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Nunung Ainur Rahmah

Kurkumin merupakan pigmen kuning alami dari rimpang kunyit yang diduga memiliki aktivitas kemopreventif terhadap sel kanker melalui mekanisme jalur pensinyalan apoptosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan kurkumin terhadap kadar protein RASSF1A,  Bax, dan aktivitas kaspase-3 dalam menunjang  mekanisme apoptosis pada sel kanker payudara CSA03, MCF-7, dan MDA-MB-468.

Penelitian eksperimen in vitro dilakukan di laboratorium terpadu Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Jakarta,  laboratorium terpadu Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI Jakarta, RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, serta RS Islam Jakarta tahun 2016–2018. Pemberian kurkumin terhadap sel kanker didasarkan atas perbedaan dosis dan waktu pemberian. Uji sitotoksisitas  setelah pemberian kurkumin ditentukan secara MTS.   Kadar protein RASSF1A dan Bax diuji secara ELISA. Aktivitas kaspase-3 digunakan untuk mengetahui apoptosis diuji secara flowsitometri. Selanjutnya perubahan morfologi sel diamati melalui pewarnaan acridine orange/ethidium bromide.

Pemberian kurkumin terhadap sel-sel yang diuji menunjukkan konsentrasi IC50 yaitu 40,85 µg/mL pada sel CSA03; 75,73 µg/mL pada sel MCF-7; dan 380,79 µg/mL pada sel MDA-MB-468. Pemberian kurkumin menunjang mekanisme apoptosis melalui jalur RASSF1A, Bax, dan aktivitas kaspase-3 pada sel kanker payudara.


Kata Kunci:  Apoptosis, Bax, CSA03, kaspase-3, kurkumin,  MCF-7, MDA-MB-468, pewarnaan ganda, RASSF1A


Curcumin is a natural yellow pigment from turmeric rhizome which is thought to have a chemopreventive effect on cancer through the mechanism of apoptotic signaling pathways. This study aims to examine the correlation of curcumin with protein level of RASSF1A, Bax, and caspase-3 activities in conjunction with the mechanism of apoptosis in CSA03, MCF-7, and MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells.

In vitro experimental research was carried out at the Integrated Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta; RSUPN. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta; and Jakarta Islamic Hospital during 2016–2018. Curcumin was administered to the cancer cells in different doses and time. Cytotoxicity test after administration of curcumin was determined by MTS. The protein level of RASSF1A and Bax were measured by ELISA. Caspase-3 activity was used to determine apoptosis by flow cytometry. Furthermore, changes in cell morphology were observed by acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining.

The administration of curcumin to the cells showed IC50 concentrations of 40.85 µg/mL in CSA03 cells; 75.73 μg/mL in MCF-7 cells; and 380.79 µg/mL in MDA-MB-468 cells. The administration of curcumin supports the mechanism of apoptosis through the RASSF1A, Bax, and caspase-3 activity in breast cancer cells.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indira Putri Suhardi

Indonesia adalah negara tropis dengan transmisi infeksi DENV yang tinggi dan sebuah ancaman kesehatan di dunia tanpa terapi spesifik yang dapat bekerja secara tunggal. Rakyat Indonesia memiliki kepercayaan tinggi atas obat herbal, salah satunya yang berasal dari Kunyit dengan senyawa utama, Kurkumin dengan efek antioksidan, pencegah kanker dan anti-inflamasi yang sudah terbukti melalui uji in vivo dan in vitro. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa kurkumin bekerja sebagai antivirus DENV-2 namun mekanisme yaitu waktu dimana kurkumin bekerja paling efektif, belum diketahui. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara in vitro dengan Sel Vero yang diinfeksikan DENV-2. Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah membandingkan mekanisme penghambatan replikasi DENV-2 sekaligus persentase viabilitas sel pada pre-post (whole) dan post infeksi setelah diberikan Kurkumin dengan dosis 20 ug/mL. Infektivitas hambatan dan viabilitas sel diteliti melalui metode focus assay dan MTT assay. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, hasil penghambatan inefektivitas pada mekanisme pre-post (whole) dan post infeksi adalah 99,74% ± 3,90 dan 51,31% ± 8,97 secara berurutan. Penelitian untuk viabilitas sel mendapatkan hasil 73,21% dan 81,66% untuk pre-post (whole) dan post infeksi secara berurutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kurkumin memiliki efektivitas dalam mengambat DENV-2 lebih tinggi pada mekanisme pre-post infeksi (whole), dengan persentase penghambatan lebih tinggi serta toksitas rendah dengan viabilitas diatas 50%.

