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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yola Rosa Bella Harum Utami, uathor
Tesis ini membahas preferensi konsumen yang memilih unit hunian pada
perumahan hijau di Depok, yaitu Perumahan Telaga Golf Sawangan, Tamansari
Puri Bali, dan Greenland Forest Park. Setelah melakukan observasi dengan
residential image method serta studi literatur, ketiga perumahan tersebut belum
secara holistic (menyeluruh) menerapkan parameter hijau pada perumahannya.
Perumahan Telaga Golf telah dihuni 700 keluarga, Puri Bali 700 keluarga, dan
Greenland 300 keluarga. Peneliti mendapatkan 64 responden yang dipilih dengan
menggunakan metode convenience sampling, yaitu 26 responden dari Telaga
Golf, 26 responden dari Puri Bali, dan 12 responden dari Greenland. Dari hasil
wawancara dan kuesioner dapat diketahui bahwa variabel dengan nilai rata-rata
tertinggi adalah kualitas udara lingkungan. Hal ini berarti bahwa hipotesis
“parameter hijau berupa luas ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) berbanding lurus
terhadap besarnya preferensi konsumen untuk memilih unit hunian pada
perumahan hijau” diterima karena RTH juga cukup menjadi pertimbangan
konsumen serta kualitas udara yang dihasilkan berasal dari luasnya RTH pada
perumahan tersebut.
Dengan adanya perbedaan penerapan parameter hijau di setiap perumahan,
juga terjadi perbedaan preferensi responden dengan lokasi perumahan yang
berbeda. Dari 64 responden, terdapat 4 responden dengan penghasilan kurang dari
Rp 5,2 juta per bulan (kelas menengah ke bawah), 19 responden dengan
penghasilan Rp 5,2 juta hingga Rp 12 juta per bulan (kelas menengah), dan 41
responden dengan penghasilan lebih dari Rp 12 juta per bulan. Responden kelas
menengah ke atas memiliki preferensi yang lebih besar terhadap parameter hijau
jika dibandingkan dengan responden kelas menengah dan menengah ke bawah.
Setelah melakukan kalkulasi biaya dengan metode meter persegi (square meter
method) dapat diketahui bahwa harga rumah dan tanah memiliki harga yang lebih
tinggi sebesar 15% dari harga pasar rumah di Depok. Namun konsumen merasa
bahwa harga tersebut sesuai dengan kualitas lingkungan dalam perumahan
tersebut. Dengan penerapan parameter hijau pada proyek perumahannya,
pengembang perumahan juga tetap dapat memperoleh keuntungan dengan bisa
menjual unit huniannya dengan harga yang lebih tinggi walau memerlukan modal
yang cukup besar di awal pelaksanaannya. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan
bantuan perangkat lunak SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 17
peneliti juga dapat mengetahui bahwa RTH memiliki korelasi terhadap kualitas
udara lingkungan sebesar 71,2 %.

This thesis discusses the preferences of consumers who choose a dwelling
unit on green housing in Depok, namely Telaga Golf Sawangan, Tamansari Puri
Bali, and Greenland Forest Park. After observing by residential image method,
they are not applying the green parameter on their housing holistically yet. Telaga
Golf has occupied by 700 families, Puri Bali 700 families, and 300 families in
Greenland. Researcher get 64 respondents that selected using convenience
sampling method, i.e. 26 respondents from Telaga Golf, 26 respondents from Puri
Bali, and 12 respondents from Greenland. From interviews and questionnaires can
be seen that the variable with the highest average score is the environmental air
quality. This means that the hypothesis "green parameters in the form of breadth
green open space is directly proportional to the consumer preferences to choose a
dwelling unit on the green housing" was accepted because green space also
reasonably be considered by consumers as well as the air quality comes from the
breadth of green space in these housing.
With the difference in the application of green parameters in each housing,
there is a difference preferences of respondents with different housing locations as
well. Of the 64 respondents, there are 4 respondents with an income of less than
Rp 5.2 million per month (lower middle class), 19 respondents with an income of
Rp 5.2 million to Rp 12 million per month (middle class), and 41 respondents
with income more than Rp 12 million per month (upper middle class).
