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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Anita Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Memiliki mandor dengan motivasi tinggi merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat dipilih untuk meningkatkan produktifitas proyek konstruksi. Secara umum, motivasi tenaga kerja dapat ditingkatkan dengan beberapa cara. Salah satunya adalah dengan memberikan insentif finansial. Penelitian ini menganalisis besarnya pengaruh pemberian insentif finansial untuk mandor terhadap produktifitas proyek konstruksi di Indonesia. Data penelitian didapat dengan mensurvey 52 responden yang telah memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode statistik. Temuan yang didapat adalah walaupun ada hubungan antara insentif finansial dengan produktifitas proyek konstruksi, insentif finansial tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kenaikan ataupun penurunan produktifitas proyek konstruksi. Namun, adanya hubungan antara insentif finansial dan produktifitas proyek konstruksi menandakan terdapat peluang untuk meningkatkan produktifitas proyek konstruksi dengan cara memberikan insentif finansial pada mandor.
Having a high-motivated foreman is one of the alternatives that can be selected to increase construction project productivity. In general, worker?s motivation can be upgraded by using some ways. One of them is by giving financial incentive to worker. This study analyzes level of influence of financial incentive given to foreman towards construction project productivity in Indonesia. Research data is gained by surveying 52 respondents who own minimal 5 years work experience. Data processing is committed by means of statistic method. The result is although financial incentive correlate to construction project productivity, financial incentive does not significantly influence to the increase or decrease construction project productivity. Yet, the correlation existence between financial incentive and construction project productivity shows that there?s opportunity to increase construction project productivity by giving foreman a financial incentive.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunawan Agung Saksono
Abstrak :
The latest research about factors that effected to the implementation of unified budget is to unite the recurrent budget and development budget to become the unified budget, but to estimating whether the unified budget has a less or advantages is not the purpose of this research. The main of this research is to knowing is it the implementation policy of unified budget already use in effectively, through the implementation policy measure using coordination and communication, bureaucracy, manpower, supporting attitude and the conflict preferences as the variable. Thus at the end the research also find and conclude what is the obstacle that appears as the unified budget implementation obstruct.

The direct parties as the policy performer was took as the research object. The function is to knowing how far the obstacles could appear, even in the restricted area like the MPR Rl planner (Finances) party and the DJA and PK discuss party. The goals of both parties appearances as mentioned before as the opposite party of each other is to accomplish the objective conclusion.

Related to the find of research objectivity, the research disposed quantitative description as the prior instruments to get similar to the real research object. The research also disposed the SPSS 12 contribution as the formulation and to maintain the exactness of data preparation result then the research use crossing test with same relativity of output measure, that theoretically applicable.