In Indonesia, DENV infection remains a global health threat without an effective therapy available. One of Indonesian’s herbal medicine, turmeric with Curcumin as its main compound is believed to have antioxidant, cancer-preventing and anti-inflammatory effects through in vivo and in vitro trials. Previous studies have shown that curcumin act as DENV-2 antivirus. However, its mechanism, namely the time at which curcumin work effectively, is not known. This research was conducted using DENV-2 infected Vero cells through in vitro method. The focus of this study was to compare the mechanism of DENV-2 replication inhibition as well as the viability of Cell in the pre-post (whole) and post-infection phases after administrating curcumin with a dose of 20 ug/mL. Focus assay and MTT assay methods were used in the experiment. Based on the research conducted, the results of ineffectiveness inhibition on the pre-post and post infection mechanisms were 99.74% ± 3.90 and 51.31% ± 8.97, respectively. The results for cell viability showed 73.21% and 81.66% for the pre-post (whole) and post-infection mechanisms, respectively. The results showed that curcumin is more effective in inhibiting DENV-2 in the pre-post infection mechanism (whole), with a higher percentage of inhibition and less toxicity with viability above 50%.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryam Ulfa
"Latar Belakang: Kurkumin diketahui sebagai antiinflamasi, antioksidan, antiproliferatif, dan antiangiogenik, sehingga menjadi salah satu alternatif terapi diabetes tipe 2 dengan menghambat progresifitasnya. Dengan sediaan nanopartikel availibilitasnya semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat adanya efek nanokurkumin terhadap komplikasi diabetes melitus khususnya kardiomiopati yang dinilai dengan ekspresi mRNA B-type natriuretic peptide BNP pada jaringan jantung.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan jaringan tersimpan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Jaringan kemudian dibuat menjadi cDNA dari sintesis isolasi RNA jaringan jantung tikus. Diabetes tipe 2 pada tikus dibuat dengan menginjeksikan streptozotocin dan nicotinamide. Nanokurkumin diberikan dalam dosis 100mg/kgBB/hari selama 30 hari. Tingkat ekspresi mRNA BNP-45 diukur dengan qRT-PCR dan dihitung dengan metode Livak.
Hasil: Terdapat peningkatan ekspresi mRNA BNP-45 pada kelompok DM terhadap kelompok normal. Pemberian nanokurkumin sebanyak 100mg/KgBB selama 30 hari pada kelompok DM NK menghasilkan rasio ekspresi mRNA BNP-45 lebih rendah secara statistik terhadap kelompok DM.
Kesimpulan: Nanokurkumin dapat menekan ekspresi mRNA BNP-45 pada jantung tikus yang diinduksi streptozotocin dan nicotinamide pada tingkat dosis 100mg/kgBB/hari selama 30 hari.

