ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang reaksi karyawan terhadap adanya perubahan sistem kerja organisasi akibat penerapan ISO 9001:2008 pada Kantor Hukum X sesuai dengan konteks dan kondisi yang terjadi pada organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, yang melibatkan 10 (sepuluh) informan karyawan dari Kantor Hukum X. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa alasan utama bagi sebagian karyawan yang melakukan resistensi terhadap perubahan organisasi adalah tingginya beban pekerjaan yang mereka rasakan. Selain itu kurangnya sosialisasi terkait dengan perubahan yang terjadi juga berperan dalam keengganan karyawan untuk berpartisipasi dalam perubahan. Untuk itu diperlukan dukungan, tanggung jawab, dan komitmen dari organisasi dalam menginisiasikan perubahan, terutama komunikasi yang jelas kepada seluruh karyawan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses on employee reaction toward change on organizational working system as an effect of implementing ISO 9001:2008 in Law Firm X based on its current context and condition. This research employs qualitative research method using a case study approach, which involves 10 (ten) employees of Law firm X as informants. This research shows that the main reason for most of the employees who resist the organizational change is due to the high work load against them. Further, lack of socialization on relevant change has also affected the employees? reluctance to participate on change. Therefore, support, responsibilities, and commitment from the organization are required when initiating change, especially clear communication towards all employees.;This thesis discusses on employee reaction toward change on organizational working system as an effect of implementing ISO 9001:2008 in Law Firm X based on its current context and condition. This research employs qualitative research method using a case study approach, which involves 10 (ten) employees of Law firm X as informants. This research shows that the main reason for most of the employees who resist the organizational change is due to the high work load against them. Further, lack of socialization on relevant change has also affected the employees’ reluctance to participate on change. Therefore, support, responsibilities, and commitment from the organization are required when initiating change, especially clear communication towards all employees., This thesis discusses on employee reaction toward change on organizational working system as an effect of implementing ISO 9001:2008 in Law Firm X based on its current context and condition. This research employs qualitative research method using a case study approach, which involves 10 (ten) employees of Law firm X as informants. This research shows that the main reason for most of the employees who resist the organizational change is due to the high work load against them. Further, lack of socialization on relevant change has also affected the employees’ reluctance to participate on change. Therefore, support, responsibilities, and commitment from the organization are required when initiating change, especially clear communication towards all employees.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014