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Meila Sutanti
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas gambaran hasil terapi rinitis alergi persisten sedang-berat pada 2 kelompok terapi di RSCM, dimana kelompok pertama diberikan terapi reduksi konka radiofrekuensi disertai steroid topikal hidung, sedangkan kelompok kedua diberikan terapi steroid topikal hidung saja. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pendahuluan dengan metode penelitian uji klinis. Penilaian skala analog visual (SAV) untuk 4 gejala utama rinitis alergi (bersin-bersin, gatal hidung, ingus encer, dan sumbatan hidung), pemeriksaan nasoendoskopi untuk menilai ukuran konka inferior, dan pemeriksaan aliran udara hidung dengan Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow (PNIF) dilakukan pada sebelum terapi dan minggu ke-6 pasca terapi. Pada penelitian ini rerata usia kelompok steroid topikal hidung adalah 28,3 tahun (SD 10,3 tahun), sedangkan pada kelompok reduksi konka adalah 27,6 tahun (SD 8,1 tahun). Sebanyak 67% subyek adalah perempuan. Keluhan rinitis alergi paling berat adalah sumbatan hidung. Sebanyak 80% subyek penelitian mengalami hipertrofi konka inferior, yaitu 50% hipertrofi derajat 3 dan 30% hipertrofi derajat 4. Ditemukan perbedaan bermakna ukuran konka inferior sebelum terapi dengan minggu ke-6 pasca terapi, baik pada kelompok reduksi konka maupun kelompok steroid dan ditemukan pula perbedaan bermakna ukuran konka inferior pada minggu ke-6 pasca terapi antara kedua kelompok terapi. Untuk nilai SAV gatal hidung, ditemukan perbedaan bermakna sebelum terapi dengan minggu ke-6 pasca terapi, baik pada kelompok reduksi konka maupun kelompok steroid topikal saja, dan ditemukan pula perbedaan bermakna nilai SAV gatal hidung pada minggu ke-6 pasca terapi antara kedua kelompok terapi. Perbedaan bermakna sebelum terapi dengan minggu ke-6 pasca terapi ditemukan pada nilai SAV gejala rinitis alergi yang lain (bersin-bersin, ingus encer, dan sumbatan hidung) dan nilai PNIF, baik pada kelompok reduksi konka maupun kelompok steroid topikal saja. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna nilai SAV gejala rinitis alergi yang lain dan nilai PNIF, jika dibandingkan antara kedua kelompok terapi pada minggu ke-6 pasca terapi.
This paper reported result of treatment in moderate-severe allergic rhinitis at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. In this research, there were 2 groups of treatment. First group was treated with radiofrequency turbinoplasty and nasal steroid after turbinoplasty performed, second group was treated only with nasal steroid. This research is a pilot clinical study. Analogue Visual Scale for 4 major symptoms of allergic rhinitis (sneezing, nose itching, rhinorrhea, nose obstruction), nasoendoscopy to evaluate size of inferior turbinate, peak nasal inspiratory flow to evaluate nasal air flow were performed before treatment and 6 weeks after treatment. In this research, mean age of patients in steroid alone group was 28,3 years old with standard deviation 10,3 years, and in radiofrequency group mean age was 27,6 years old with standard deviation 8,1 years. Sixty seven percent patients was woman. The most bothering symptom found was nasal obstruction. Eighty percent patients had inferior turbinate hypertrophy, 50% patient with grade 3 and 30% patient with grade 4. Statistical significance in inferior turbinate degree was found if comparison performed before treatment with 6 weeks after treatment, in both treatment group,and also found statistical difference if compared between 2 treatment group at 6 weeks after treatment. Statistical difference was found only in VAS for nasal itching symptom if compared between 2 treatment group at 6 weeks after treatment. There were no statistical difference for another major symptom with VAS if compared between 2 group at 6 weeks after treatment. If comparison was performed before treatment with 6 weeks after treatment for VAS in all allergic rhinitis major symptoms and peak nasal inspiratory flow, there were statistical significance found, in radiofrequency group and nasal steroid group, but if comparison was performed between 2 treatment groups at 6 weeks after treatment, there were no statistical difference found.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krista Ekaputri
Abstrak :
Praktik injeksi silikon atau parafin cair untuk memperbaiki penampilan pada hidung masih marak. Di lain pihak, rekonstruksi hidung parafinoma untuk mengembalikan ke bentuk normal sulit dicapai. Data objektif mengenai karakter distorsi pada hidung parafinoma dapat berguna untuk menjadi data awal sebagai pembanding untuk evaluasi hasil rekonstruksi hidung parafinoma. Studi ini memanfaatkan Mirror Stand MirS untuk mengambil foto wajah 30 subjek dengan parafinoma hidung. Ukuran fotogrametrik dikonversi menjadi ukuran morfometrik. Hasil pengukuran kemudian dianalisis untuk mendapatkan ciri distorsi dari hidung parafinoma. Ukuran meliputi intercanthal width, nasal root width,alar width,two tip defining points distance,nasofrontal angle,length of the nose radix to pronasion ,nasofacial angle,nasion projection,pronasion projection,tip angle,nasolabial angle,columella length,the extend of extended columella danbase of the nose width.Hidung parafinoma memiliki ciri sebagai berikut; nasal root yang lebar 2.70 0.30 cm ;jarak two-tip defining pointsyang lebar 2.09 0.22 cm , nasion projectionyang lebar 0.64 0.36 cm , nasolabial angleyang sempit 78.81 15.93 , kolumela yang menggantung 0.47 0.31 cm dan porsi lobular dari tip hidung yang panjang 1.12 0.20 cm .