Background: Curcumin is known as anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antiproliferative, and antiangiogenic. Therefore it is promising to become alternative treatment of type 2 diabetic by inhibiting its progressiveness. From previous study, it was reported that bioavailability of curcumin increases in form of nanoparticles. This study was conducted to see the effect of nanacurcumin on cardiomyopathy assessed by the expression of B type natriuretic peptide BNP mRNA in heart tissue.
Method: This experimental study used stored tissue from previous research. Then the tissue changed to cDNA from RNA isolation synthesis of rats heart tissue. The type 2 diabetic in rat was induced by streptozotocin and nicotinamide. Nanocurcumin was given orally at the dose 100mg kgBW day for 30 days. The expression level of BNP 45 mRNA was measured by qRT PCR and calculated by the Livak method.
Result: There was an increased ratio of expression of BNP 45 mRNA in the DM group against the normal group. Nanocurcumin 100mg KgBB administered orally for 30 days in the DM NK group resulted in a statistically lower ration of BNP 45 mRNA expression than the DM Group.
Conclusion: Nanocurcumin may suppress expression of BNP 45 mRNA in the heart of rats induced streptozotocin and nicotinamide at a dose level of 100 mg kgBW day for 30 days.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasinta Ayuning Dyah
"Latar Belakang: Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) adalah tanaman berkhasiat obat asli Indonesia dan merupakan tanaman obat unggulan untuk dikembangkan menjadi obat herbal terstandar. Pada beberapa penelitian, ekstrak etanol temulawak (EET) telah terbukti berkhasiat sebagai antimikroba, namun belum diketahui keamanannya terhadap jaringan mukosa mulut. Tujuan: Mengetahui sitotoksisitas ekstrak etanol temulawak (EET) terhadap sel fibroblas gingiva manusia (in vitro). Metoda: Model sel fibroblas gingiva diperoleh dari kultur primer jaringan gingiva manusia. Ekstrak etanol temulawak (1%, 2,5%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%) dipaparkan pada sel fibroblas gingiva dengan durasi paparan 1 jam, 3 jam, dan 24 jam. Viabilitas sel pasca paparan EET dianalisis dengan uji MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide) dan sitotoksisitas ditetapkan berdasarkan Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50). Sedangkan, jumlah sel pasca paparan EET dievaluasi dengan metoda exclusion dye/trypan blue. Hasil: Model sel fibroblas gingiva dapat diperoleh dari kultur primer jaringan gingiva dan secara morfologi teridentifikasi sebagai sel fibroblas. Berdasarkan nilai IC50, EET pada konsentrasi >20% pasca paparan 1 dan 3 jam dan konsentrasi ≥10% pasca paparan 24 jam sitotoksik terhadap sel fibroblas gingiva. Jumlah sel fibroblas gingiva menurun sesuai dengan peningkatan konsentrasi pada durasi paparan 24 jam. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak etanol temulawak memiliki efek sitotoksik terhadap sel fibroblas gingiva. Sitotoksisitas ekstrak etanol temulawak dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan durasi paparan.

Background: Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a herbal plant native to Indonesia and is a superior herbal plant to be developed into a standardized herbal medicine. In some studies, Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract (CXEE) had been reported to have antimicrobial effect. However, its safety has not been evaluated for oral mucosal tissue. Objective: To evaluate the cytotoxicity of Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract to human primary gingival fibroblast cells (in vitro). Method: Gingival fibroblast cells model were cultured from human primary gingival tissues. CXEE (1%, 2,5%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%) was added into gingival fibroblast culture for 1 h, 3 hrs, and 24 hrs. Cells viability after treatment of EET was analized with the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and determined by Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50). Meanwhile, cell density of treated cells was determined by exclusion dye/Trypan Blue. Result: Primary culture of human gingival tissue was able to produce gingival fibroblast cells model that was morphologically identified. Based on IC50, CXEE was cytotoxic againts gingival fibroblast cells at >20% of final concentration after 1 hr and 3 hrs treatment and at ≥10% of final concentration after 24 hrs treatment. Cell density of gingival fibroblast cells showed reduction as the increase of extract concentration in 24 hrs treatment. Conclusions: Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract shows cytotoxic effect againts gingival fibroblast cells and is affected by concentration and duration of treatment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athaya Syaharani Putri Kusumowardhani
"Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) merupakantanaman obat Indonesia yang mengandung senyawa kurkuminoid dan xantorizol yang memiliki aktivitas biologis yang luas. Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent (NADES) merupakan pelarut hijau alternatif yang memiliki dampak minimal untuk lingkungan karena sifatnya yang biodegradable.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan menarik senyawa kurkuminoid dan xantorizol yang memiliki polaritas berbeda dengan pelarut NADES menggunakan metode ekstraksi berbasis utrasonik (UAE) yang dibandingkan dengan ekstraksi maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol. Setelah dilakukan pengujian terhadap 3 kombinasi NADES, kombinasi NADES terpilih diekstraksi dengan 3 variabel bebas hingga dicapai kondisi optimum menggunakan rancangan Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Variabel bebas pada RSM yaitu penambahan air pada NADES (10, 20, 30%), waktu ekstraksi (10, 20, dan 30 menit), dan rasio pelarut terhadap serbuk (15, 20, 25 mL/g). Penetapan kadar kurkuminoid dan xantorizol dilakukan dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dengan fase gerak 0,07% asam format–asetonitril (45:55 v/v) lalu dideteksi pada panjang gelombang 425 nm untuk kurkuminoid dan 275 nm untuk xantorizol. Dari hasil analisis, kondisi ekstraksi optimal dihasilkan dari kombinasi NADES kolin klorida-gliserol (1:1) pada variasi 8 dengan kondisi penambahan air pada NADES sebanyak 10%, waktu ekstraksi 20 menit, dan rasio pelarut terhadap sampel 25 mL/g. Kondisi tersebut menghasilkan kadar kurkuminoid sebesar 7,32 mg/g dan kadar xantorizol sebesar 2,01 mg/g. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, UAE-NADES lebih efektif dalam menarik senyawa kurkuminoid sebesar 7,32 mg/g dan maserasi-etanol lebih efektif dalam menarik senyawa xantorizol sebesar 12,61 mg/g. Kondisi optimum dipilih berdasar solusi RSM dengan kadar kurkuminoid sebesar 4,952 mg/g dan kadar xantorizol sebesar 0,694 mg/g.

