"Dalam menghadapi lingkungan persaingan yang begitu ketal, para pengelola mal harus senantiasa fokus dalam upaya untuk mempertahankan loyalitas dari pengunjungnya. Untuk mempertahankan loyalitas pengunjung, manajemen mal harus benar-benar memahami bagaimana perilaku dari pengunjung malnya yang terkait dengan bagaimana persepsi mereka terhadap mal yang dikunjungi, Penelitian lni berusaha menjelaskan suatu konsep model dari proses psikologis mengenai persepsi pengunjung mal terhadap value dari suatu mal (shopper-based mall equity) dalam membentuk loyalitasnya terhadap mal tersebut. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh mall image terhadap self-congruity, mengetahui pengaruh mall awareness terhadap commitment to the mall, mengetahui pengaruh seljf-congruity terhadap commitment to the mall dan mengetahui pengaruh antara commitment to the mall terhadap mall loyalty. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 180 orang responden yang merupakan bagian dati populasi pengunjung Pondok lndah Mall (PIM) melalui teknik sampling non probability sampling melalui convenience sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat pengaruh antara dimensi-dimensi mall image meliputi mall environment, product quality, dan service quality terhadap shopper's self congruity. Sementara itu satu dimensi mall image, yaitu mall convenience tidak berpengaruh terhadap shopper's self congruity. Selain itu dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa mall awareness tidak berpengaruh terhadap commitment to the mall. Sementara itu variabel self-conguity memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap commitment to the mall. Dan terakhir diketahui pula bahwa commitment to the mall berpengaruh positifterhadap mall loyalty.
Facing the very tight competition, mall's management should focus in pursuing and enhancing the shopper's loyalty through the mall in order to maintain the mall loyalty, mall's management should understand the behavior of their shopper which relate to their perceiptions about tbe mall. This research has trying to explain the conceptual model of the psychological process by which shopper based mall equity generates mall loyalty. The objective of this research are to find out the influence of man image to self-congruity. the influence of mall awareness to commitment to the mall, the influence of self-congruity to commitment to the mall, and the influence of commitment to the mall to mall loyalty. This research has been done to ISO respondents which are the part of the population of Pondok lndah Mall (PIM)'s shoppers that have been choosen by non probability sampling method through the convenience sampling. The result of this research are the dimension of mall image which include mall environment, product quality and service quality was influence the shopper's self congruity. Meanwhile, one dimension of mall image which is, mail convenience has no effect in generating shopper's self congruity. Another result is mall awareness has no effect to commitment to the mall. It also found that self-congruity has positive influence to commitment to the mall. And the last, its known that commitment to the mall has positive influence in generating mall loyalty."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009