Sihotang, Pastina R.
"Kepuasan kerja perawat searah dengan kepuasan pasien dan kepuasan pasien merupakan hasil kerja perawat berkualitas. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja, salah satu adalah iklim kerja. lklim kerja dibentuk oleh berbagai dimensi, dalam penelitian ini adalah kesesuaian, tanggung jawab, standar, penghargaan, kejelasan dan tim kerja. Kepuasan kerja secara komposit dilihat dari upah, otonomi, syarat pekerjaan, kebijakan organisasi, status professional dan interaksi.
Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif korelasional dengan potong lintang (cross sectional) terhadap dua populasi yaitu perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap(RRI) dan ruang rawat jalan (RRJ). Sampel terdiri dari 260 perawat yang tersebar di 27 RRI dan 115 perawat yang tersebar di 19 RRJ. Kemudian dilakukan uji beda mean pada kedua populasi. Penelitian dilakukan tanggal 27 juni sampai 10 juli 2002. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari 29 pernyataan untuk mengukur iklim kerja dan 30 pernyataan mengukur kepuasan kerja. Kuesioner yang digunakan di RRI sama dengan di RRJ.
Gambaran karakteristik responden di RRI, 90% dari 241 perawat adalah perempuan, 53,1% lulusan SPK, 0,8% sarjana dan sisanya lulusan Akademi. 51,0% perawat berusia antara 21-37 tahun, dengan rata-rata lama kerja 7-8 tahun(61,8%). Responden di RRJ n= 121 perawat, 79,3% perempuan. Umumnya responden lulusan SPK (81,0%), 68% mereka berusia antara 43-57 tahun dengan rata-rata lama kerja 12 tahun, dan 52,1% diantaranya mempunyai lama kerja antara 12-30 tahun.
Deskripsi iklim kerja di RRI memperlihatkan bahwa rata-rata perawat ragu terhadap adanya iklim kerja kondusif di tempat kerjanya dimana nilai pada skala Likert antara 3,0-3,96. Rata-rata pendapat terendah adalah yang mereka rasakan terhadap penghargaan dengan R= 3,0 dan tertinggi pada tim kerja dengan Rh= 3,96. Di RRJ rata-rata perawat berpendapat tidak setuju terhadap penghargaan (X= 2,95) dan ragu terhadap tim kerja yang mendukung dengan 3C= 3,92.. Deskripsi rata-rata yang dirasakan perawat terhadap kepuasan kerja berada antara 3, 07- 3,54 dengan nilai terendah adalah perasaan terhadap status professional dan tertinggi terhadap kebijakan organisasi dengan SD= 0,4- 0,5.
Hasil analisis bivariat (Pear-sons correlation) antara iklim kerja ( kesesuaian, tanggung jawab, standar, penghargaan, kejelasan dan tim kerja) dengan kepuasan kerja memiliki nilai p= 0,0001 (
Uji t pada kedua populasi menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang bermakna rata-rata yang dirasakan perawat terhadap iklim kerja yaitu dimensi tanggung jawab, tim kerja, kesesuaian dan kejelasan di ruang rawat inap dan ruang rawat jalan (p
a ). Rata-rata kepuasan kerja perawat pada kedua populasi juga berbeda khususnya pada komponen otonomi, syarat pekerjaan, interaksi dan kebijakan organisasi (p Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan kepada pimpinan RSPAD kiranya meningkatkan kernampuan manajer di semua lini agar handal dalam proses manajemen yang menciptakan iklim kerja kondusif yang berdampak terhadap kepuasan kerja staf. Hendaknya proses menenukan manajer keperawatan memenuhi kriteria kepemimpinan, terutama melalui proses pengkaderan. Perlu meninjau kembali tanggung jawab manajer dan staf disejajarkan dengan tujuan organisasi disertai pendelegasian jelas. Dibutuhkan kejelasan struktur organisasi yang memberdayakan staf secara optimal. Meninjau dan menegaskan kembali standar pelayanan (struktur & proses) dan sistem penghargaan sesuai kebutuhan. Kepala ruangan kiranya senantiasa meningkatkan ketrampilan kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berperan sebagai model (role model) bagi staf keperawatan yang dipimpinnya. Untuk dapat memperoleh hasil lebih baik, penelitian ini perlu dilanjutkan dengan wawancara mendalam bahkan dengan suatu kuasi eksperimen,
Daftar Pustaka = 72 (1971 - 2001)
Comparative and Relationship between Working Climate and Working Satisfaction for Nurses Staff In-patient Ward and Out-patient Ward in Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital JakartaNurse's working satisfaction is paralel with patient's satisfaction. It is a result of the performance of qualified nurse. There are some factors that influence working satisfaction, one of them is working climate. It is formed by many dimensions, in this research are conformity, responsibility, standard, reward, clarity and team spirit/team work. The composite of working satisfaction is shown composite are pay, autonomy, working requirements, organization policies, professional status and interaction.