Javanese turmeric contains curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol that have wide range of biological activities. Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES) is an alternative green solvent that has minimal impact on the environment due to its biodegradable nature. This study aimed to evaluate the ability to extract curcuminoids and xantorizol that have different polaritieswith NADES using Ultrasound-Asissted Extraction (UAE) compared to conventional maceration extraction using ethanol. After testing 3 NADES combinations, the selected NADES was extracted with 3 independent variables until the optimum conditions were achieved using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) design.The independent variables used were the addition of water to NADES (10, 20, 30%), extraction time (10, 20, and 30 minutes), and the ratio of solvent to powder (15, 20, 25 mL/g). The levels of curcuminoids and xanthorrhizol were determined using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with a mobile phase of 0.07% formic acid–acetonitrile (45:55v/v) then detected at a wavelength of 425 nm for curcuminoids and 275 nm for xanthorrhizol. From the analysis results, the optimal extraction conditions resulted from the combination of NADES choline chloride-glycerol (1:1) at run 8 with the conditions of adding 10% of water to NADES, 20 minutes extraction time, and solvent to sample ratio 25 mL/g. This condition resulted in curcuminoid levels of 7.32 mg/g and xantorizol levels of 2.01 mg/g. Based on the results of the study, UAE-NADES was more effective in attracting curcuminoid of 7.32 mg/g and maceration-ethanol was more effective in attracting xanthorizolof 12.61 mg/g. The optimum conditions were selected based on the RSM solution, with curcuminoid levels of 4.952 mg/g and xanthorizol levels of 0.694 mg/g."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sharyl Tiffany
"Latar Belakang: Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) yang mengandung zat aktif Xanthorrhizol merupakan tanaman asli Indonesia yang telah diketahui memiliki efek anti bakteri dan anti C. albicans. Ekstrak etanol temulawak mengandung turunan alkohol sehingga berpotensi menurunkan pH dan dapat memicu demineralisasi email. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan sediaan obat tetes mikroemulsi dengan kandungan 15% ekstrak etanol temulawak.
Tujuan: Menguji adverse effect (efek yang tidak diinginkan) dari paparan obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak terhadap kekerasan mikro permukaan email gigi.
Metode: 28 gigi premolar paska ekstraksi tanpa karies dan kerusakan struktural dipisahkan menjadi 4 kelompok yang akan direndam dalam Obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak , kelompok kontrol positif Obat kumur komersial tipe 1 dan Obat kumur komersial tipe 2 dan kelompok kontrol negatif Akuades. Paparan dilakukan selama 1 menit sesuai dengan kelompok bahan paparan, dibilas, lalu direndam selama 10 menit dalam akuades pada suhu 37oC yang dilakukan selama 42 siklus untuk simulasi pemakaian 2 minggu dan dilakukan 21 siklus tambahan untuk simulasi pemakaian 3 minggu. Pengukuran kekerasan mikro dilakukan dengan dengan menggunakan Shimadzu HMV-G – Micro Vickers Hardness Tester sebelum paparan, setelah simulasi pemakaian 2 minggu dan setelah simulasi pemakaian 3 minggu. Data dianalisis dengan Repeated ANOVA dan One-way ANOVA denganuji Post Hoc Tamehane T2.
Hasil: Perendaman dalam Obat tetes ekstrak etanol temulawak selama 2 minggu dan 3 minggu menyebabkan penurunan kekerasan mikro yang berbeda bermakna dibandingkan nilai kekerasan mikro permukaan email awal (p<0,001). Pada simulasi pemakaian 3 minggu, rata-rata dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif tidak memiliki perbedaan bermakna (p 0.065).
Kesimpulan: Penurunan kekerasan mikro permukaan email setelah paparan Obat tetes temulawak 3 kali 1 menit dalam sehari selama 3 minggu masih dalam batas aman

