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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Matthews, M.H.
Harvester Wheatsheaf: Barnes & Noble Books, 1992
305.23 MAT m
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elissa Dwi Lestari
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai persepsi terhadap lingkungan dan risk propensity sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi niat dan orientasi kewirausahaan. Kondisi perubahan lingkungan yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian, organisasi harus senantisa dinamis dan meningkatkan kewirausahaan sebagai salah satu bentuk respon stratejik. Orientasi kewirausahaan akan memampukan organisasi untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengeksploitasi peluang-peluang baru yang ditawarkan oleh lingkungan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk melihat bagimana pengaruh persepsi terhadap lingkungan sebagai faktor eksternal dan kecenderungan individual untuk mengambil risiko berpengaruh terhadap niat dan orientasi kewirausahaan di level individu kepala cabang. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus Perusahaan Pembiayaan XYZ yang sedang mengalami kondisi ketidakpastian lingkungan sebagai dampak menurunnya pasar sepeda motor merek Y sebagai target utama pembiayaan. Penelitian dilakukan pada kepala cabang dan Pos Head Perusahaan XYZ selaku entrepreneur organisasi di tingkat Sub Bisnis Unit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya persepsi terhadap lingkungan dinamis yang berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan niat kewirausahaan. Selain persepsi terhadap lingkungan dinamis, maka kecenderungan mengambil risiko juga berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan niat kewirausahaan. Dari sisi orientasi kewirausahaan, didapati bahwa hanya niat kewirausahaan saja yang berpengaruh terhadap orientasi kewirausahaan sedangkan persepsi terhadap lingkungan tidak.

The focus of this study is to analyze the environmental perception and risk propensity as factors that influence branch head?s entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial orientation. Nowadays, company always confronted by the changing of environment condition that full with uncertainties. For that reason, organizations must always be agile and kept improving their entrepreneurial orientation as a form of strategic response. Entrepreneurial orientation will enable organizations to identify and exploit new opportunities that offered by the environment. This study attempt to see the influence of the environmental perception as external factors and the individual's propensity to take risks effect on entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial orientation at individual branch head level. This study takes a case study of Leasing Company XYZ whichare facing environmental uncertainty as impact of the downturn of the motorcycle market brand Y as their main target of financing. Respondent of this study are branch head and POS Head of Leasing company XYZ who represent organization?s entreprenuer at business unit level. The study was conducted at PT XYZ sub business unit with the branch and Head Post Company XYZ as target of respondents that will represent as entrepreneur organizations in Sub Business Unit level. The results showed that only the perception of a dynamic environment that has positive influence on entrepreneurial intentions. In addition to the perception of a dynamic environment, risk propensity is also influence on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. In terms of entrepreneurial orientation, only the entrepreneurial intentions that influence the entrepreneurial orientation while the environmental perception not significant influnce entrepreneurial orientation."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Yazid
"Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR) adalah salah satu Subkultur yang ada di Jakarta. FBR menggunakan gardu yang tersebar di lingkungan masyarakat sebagai identitas spasialnya.
Tujuan penelitan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakter identitas gardu terhadap perilaku spasial FBR di Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama yang ditunjukan dalam hal pemilihan lokasi gardu, dan karakteristik wilayah territori. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif, seperti wawancara terstruktur, observasi partisipan, dan pemetaan partisipatif. Hasil penelitian ini, perbedaan karakteristik identitas gardu menunjukan perilaku spasial gardu yang berbeda. Gardu yang mayoritas anggotanya belum memiliki pekerjaan tetap sehingga melakukan kegiatan cenderung bermotif ekonomi. Gardu tersebut memilih lokasi gardu berdekatan dengan wilayah aktifitas ekonomi dan memiliki wilayah teritori dengan subgardu. Sementara itu, Gardu yang mayoritas anggotanya sudah memiliki pekerjaan tetap, sehingga cenderung melakukan kegiatan bermotif budaya. Gardu tersebut memilih lokasi gardu di tengah wilayah permukiman dan memiliki wilayah teritori tanpa keberadaan subgardu.

Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR) is one of many subcultures in Jakarta. The objective of this research is knowing the identity character influence on FBR spatial behavior.
