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Riry Ambarsarie
"Latar Belakang: Model pengembangan staf pengajar akan membantu mengidentifikasiprogram pengembangan yang dapat mengakomodasi keinginan staf pengajar, kebutuhanakademik dan kebutuhan institusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasimodel pengembangan staf pengajar yang dibutuhkan oleh suatu fakultas kedokteranmelalui tinjauan kepustakaan sistematik dan eksplorasi persepsi panel ahli.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologiyang didahului dengan tinjauan kepustakaan sistematik yang menggunakan duapangkalan data, yaitu PubMed dan ERIC, dilanjutkan dengan proses wawancara denganpanel ahli bidang pendidikan kedokteran sebagai informan yang berasal dari beberapafakultas kedokteran yang dipilih berdasarkan keterwakilan wilayah Asosiasi InstitusiPendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia AIPKI dan keterwakilan institusi pendidikan negeridan swasta di Indonesia.
Hasil: Terdapat 10 kepustakaan yang dilibatkan dalam proses tinjauan kepustakaansistematik yang mendasari penyusunan konsep model pengembangan staf pengajar danterdapat 10 wawancara dengan pakar bidang pendidikan kedokteran. Seluruh informanmenyepakati sebagian besar komponen dalam model dan memberikan sejumlahmasukan untuk menyempurnakan model tersebut. Informan menyepakati tigakomponen utama dalam model pengembangan staf, yaitu komponen sistem, proses dankonten. Informan juga mengemukakan gambaran proses pengembangan staf pengajarsaat ini di Indonesia serta tantangan yang akan dihadapi dalam implementasi model.
Diskusi: Tiga komponen utama dalam model menjadi salah satu syarat yang harusdipenuhi institusi pendidikan kedokteran jika ingin meningkatkan kualitas pendidikanmelalui program pengembangan staf yang komprehensif. Komponen konten yang terdiridari pengembangan instruksional, profesional, softskill, kepemimpinan dan spiritualmenjadi panduan penentuan konten atau materi yang diperlukan dalam suatupengembangan staf pengajar. Komponen proses menggambarkan berbagai aspek yangmempengaruhi program pengembangan akan mempermudah institusi dalammempersiapkan program pengembangan secara berkelanjutan. Komponen sistemmerupakan gambaran peran sistem pendidikan yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaanprogram pengembangan, terdiri dari aspek pimpinan, kebijakan institusi danketersediaan tenaga ahli.
Kesimpulan: Model pengembangan staf pengajar yang disusun peneliti merupakanmodel yang ideal dan mampu diterapkan di Indonesia. Selain karena sifatnya yangkomprehensif, model ini juga disusun berdasarkan tinjauan kepustakaan sistematik,yang didukung oleh tinjauan para ahli dari perwakilan berbagai fakultas kedokteran diIndonesia yang membuat model ini sesuai dengan karakteristik pendidikan kedokterandi Indonesia. Melalui model ini, diharapkan institusi dapat mempersiapkan programpengembangan staf pengajar secara lebih komprehensif dan berkelanjutan.

Background: Faculty development model will helping to identify developmentprograms that can accommodate faculty, academic and institutional needs. The purposeof this study is to explore the faculty development model that needed by a medicalschool through systematic literature review and expert panel perception exploration.
Methods: This qualitative study with phenomenology approach is preceded by asystematic literature review that using two database, Pubmed and ERIC followed by aninterview process with panel expert as informant from several medical school thatselected based on representation of region of Association of Indonesian Medical School AIPKI and representation of public and private medical school in Indonesia.
Results: There are 10 literatures involved in systematic literature review that underliesthe drafting of faculty development model and supported by 10 interviews with panelexpert. All informants agree on three main components of the model, that consist ofsystem, process and content components. The informants also presented an overview ofthe current faculty development process in Indonesia as well as the challenges that willbe faced in model implementation.
Discussion: The three main components become one of the condition that medicalschool must be fulfilled if they want to improve their educational quality through acomphrehensive faculty development programs. Content component consist ofinstructional, professional, softskill, leadership and spiritual development, it will helpthe determination of content that needed in faculty development. The processcomponent describe the various aspects that will affecting the development program itwill help the institution to preparing the sustainable development program. The systemcomponent describe the role of education system that influences the implementation offaculty development program, consist of leader aspect, institutional policy and theavailability of experts.
Conclusion: Faculty development model that construct by the author is an ideal modeland can be applied in Indonesia. Beside the comphrehensiveness, developing based on asystematic literature review and supported by a review expert that represented variousmedical school in Indonesia made this model appropriate with Indonesia medical schoolcharacteristics. Through this model, the institutions are expected to prepare the facultydevelopment program more comphrehensive and sustainable.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nair, Chenicheri Sid
"Student feedback has appeared in the forefront of higher education quality, in particular the issues of effectiveness and the use of student feedback to improve higher education teaching and learning, and other areas of student tertiary experience. Despite this, little academic literature has focussed on the experiences of academics, higher education leaders and managers. The final title in the Chandos learning and teaching series to focus on student feedback, Enhancing learning and teaching through student feedback in the medical and health Sciences expands on topics covered in the previous publications, focussing on the medical and health science disciplines. This edited title includes contributions from experts in higher education quality, and student feedback from a range of countries, such as Australia, Europe, Canada, the USA, the UK, South East Asia and India. The book is concerned with the practices of evaluation and higher education quality in medical and health science disciplines, with particular focus on student feedback. The book begins by giving a discipline-specific overview of student feedback in medical and health sciences, before moving on to take a global perspective. The penultimate chapter considers the accountability of student evaluations in health and medical sciences, before a conclusion summarises the practices of student feedback and accountability in medical and health sciences, and suggests future improvements."
Oxford, UK: Chandos, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library