Introduction: Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a native plant to the Indonesian Archipelago containing the active compound – Xanthorrhizol. Xanthorrhizol and ethanolic extract of temulawak have previously been studied to have anti-C. albicans activities. Ethanolic extract of temulawak contains alcohol derivative which have a potential to lower pH level and trigger enamel demineralisation. This study uses an oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract to examine its characteristic stability and it’s safety towards enamel surface
Objective: This study is done to analyze the effect of oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract exposure on enamel surface micro-hardness.
Method: 28 extracted premolars without caries or any other structural damages is used and grouped into different exposure groups, the of oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract, Obat kumur komersial tipe 1 (LO), and Obat kumur komersial tipe 2 (LFB) as positive control, and Distilled water as negative control. Exposure is done for 1 minute following the exposure group, then for another 10 minutes in distilled water at temperature 37oC. The cycle is done 21 times for exposure simulation of 2 weeks use and 42 times for exposure simulation of 3-weeks use. Data obtained before exposure, after simulation of 2-weeks use, and 3-weeks used are statistically analyzed with Repeated ANOVA and One-way ANOVA with Post Hoc Tamehane T2.
Result: A decrease in enamel surface microhardness following exposure to oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract for 2 weeks and 3 weeks were found with significant difference compared to baseline number (p <0,001). After 3 weeks exposure, the mean deacreased of enamel surface hardness was not found significantly diffrenct than the negative control (p 0.065).
Conclusion: exposure to oromucosal drops containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ethanolic extract 3 times a day, 1 minute long for 3 weeks of exposure was still within normal limit.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahdi Jufri
Curcumin is an active ingredient obtained from the turmeric plant and has been reported to have
many biological activities as anti cancer, an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant although its
clinical use is limited because of its poor solubility in water and inadequate dissolution. Objective- The aim
of this research is to prepare dry dispersible emulsion (DDE) of curcumin and to know its effect on enhancing
the dissolution rate of curcumin. Method-The dry dispersible emulsion was prepared byusing a high-speed
homogenization and ultrasonic technique. Caseinate sodium was used as the surfactant while virgin coconut
oil was used as the lipid. Dispersion of the dry emulsion was then spray dried. Dry dispersible emulsion
powder was characterized and compared with standard curcumin. Result-The DSC test showed a significant
decrease in the melting point. Conclusion-The dissolution rate of curcumin can be significantly improved
with a dry dispersible emulsion formulation. In formula A and formula C, the maximum dissolved curcumin
increased by 83.65%, 81.53% in formula B, and 79.12% in formula C"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Permata Sari
"Kurkumin memiliki berbagai aktivitas farmakologis tetapi belum dapat dijadikan agen terapeutik karena bioavailabilitasnya yang buruk, sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi struktur. Salah satu struktur hasil modifikasi kurkumin adalah molekul setengah kurkumin seperti dehidrozingeron (DHZ) dan analognya yang juga menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan dan anti-inflamasi. DHZ dan analognya disintesis melalui kondensasi sikloheksanon dan benzaldehid atau turunannya. Dalam rangka mengembangkan molekul setengah kurkumin sebagai senyawa antioksidan dan anti-inflamasi, pada penelitian ini dilakukan reaksi kondensasi antara benzaldehid dan turunannya dengan 3-aminosikloheks-2-en-4-on dalam campuran asam asetat glasial dan asam klorida sampai pH 2. Produk hasil reaksi dimurnikan pencucian dengan etanol, diuji kemurniannya secara kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) dan pengujian jarak lebur, dan di elusidasi strukturnya FT-IR, 1H-NMR, dan 13C-NMR, dan HR-MS. Senyawa yang terbentuk dari reaksi ini adalah senyawa N-{2-[kloro(fenil)metil]-3-oksosikloheks-1-en-1-il}asetamida dan analognya (3a-d) yang merupakan produk reaksi satu-pot. Hasil uji aktivitas menunjukkan bahwa senyawa yang terbentuk memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi yang tinggi tetapi aktivitas antioksidan yang rendah. Semua senyawa produk sintesis memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan senyawa standar natrium diklofenak, dan senyawa pembanding kurkumin. Senyawa 3a menunjukkan aktivitas tertinggi dengan IC50 = 0,579 µM.