The implementation of the policy had a several signihcant obstruct which could explain, and that is the needed to advance the capacity and quality of harmonizing perception about uniied budget policy. The training related to the implementation of the policy is less. The improvement of the presence guidance or realization instruction has a prior urgency, the negative attitude and also less of implementation policy supporting facilities.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damanik, Difi Sangunan
Abstrak :
Following sharp declines in oil revenues in late 1982 and again in 1986, the government of Indonesia recognized the need for major reforms. First, non-oil exports had to be increased to maintain the flow of imports essential for continued development. Second, with the decline in oil revenues, fewer resources were available to the public sector, and therefore it became necessary to stimulate private savings. An integral part of the policy reform was to remove the interest rate ceiling and credit ceiling in June 1983. The general objective was to mobilize the saving and increase the investment. The move from administrative control to market system is also expected to increase the allocative efficiency of credit which eventually increases the economic growth. Yet, Indonesia's experience in liberalizing its financial sector did not result as expected and there was a disruption in the financial sector though this disruption did not lead to the macroeconomic instability or financial crisis as was experienced by the Southern Cone countries. There are at least three causes, according to the literatures, that makes the Indonesian experience in financial liberalization does not completely as expected. First, reform in financial sector is unaccompanied by similar reforms in trade, and industry. Second, the design and sequencing of reform measures have been wrongly formulated. Third, the regulatory apparatus have not functioned in a manner conducive to the smooth progression of reform policy implementation. The main objective of this thesis is to justify the Fry's model of financial development, reviews the financial policy taken by the authorities and spells out what can be learned from empirical evidence in regard to financial liberalization policies and the instruments of their implication in Indonesia. The model developed by Fry shows that the efficiency of Indonesian economy as indicated by IOCR was deterred by a financial reforms. The exceptionally high real interest rates following the fmancial liberalization has caused the bank loans went to nonviable and unproductive projects and, as a result, bad debts became dominant and unsustainable. Review from the economic reforms in Indonesia revealed that the wrong sequence of reform had contributed to the high real interest rates. while the financial infrastructure of financial sector that should come after the financial liberalization was absent. The important lesson that can be drawn from financial liberalization in Indonesia is that although financial liberalization is desirable, its modality, design and sequencing are no less important. In shallow financial markets, full liberalization does not appear to be the first best policy. Until capital market develops and functions effectively and substantial progress is made in regard to structural adjustments in trade, industry and the legal system underlying the financial system as a whole, a second best policy may be to have a diminishing degree of government intervention in financial markets spread over a period of time, derNing guidance from the market-related indicators. The government intervention can be market destroying or market promoting. The former type of government intervention resulted in financial repression in the past in many of the developing countries, the latter may assist them to reach in course of time a fully liberalized, efficient and progressive financial system.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rambat Lupiyoadi
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini mencoba menganalisis implikasi penerapan Undang-Undang Perasuransian 1992 terhadap kebijakan keuangan internal perusahaan asuransi kerugian. Untuk menjaga efektifitas analisa ini, maka perlu memanfaatkan alat analisa kinerja keuangan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik perusahaan asuransi kerugian. Alat analisa tersebut adalah Analisa Rasio Early Warning System. Dengan alat analisa ini diharapkan kita dapat mengidentifikasikan informasi penting secara dini, kelemahan-kelamahan yang mungkin tengah dihadapi dalam kinerja keuangan perusahaan asuransi kerugian. Temuan-temuan dari hasil analisis ini, merupakan informasi yang sangat berguna bagi perusahaan. Lebih-lebih bagi manajemen yang berorientasi aktif dan proaktif. Sehingga ketika diketahui terjadi penurunan tingkat kesehatan, yang ditunjukkan oleh kurang solvennya aktiva (berdasarkan penilaian UU Perasuransian yang baru), menurunnya rasio perkembangan premi dan rasio cadangan klaim, maka manajemen perlu mengambil tindakan untuk mencegah dan mengatasinya. Untuk mengantisipasi menurunnya hasil investasi dan menjaga tingkat solvabilitas maka manajemen perlu mengkaji ulang kebijakan portofolio investasinya. Pengambilan keputusan mengenai kebijakan portfolio investasi dalam skripsi ini mencoba memperkenalkan penerapan Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model. Dengan model ini, manajemen dapat mengakomodir portofolio investasi yang multikriteria (Liquiditas, safety, dan profitabilitas) dan multialternatif (deposito, saham, penyertaan langsung, obligasi dan lain-lain). Model ini sangat membantu dalam menyelesaikan prioritas (proporsi) alokasi investasi yang sesuai dengan preferensi manajemen.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tan Tai Hiong
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini adalah sebuah studi komparatif dari reformasi keuangan yang terjadi belakangan ini dengan perilaku pergeseran portofolio yang diakibatkannya di negara-negara Cekung Pasifik. Analisis di fokuskan pada elemen dan trend yang sama, tetapi pengalaman khas dari tiap negara juga dikaji sebagai ilustrasi tambahan. Studi atas proses reformasi keuangan di negara-negara Cekung Pasifik mencakup suatu pandangan umum atas ciri-ciri struktur keuangan tradisional yang sama, suatu analisa atas tekanan-tekanan perubahan pasar finansial, suatu kajian atas perubahan-perubahan struktural dan reformasi regulasi, serta suatu eksplorasi terhadap perkembangan di masa depan, tantangan dan prospek pasar finansial. Ini khususnya adalah suatu analisa kualitatif. Studi atas perilaku pergeseran portofolio yang ditimbulkan dilaksanakan dengan memakai model ekonometri yang dikembangkan dalam satu bab dari skripsi ini. Ide dasarnya adalah untuk menyelidiki bagaimana perubahan-perubahan dalam variab,el makroekonomi dapat mendorong perubahan-perubahan dalam permintaan relatif atas berbagai aset. Aset finansial yang dipelajari digolongkan atas aset alat tukar domestik, aset nilai simpan domestik, dan aset nilai simpan asing. Variabel kausal makroekonomi di sini digolongkan atas : variabel pendapatan dan variabel hasil deposit. Studi ini menegaskan banyak hubungan perilaku yang penting antara variabel-variabel tersebut sehubungan dengan kondisi ekonomi negara yang bersangkutan. Khususnya, beberapa perbedaan perilaku antara negara maju dan berkembang ditemukan sangatlah signifikan.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwin Syahruzed
Abstrak :
Rangkaian kebijakan deregulasi terhadap sektor keuangan yang dilakukan pemerintah selama periode 1983-1992 telah menyebabkan perubahan terhadap stuktur lembaga keuangan, cara-cara pengendalian moneter, serta perilak0 masyarakat menahan uang. Salah satu permasalahan yang diangkat penulis dalam skripsi ini adalah mengenai sejauh mana perubahan iklim keuangan membawa dampak terhadap perubahan perilaku masyarakat menahan uang. Dari hasil pengujian empiris penulis mencatat bahwa elastisitas permintaan uang terhadap suku bunga mengalami peningkatan setelah deregulasi keuangan. Semen tara elastisitas pendapatan mengalami penurunan. Disamping itu permintaan akan uang juga semakin terpengaruh oleh balas jasa kekayaan finansial luar negeri. Lebih lanjut penulis menemukan sejumlah variabel tertentu seperti tingkat suku bunga luar negeri terbukki kurang memiliki stabilitas yang memuaskan. Di dalam konteks yang lebih luas, pergeseran di dalam fungsi permintaan akan uang akan membawa implikasi terhadap perubahan metode pengendalian moneter. Untuk itu penulis menyusun suatu model perencanaan moneter yang mengakomodir fungsi permintaan uang yang baru serta cara cara baru di dalam mekanisme pengendalian moneter.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library