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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yayuk Haryanti
"Kerusakan Jalan Lintas Timur Sumatera merupakan permasalahan rutin yang harus dihadapi pemerintah setiap tahun. Program pemeliharaan jalan yang dilakukan selama ini tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah kerusakan konstruksi jalan yang lebih cepat dari umur rencana. Dari permasalahan ini, timbul sebuah skema pengelolaan jalan baru yaitu dengan menerapkan kontrak berbasis kinerja. Walaupun kontrak berbasis kinerja mempunyai banyak keunggulan namun dirasakan masih sulit untuk dapat diterapkan di Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui kesiapan penerapan kontrak berbasis kinerja pada pemeliharaan jalan lintas timur ruas Provinsi Lampung perlu dilakukan kajian dengan melihat berbagai pengalaman di luar negeri sehingga didapatkan kondisi ideal dari kontrak jenis ini.
Analisa yang digunakan untuk mengetahui potensi penerapan kontrak berbasis kinerja pada pemeliharaan jalan lintas timur di provinsi Lampung adalah melakukan perhitungan statistik dengan nilai mean, modus, median dan standard deviation. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa potensi penerapan PBC belum memadai karena rendahnya pengetahuan industri konstruksi di provinsi Lampung tentang PBC, berbagai faktor pendukung lain yang masih perlu dikembangkan lagi, dan faktor penghambat yang masih belum bisa diselesaikan.

East Sumatra connecting road damage has become a regular problem to the government for years. Road maintenance programs had been made routinely but could not solve the damage in road construction that appears to come faster than it was planned before. In response to this problem, a new scheme of road maintenance was developed by applying a Performance-Based Contract (PBC). While Performance-Based Contract has many benefits, it is seen rather difficult to put into practice in Indonesia. The objective of this research is to assess level of readiness to implement PBC along East Sumatra connecting road by taking into account experiences from other countries to formulate ideal conditions for PBC.
Analyzing tool that was used to assess potency of PBC implementation to along East Sumatra connecting road Lampung Province is statistic formulation through mean, modus, median and standard deviation. The conclusion of this research is a low potency of PBC implementation because inadequate knowledge of construction industry readiness, undeveloped influences factors, and unsolved barriers on PBC implementation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Denanda Zaldi
"Peranan sumberdaya manusia dalam perusahaan kontraktor adalah sangat penting. Hal ini berarti bahwa strategi perusahaan terhadap pengadaan sumberdaya manusia (human resource strategy) akan membawa peranan penting terhadap keberhasilan serta eksistensi dari perusahaan. Karakteristik dari perusahaan kontraktor adalah adanya ketidakpastian dari jumlah dan volume proyek yang dapat diperoleh perusahaan. Atas dasar tersebut, maka perusahaan kontraktor membutuhkan suatu strategi pengadaan sumber daya manusia tertentu yang mampu mengatasi kedua hal diatas, dan bentuk strategi tersebut adalah outsourcing.
Masalah utama bagi perusahaan kontraktor dalam menerapkan outsourcing sumber daya manusia adalah memilih bentuk pola outsourcing efektif yang sesuai dengan karakteristik dari perusahaan kontraktor. Untuk menjawab masalah tersebut, maka dilakukan analisa terhadap penerapan pola outsourcing sumber daya manusia di proyek pada perusahaan jasa konstruksi.
Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa penerapan pola strategi outsourcing sumber daya manusia di proyek. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua tahapan survei. Survei tahap 1 dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum mengenai penerapan strategi outsourcing di proyek pada 8 kontraktor melalui kuesioner. Survey tahap 2 dilakukan melalui studi kasus pada PT. Hutama Karya (Persero), tujuannya adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang detail terhadapa komponen pola outsourcing.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan kontraktor melakukan strategi outsourcing karena adanya ketidakpastian mendapatkan proyek yang berdampak pada ketidakmampuan tenaga kerja tetap dalam hal keahlian maupun jumlah. Secara umum pola yang diterapkan perusahaan untuk latar belakang ketidakmampuan tenaga kerja adalah pola efektif.