The practice of injecting liquid silicone or paraffin at the nose for aesthetic purposes still continues today. On the other hand, normal apearance after reconstruction in nose paraffinoma is very difficult to achieve. The objective data regarding distortion characteristic in nose paraffinoma could be use as basic data to assess outcome of reconstruction in paraffinoma nose.Portable Mirror Stand MirS device is used to take standardized facial photographs of 30 patients with paraffinoma of the nose. Photogrammetrics measurements were then converted to morphometric measurement. The result was then analyzed to formulate the distortion characteristic of nose paraffinoma. Basic measurements included intercanthal width, nasal root width, alar width, two tip defining points distance, nasofrontal angle, length of the nose radix to pronasion , nasofacial angle, nasion projection, pronasion projection, tip angle, nasolabial angle, columella length, the extend of extended columella and base of the nose width. Paraffinoma nose has the following characteristics wide nasal root base 2.70 0.30 cm wide two tip defining point rsquo s distance 2.09 0.22 cm wide nasion projection 0.64 0.36 cm , acute nasolabial angle 78.81 15.93 hanging columella 0.47 0.31 cm and long lobular portion of the tip 1.12 0.20 cm .
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Desain suatu roket yang dihasilkan berdasarkan misi tujuan awal sangat mempengaruhi performa aerodinamika yang dimiliki roket tersebut. Dengan berbagai konfigurasi yang dapat dimiliki suatu roket dari profil nose cone, fineness, tail fin, propulsion dan berbagai komponen lainnya, tentunya akan menjadi sebuah tantangan untuk menghasilkan desain yang optimal untuk suatu misi. Dengan demikian dilaksanakan sebuah penelitian yang menguji performa aerodinamika roket terkhususnya drag dan pola aliran udara berdasarkan variasi geometri nose cone yang dibuat dari 4 profil umum. Profil-profil nose cone yang akan diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah conic, power series, tangent ogive, dan elliptical yang akan digunakan pada geometri motor roket FFAR Mk. 40 yang disederhanakan untuk mempermudah penelitian ini. Metode penelitian akan dilakukan secara numerik dengan simulasi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) dengan parameter-parameter yang sudah ditetapkan dan variabel input yang sesuai dengan operasional motor roket Mk. 40. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang sudah didapatkan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa nose cone dengan profil conic menhasilkan drag tertinggi dibandingkan 3 profil nose cone lainnya untuk kecepatan subsonik hingga transonik, sedangkan elliptical menghasilkan drag tertinggi untuk kecepatan supersonik. Profil nose cone yang menghasilkan drag terendah dari kecepatan subsonik hingga supersonik dalam penelitian ini adalah profil power series dengan kedua terbaik adalah tangent ogive. ......Design of a rocket is dependent on the mission it is based on which entirely affects the aerodynamic performance of said rocket. With unlimited amount of rocket configurations readily available based on the variation of components and factors such as nose cones, fineness, tail fins, propulsion system and etc., the creation of a optimal rocket for a specific mission is sure to be challenging. In which case, a research is done to analyze the aerodynamic performance of a rocket specifically drag and airflow based on the variation of nose cone geometry made from 4 common profiles. The 4 nose cone profiles which will be studied in this research are conic, power series, tangent ogive, and elliptic which will be then attached to the simplified body of FFAR Mk. 40 rocket motor to ease the study. The research method used are numerical study with computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis with various parameters set and input variables based on the operational capabilities of the FFAR Mk. 40 motor. Based on the results of the research, we can conclude that the conic profile produces the most drag than the other 3 profiles during subsonic and transonic speeds and is overtaken by the elliptic profile at supersonic speed. The power series profile produces the least drag from the range of subsonic to supersonic velocity with the second least drag produced from the tangent ogive profile.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Balai Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1989
616.994 SIM t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dolowitz, David A.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964
618.921 DOL b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Likhachov, A.G.
Moscow : Foreign language Publ. House, T.t.