Curcumin has various pharmacological activities but cannot be used as a therapeutic agent because of its poor bioavailability. Some structure modification of curcumin have been done. One of the modified curcumin's structures is a half molecule of curcumin such as dehydrozingerone (DHZ) and its analogs, which also show antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. DHZ and its analogs are synthesized by condensation of cyclohexanone and benzaldehyde or their derivatives. In this study, to develop a half molecule of curcumin as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, the reaction between benzaldehyde and its derivatives with and 3-aminocyclohex-2-en-4-one was done in the mixture of glacial acetic acid and hydrochloric acid pH 2. The reaction’s products were purified by washing with ethanol, and their purity was tested using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and determination of the melting point. The structures of obtained compounds were elucidated by FT-IR, 1H-NMR, dan 13C-NMR, dan HR-MS. The compounds formed in this reaction are N-{2-[chloro(phenyl)methyl]-3-oxocyclohex-1-en-1-yl} acetamide and its analog (3a-d)as one-pot reaction products. The activity study results showed that all the compounds exhibited high anti-inflammatory activity but low antioxidant activity. All synthesized products exhibited higher anti-inflammatory activity than diclofenac sodium used as a standard and curcumin used as a comparison compound. Compound 3a showed the highest activity with IC50 = 0.579 µM."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Regina Puspa Utami Satyana

Pendahuluan. Kurkumin merupakan senyawa alami yang ditemukan pada akar tumbuhan Curcuma longa. Kurkumin memiliki sifat penyembuhan yang sangat baik, diantaranya termasuk anti-inflamasi, anti-bakteri, dan antioksidan. Telah dijelaskan pula pada beberapa studi bahwa kurkumin memiliki sifat renoprotective yang dapat membantu memperbaiki penyakit gagal ginjal kronik (CKD). Meskipun kurkumin memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan untuk ginjal, jumlah kurkumin yang dapat mencapai jaringan ginjal sangatlah sedikit. Hal ini dikarenakan bioavailabilitas oral kurkumin hanya mencapai 1% yang disebabkan oleh buruknya absorpsi kurkumin pada saluran pencernaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi kurkumin pada organ/jaringan ginjal dengan cara memperkecil ukuran partikel kurkumin menjadi nanocurcumin.

Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan sediaan nanokurkumin yang dibuat dengan teknik ball milling. Dosis tunggal kurkumin atau nanokurkumin sebanyak 500 mg/kg diberikan secara oral kepada tikus Sprague-Dawley betina. Tikus didekapitasi pada menit ke-180 dan -240 setelah pemberian kurkumin atau nanokurkumin untuk pengambilan organ ginjal yang nantinya setiap 100 mg jaringan ginjal akan dihomogenisasi dengan larutan Normal Saline 0.9% sebanyak 1 ml. Homogenat jaringan ginjal akan dianalisa menggunakan UPLC-MS/MS dengan sumber ionisasi electrospray (ESI) positif.