The role of human resource in the construction company is significant. The human resource strategy takes an important role in the successfulness and the continuation of a company. The characteristic of the construction company is the uncertainty of the number and volume of the projects done. Thus, the company should apply the acquisition approach of human resource, the outsourcing strategy, which provides the solution for that characteristic.
The main problem in the application of outsourcing strategy is the selection of an effective pattern which is suitable with the characteristics of the company. The analysis of the application of outsourcing strategic pattern in the projects of a company is the solution for that condition.
The aim of this research is to analyze the application of strategic pattern of human resource in the construction projects. This research was divided in two phases of survey. The first stage was the distribution of questionnaire to eight companies to obtain the general condition of the application of outsourcing strategy. A case-study in PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) was done in the second phase to identify the specific components of outsourcing pattern.
This research concluded that the construction company applied the outsourcing strategy due to the uncertainty of contracting projects which resulted in the incapability of the number and skill of permanent employees. This strategic pattern was effective for the companies that had similar problems."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahendra Yustiawan
"Judul Penelitian 'Kajian Tentang Kebijakan Outsourcing Pada Perusahaan PT. NKP' ini diambil mengingat pengalaman penulis sendiri selama berkarir di PT. NKP dan tertarik mengenai fenomena tenaga outsourcing di kantor maupun di berbagai proyek yang dijalani penulis, terutama di konstruksi bangunan gedung. Sebagian besar personil kantor maupun proyek PT. NKP adalah outsourcing 1. Personil inti perusahaan (Organik) sebagian besar ditempatkan di posisi strategis 'managerial' maupun 'keuangan', dan di bagian 'keteknikan', posisi lainnya yang dianggap non-strategis kebanyakan adalah outsourcing yang direkrut secara kontrak project by project. Posisi 'managerial' itu sendiri di kantor meliputi Kepala Biro, Kepala Wilayah, Kepala Cabang baik di kantor pusat maupun kantor wilayah, maupun beberapa staf baru yang disiapkan untuk menempati posisi itu, sedangkan di proyek meliputi Project Manager/ Deputi Project Manager dan Office Engineer/Cost Control,posisi 'keuangan' meliputi Finance Manager, serta posisi 'keteknikan' meliputi Site Manager. Tolak ukur pegawai organik meliputi kenaikan jenjang dan kenaikan gaji berbeda dengan tolak ukur kinerja tenaga outsourcing yaitu me-review kinerja project by project mereka sebelumnya. Peningkatan, kepastian maupun kejelasan status kepegawaian yang lama setelah lama mengabdi di berbagai proyek di PT. NKP dan keterbatasan umur maupun peluang kerja di bidang lain merupakan faktor utama kenapa tenaga outsourcing menjadi begitu banyak di berbagai proyek PT. NKP, sedangkan untuk menjadi pegawai organik sendiri membutuhkan persyaratan yang kompleks dan tidak gampang untuk dicapai.
......This research titled 'Study About Policy of Outsourcing at Company PT. NKP' was taken becouse of an experience of the writers itselt while working at PT. NKP and interested about phenomenon of outsourcing power at the office and any project that the writers concerned, especially in building construction. Most of office and project staff / personnel of PT. NKP is outsourced 1. Most of the permanent staff (organic) was placed in strategic position at 'managerial' or 'finance', or in 'engineering', most of the other position that considered non-strategic is outsourced that hired with contract project by project. Those 'managerial' at office are 'Kepala Biro', 'Kepala Wilayah', 'Kepala Cabang' in central office or in district office, or a new fresh graduate who's prepare to switch the older generations in that position., in the project those 'important position' is like Project Manager/ Deputi Project Manager and Office Engineer/ Cost Control, 'finance' is like Finance Manager, and 'engineering' is like Site Manager. The rules of between permanent staff or personnel consist of promotion or salary increased is different with the rules of the outsourced, is by review their competencies project by project. Hopes, or wishes of a good career after working for a long time in any project at PT. NKP cannot be easy to reach, limited of age or limited of vacancy in other field or company in the principal why the outsourced is become growing up in any project at PT. NKP, while to become the permanent staff or personnel is needs complicated term and hard to achieve."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zaenal Arifin
