children to work and school is assumed happened
by optimizing the decision from ideal to less ideal: the children are sent to school;
the children are sent to work and school; the children are sent to work but not
school; and the least ideal decision: the children are sent only to work. The asset
index to this thesis is calculated by following the method introduced by Filmer
and Pritchet (2001) the method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This
thesis found that business credits received by households are not always
negatively related to child labor. The children who are member of the family that
received business credits have a greater chance of becoming child laborers than
those from one that do not receive it. This thesis also found that the existence of
assets within the household are able to reduce the possibility of sending children
to work and prefers to send them to school. The policy implications derived from
this thesis is that the ease of access to business credits which encourage
households to ventured is potentially increasing child labor, thus the necessity of
designing a business credit that combines the administration of credit with the
children school attendance.;This thesis examines the influence of giving business credit to households in the
decision of sending children to work and school in the province of South
Kalimantan using Susenas 2012. In addition, this study also tried to see the effect
of the assets as measured by asset index against the decision of sending children
to work and school. This thesis uses a probit model of sequential decision-making
where the decision of sending children to work and school is assumed happened
by optimizing the decision from ideal to less ideal: the children are sent to school;
the children are sent to work and school; the children are sent to work but not
school; and the least ideal decision: the children are sent only to work. The asset
index to this thesis is calculated by following the method introduced by Filmer
and Pritchet (2001) the method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This
thesis found that business credits received by households are not always
negatively related to child labor. The children who are member of the family that
received business credits have a greater chance of becoming child laborers than
those from one that do not receive it. This thesis also found that the existence of
assets within the household are able to reduce the possibility of sending children
to work and prefers to send them to school. The policy implications derived from
this thesis is that the ease of access to business credits which encourage
households to ventured is potentially increasing child labor, thus the necessity of
designing a business credit that combines the administration of credit with the
children school attendance., This thesis examines the influence of giving business credit to households in the
decision of sending children to work and school in the province of South
Kalimantan using Susenas 2012. In addition, this study also tried to see the effect
of the assets as measured by asset index against the decision of sending children
to work and school. This thesis uses a probit model of sequential decision-making
where the decision of sending children to work and school is assumed happened
by optimizing the decision from ideal to less ideal: the children are sent to school;
the children are sent to work and school; the children are sent to work but not
school; and the least ideal decision: the children are sent only to work. The asset
index to this thesis is calculated by following the method introduced by Filmer
and Pritchet (2001) the method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This
thesis found that business credits received by households are not always
negatively related to child labor. The children who are member of the family that
received business credits have a greater chance of becoming child laborers than
those from one that do not receive it. This thesis also found that the existence of
assets within the household are able to reduce the possibility of sending children
to work and prefers to send them to school. The policy implications derived from
this thesis is that the ease of access to business credits which encourage
households to ventured is potentially increasing child labor, thus the necessity of
designing a business credit that combines the administration of credit with the
children school attendance.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rofikoh Rokhim
Depok: UI Publishing, 2020
332.7 ROF k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elisardo Jordy
"Penelitian ini mengevaluasi dampak program Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) terhadap kinerja Industri Mikro dan Kecil (IMK) selama pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia. Program KUR dirancang untuk memberikan akses permodalan dengan suku bunga rendah dan persyaratan yang lebih mudah, guna mendukung pertumbuhan sektor IMK yang mengalami kendala permodalan selama pandemi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari Survei Industri Mikro dan Kecil (VIMK) tahun 2020 dan 2021 yang dilaksanakan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), dan membandingkan kinerja IMK yang mengakses dan tidak mengakses KUR. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pooled OLS regression. Variabel independen utama adalah akses terhadap KUR, sementara variabel dependen adalah profit IMK. Variabel kontrol yang dimasukkan dalam analisis termasuk jumlah tenaga kerja, usia pengusaha, tingkat pendidikan pengusaha, lama usaha, rata-rata jam kerja, kemitraan, koperasi, dan pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2018-2021, pengusaha IMK yang mengakses KUR memiliki rata-rata keuntungan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan IMK yang tidak mengakses KUR. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa seluruh variabel kontrol yang digunakan berperan dalam peningkatan rata-rata laba yang didapatkan IMK, kecuali variabel usia pengusaha dan lama usaha. Lalu, di masa pandemi Covid-19, ditemukan bahwa peran penggunaan KUR terhadap rata-rata keuntungan yang didapatkan IMK menurun dibandingkan periode sebelum Covid-19, meskipun tetap positif. Jumlah pengakses KUR di di masa pandemi Covid-19 juga mengalami penurunan sebanyak 51,01%. Hal ini menandakan distrbusi KUR yang masih kurang efektif, di tengah krisis ekonomi.Kemudian, penelitian ini juga menyajikan bukti empiris tentang sektor usaha mana yang terpengaruh positif dan signifikan oleh program KUR. Hal ini dapat membantu pemangku kebijakan untuk merancang kebijakan yang lebih inklusif dan responsif terhadap kondisi ekonomi pasca-pandemi, serta meningkatkan akses permodalan bagi pelaku IMK.