Hasil. Konsentrasi kurkumin cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan konsentrasi nanokurkumin pada jaringan ginjal tikus setelah pemberian dosis tunggal kurkumin/nanokurkumin sebanyak 500 mg/kg pada jam ke-3 dan ke-4.

Kesimpulan. Kurkumin cenderung untuk memiliki konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan konsentrasi sediaan nanokurkumin pada jaringan ginjal tikus.

Introduction. Curcumin is a naturally occurring compound found in Curcuma longa roots. It possesses great healing properties which mainly include anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidative. It has also been described that curcumin has renoprotective effects and is proven to be able to ameliorate chronic kidney diseases (CKD). Despite having numerous health benefits for the kidney, the number of curcumin that can reach the kidney is very little, in respect to its low oral bioavailability which is only 1% due to poor absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. This study aims to enhance curcumin concentration in the kidney by decreasing curcumin particle size into nanocurcumin. 

Methods. This study uses nanoparticle curcumin that is produced by using ball milling technique. A single dosage of 500 mg/kg curcumin or nanocurcumin was given orally to female Sprague-Dawley rats. Rats were decapitated at minute-180 and 240 after curcumin or nanocurcumin administration for kidney collection, which then homogenized with a ratio of 100 mg kidney tissue per 1 mL normal saline 0.9%. Kidney tissue homogenates were analyzed using UPLC-MS/MS with positive electrospray ionization (ESI).

Results. Curcumin concentration in rats kidney tissue tended to be slightly higher than nanoparticle curcumin after a single dose of 500 mg/kg curcumin or nanocurcumin at both 3 and 4 hours.

Conclusion. Curcumin has the propensity to have a higher concentration than nanocurcumin in rats kidney tissue.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Hertanto
"Latar Belakang: Pemberian Tamoksifen pada kanker payudara secara terusmenerus dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya resistensi, salah satunya melaluioverekspresi Pgp dan BCRP yang merupakan transporter efluks obat. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah kurkumin dapat menghambat ekspresi mRNAPgp dan BCRP sehingga tidak terjadi resistensi.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secaraeksperimental pada 4 kelompok perlakuan terhadap galur sel kanker payudara MCF-7: DMSO sebagai kontrol negatif, Endoksifen 1,000 nM/L ?-Estradiol 1 nM/Lsebagai kontrol positif, serta penambahan perlakuan kurkumin 8.5 ?M dan kurkumin17 ?M terhadap kontrol positif sebagai kelompok intervensi. Tingkat ekspresimRNA kemudian diukur relatif terhadap ?-aktin dengan qRT-PCR dan dihitungdengan metode Livak.
Hasil: Terdapat penurunan ekspresi mRNA pada keduaparameter dan bergantung pada konsentrasi dengan rasio 1, 7.049, 1.967, dan 0.133secara berurutan p=0.02 untuk Pgp serta rasio 1, 3.848, 2.131, dan 1.232 secaraberurutan p=0.04 untuk BCRP.
Kesimpulan: Kurkumin dapat menekan ekspresimRNA Pgp dan BCRP secara dependen terhadap konsentrasi.

Background: Tamoxifen continous intervention on breast cancer could causeresistance, which one of the pathway is by overexpressing the drug efflux transporterPgp and BCRP. This study is conducted to test whether curcumin could suppress theexpression of Pgp and BCRP mRNA and prevent drug resistance.
Method: Breastcancer cell line MCF 7 is divided into 4 intervention DMSO as negative control,Endoxifen 1,000 nM L Estradiol 1 nM L as positive control, also the addition ofcurcumin 8.5 M and 17 M on top of the positive control as the intervention group.Expression of mRNA is quantified by qRT PCR and calculated by Livak method.
Result: There is a significant decrease in mRNA expression on both parameter andare consentration dependant with the ratio of 1, 7.049, 1.96, and 0.133 respectivelyfor Pgp p 0.02 and 1, 3.848, 2.131, and 1.232 respectively for BCRP p 0.04.
Conclusion: Curcumin could suppress the expression of Pgp and BCRP mRNAdependent on the consentration.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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