ABSTRAKPenggunaan media sosial telah mempengaruhi beberapa aspek kehidupan kita. Sebelumnya, untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang memiliki sesuatu mereka menggunakan media tradisional. Saat ini, dengan kemudahan akses ke media sosial aktivitas sosial dapat dengan mudah ditunjukkan kepada orang lain untuk merepresentasikan status. Aktivitas pamer melalui media sosial media yang bertujuan untuk mengesankan audiens ini disebut sebagai conspicuous consumption. Conspicuous consumption terjadi saat seseorang mengkonsumsi sesuatu untuk menunjukkan kelas sosial mereka. Biasanya, untuk produk atau aktivitas ritual keagamaan, conspicuous consumption tidak dilakukan. Namun, dengan adanya media sosial, ritual keagamaan mudah ditemukan di media sosial. Posting aktivitas keagamaan ini banyak di lakukan oleh generasi muda atau millennials. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis, penelitian ini berusaha menggali alasan generasi millennials melakukan posting aktivitas keagamaan mereka di media sosial. Melalui photo elicitation interview, penelitian ini juga menjelaskan produk religious yang di posting dalam media sosial beserta karakteristiknya. Hasil interview menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua aktivitas keagamaan dapat di posting melalui sosial media. Terdapat karakteristik tertentu dari produk atau aktivitas keagamaan untuk dapat diposting.
ABSTRACTMassive usage of social media has changes several areas of our life. Before, people are using traditional media to show that they ldquo have rdquo something. Now, with the access to the social media people are easily show their activities to present their status. This ldquo show off rdquo activities through social media with the purpose to impress audients are called as conspicuous consumption. Conspicuous consumption happens when people are consuming product and show their consumption activities to state their status or social class. Normally, for a religious product or activities consumers are prohibited to extensively show the activities mostly when it related to religious sacred rituals. But, with the existence of social media, religious sacred rituals are easily found in social media, mostly in younger generation. Using phenomenological approach, this research seeks to explore the reason of younger generation posting their religious activities in social media. Through in depth interview this research also explores the various religious products posted in social media and its characteristic. Purposive convenience data sampling is used to recruit informants. The recordings are transcribed through verbatim transcription and analyzed using thematic analysis. The result found that there are several reasons for young generation to post their religious sacred rituals and not all religious products are consumed conspicuously. There are specific characteristics for the products to be shown off. "