The research was accomplished by means of qualitative research methods, such as unstructured interview, participant observation, and participant mapping. The result indicate differences in identity character generate different spatial behavior. Gardu that majority of its member do not have a steady job and doing activities that are likely to have economic motives choosing the location of gardu adjacent to the area of economic activity and has a territory with the presence subgardu. Meanwhile, gardu with majority of its member already have a steady job and doing activities that tend to patterned cultural activities. Choosing the location of the gardu in residential area and has a territory without the presence subgardu."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yi-Fu Tuan
London: University of Minnesota Press, 2005
114 YIF s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Friedberg, Marcella Schmidt di
"Spatial disorientation is of key relevance to our globalized world, eliciting complex questions about our relationship with technology and the last remaining vestiges of our animal nature. Viewed more broadly, disorientation is a profoundly geographical theme that concerns our relationship with space, places, the body, emotions, and time, as well as being a powerful and frequently recurring metaphor in art, philosophy, and literature.Using multiple perspectives, lenses, methodological tools, and scales, Geographies of Disorientation addresses questions such as: How do we orient ourselves? What are the cognitive and cultural instruments that we use to move through space? Why do we get lost? Two main threads run through the book: getting lost as a practice, explored within a post-phenomenological framework in relation to direct and indirect observation, wayfinding performances, and the various methods and tools used to find our position in space; and disorientation as a metaphor for the contemporary era, used in a broad range of contexts to express the difficulty of finding points of reference in the world we live in.Drawing on a wide range of literature, Geographies of Disorientation is a highly original and intruiging read which will be of interest to scholars of human geography, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, cognitive science, information technology, and the communication sciences."--Provided by publisher."
New York, NY : Routledge, 2018
304.23 FRI g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilham Tri Widodo
Remaja meruapakan masa transisi dari masa anak-anak menuju dewasa yang penuh dengan stabilitas emosional yang masih labil dan dapat terjadi krisis dengan kecenderungan munculnya perilaku menyimpang berupa kenakalan remaja. Jakarta Selatan menjadi Kota yang kasus kenakalan remajanya tertinggi dan kecenderungannya meningkat di Jakarta. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui Pola kejadian kenakalan remaja dengan jenis yang berbeda kaitannya dengan karakteristik Wilayah di Kota Jakarta Selatan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan keruangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola keruangan kenakalan remaja tawuran dan balapan liar di mana pola keruangan kejadian tawuran yang terbentuk berada di wilayah dengan penduduk remaja tinggi yang potensial sebagai pelaku, dekat dengan tempat aktivitas remaja dan jalan dengan lebar minimal 10 meter atau persimpangan sebagai ruang terbuka, namun tidak terhambat dengan keberadaan fasilitas keamanan. Sedangkan pola keruangan kejadian balapan liar yang terbentuk berada di wilayah dengan penduduk remaja tinggi yang potensial sebagai pelaku, dekat dengan tempat aktivitas remaja, jalan dengan lebar lebih dari 10 meter, jalur lurus yang panjang lebih dari 100 meter, kondisi jalan baik dan tidak ada pengawasan yang baik, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada satu lokasi balapan liar di setiap ruas jalan utama.

Juvenile is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood is filled with emotional stability are still unstable and crisis can occur with the emerging trend of deviant behavior such as delinquency. South Jakarta into a city of the highest juvenile delinquency cases and the trend is increasing in Jakarta. The purpose of the study was to determine the incidence of juvenile delinquency patterns with different types of region in relation to the characteristics of the South Jakarta using descriptive analysis with spatial approach. The results showed the spatial pattern of juvenile delinquency brawl and wild race in which the spatial pattern formed brawl incident was in an area with high adolescent population as a potential perpetrator, close to where the activity of youth and street with a minimum width of 10 meters or intersection as open space, but not hampered by the presence of security facilities. While the spatial pattern of events was a wild race that is formed in a region with high adolescent population as a potential perpetrator, close to where the activity of teenagers, roads with a width of more than 10 meters, long straight lines more than 100 meters, the road condition is good and there is no supervision good, as shown on the location of a wild race in any main roads., Juvenile is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood is filled with emotional stability are still unstable and crisis can occur with the emerging trend of deviant behavior such as delinquency. South Jakarta into a city of the highest juvenile delinquency cases and the trend is increasing in Jakarta. The purpose of the study was to determine the incidence of juvenile delinquency patterns with different types of region in relation to the characteristics of the South Jakarta using descriptive analysis with spatial approach. The results showed the spatial pattern of juvenile delinquency brawl and wild race in which the spatial pattern formed brawl incident was in an area with high adolescent population as a potential perpetrator, close to where the activity of youth and street with a minimum width of 10 meters or intersection as open space, but not hampered by the presence of security facilities. While the spatial pattern of events was a wild race that is formed in a region with high adolescent population as a potential perpetrator, close to where the activity of teenagers, roads with a width of more than 10 meters, long straight lines more than 100 meters, the road condition is good and there is no supervision good, as shown on the location of a wild race in any main roads.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raaflaub, Kurt A.
Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2013
304.23 RAA g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keenan Mandela Gebze
Sejak 1960an geograf mulai menggunakan mental maps yang digambarkan pada kertas untuk melakukan studi mengenai ruang. Kemunculan fenomena Volunteered Geographic Information VGI pada abad ke-21 mempersembahkan jenis data baru yang bisa digunakan oleh geograf dalam meneliti ruang. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk membandingkan akurasi antar kedua data tersebut menggunakan konsep produk spasial. Agar bisa dibandingkan, diperlukan partisipan yang bersedia untuk mengisi webmap untuk mendapatkan VGI , print-out peta cetak, dan mental mapsnya. Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang tinggal di Kelurahan Kukusan dipilih sebagai partisipan penelitian. Mereka diminta untuk memetakan tiga tempat makan favoritnya di Kelurahan Kukusan sebagai strategi untuk mengidentifikasi tempat makan populer sekaligus mengungkap mental maps mereka. Total ada 142 responden mengisi webmap yang menghasilkan VGI berupa 419 titik tempat makan favorit beserta penilaian karakterstiknya. Dari 142 responden, 13 diantaranya bersedia mengisi peta print out peta cetak sehingga keduanya bisa dibandingkan. Dari data VGI, tiga tempat paling populer di Kelurahan Kukusan yang berhasil diidentifikasi adalah Cumlaude, Bahari, dan Samtari. Secara umum, tempat makan populer diingat sebagai tempat yang memiliki akses dan fasilitas baik; sedangkan yang tidak begitu populer memiliki karakteristik harga yang pas, lingkungan yang nyaman, dan penduduk sekitar yang ramah dibanding tempat yang populer. Dari hasil perbandingan, tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan antara VGI dengan data yang diperoleh melalui peta cetak di kertas. Meskipun begitu, ada temuan yang mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara akurasi VGI dengan mental maps yang menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut.

In the 1960s, geographer started to use mental maps that are drawn in a paper to study places. The emerging of Voulnteered Geographic Information VGI in the 21st century presents geographer a new data to study places. This research are are an attempt to compare those two by using spatial product concept. To compare those two, there must be a willing person as a participant of this research, to draw on a webmap to obtain VGI and paper map, and their mental maps. Students in the University of Indonesia that lives temporarily in Kelurahan Kukusan are choosen as the participant. They rsquo re asked to identify three of their favourite eating place in Kukusan as a strategy to identify popular eating place and to obtain their mental maps. In total, there are 142 participants filling up the webmap, creating a VGI map of 419 favourite eating spots in Kukusan with their ratings about the places characteristic. From the 142, 13 of them are willing to fill their paper map so that the two data can be compared. From the VGI, the three most popular eating places are identified as Cumlaude, Bahari, and Samtari. In general, popular eating places are remembered to have good accessibility and facility and the not so popular ones are remembered to have more suitable prices, comfortable environment, and friendly peoples than the popular ones. There is no difference in between the accuracy VGI and the accuracy of data obtained by print map. But, there seems to be an interesting relationship between the accuracy of VGI with the mental maps that should be researched further."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soja, Edward W.
Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 1998
304.23 SOJ t (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soja, Edward W.
London: University Minnesota Press, 2010
304.23 SOJ s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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