"Kemajuan yang pesat di bidang telekomunikasi dewasa ini menyebabkan timbulnya berbagai jenis teknik kompresi yang dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai aplikasi. Teknik kompresi yang sangat dikenal saat ini adalah teknik kompresi DCT (discrete cosine transform) dengan metode scanning zig-zagnya.
Teknik kompresi yang sedang dikembangkan saat ini adalah teknik kompresi dengan menggunakan transformasi wavelet. Dari perhitungan lama proses, nilai PSNR dan SNR, ternyata teknik kompresi transformasi wavelet memberikan hasil yang lebih bagus dibanding teknik kompresi dengan menggunakan DCT.
Sampai saat ini belum ada pembakuan metode scanning yang cocok untuk diterapkan pada transformasi wavelet. Tesis ini membahas simufasi penerapan metode scanning vertikal, horisontal, zig-zag, dan diagonal pada kompresi gambar diam dengan menggunakan transformasi wavelet.
Dengan membandingkan kinerja rasing-masing metode scanning, dalam hal ini parameter yang diperbandingkan adalah lama proses, jumlah koefisien yang di-scan, perhitungan RMSE temyata diperoleh bahwa metode scanning yang cocok untuk transformasi Wavelet adalah metode scanning zig-zag.
Image compression is a process to reduce bit information of an image. The purpose of image compression is to obtain fewer amount of data and it can be reconstructed as a new image without decreasing its quality significantly. Image compression could be done in spatial domain or transformation domain.
Wavelet transform is the effective methods for image compression process since its ability to localize the bit information contained of the image. One of the important steps in transformation image using wavelet transform is scanning step.
To increase performance wavelet transform, choosing scanning method i.e. vertical, horizontal, zig-zag, and diagonal will be done. From analysis view depends on the composition of coefficient and time processing, it can be said that scanning method zig-zag give the best performance. ;Image compression is a process to reduce bit information of an image. The purpose of image compression is to obtain fewer amount of data and it can be reconstructed as a new image without decreasing its quality significantly. Image compression could be done in spatial domain or transformation domain.
Wavelet transform is the effective methods for image compression process since its ability to localize the bit information contained of the image. One of the important steps in transformation image using wavelet transform is scanning step.
To increase performance wavelet transform, choosing scanning method i.e. vertical, horizontal, zig-zag, and diagonal will be done. From analysis view depends on the composition of coefficient and time processing, it can be said that scanning method zig-zag give the best performance."