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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Julio Castor Achmadi
"[Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jaminan hukum terhadap pengguna media sosial di Indonesia dalam melangsungkan hak kemerdekaan berekspresi yang merupakan Hak Asasi Manusia mengingat peristiwa ujaran kebencian online yang semakin marak. Objek penelitian ini mencakup para pengguna media sosial yang pernah melakukan ujaran kebencian online maupun mereka yang pernah menerima perilaku tersebut melalui media sosial. Data primer didapatkan dengan cara survey awal dan wawancara kepada responden dan informan, sedangkan data sekunder didapatkan dari buku-buku, penelitian terdahulu, dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hukum Indonesia telah memberikan jaminan bagi pengguna media sosial untuk melangsungkan hak atas kemerdekaan berekspresi, akan tetapi di lain sisi, hukum juga memberikan kewajiban bagi setiap pengguna media sosial untuk menghargai hak orang lain dengan adanya larangan dan batasan dalam melangsungkan hak atas kemerdekaan berekspresi tersebut.
......;The objective of this research is to analyze legal guarantees for social media users in Indonesia in fulfilling their freedom of expression which is considered as Human Rights and bearing in mind the phenomenal online hate speech. The object of this research are social media users that have had experience of doing online hate speech as well as those who have experienced of being targeted. Primary data were obtained from preliminary survey and interview, while secondary data were obtained from books, previous researches and related regulations. The results of this research show that Indonesian law has guaranteed that social media users are permitted to exercise their freedom of expression, but on the contrary, the law has also given them the obligation to respect other people’s rights, for the law has provided prohibition and restriction for social media users in exercising their right which is the freedom of expression.
, The objective of this research is to analyze legal guarantees for social media users in Indonesia in fulfilling their freedom of expression which is considered as Human Rights and bearing in mind the phenomenal online hate speech. The object of this research are social media users that have had experience of doing online hate speech as well as those who have experienced of being targeted. Primary data were obtained from preliminary survey and interview, while secondary data were obtained from books, previous researches and related regulations. The results of this research show that Indonesian law has guaranteed that social media users are permitted to exercise their freedom of expression, but on the contrary, the law has also given them the obligation to respect other people’s rights, for the law has provided prohibition and restriction for social media users in exercising their right which is the freedom of expression.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Zahara Ichsan
"Parodi merek terkenal merupakan tindakan mentransformasikan merek terkenal dengan mengambil ciri khas merek terkenal yang diparodikan menjadi sesuatu yang baru dengan tujuan menimbulkan kesan kejenakaan, sindiran, cemoohan, ataupun kritik. Parodi merek terkenal yang didaftarkan sebagai merek dagang ini dapat menimbulkan persamaan pada pokoknya dan persamaan keseluruhan. Hal ini merupakan pelanggaran dari hukum merek Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelanggaran merek dalam parodi merek terkenal yang didaftarkan sebagai merek dagang dan upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan merek terkenal yang dirugikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian bersifat yuridis-normatif artinya penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti data-data sekunder seperti peraturan perundangundangan, literatur, doktrin atau pendapat para ahli, dan hasil penelitian terdahulu. Lebih lanjut, fenomena parodi merek terkenal yang dianalisis adalah Supirmu dan Pecel Lele LELA berpotensi termasuk ke dalam pelanggaran persamaan pada pokoknya yang seharusnya ditolak menurut Pasal 21 UU MIG. Parodi ini juga dapat berisiko dikategorikan sebagai dilusi, counterfeit, passing off, dan free riding. Oleh karena itu, pemilik merek terkenal yang mengalami kerugian dapat mengajukan berbagai upaya hukum.