......This study evaluates the impact of the People's Business Credit (KUR) program on the performance of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The KUR program is designed to provide capital access with low-interest rates and easier requirements to support the growth of the MSE sector that experienced capital constraints during the pandemic. The data used in this study comes from the 2020 and 2021 Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK) conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), comparing the performance of MSEs that accessed KUR and those that did not. The research method used in this study is Pooled OLS regression. The main independent variable is access to KUR, while the dependent variable is MSE profit. Control variables included in the analysis are the number of workers, entrepreneur age, entrepreneur education level, business duration, average working hours, partnerships, cooperatives, and training. The study results indicate that from 2018 to 2021, MSE entrepreneurs who accessed KUR had higher average profits compared to MSEs that did not access KUR. Additionally, the study found that all control variables used played a role in increasing the average profits obtained by MSEs, except for entrepreneur age and business duration variables. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the role of KUR usage on the average profits obtained by MSEs decreased compared to the pre-Covid-19 period, although it remained positive. The number of KUR users during the Covid-19 pandemic also decreased by 51.01%. This indicates that the distribution of KUR is still ineffective amidst the economic crisis. Furthermore, this study provides empirical evidence on which business sectors are positively and significantly affected by the KUR program. This can help policymakers design more inclusive and responsive policies to the post-pandemic economic conditions and improve capital access for MSE actors."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lulu Fitri Febriani
"Peran Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) yang cukup signifikan terhadap perekonomian nasional mengarahkan pemerintah untuk memberi perhatian khusus terhadap UMKM, yang salah satunya dilakukan dengan menyediakan fasilitas kredit UMKM melalui bank. Bank sebagai lembaga intermediasi yang berfungsi sebagai penyalur kredit, diwajibkan untuk menyalurkan rasio kredit terhadap UMKM sebagaimana diatur melalui Peraturan Bank Indonesia 14/22/PBI/2012 Tentang Pemberian Kredit Atau Pembiayaan Oleh Bank Umum Dan Bantuan Teknis Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, Dan Menengah sebagaimana telah diubah dengan PBI Nomor 17/12/PBI/2015 yang mewajibkan bank untuk menyalurkan rasio kredit terhadap UMKM sebesar 20%. Selain itu, penyaluran kredit UMKM merupakan amanat yang dituangkan dalam Pasal 12 Undang-Undang Perbankan No. 7 tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 10 Tahun 1998. Seiring dengan kebijakan tersebut, PT Bank X menyediakan program kredit UMKM yang ditujukan untuk mendukung pengembangan UMKM dan sekaligus sebagai sarana penyediaan lapangan kerja di Indonesia. Penulis mengadakan penelitian terkait pemberian kredit UMKM oleh PT Bank X yang dilakukan secara yuridis normatif. Data yang dikumpulkan bersumber dari hasil wawancara dan tinjauan kepustakaan.
Skripsi ini diterdiri atas 4 Bab, yang terdiri dari Bab pertama berupa pendahuluan, Bab kedua yang berisi peninjauan perkreditan secara umum, Bab ketiga berisi tinjauan pemberian kredit UMKM pada PT Bank X, dan Bab keempat yang berisi kesimpulan dan saran. Dalam memberikan kredit UMKM, PT Bank X dihadapi oleh berbagai risiko pemberian kredit. Oleh karenanya, terdapat pedoman dan syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh calon debitur. Penyelamatan kredit UMKM yang bermasalah dilakukan oleh PT Bank X melalui restrukturisasi dan sosialisasi mengenai penggunaan kredit UMKM.

