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Kemara Sukma Vinaya
Seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, ancaman keamanan nasional pun juga mengalami perubahan. Memasuki abad ke-21, isu keamanan nontradisional menjadi sorotan salah satunya adalah keamanan siber. Saking mengancamnya, konflik di ranah siber dianggap sebagai ancaman keamanan nasional paling serius yang dihadapi negara semenjak dikembangkannya senjata nuklir pada tahun 1940an. Tidak heran jika AS, yang merasa menjadi korban serangan spionase siber ekonomi Cina, kemudian melakukan berbagai cara untuk menghentikan permasalahan ini. Setelah sekian lama menyangkal tuduhan AS, Cina dan AS akhirnya membuat kesepakatan kerja sama di bidang keamanan siber pada tahun 2015. Akan tetapi, kesepakatan ini nampak lebih menguntungkan bagi AS. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan third image, tulisan ini mengkaji kapabilitas Cina militer dan ekonomi dan posisi Cina dalam sistem internasional untuk melihat faktor dari level sistemik yang mendorong keputusan Cina tersebut. Tulisan ini mendapati dua faktor yakni 1 kepentingan keamanan Cina untuk membangun kapabilitas pertahanan militernya di bidang siber dan 2 mencegah kemungkinan tindakan AS, seperti sanksi ekonomi atau litigasi di WTO, yang dapat mengganggu upaya peningkatan kekuatan ekonomi Cina. Kesepakatan ini dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana Confidence-Building Measure CBM di bidang militer sekaligus upaya untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan Made in China 2025 yang penting bagi kapabilitas Cina secara keseluruhan.

As time goes by, the threats to national security also evolve. At the dawn of the 21st century, nontraditional security issues gradually started to be the center of attention one of them is cybersecurity. The potential fatality of its attack drives conflicts in the cyber realm as the most serious nasional security threat since the development of nuclear weapon in the 1940s. No wonder, the United States, which claimed to be the victim of numerous economic cyber espionage that can be attributed to China, then tried its hands on various possible method to stop that. After a period of denying the charges, China and US reached an agreement on cybersecurity in 2015. However, at least on the surface, the agreement seemed to be more advantegous for the United States. Using the third image approach, this writing tries to analyze Chinas capability both in military and economy mdash and Chinas position in the current international system to see what factors from the systemic level that drove China to this particular decision. There are at least two factors, which are 1 Chinas security interest to develop its military defensive capability in the cyber dimension and 2 to prevent possible US conducts, such as economic sanction and a litigation in WTO, which can disrupt Chinas effort in modernizing its economy. This agreement can be seen as Confidence Building Measure CBM platform for China with US in the military sector whilst also maintaining the sustainability of the Made in China 2025 program that is vital for Chinas overall capability that is somehow directly related to its survival in the future. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Nabila Syaharani Jauhari
"Pandemi COVID-19 mendorong pemerintah mengeluarkan berbagai kebijakan yang menuntut warga negaranya tinggal di rumah dan mengurangi aktivitas di luar. Orang-orang kemudian menjadi lebih bergantung pada teknologi digital yang terhubung dengan internet untuk beraktivitas sehari-hari. Situasi ini dimanfaatkan oleh para peretas sehingga serangan siber meningkat. Dengan membandingkan Indonesia dan Korea Selatan, peneliti ingin melihat bagaimana masing-masing negara memperkuat tata kelola keamanan sibernya dalam merespons masalah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi perbandingan menggunakan teori pengaturan tata kelola keamanan siber berdasarkan dua jenis masalah keamanan siber dan dua mode tata kelola. Melalui studi literatur, penelitian ini ingin melihat variasi bentuk tata kelola yang dipilih setiap negara dalam menangani masalah ini sebagai isu keamanan yang penting saat pandemi COVID-19. Kedua negara menggunakan mode tata kelola pendelegasian untuk menghadapi serangan siber dan mode tata kelola orkestrasi untuk mengurangi risiko siber. Namun, pemerintah Korea Selatan merespons masalah ini dengan lebih komprehensif dibanding pemerintah Indonesia. Temuan dalam penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pembelajaran bagi pemerintah masing-masing negara untuk semakin menguatkan keamanan siber mereka dalam menghadapi masalah keamanan digital di masa depan.
