ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan data panel yang
merupakan gabungan analisa cross sectional dengan time series dengan bertujuan
untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja dana pensiun
periode 2011-2013. Populasi penelitian adalah dana pensiun yang terdaftar di
Buku Statistik 2013 Dan Direktori 2014 Dana Pensiun yang dikeluarkan oleh
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dengan sampel sebanyak 20 perusahaan selama
periode 2011-2013 dengan kondisi unbalance panel (n = 42) melalui metode
purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2015 dengan
menggunakan instrument berupa data sekunder, laporan keuangan, laporan
tahunan yang telah diaudit selama periode pengamatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh Keragaman pengurus dana pensiun
yang di ukur dengan Keragaman umur, pengalaman, jumlah perempuan dalam
pengurus terhadap kinerja dana pensiun yang di ukur dengan Rasio Kecukupan
Dana (RKD). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 23% Rasio Kecukupan
Dana dapat di jelaskan dengan faktor Keragaman pengurus. Dari hasil penelitian
dapat membuktikan bahwa aspek umur berpengaruh negatif, aspek jumlah
perempuan di dalam pengurus berpengaruh positif. Untuk aspek pengalaman dan
jumlah pengurus pengaruh terhadap Rasio Kecukupan Dana tidak signifikan.
ABSTRACTThis research is a quantitative research using panel data which is a combination of
cross-sectional analysis of the time series and aims to determine the factors that
affect the performance of pension funds through 2011-2013. The study population
was a pension fund registered in the Book of Statistics 2013 and 2014 Directories
Pension Fund that is issued by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) with a
sample of 20 companies during the 2011-2013 with unbalance panel (n = 42)
through a purposive sampling method. The study was conducted in April 2015
using the instrument in the form of secondary data, financial reports, annual
audited reports, during the observation period. This study aims to determine how
much influence the board diversity is measured by the diversity of age,
experience, number of women in the management of the pension fund's
performance that measured by the Funding Ratio (RKD). Results from this study
showed that 23% of funds adequacy ratio can be explained by the diversity factor
board. From the results of this study prove that the negative effect of age aspect,
the aspect of the number of women on the board have a positive effect. For the
aspects of the experience and the amount of influence on the board Adequacy
Ratio Fund is not significant., This research is a quantitative research using panel data which is a combination of
cross-sectional analysis of the time series and aims to determine the factors that
affect the performance of pension funds through 2011-2013. The study population
was a pension fund registered in the Book of Statistics 2013 and 2014 Directories
Pension Fund that is issued by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) with a
sample of 20 companies during the 2011-2013 with unbalance panel (n = 42)
through a purposive sampling method. The study was conducted in April 2015
using the instrument in the form of secondary data, financial reports, annual
audited reports, during the observation period. This study aims to determine how
much influence the board diversity is measured by the diversity of age,
experience, number of women in the management of the pension fund's
performance that measured by the Funding Ratio (RKD). Results from this study
showed that 23% of funds adequacy ratio can be explained by the diversity factor
board. From the results of this study prove that the negative effect of age aspect,
the aspect of the number of women on the board have a positive effect. For the
aspects of the experience and the amount of influence on the board Adequacy
Ratio Fund is not significant.]"