"Perkembangan politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya disertai kesepakatan dunia tentang pasar bebas (free market) menuntut dunia jasa konstruksi nasional untuk selalu servive dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin kompetitif. Oleh karna itu, dunia jasa konstruksi harus dapat mengembangkan perannya dalam pembangunan nasional melalui peningkatan keandalan kualitas yang didukung oleh struktur usaha yang kokoh dan mampu mewujudkan pehaksanaan konstruksi secara efektif dan etisien, seperti yang diamanatkan Undang-Undang Jasa Konstruksi Nomor 18 tahun 1999. Kesulitan utama sektor jasa konstruksi nasional dalam memunculkan keandalan kualitas yang bertumpu pada efektif dan eisien terletak pada budaya ekonomi biaya tinggi, berupa praktek-praktek korupsi konstruksi. Dimana praktek korupsi konstruksi pada tahap pelelangan dapat diukur dari kebiasaan para kontraktor dalam menggunakan strategi guna memenangkan lelang serta besaran markup yang biasa digunakan dalam pengajuan penawaran.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan wawancara terhadap para wakil kontraktor (key person) di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan Seminar Nasional sekitar Ekonomi Biaya Tinggi pada Proyek Konstruksi. Faktor-faktor berpengaruh yang didapat dari hasil wawancara dan seminar tersebut dibuat pertanyaan yang dikemas dalam bentuk kuisioner. Penyebaran kuisioner dilakukan kepada para kontraktor di DIY dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan uji statistik non parametxik (Chi-Kuadrat dan Uji Konkordansi Kendali).
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang paling sering dilaksanakan para kontraktor di DIY dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap dimenangkannya lelang oleh kontraktor termasuk kedalam strategi persekongkolan (bid-rigging strategic), yaitu strategi lobi kepada panitia lelang/ pimpinan proyek, strategi komitmen fee dan strategi dengan menggunakan beberapa bendera. Sedangkan besaran markup yang biasa digunakan dalam pengajuan penawaran berkisar antara 10 - 15% (diluar keuntungan dan overhead perusahaan), dan besaran markup tersebut dialokasikan kepada panitia lelang, pimpinan proyek, dan kepala dinas terkait dengan masing-masing sebesar 3-5%. Adapun faktor yang berpengaruh terjadinya hal tersebut (ekonomi biaya tinggi) adalah faktor individu pelaku, organisasi, dan faktor masyarakat. Faktor individu pelaku berupa sifat tamak dan gaya hidup konsumtif. Sedangkan faktor organisasi berupa kurang adanya keteladan dari pimpinan, dan faktor rnasyarakat berupa nilai-nilai yang berlaku di masyarakat cenderung mendukung, serta masyarakat kurang menyadari bahwa yang paling dirugikan adalah masyarakat sendiri."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Widhia Sathria Suryawirawan
Penelitian ini adalah mengenai pola pengembangan Sistem Infomasi Manajemen Keimigrasian (SIMKIM) pada Direktorat Jenderak Imigrasi. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis alasan dan faktor-faktor yang melandasi mengapa pengembangan core business SIMKIM dari awal terbentuk sampai saat ini masih menggunakan bantuan dari pihak ketiga tanpa bisa melakukan swadaya teknologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dimana akan berusaha untuk menggambarkan fakta-fakta positif dan negatif yang terjadi pada pengembangan SIMKIM dilihat dari konsep dan teori yang ada mengenai pengelolaan Sistem Informasi berbasis teknologi bersama pihak ketiga (outsourcing). Dengan melakukan analisa pola pengembangan SIMKIM oleh pihak ketiga, maka diharapkan dapat mengetahui bagaimana proses yang dilakukan, kualitas hasil pengembangan dan masalah yang dihadapi. Masalah tidak berkembangnya sumber daya manusia dalam bidang teknologi informasi karena ketergantungan dengan pihak ketiga dilihat dari fungsi SIMKIM dalam hal penegakan hukum dan pengamanan Negara dalam hal Ketahanan Nasional menjadi atensi penting pimpinan untuk masa depan Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi.
Dari hasil pengolahan data dari hasil wawancara, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan pola pengembangan SIMKIM oleh pihak ketiga dapat dikatakan masih relevan sampai saat ini, walaupun menjadi kekhawatiran dimasa depan, sehingga memerlukan peningkatan kualitas SDM dan profesionalisme para pemakai SIMKIM untuk dapat mencapai tujuan dari SIMKIM tersebut.