......The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted governments to issue various policies that require citizens to stay at home and reduce outside activities. People then became more dependent on digital technology connected to the internet for daily activities. This situation has been exploited by hackers, leading to an increase in cyberattacks. By comparing Indonesia and South Korea, the researcher wants to see how each country builds its cyber security governance in response to the problem. The method used in this research is a comparative study using the theory of cybersecurity governance arrangements based on two types of cybersecurity problems and two modes of governance. Through a literature study, this research aims to see the variations in the forms of governance that each country chooses in dealing with this problem as an important security issue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both countries used the delegation governance mode to deal with cyberattacks and the orchestration governance mode to mitigate cyber risks. However, the South Korean government responded to this issue more comprehensively than the Indonesian government. The findings in this study are expected to serve as lessons learned for each country's government to further strengthen their cyber security in the face of future digital security issues."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Basuki Erwin Setiyadi
Nama : Basuki Erwin Setiyadi
Bidang Ilmu : Interdisiplin
Program Studi : Kajian Ketahanan NasionalPeminatan : Kajian Stratejik Intelijen
Judul Tesis : Kontra Intelijen Aksi Spionase Siber Terhadap Anggota Democratic National Committee Menjelang Pemilihan Presiden AS Tahun 2016
xiv, 131 halaman, 19 buku, 14 jurnal, 6 perundang-undangan, 56 website
Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus mengenai peristiwa spionase siber kepada anggota Democratic National Committee DNC menjelang pilpres AS tahun 2016, yang mengakibatkan kebocoran email Hillary Clinton yang dirilis oleh WikiLeaks. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas intelijen telah berkembang ke ranah siber dan dapat menganggu ketahanan nasional, sehingga perlu dilakukan kontra intelijen sebagai upaya untuk menjaga keamanan siber. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi literatur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1 level ancaman dari aktivitas spionase siber kepada DNC, 2 metode kontra intelijen terhadap ancaman tersebut, dan 3 strategi Indonesia untuk menghadapi ancaman siber. Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Kontra Intelijen dan Teori Ancaman, serta analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1 analisis ancaman spionase siber menunjukkan bahwa pelaku adalah sebuah ancaman dengan level tinggi sehingga membahayakan kepentingan negara dan dapat mempengaruhi ketahanan nasional, 2 kontra intelijen siber dilakukan melalui dua metode yaitu, kontra intelijen defensif yang bertujuan untuk memblokir dan mendeteksi terhadap aktivitas akses lawan dan kontra intelijen ofensif bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi, memanipulasi, mengontrol, dan menggagalkan aksi lawan, 3 strategi Indonesia untuk menghadapi ancaman siber adalah dengan melakukan penguatan baik pada segi regulasi, teknik, organisasi, kemampuan, dan kerjasama.Kata kunci : kontra Intelijen; democratic national committee; spionase siber; email; hillary clinton; wikileaks.

Name Basuki Erwin Setiyadi
Study Program National Ressilience Studies
Specificity Intelligence Strategic Studies
Title Counterintelligence Against Cyber Espionage Conducted Against Member of Democratic National Committee Towards US Presidential Election of 2016
xiv, 131 pages, 19 books, 14 journals, 6 legislations, 56 website
This research is a case study of cyber espionage conducted against the member of Democratic National Committee DNC towards the 2016 US presidential election, caused Hillary Clinton 39 s email leaked and published by WikiLeaks. It indicates the intelligence activities have entered into cyberspace and can disrupt the national ressilience, so it is necessary to do counterintelligence as an effort to maintain the cyber security. This research uses qualitative approach, data collected from interviews and literature study. The purposes of this research are 1 to determine the threat level of cyber espionage conducted against DNC, 2 counterintelligence methods against the threat, 3 and Indonesian Government Strategy against cyber threat. This research use counterintelligence theory, threat analysis theory, and SWOT analysis. The results of this research are 1 the threats analysis of cyber espionage indicating the threat agent has high level threat, it could harms the national interest and affect the national ressilience, 2 cyber counterintelligence are conducted by two ways i.e., defensive counterintelligence to block and detect enemy 39 s access activity, and offensive counterintelligence to collect informations, manipulate, control, and thwart enemy rsquo s action, 3 Indonesian Government Strategies against cyber threat are strengthening legal measure, technical measure, organizational measure, capacity building, and cooperation.Keyword counterintelligence democratic national committee cyber espionage email hillary clinton wikileaks.
Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kejahatan di dunia maya, sudah berkembang pesat dan membahayakan. Kejahatan tersebut muncul karena penyalahgunaan teknologi Internet atau jaringan komputer, seperti menyebar virus yang merusak akses informasi, membajak atau mencuri informasi, mengubah informasi secara ilegal, hingga memata-matai akses informasi. Salah satu kejadian yang terkait dengan terjadinya cybercrime diantaranya perentasan situs TNI AD pada Rabu, 15 Oktober 2013 melalui situs www.pusdikkav.mil.id yang merupakan situs Pusat Pendidikan Kavaleri TNI AD. Kasus tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dalam kerangka pertahanan di bidang siber, Indonesia masih belum optimal. Program pendidikan dan pelatihan cyberdefence diperlukan guna meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya manusia SDM . Perlunya pemahaman langkah-langkah preventif dalam menangkal segala ancaman siber dengan membangun pertahanan siber yang kuat. Pengembangan kapasitas SDM dalam penangganan cyber-security, di tubuh TNI AD yaitu melakukan kerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki kemampuan di bidang Informasi Teknologi dan komunikasi seperti kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh TNI AD dengan Institut Teknologi Del IT Del , Sumatera Utara. Kerjasama ini berlangsung dalam tiga program, antara lain: penyiapan model perang cyber/cybercamp, seminar military cyber intelligence and cyber operation, serta pekan/lomba cyber. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berupaya menganalisis sistem pertahanan siber TNI AD saat ini dan program kerjasama antara TNI AD dengan IT Del untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM personil Disinfolahtad dalam rangka menghadapi ancaman cybersecurity sehingga dapat mendukung pertahanan negara.
......Cybercrime grows rapidly and endangering in nature. This type of crime emerges due to malpractices of Internet technology or Computer Networks, such as computer virus contagion that destroys information access, information stealing and hacking, illegal information alteration, to information espionage. A cybercrime related incident occured on Wednesday, 15 October 2013, where the Indonesian Army 39 s Cavalry Education Centre website www.pusdikkav.mil.id was hacked. The incident shows lack of optimalization in Indonesia 39 s cyber defense framework. Cyber defense education and training programs are needed to increase the human resources competences. It requires comprehension on preventive ways as defenses from cyber threats by establishing a strong cyber protection. In the Indonesian Army, the human resources capacity building in cyber security is conducted through cooperation with higher education institution with capablilities in Technology and Information field, and communications such as cooperation between Indonesian Army Forces and Technology Institute of Del IT Del , North Sumatra. This cooperation run through three distinct programs such as cyber warfare modelling cybercamp , military cyber intelligence and cyber defense seminar, and cyberweek. This research utilizes qualitative approach, and determined to analyze current Indonesian Army cyber defense system and the cooperation with IT Del to increase human resources quality of Disinfolahtad personnel, in order to anticipate cyber security threats for national defense."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The RMF allows an organization to develop an organization-wide risk framework that reduces the resources required to authorize a systems operation. Use of the RMF will help organizations maintain compliance with not only FISMA and OMB requirements but can also be tailored to meet other compliance requirements such as Payment Card Industry (PCI) or Sarbanes Oxley (SOX). With the publishing of NIST SP 800-37 in 2010 and the move of the Intelligence Community and Department of Defense to modified versions of this process, clear implementation guidance is needed to help individuals correctly implement this process. No other publication covers this topic in the detail provided in this book or provides hands-on exercises that will enforce the topics. Examples in the book follow a fictitious organization through the RMF, allowing the reader to follow the development of proper compliance measures. Templates provided in the book allow readers to quickly implement the RMF in their organization. The need for this book continues to expand as government and non-governmental organizations build their security programs around the RMF. The companion website provides access to all of the documents, templates and examples needed to not only understand the RMF but also implement this process in the reader’s own organization."
Waltham, MA: Syngress, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library