Respondents from upper middle class have a greater preference towards green
parameters when compared to middle and lower middle class respondents. After
calculating the cost by square meter method, can be seen that the price of the
house and the land has a higher price of 15% from the market price of a house in
Depok. However, consumers feel that the price is in line with the quality of the
environment in their housing. With the implementation of the green parameter on
housing projects, housing developers also can still get profit by being able to sell
the housing units at a higher price even require substantial capital in the initial
implementation. In addition, by using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences) 17 researcher also know that green space has a correlation to the
environmental air quality by 71.2%, This thesis discusses the preferences of consumers who choose a dwelling
unit on green housing in Depok, namely Telaga Golf Sawangan, Tamansari Puri
Bali, and Greenland Forest Park. After observing by residential image method,
they are not applying the green parameter on their housing holistically yet. Telaga
Golf has occupied by 700 families, Puri Bali 700 families, and 300 families in
Greenland. Researcher get 64 respondents that selected using convenience
sampling method, i.e. 26 respondents from Telaga Golf, 26 respondents from Puri
Bali, and 12 respondents from Greenland. From interviews and questionnaires can
be seen that the variable with the highest average score is the environmental air
quality. This means that the hypothesis "green parameters in the form of breadth
green open space is directly proportional to the consumer preferences to choose a
dwelling unit on the green housing" was accepted because green space also
reasonably be considered by consumers as well as the air quality comes from the
breadth of green space in these housing.
With the difference in the application of green parameters in each housing,
there is a difference preferences of respondents with different housing locations as
well. Of the 64 respondents, there are 4 respondents with an income of less than
Rp 5.2 million per month (lower middle class), 19 respondents with an income of
Rp 5.2 million to Rp 12 million per month (middle class), and 41 respondents
with income more than Rp 12 million per month (upper middle class).
Respondents from upper middle class have a greater preference towards green
parameters when compared to middle and lower middle class respondents. After
calculating the cost by square meter method, can be seen that the price of the
house and the land has a higher price of 15% from the market price of a house in
Depok. However, consumers feel that the price is in line with the quality of the
environment in their housing. With the implementation of the green parameter on
housing projects, housing developers also can still get profit by being able to sell
the housing units at a higher price even require substantial capital in the initial
implementation. In addition, by using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences) 17 researcher also know that green space has a correlation to the
environmental air quality by 71.2%]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Oktiarsy
Berhuni merupakan salah satu hal sering dibahas dalam arsitektur. Berhuni juga kerap dimaknai sekadar mendapatkan tempat tinggal atau rumah secara fisik. Fenomena ini memunculkan adanya pandangan bahwa arsitekturlah yang menciptakan makna berhuni. Padahal, berhuni menurut setiap orang akan berbeda-beda karena prosesnya yang terus berlanjut. Salah satu esensi proses seperti pada lipatan (the fold), yaitu bukan untuk diselesaikan melainkan dilanjutkan. Dalam skripsi ini akan dibahas lebih lanjut tentang makna berhuni sebagai proses, yang ruang lingkupnya bukan hanya pada rumah. Dari hasil analisa tinjauan pustaka dan studi kasus, berhuni sebagai proses juga melingkupi ruang publik, yang dapat mempengaruhi penghuni yang tinggal di sekitar ruang publik tersebut.