This research is about the development pattern of immigration management information system in Directorate General of Immigration (DGI). This rearch analyzed the factors and reasons of outsorcing usage in immigration management information system development pattern without any self-supporting basis. This research used qualitative method which describes positives and negatives facts of immigration management information system development pattern based on the existing theories of outsorcing information system management usage. By analyzing the development pattern of immigration management information system, this research shown the management process, output quality, and obstacles of the implementation. Undeveloped human resources issue was caused by relying on the third party should be a focus of DGI decision maker in the future, especially concerning law enforcement and security aspects of national resilience.
From data processing and interviews, it has concluded that the implementation of immigration management information system by the third party is currently seemed relevant, despite there are concerns in the future. Therefore, DGI should improve the human resources quality and professionalism of personnel in order to fulfill the goal of immigration management information system.;This research is about the development pattern of immigration management information system in Directorate General of Immigration (DGI). This rearch analyzed the factors and reasons of outsorcing usage in immigration management information system development pattern without any self-supporting basis. This research used qualitative method which describes positives and negatives facts of immigration management information system development pattern based on the existing theories of outsorcing information system management usage. By analyzing the development pattern of immigration management information system, this research shown the management process, output quality, and obstacles of the implementation. Undeveloped human resources issue was caused by relying on the third party should be a focus of DGI decision maker in the future, especially concerning law enforcement and security aspects of national resilience.
From data processing and interviews, it has concluded that the implementation of immigration management information system by the third party is currently seemed relevant, despite there are concerns in the future. Therefore, DGI should improve the human resources quality and professionalism of personnel in order to fulfill the goal of immigration management information system.;This research is about the development pattern of immigration management information system in Directorate General of Immigration (DGI). This rearch analyzed the factors and reasons of outsorcing usage in immigration management information system development pattern without any self-supporting basis. This research used qualitative method which describes positives and negatives facts of immigration management information system development pattern based on the existing theories of outsorcing information system management usage. By analyzing the development pattern of immigration management information system, this research shown the management process, output quality, and obstacles of the implementation. Undeveloped human resources issue was caused by relying on the third party should be a focus of DGI decision maker in the future, especially concerning law enforcement and security aspects of national resilience.
From data processing and interviews, it has concluded that the implementation of immigration management information system by the third party is currently seemed relevant, despite there are concerns in the future. Therefore, DGI should improve the human resources quality and professionalism of personnel in order to fulfill the goal of immigration management information system.;This research is about the development pattern of immigration management information system in Directorate General of Immigration (DGI). This rearch analyzed the factors and reasons of outsorcing usage in immigration management information system development pattern without any self-supporting basis. This research used qualitative method which describes positives and negatives facts of immigration management information system development pattern based on the existing theories of outsorcing information system management usage. By analyzing the development pattern of immigration management information system, this research shown the management process, output quality, and obstacles of the implementation. Undeveloped human resources issue was caused by relying on the third party should be a focus of DGI decision maker in the future, especially concerning law enforcement and security aspects of national resilience.
From data processing and interviews, it has concluded that the implementation of immigration management information system by the third party is currently seemed relevant, despite there are concerns in the future. Therefore, DGI should improve the human resources quality and professionalism of personnel in order to fulfill the goal of immigration management information system., This research is about the development pattern of immigration management information system in Directorate General of Immigration (DGI). This rearch analyzed the factors and reasons of outsorcing usage in immigration management information system development pattern without any self-supporting basis. This research used qualitative method which describes positives and negatives facts of immigration management information system development pattern based on the existing theories of outsorcing information system management usage. By analyzing the development pattern of immigration management information system, this research shown the management process, output quality, and obstacles of the implementation. Undeveloped human resources issue was caused by relying on the third party should be a focus of DGI decision maker in the future, especially concerning law enforcement and security aspects of national resilience.
From data processing and interviews, it has concluded that the implementation of immigration management information system by the third party is currently seemed relevant, despite there are concerns in the future. Therefore, DGI should improve the human resources quality and professionalism of personnel in order to fulfill the goal of immigration management information system.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library