618.921 LIK d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Gli esseri umani sopravvivono 40 giorni senza mangiare, 4 giorni senza bere ma solo 4 minuti senza respirare: una proporzione che dice tutto sull’importanza della respirazione. L’aria inspirata è filtrata, riscaldata e umidificata dal naso, meccanismo che protegge l’albero respiratorio da un flusso d’aria eccessivo. È quindi cruciale ristabilire una corretta funzionalità nasale. Questo volume, dedicato a otorinolaringoiatri, chirurghi plastici e maxillofacciali, descrive la turbinoplastica inferiore modificata, un nuovo approccio chirurgico a numerosi problemi associati all’ipertrofia dei turbinati inferiori. La maggior parte delle tecniche chirurgiche oggi diffuse, infatti, tratta solo la parte molle di queste strutture ossee con procedimenti che spesso conducono a recidive. Con questa tecnica, invece, si trattano tutte le parti anatomiche del turbinato, incluso il tessuto osseo e si abolisce l’uso di tamponi nasali, elemento importante nel benessere e nella guarigione del paziente.
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hartono Abdoerrachman
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1998
PGB 0138
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas NNP dan Mini FESS sebagai modalitas terapi pasien hidung tersumbat dengan SDB. Digunakan rancangan pre eksperimental sebelum dan sesudah NNP dan Mini FESS dengan menilai perubahan pemeriksaan kualitatif menggunakan Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Skor Analog Visual (SAV), Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow (PNIF), nasoendoskopi dan Polisomnografi (PSG). Pengambilan subyek penelitian secara berurutan (consecutive sampling) selama 6 bulan di poli THT-RSCM. Sebanyak 7 pasien dengan keluhan hidung tersumbat disertai sleep disordered breathing menunjukkan perbaikan pasca operasi berdasarkan ESS dengan delta 48,28±1,99% nilai p=0,017, SAV median delta 100%(80% - 100%) nilai p=0,018, PNIF delta 52,03±2,69% p=0.017 dan 85,71% (6 dari 7) perbaikan ukuran konka inferior menjadi normal. Seluruh parameter PSG tidak didapatkan adanya perubahan yang bermakna dengan p>0,05. NNP dan mini FESS efektif untuk mengatasi hidung tersumbat yang disertai SDB berdasarkan perbaikan parameter pemeriksaan kualitatif. Hipereaktifitas parasimpatis yang mengakibatkan hipertrofi konka inferior merupakan hipotesis yang dapat dibuktikan pada penelitian ini dan memperkaya kerangka teori pada patofisiologi obstruksi nasal sebagai penyebab SDB.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of PNN and Mini FESS as a therapeutic modality for patients with nasal congestion and SDB. This pre- experimental study evaluated the efficacy of PNN and mini FESS in management of nasal obstruction with SDB subjects. The evaluation performed by assessing changes in qualitative examination using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Visual Analog Score (VAS) of nasal obstruction symptom Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow (PNIF), nasoendoscopic examination. and Polysomnography (PSG). The subjects were included consecutively for 6 months at ENT clinic-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. A total of 7 patients with nasal obstruction and sleep disordered breathing showed post-operative improvement in evaluations by using ESS (delta 48.28 ± 1.99% p-value = 0.017), VAS of nasal obstruction with median delta of 100 % ( 80 % - 100 % ) and p-value = 0.018, PNIF (delta 52.03 ± 2.69% p-value = 0.017) and regaining normal size of inferior turbinate in 85,71% (6 of 7) subjects. While all of the PSG parameters did not had any significant changes with p > 0.05. PNN and mini FESS is effective to overcome nasal obstruction with SDB based on an improvement in the qualitative evaluations. Parasympathetic hyperreactivity resulting in inferior turbinate hypertrophy is a proven hypothesis; thus may enrich the theoretical framework on the pathophysiology of nasal obstruction in SDB.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book describes in details an innovative surgical technique called modified inferior turbinoplasty, which offers an excellent solution to the problems associated with the lower turbinate hypertrophy. A turbinate (or nasal concha) is a long, narrow, curled bone shelf that protrudes into the breathing passage of the nose. Most surgical interventions treat only the soft parts of hypertrophic turbinates using laser therapy, radiofrequency treatment, and electrocoagulation, but these procedures often lead to relapse. With this technique, in contrast, all anatomic parts of the turbinate are treated, including bone tissue: the surgeon reduces the inferior nasal concha and the internal nasal tissue, and the mucosa is then remodeled with sutures. The modified inferior turbinoplasty allows the complete avoidance of swabs in the nose, which is fundamental for patients well-being and grant them a quicker recovery.
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library