ABSTRAKDalam mendorong investasi di bidang usaha dan/daerah tertentu
diimplementasikan kebijakan tax allowance, namun perusahaan penerima fasilitas
mengalami penurunan. Tesis ini membahas tentang efektivitas implementasi
kebijakan tax allowance dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian
menggunakan teori kebijakan publik, perpajakan, dan investasi. Menggunakan
paradigma post positivist, pendekatan kualitatif, dan teknik pengumpulan data
dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menujukan dimensi tepat
kebijakan, pelaksana, lingkungan, dan proses terpenuhi, tetapi tepat target belum
terpenuhi. Implementasi kebijakan tax allowance cukup efektif dan faktor yang
mempengaruhi adalah faktor pendukung dan penghambat. Agar dimensi tepat
target terpenuhi dengan membuat grading kriteria perusahaan, persyaratan, dan
insentif. Untuk menanggulangi faktor penghambat dengan melonggarkan kriteria
dan persyaratan, dan meningkatkan sosialisasi kebijakan tax allowance.
ABSTRACTIn encouraging investment in the field of business and/or certain areas
implemented tax allowance policy, but the company receiving the facility has
decreased. This thesis discusses the effectiveness of the implementation of tax
allowance policy and the factors that influence it. Research uses public policy
theory, taxation, and investment. Using post positivist paradigms, qualitative
approaches, and data collection techniques with in-depth interview. The results of
the research indicate the exact dimensions of policies, implementers,
environments, and Process fulfilled, but the exact target has not been met.
Implementation of tax allowance policy is quite effective and influence factors of
supporting and inhibiting factors. So that the exact dimensions of the target
fulfilled by creating a grade of company criteria, requirements, and incentives. To
overcome obstacles by loosening criteria and requirements, and increasing the
socialization of tax allowance policy."