;Dwelling is one of the matters which can not be separated with architecture. Dwelling is often interpreted simply as getting a residence or home physically. This phenomenon leads to the view that architecture creates the meaning of dwelling. Whereas, dwelling will be various according to each person because the process continues. One of the essences of the process is the fold, which is not to be completed, but continued. In this thesis will be discussed further on the meaning of dwelling as a process that the scope is not only at home. From the analysis of literature and case study, dwelling as the process also encompasses an urban public space, which can affect dwellers around the public space., Dwelling is one of the matters which can not be separated with architecture. Dwelling is often interpreted simply as getting a residence or home physically. This phenomenon leads to the view that architecture creates the meaning of dwelling. Whereas, dwelling will be various according to each person because the process continues. One of the essences of the process is the fold, which is not to be completed, but continued. In this thesis will be discussed further on the meaning of dwelling as a process that the scope is not only at home. From the analysis of literature and case study, dwelling as the process also encompasses an urban public space, which can affect dwellers around the public space.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marcel Pratama
"Rasa takut merupakan emosi yang dibawa manusia sejak lahir dan tak pernah hilang dari benaknya, seumur hidup. Manusia melakukan beragam respon terhadap rasa takut untuk memperoleh kebutuhan dasarnya akan rasa aman. Respon tersebut salah satunya terlihat dari makna hunian sebagai ruang defensif, disamping fungsinya sebagai tempat tinggal, hidup, dan beraktivitas. Karena itu, sebuah lingkungan maupun unit hunian yang ada di dalamnya akan menampilkan ekspresi rasa takut para penghuni, baik terhadap fenomena alam maupun sosial, melalui wujud fisik tertentu. Ancaman biasanya datang dari luar, sehingga ekspresi rasa takut pada hunian akan diperlihatkan oleh elemen-elemen batas yang mempertegas teritori, antara bagian dalam dan luar. Teritori memiliki kecenderungan memperbesar diri sebagai bentuk adaptasi, dengan mengambilalih teritori lain. Batas teritori umumnya menampilkan wujud fisik yang statis, permanen, tegas, dan kokoh, sebagai upaya pencegahan, sehingga bertolak belakang dengan respon paling dasar manusia saat terancam yaitu meloloskan diri, yang lebih dinamis dan kondisional.
......Fear is an innate emotion that will never been disappeared from human mind, in a whole life. People do various responses to fear, to get their basic needs of safety. One of those responses appears in a sense of dwelling as a defensible space, beside its main function as a place to stay, live, and do activities. Therefore, a dwelling environment and units inside, show the fear expression of the inhabitants because of both social and natural phenomenon of threats, in a form of physical appearance. Threat usually come from outside, and fear expression in a dwelling is shown by the boundary which make territory more obvious, between inside and outside. Territory is leaning to extend itself as an adaptation, by occupying other territory. Territory boundary generally shows a static, permanent, and persistent physical appearance, as an anticipation, contradict with human basic response of threat, that is to escape or to get away, which is more dynamic and conditional."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Black, Alexandra
London: Tuttle Publishin, 2000
728.095 2 BLA j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002
R 711.58 TIM
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahanie Rasyidin
Tesis ini menganalisis mengenai hubungan perbaikan proses pre-clearance di pelabuhan Tanjung Priok terhadap penurunan dwelling time. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara lama perekaman izin dan lama pengurusan PIB terhadap proses pre-clearance suatu peti kemas. Perekaman izin dilakukan yang dilakukan oleh INSW sebagian besar dilakukan sebelum barang datang sebelum stacking time sebesar 92,55 dari keseluruhan sampel sebanyak 1141 kontainer. Sedangkan pengurusan dokumen perizinan saat barang datang di pelabuhan sebesar 6,31 dan pengurusan dokumen sesudah barang tiba di pelabuhan sebesar 1,14 . INSW melakukan perbaikan ndash; perbaikan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan demi mengurangi waktu pre-clearance yang pada akhirnya akan mengurangi dwelling time di pelabuhan.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between improved pre clearance process and decreased dwelling time in Tanjung Priok harbor. A result, there is a significant relation between the time needed for recording the license and also the time for submitting the PIB form in pre clearance process. The time needed for recording the license done by INSW mostly before stacking time which is about 92,55 from the sample at 1141 container. Meanwhile when the container arrived at the harbor about 6,31 and 1,14 after the container arrived. INSW done a lot of improvement in the pre clearance process to decrease the dwelling time in harbor."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Coker, A.J.
Oxford: Newnes-Butterworth, 1992
621.319 COK e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library