This research is descriptive correlational by cross sectional toward two populations, namely practising nurse in the ward for in- patient and in out- patient department. Sample consist of 260 nurses in 27 in-patient wards and 115 nurses in 17 out-patient wards. Then comparative was analyzed between those two populations. Research was conducted from 27 June to 10 July 2002. The instruments consist of 29 questionares related to working climate and 30 questionares related to working satisfaction. It was used the same questioner for nurses working in in-patient department as well as for the nurses in out patient department.
Description of characteristic respondent in in-patient wards were 90% of 241 nurses are female, 53,1 % SPK graduates, 0,8 % Faculty graduates and the rest is graduated from Academic of Nursing or Academic of Midwifery. 51,0 % of nurses has age within the range of 21-37 years old. Working experiences of them within average 7-8 years (61,8 %). The member of respondents in out-patient department n = 121 nurses, 79,3 % of them are female. The respondents are graduates from SPK (81,0%). Their age range from 43- 57 years old, and 52,1% of them have had working experiences for 12-30 years.
Description of working climate result findings showed that responding of the nurses related to conducive working climate in their working place using Likert Scale is ambigous with the value range from 3,0 to 3,96. Average score toward reward with x = 3,0 and the highest score is team work with x = 3,96. The average of nurses who work in out patient department, responding that they did not agree with the reward (x = 2,95 ) and ambigous toward team work supportly by x = 3,92. Average description nurses toward working satisfaction is 3,07-3,54 with the standart deviation of 0,4-0,5. The lowest value is the professional status, while the higst value is the organizational policy.
Findings using Pearsons correlation between working climate (conformity, responsibility, standard, reward, clarity and tern work) with working satisfaction has value p < a (0.0001). It_ means that there is a relationship between those two variables significantly, which define positive relationship from moderate to strong. The lowest relation in in patient ward is the team work and in out patient ward is the reward while the strongest relationship in in-patient ward is clarity and in out patient ward is responsibility. Multi tinier regression analysis using Backward method found that the correlation which is most significant in in- patient ward are responsibility, clarity and reward by R2 = 0,377 and value p = 0,0001 and then in out-patient ward are responsibility, standard and team work.
Comparative study using T-test findings of those two populations that the average perception of the nurses who are working in in-patient ward and out-patient department to ward working climate related to dimension of responsibility, team work and conformity has significant different ( p < a ) while toward the dimension of standard, clarity and reward, there is no different (pia). The average of nurse's working satisfaction in those two populations is different especially related to component of autonomy, working requirement, interaction and organization policy (p < a ) while the component pay and professional status is not different (p > a ).
Based on the research result is recommended to Gatot Soebroto's Army Hospital leader to improve the capability of managers in all levels so that they have competencies in management process, in regard to create conducive working climate which will have impact to the working satisfaction of the staff. Training or in-service education could be conducted in order to full M. the requirements of nurse managers in leadership and management ability, It is essential to evaluate the manager and staff responsibility based on the goal of hospital organization. The nursing service administration role should be clearly shown in organizational structure of the hospital in order to be able to supervise and to control nursing care delivery system. Nursing care standard and reward system should be reviewed and improved based on the merit system. To obtain the better result of this research need to proceed with depth interview or a quasi experiment.
Bibliography = 72 (1971 - 2001)"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2002