The significant role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) on the national economy directs the government to pay special attention to MSMEs, one of which is to provide MSME credit facilities through banks. Banks as intermediary institutions that function as credit channelers, are required to channel credit ratios to MSMEs as regulated through Bank Indonesia Regulation 14/22/PBI/2012 concerning the Provision of Credit or Financing by Commercial Banks and Technical Assistance in the Context of Micro, Small, and Business Development Intermediate as amended by PBI Number 17/12 /PBI/2015 which requires banks to channel credit ratios to MSMEs by 20%. In addition, MSME lending is a mandate set forth in Article 12 of the Banking Law No. 7 of 1992 concerning Banking as amended by Law No. 10 of 1998. Along with this policy, PT Bank X provides MSME credit programs aimed at supporting the development of MSMEs and at the same time as a means of providing employment in Indonesia. The author conducts research related to the provision of MSME loans by PT Bank X which is done in a normative juridical manner. The data collected is sourced from the results of interviews and literature review.
This thesis consists of 4 chapters, which consist of the first chapter in the form of an introduction, the second chapter which contains a review of credit in general, the third chapter contains a review of MSME lending to PT Bank X, and the fourth chapter which contains conclusions and suggestions. In providing MSME loans, PT Bank X is faced with various risks of lending. Therefore, there are guidelines and conditions that must be met by prospective debtors. Rescue of troubled MSME loans was carried out by PT Bank X through restructuring and socialization regarding the use of MSME loans.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silitonga, Luga Kristina
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan dan mengevaluasi efisiensi proses bisnis akuisisi kartu kredit pada Bank X setelah melakukan transformasi digital pada proses front-end sebagai salah satu respon terhadap pandemi Covid 19. Transformasi digital yang dilakukan oleh Bank X pada periode tersebut adalah pengembangan kanal yang digunakan untuk menerima dan mengelola aplikasi kartu kredit melalui sales tool untuk pengajuan melalui petugas sales, kanal website, dan super app. Penelitian ini berjenis studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi dokumen sekunder berupa laporan tahunan, laporan keuangan, kilas kinerja, serta berita pada website perusahaan maupun media elektronik. Wawancara dilakukan dengan enam orang responden dari berbagai level unit kerja yang merupakan pihak yang menjadi bagian dari proses bisnis kartu kredit yang diteliti. Analisis data dilakukan dengan membangun model logis dari unit analisis dan melakukan komparasi dengan kriteria kinerja dari konsep manajemen proses bisnis (BPM). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa transformasi digital memberikan manfaat efisiensi bagi proses bisnis akuisisi kartu kredit di Bank X dari segi pengurangan jumlah aktivitas, pengurangan siklus waktu serta pengurangan penggunaan sumber daya dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan perangkat lunak dan teknologi digital. Tingkat efisiensi yang dihasilkan pada setiap kanal berbeda secara keseluruhan pada proses front-end dan back-end.
......This study aims to acknowledge and evaluate credit card acquisition business process efficiency of Bank X subsequent to digital transformation on front-end process as response to Covid 19 pandemic. Digital transformation performed by Bank X in this period refered to channel development contained sales tool, website, and super app. It took qualitative method in the form of case study. Data were collected through interviews and observation towards Bank X’s  documents contain annual report, financial statement, performance highlight, and other publications on Bank X’s website and electronic media. The interviews were conducted with six respondents from different business unit that were in charge or responsible in such business process. Data analysis was carried out by building up logic models and comparation between the analysis units with the performance indicator of business process management (BPM) as measuring criteria. This study discovers that digital transformation give benefits of efficiency to bank X’s credit card acquisition business process. It is obtained through reducing activities conducted, cycle time, and usage of resources, particularly labor  due to the removal of some activities and digital  technology utilization. Each acquisition channel generates efficiency in different level."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library