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Ditemukan 28 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
A. Saifah
"Anak usia sekolah adalah kelompok yang berisiko terhadap masalah gizi. Salah satu penyebab masalah gizi adalah faktor perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan peran keluarga, guru, teman sebaya, dan media massa dengan perilaku gizi anak usia sekolah. Desain yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelasional pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan cluster proportional 174 anak usia sekolah kelas 4,5, dan 6. Hasil menunjukkan ada hubungan bermakna peran keluarga dan media massa dengan perilaku gizi anak usia sekolah (p<0,05), tidak ada hubungan bermakna peran guru dan teman sebaya dengan perilaku gizi anak usia sekolah (ρ>0,05), media massa merupakan faktor dominan. Rekomendasi penelitian adalah integrasi pendidikan gizi dengan kurikulum, pelatihan guru UKS, peningkatan promosi kesehatan, asuhan keperawatan keluarga dengan anak usia sekolah, penelitian selanjutnya tentang faktor predisposisi dan pemungkin perilaku gizi.

School-age children are the group at risk for nutritional problems. One cause nutritional problems are behavioral factors. This study aims to determine the relationship of families, teachers, peers, and mass media in nutrition behavior of school-age children. The design used was a descriptive correlation approach cross sectional. Proportional cluster sampling with 174 school age children grade 4,5,dan 6. The results showed no significant relationships family roles and the mass media with nutritional behavior of school-age children (p <0.05), there was no significant relationship roles of teachers and peers with nutritional behavior of school-age children (ρ> 0.05), the mass media is dominant factor. Recommended research is the integration of nutrition education with curriculum, teacher training school health, increased health promotion, family nursing care with school-age children, further research on predisposing and enabling factors of nutrition behavior."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia, 1987
363.8 PEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jensen, Bernard
Los Angeles: Keats Pub., 2000
615.854 JEN g
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Green, Marilyn L.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981
613.2 GRE n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thompson, Janice
"Capitalizes on students' natural interest in nutrition by demonstrating how nutrition relates to their health. This book includes applied features such as Nutri-cases, Nutrition Label Activities, and See for Yourself activities. It also provides hands-on, practical boxes that give students specific information about improving their diets."
San Francisco: Pearson, 2016
613.2 THO n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stipanuk, Martha H.
"This book presents advanced nutrition in a comprehensive, easy-to-understand format ideal for graduate students in nutritional programs, organic chemistry, physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. It focuses on he biology of human nutrition at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and whole-body levels. Full of student-friendly features - chapter outlines; common abbreviations; critical thinking exercises; detailed illustrations; and feature boxes spotlighting key nutritional data, insights, and clinical correlations. In addition, chapters are organized logically into seven units, reflecting the traditional nutrient class divisions. Nutrition Insight boxes take a closer look at basic science and everyday nutrition, going beyond the content presented in the chapter and spotlighting timely topics. Clinical Correlation boxes discuss various nutrition-related problems and help readers make the connections between abnormalities and their effects on normal metabolism. Food Sources and RDAs/AIs across the Life Cycle boxes summarize key information from the USDA National Nutrient Database and the Institute of Medicine into abbreviated, to-the-point lists that easily spotlight the key information related to that content area. Life Cycle Considerations boxes highlight particular nutritional processes or concepts applicable to individuals of various ages and in various stages of the life span. Thinking Critically sections within feature boxes encourage students to apply scientific knowledge to "real-life" situations. A chapter outline and listing of common abbreviations help readers gain an overview of each chapter's content at a glance. Comprehensive cross-referencing by chapters and illustrations is used throughout. Current references and recommended readings introduce readers to the broad range of nutrition-related literature and provide additional tools for research. Information provided by 45 expert contributors. In-depth discussions of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid and their implications for nutrition. An entire chapter devoted to nonessential food components and their health benefits, including dietary supplements and the many possible phytonutrients associated with the decreased risk for chronic diseases. All the latest Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) incorporated throughout. Nearly 100 new illustrations to help visually simplify complex biochemical, physiological, and molecular processes and concepts. More extensive information about the sources of nutrients and the amounts contained in typical servings of various foods"
