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Toton Dedy Efkipano
Abstrak :
Ikan kuro (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) merupakan ikan target tangkapan jaring insang milenium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi deskriptif jaring insang milenium, komposisi hasil tangkapan, aspek biologi ikan kuro, dan faktor lingkungan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Hasil tangkapan jaring insang milenium berdasarkan bobot didapat 78,53 % sebagai Hasil Tangkapan Utama (HTU) dan sisanya 21,47 % sebagai Hasil Tangkapan Sampingan (HTS). Sedangkan berdasarkan individu 63,33 % sebagai HTU dan sisanya 36,67 % sebagai HTS. Dari hasil pengukuran ikan kuro sebanyak 31 ekor didapat ukuran panjang total berkisar antara 26,5 - 68,0 cm dengan berat berkisar antara 0,230 - 2,742 kg dan diduga ikan ini berumur lebih dari 8 tahun dengan pertumbuhan bersifat isometrik, serta nilai Lc (Length at first capture) 49,2 cm. Jumlah telur ikan kuro berkisar antara 511.835 - 2.341.660 butir dan makanannya terdiri dari udang, kepiting, ikan teri dan ikan sebelah. Musim pemijahan ikan kuro diduga pada bulan Juni. Fitoplankton teridentifikasi terdiri Diatomae sebayak 16 jenis, Dinoflagellata sebanyak 7 jenis, dan zooplankton sebanyak 24 jenis dengan kepadatan cukup tinggi sebagai makanan ikan. Kondisi kualitas air (suhu, pH, salinitas, dan oksigen terlarut) sesuai untuk kehidupan biota air. Sedimen dasar perairan didominasi oleh lumpur berkisar antara 95,06 % - 96,30 %. ......Giant threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) is a target fish of gill net millennium catches. The objective of this study is to obtain a descriptive information of gill net millennium, the composition of the catch, biological aspects of giant threadfin, and environmental factors. This thesis use an observation and an interview as the research methods. The result of catches of gill net millenium based on weight is 78,53 % of target species and the rest is 21,47 % by-catch, while based on the individual is 63.33 % of target species and the remaining 36.67 % is by-catch. The measurement results of 31 giant threadfin obtained a total length ranged from 26.5 to 68.0 cm with a weight range between 0.230 to 2.742 kg of suspected fish older than 8 years with the growth is isometric. Lc (Length at first capture) of the size at the first captured length is 49.2 cm. The number of giant threadfin eggs ranged 511835 - 2341660 grain and food consists of shrimps, crabs, fishes and crustaceas. Giant threadfin suspected spawning season in June. Phytoplankton consists Diatomae identified 16 species, as many as 7 types are dinoflagellates and zooplankton as many as 24 species with sufficiently high density of fish as food. The condition of water qualities (temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen) are suitable for the life of water biotas. Where the bottom sediments are dominated by mud ranged with between 95.06 % - 96.30 %.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Azmi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ekologi ikan kurau (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) dilakukan di perairan Bengkalis pada bulan September dan Oktober 2008. Perairan Bengkalis sebagai salah satu penghasil ikan kurau di Propinsi Riau. Untuk mendukung kelestarian ikan kurau telah dilakukan kajian ekologi meliputi kimia dan fisika oseanografi, plankton dan benthos. Hasil analisa diperoleh nilai derajat keasaman perairan Bengkalis masih bagus dan masih tergolong normal untuk perairan pantai. Kandungan oksigen, zat hara fosfat, nitrat, ammonia masih normal sebagai perairan pantai dan tergolong perairan cukup subur bahkan ada beberapa area yang sangat subur. Kondisi arus bulan September dan Oktober 2008 didapatkan dominan bergerak ke arah barat laut menelusuri Selat Malaka dari arah tenggara dan ini sesuai dengan kondisi pasang-surut yang dominan sedang surut. Suhu bagian permukaan bulan September dan Oktober 2008 didapatkan relatif lebih panas dibandingkan dengan bagian tengah ataupun dengan bagian dekat dasar. Suhu di bagian barat perairan Bengkalis dari bagian permukaan sampai dekat dasar didapatkan relatif lebih panas dibandingkan dengan sebelah timurnya, diduga ada sumber panas dari arah barat lautnya (Selat Malaka). Salinitas bagian permukaan bulan September dan Oktober 2008 didapatkan relatif lebih tinggi dan polanya relatif hampir sama dengan bagian permukaan. Salinitas di bagian barat laut dari bagian permukaan sampai dekat dasar didapatkan relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sebelah barat dan timurnya, ini menggambarkan bahwa salinitas tinggi melewati perairan Bengkalis atau Selat Malaka dari arah Samudera Hindia atau sebaliknya dari arah Laut Cina Selatan. Keberadaan plankton dan benthos di perairan ini sangat mendukung sebagai makanan ikan ikan kurau. Ekologi perairan Bengkalis merupakan habitat ikan kurau yang perlu dipertahankan. Perairan Bengkalis masih termasuk perairan yang masih dapat dilakukan kegiatan budidaya biota laut, namun demikian faktor lingkungan lainnya harus diteliti terlebih dahulu.
Research on Kurau ecology (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) was done in Bengkalis Marine in September and October 2008. Bengkalis waters is one of Kurau fish producer in Riau Province and to support Kurau fish conservation, an ecological study was done, including chemistry, physical, oceanographic, plankton and benthos analysis. The analysis results showed that the acidity value in Bengkalis waters was still good and normal for coastal ecology. The contents of Oxygen, phosphate, nitrate and ammonia were still normal as a coastal waters and it is classified as a quite lush waters, some even were very lush. The Current condition in September and October 2008 were dominantly moved towards the northwest across the Malaka Strait from the southeast and it was in line with the tidal condition that was dominantly receding. The Surface temperature found in September and October 2008 were relatively hotter than in the middle part or the near the base. The temperature in the western part of Bengkalis waters (from the surface) to the base was higher than in its eastern part. It was predicted that there was a heat source coming from the nortwest (Malaka Strait). The surface salinity obtained in September and October 2008 were relatively higher and its pattern was relatively almost the same as its surface part. The salinity in the northwestern part from the surface to near the base was higher than in the western and the eastern part. It shows that the high salinity moves through the Bengkalis waters or Malaka Strait from the Indian Ocean direction or conversely it moves from the South China Sea. The presence of plankton and benthos in the waters is very supportive as the food source for kurau fish. The Bengkalis waters ecology that is the kurau fish habitat must be conserved. Bengkalis waters is still included as a water that can still be utilized for cultivating aquaculture activities, however the other environmetal factors must be researched first.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library