......A Well-known mark parody is an act of transforming a well-known mark into something new by taking its characteristics to create the impression of humor, satire, ridicule, or criticism. Parodies of a well-known mark that are registered as trademarks could lead to similarities in essence and overall similarities. This is a violation of Indonesian trademark law. The purpose of this research are to analyze trademark violations in well-known marks parodies that are registered as trademarks and the legal remedies that can be taken by the well-known marks as the aggrieved party. This research was conducted using a juridical-normative form of research, by examining secondary data such as laws and regulations, literature, doctrine, or expert opinion, as well as the results of previous research. Furthermore, the well-known trademark parody that being analyzed are Supirmu and Pecel Lele LELA, which have the potential to be included in similarities in essence and should have been rejected under Article 21 of the MIG Law. This parody can also risk being categorized as dilution, counterfeit, passing off, and free riding. Therefore, well-known mark owners as the aggrieved party can file various legal remedies."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilya Revianti Sudjono Sunarwinadi
"Kebebasan pers dan kebebasan menyatakan pendapat secara formal dijamin dalam Konstitusi Jepang, sehingga diharapkan bahwa pers dan masyarakat secara umum memiliki kebebasan dalam hubungannya dengan pemerintah. Praktisi media Jepang merasa bahwa kebebasan itu dalam kenyataannya telah dipraktekkan, dan pasal khusus yang menyangkut masalah kebebasan pers dalam konstitusi dipandang sebagai norma yang harus diikuti oleh pers Jepang. Namun muncul pendapat-pendapat bahwa kebebasan pers di Jepang sesungguhnya sampai batas tertentu telah mendapatkan pengontrolan oleh penguasa. Anggapan ini berhubungan dengan praktek ?sensor-diri? yang biasanya dikaitkan dengan pihak media Jepang. Praktek tersebut dalam kajian ini dilihat erat kaitannya dengan falsafah budaya tradisional Jepang. Kalangan media Jepang menganggap sebagai suatu kewajiban bagi mereka untuk secara sukarela memandang semua hal yang berhubungan dengan keluarga kerajaan Jepang merupakan hal yang sangat sensitif dan tidak boleh disinggung. Terdapat beberapa pembatasan yang tidak dapat atau tidak patut untuk dilanggar. Pelanggaran terhadap larangan atau pembatasan tersebut akan menyebabkan mereka dikenakan sanksi penyingkiran oleh rekanrekan anggota ?klub kisha? atau sanksi sosial oleh publik. Kadang-kadang sensor-diri dilakukan oleh kalangan media lebih karena kekhawatirannya terhadap pihak sayap kanan atau partai yang berkuasa.

Freedom of the press and freedom of expression are formally guaranteed on the Constitution of Japan, therefore to be expected that the press and people in general have their independency vis a vis the state. The Japanese media people feel that those freedoms have been practiced, and the particular article of the constitution has been regarded as a norm by the media. But some opinions have also emerged that freedom of the press in Japan is in fact controlled in some ways by those in power. This notion is perhaps related to the practice of ?self-censorship? that has been commonly thought of the Japanese media. This practice is seen in this work as closely linked to Japan?s traditional cultural philosophy. The Japan media make it as an ?obligation? for themselves to voluntarily regard things related to the imperial family as something very sensitive to be touched upon. There are limitations that cannot be breached. Violations will mean that they will be sanctioned by other fellow members of the? kisha kurabbu? or socially punished by the public. Sometimes self-censorship is implemented by the media out of their fear of right wingers or the ruling party."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Colombo, Ronald J.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2015
342.730 85 COL f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In a world where anyone can become a media producer, everyone should know something about media law – both to protect their own rights and to avoid violating the rights of others. Digital Media Law is the first media law text to respond to digitalization and globalization––the two most significant agents of change in the 21st century. The first book to explain how media law has evolved to meet the challenges posed by digital media, providing an introduction to all areas of digital media law and its overlap with traditional media law Covers areas such as Internet publishing, file sharing, satellite radio and cellular phone broadcasts Features explanations of traditional communication law concepts, illustrated with modern cases related to digital media that students know and use Expanded treatments are given to particularly interesting issues, cases, law projects, treaties, and litigants, etc."
Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Blackwell , 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library