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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Napitupulu, Tarlitha Gracia
Pada masa modern ini, penderitaan berat yang dirasakan pasien sebagai akibat dari penyakit yang sulit atau bahkan sudah tidak dapat disembuhkan masih menjadi suatu permasalahan dalam dunia kedokteran. Penderitaan yang berat tersebut mungkin akan lepas apabila kematian datang. Hal ini berkaitan dengan euthanasia yang bertentangan dengan Sumpah Dokter, Etika, maupun Hukum. Walaupun pada praktiknya, euthanasia sudah kerap dilakukan di Indonesia dengan melakukan penghentian terapi bantuan hidup terhadap pasien terminal yang merupakan bentuk euthanasia pasif. Untuk menghadapi permasalahan tersebut, muncul sebuah studi untuk menangani kontroversi etik yang disebut bioetika kedokteran dan diatur di dalam Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia (KODEKI). Hukum di Indonesia menyatakan bahwa euthanasia merupakan suatu yang dilarang dan dapat dipidanakan, namun terjadi ketidaksesuaian regulasi antara satu dengan lainnya karena pada nyatanya penghentian terapi bantuan hidup terhadap pasien terminal diatur di dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 37 tahun 2014 tentang Penghentian Kematian dan Pemanfaatan Organ Donor. Dalam menganalisis permasalahan tersebut, skripsi ini diteliti dengan metode yuridis-normatif serta menggunakan tipologi penelitian deskriptif. Adapun hasil analisa yang disimpulkan oleh penulis yakni penghentian terapi bantuan hidup terhadap pasien terminal diperbolehkan berdasarkan bioetika kedokteran dan hukum di Indonesia. Selanjutnya, saran yang penulis berikan, yakni: kepada Ikatan Dokter Indonesia agar menjelaskan bentuk euthanasia apakah yang sebenarnya dilarang, kepada Pemerintah khususnya tim revisi KUHP agar mengubah definisi euthanasia karena sudah tidak relevan dengan keadaan sekarang, dan kepada Media Massa agar lebih bijak dalam memberikan informasi dengan melakukan riset terlebih dahulu mengenai topik artikel yang akan diberitakan supaya tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam memberikan informasi.

In modern era, the severe suffering felt by patients as a result of difficult or even incurable diseases is still a problem in the medical world. Severe suffering may be released when death comes. This is related to euthanasia which is contrary to the Doctors Oath, Ethics, and Law. Although in practice, euthanasia has often been carried out in Indonesia by stopping life assistance therapy for terminal patients which is a form of passive euthanasia. To deal with these problems, a study emerged to address the ethical controversy called medical bioethics and regulated in the Indonesian Medical Ethics Code (KODEKI). Indonesian Law states that euthanasia is prohibited and can be criminalized, but there is a discrepancy between one another regulations because in reality the termination of life assistance therapy for terminal patients is regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation No. 37 of 2014 concerning the Cessation of Death and Use of Donor Organs. In analyzing these problems, this thesis was examined by juridical-normative method and used descriptive research typology. The results of the analysis concluded by the authors is the termination of life assistance therapy for terminal patients is permissible based on medical bioethics and law in Indonesia. Furthermore, the suggestion that the author gives are: to the Indonesian Doctors Association to explain the form of euthanasia is actually prohibited, to the Government especially the Criminal Code revision team to change the definition of euthanasia because it is not relevant to the present situation, and to Mass Media to be more informed by doing research first on the topic of the article that will be reported so that there is no error in providing information."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riri Irmanti
Skripsi ini membahas gaya hidup masyarakat kolonial di Batavia pada abad ke-19 dengan pendekatan sosial yang dilihat melalui pakaiannya. Pakaian yang akan dibahas pada tulisaan ini dibagi menjadi : pakaian kerja, pakaian sehari-hari, pakaian pesta dan juga pakaian olaraga. Pada penelitian ini pakaian akan dibahas secara mendetail dari unsur-unsur atau variasi yang berada pada pakaian tersebut. Detail pakaian itu akan menunjukan fungsi, gaya pakaian dan juga life style yang mempengaruhi terhadap perubahaan pakaian orang asing khusunya Eropa di Batavia.
ABSTRACT This thesis studies colonial society lifestyle in Batavia, 19th century by social approach observing through the clothes. The clothes which will discussed on the thesis divided into work wear, daily wear, formal wear, and also sport wear. In the research, clothes will be discussed in detail from its elements or variation. Details of the clothes will show the function, the style, and also lifestyle that affect changes of or apparel in Batavia.;This thesis studies colonial society lifestyle in Batavia, 19th century by social approach observing through the clothes. The clothes which will discussed on the thesis divided into work wear, daily wear, formal wear, and also sport wear. In the research, clothes will be discussed in detail from its elements or variation. Details of the clothes will show the function, the style, and also lifestyle that affect changes of or apparel in Batavia.;This thesis studies colonial society lifestyle in Batavia, 19th century by social approach observing through the clothes. The clothes which will discussed on the thesis divided into work wear, daily wear, formal wear, and also sport wear. In the research, clothes will be discussed in detail from its elements or variation. Details of the clothes will show the function, the style, and also lifestyle that affect changes of or apparel in Batavia.;This thesis studies colonial society lifestyle in Batavia, 19th century by social approach observing through the clothes. The clothes which will discussed on the thesis divided into work wear, daily wear, formal wear, and also sport wear. In the research, clothes will be discussed in detail from its elements or variation. Details of the clothes will show the function, the style, and also lifestyle that affect changes of or apparel in Batavia.;This thesis studies colonial society lifestyle in Batavia, 19th century by social approach observing through the clothes. The clothes which will discussed on the thesis divided into work wear, daily wear, formal wear, and also sport wear. In the research, clothes will be discussed in detail from its elements or variation. Details of the clothes will show the function, the style, and also lifestyle that affect changes of or apparel in Batavia.;This thesis studies colonial society lifestyle in Batavia, 19th century by social approach observing through the clothes. The clothes which will discussed on the thesis divided into work wear, daily wear, formal wear, and also sport wear. In the research, clothes will be discussed in detail from its elements or variation. Details of the clothes will show the function, the style, and also lifestyle that affect changes of or apparel in Batavia., This thesis studies colonial society lifestyle in Batavia, 19th century by social approach observing through the clothes. The clothes which will discussed on the thesis divided into work wear, daily wear, formal wear, and also sport wear. In the research, clothes will be discussed in detail from its elements or variation. Details of the clothes will show the function, the style, and also lifestyle that affect changes of or apparel in Batavia.]"
Depok: 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ifa Maulia Shabira

Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana pengaturanhukum positif terhadap eutanasia di Indonesia. Indonesia sampai saat ini belum memiliki pengaturan khusus dan instrumen hukum mengenai eutanasia, tetapi karena eutanasia berhubungan dengan nyawa maka dianggap perlu dicari pasal yang cocok dan Pasal 344 KUHP dinilai memiliki unsur-unsur yang sesuai. Dalam kenyataannya, dari awal KUHP dibuat sampai saat ini belum ada kasus terkait Pasal 344 KUHP di muka pengadilan, tetapi saat ini justru terdapat beberapa permohonan ke pengadilan atas eutanasia dan supaya Pasal 344 KUHP diperbolehkan terhadap dirinya. Dalam perumusan Pasal 344 KUHP dinilai terdapat kekurangan, yaitu unsur ‘atas permintaan sendiri dengan sungguh-sungguh’ karena sulit untuk dibuktikan mengingat korban yang meminta sudah meninggal dunia. dengan demikian, dalam rangka ius constituendumhukum pidana, rumusan Pasal 344 KUHP tersebut perlu dirumuskan kembali.

This thesis discusses about the regulation of euthanasia under Indonesia’s criminal law. Indonesia does not have any specific regulation about euthanasia, but since euthanasia is related to someone’s life, therefore, a suitable article is need to be sought and Article 344 of the Criminal Code is the closest one to the definition of euthanasia. Until now, Article 344 of the Criminal Code has never been used in court, but is currently being petitioned by some cases in civil court to legalize the action of euthanasia. The element ‘at the earnest request of the victim's heart’ within Article 344 of the Criminal code assessed to be difficult to prove because the victim who have initiated the murder have passed away. Thus, within the framework of ius constituendum, article 344 of the Criminal Code needs to be reformulated.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdurachman Ramadhan
Saat ini dengan majunya ilmu pengetahuan khususnya dalam bidang medis memungkinkan pasien berada dalam keadaan terminal dan mengalami sakit yang sangat parah atau dalam keadaan tidak sadar yang berkepanjangan, sehingga mati dengan bantuan dokter adalah salah satu jalan yang terbaik euthanasia untuk mengakhirinya. Jika euthanasia ditinjau dari Hak Hidup sebagai Hak Asasi Manusia seharusnya terdapat konsekwensi logis dari adanya sebuah hak yaitu kebolehan untuk tidak memakai hak itu sendiri yang berarti tidak memakai hak untuk hidup adalah memilih untuk mati saja, dan dalam sebuah tindakan euthanasia terdapat pihak yang turut terlibat seperti dokter dan rumah sakit. Perdebatan mengenai pro dan kontra tindakan euthanasia apakah tindakan tersebut bisa dibenarkan berdasarkan hak hidup sebagai hak asasi manusia menjadi sesuatu yang masih menggantung saat ini. Meskipun tindakan euthanasia illegal dibanyak negara tetapi terdapat negara seperti Belanda, Negara Bagian Amerika Serikat Oregon, dan Australia Negara Bagian Nothern Territory yang melegalkan tindakan euthanasia.

Nowadays with advanced science especially in the medical field may leave the patient to be in terminal state and experience very severe illness or in a long time unconscious state, because of that die with the help of a doctor is one of the best ways to end it euthanasia . If euthanasia is viewed from the right to life as a human right perspective, there should be a logical consequence of the existence of a right, that is, the permissibility of not using the right itself which means not to use the right to life it self and choose to die , and in an act of euthanasia there are parties involved such as doctors and hospitals. The debate over the pros and cons of euthanasia actions whether the acts can be justified based on the right to life as a human right becomes something that still obscure today. Despite the act of illegal euthanasia in many countries but there are countries such as the Netherlands, Oregon United States and Nothern Territory Australia that legalize the act of euthanasia. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library