London: Elsevier, 2013
612.39 STI b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denis Apriyanto
"Status gizi seseorang menunjukkan seberapa besar kebutuhan fisiologis individu tersebut telah terpenuhi. Keseimbangan antara nutrisi yang masuk dan energi dikeluarkan untuk mencapai kesehatan optimal sangatlah penting, termasuk bagi seorang ibu yang sedang dalam masa menyusui. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi ibu menyusui antara lain usia, genetik, status hormonal, tingkat pendidikan, penghasilan, morbiditas, praktek pemberian ASI eksklusif, dan asupan makanan. Dengan berubahnya faktor-faktor tersebut dapat membuat status gizi ibu menyusui menjadi kurang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional dan dilakukan pada 86 ibu yang mempunyai bayi berusia 1,5 bulan atau lebih yang tinggal di beberapa RW/Posyandu terpilih di Jakarta Utara pada tahun 2009. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari penelitian ”Survei Cepat Ibu Menyusui” pada beberapa Kelurahan di DKI Jakarta tahun 2005. Untuk status gizi, responden dibagi menjadi dua bagian berdasarkan indeks massa tubuh menjadi kurang dan tidak kurang dengan batasan 18,49 kg/m2. Lalu dilakukan uji statistik untuk menilai hubungan usia, tingkat pendidikan, penghasilan, morbiditas, praktek menyusui Asi secara eksklusif dengan status gizi ibu menyusui. Pasien memiliki IMT rerata 22.86 ± 3,79 kg/m2, terdiri dari ibu dengan IMT lebih 47,7%, IMT kurang 11,6%, dan IMT normal 40,7%. Dengan uji Chi-Square dan uji Fisher tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara masingmasing variabel yang diteliti dengan status gizi ibu menyusui (p<0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara antara status gizi subyek dengan usia, tingkat pendidikan, penghasilan, morbiditas, dan praktek pemberian ASI eksklusif di Jakarta Utara pada tahun 2009.

The nutritional status of an individual shows how far the physiological needs have been fulfilled. The balance between the income nutrition and the outcome energy to achieve an optimum health is very important, including for a lactating woman. Factors contributing to the nutritional state of a lactating woman are the age, genetics, hormonal state, level of education, the mother’s income, the mother’s morbidity, the exclusive breastfeeding, and the intake of food. Changing those factors can lead the nutritional state of the lactating mother below the normal range. The design used was the cross-sectional study and had been done in 86 lactating mothers at North Jakarta in the year of 2009. This research uses the secondary data from the ”Quick Survey of Lactating Mother” rersearch at Jakarta in the year of 2005. For the nutritional state, all the respondents are divided into two groups acording to the body mass index, one is underweight group and the other is non-underweight group with the cut off point 18,49 kg/m2. We had been done the statistical test to assess the correlation of the age, level of education, the income, the morbidity, exclusive breastfeeding with the nutritional state of lactating mother. The result is, all the resopndents have a mean of BMI 22.86 ± 3,79 kg/m2, this includes the mothers within the overweight range 47,7%, the mothers within the underweight range 11,6%, and the mothers within the normoweight range 40,7%. With the Chi-Square test and the Fisher test, we did not find the significant relationship between those variables with the nutritional state of lactating mother (p<0,05). So we conclude that there is no significant relationship between the nutritional state of lactating mother with the age, level of education, the income, the morbidity, and the exclusive breastfeeding at North Jakarta in year 2009."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurly Hestika Wardhani
Modernisasi kota-kota besar di Indonesia terutama Jakarta meningkatkan jumlah
perempuan bekerja dengan pcrubahan terhadap gaya hidup terutama dalam jumlah
dan komposisi asupan makanan. Hal tersebut bila disertai dengan mulai
meourunnya honnon estrogen pada perempuan di awal masa klimakterlum,
dikhawatirkan telah teljadi perubahan profil lipid dan distribusi lemak. Tujuan
pcnalitian ini adalah diketahuinya asupan total energi dan asupan makronutrien
serta profit lipid karyawati di awal rna.- klimakterium yaitu usia 35-45 tahun,
serta hubungannya dengan ukuran lingkar pinggang. Stodi ini adalah studi potong
lingtang yang dilakukan di Poliklinik Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata RJ.
Sebanyak 66 orang karyawati menandatangani lembar persetujuan menjadi
subyek pcnelitian, dengan 52 orang (78,8%) subyek menyelesaikan studi ini.
Pengumpulan data ditakukan dengan wawancara, pcngukuran antropometri dan
pcaitaian asupan makanan menggunakan merode food record 3x24 jam.
Dilakukan juga pemeriksaan tahoratorium untuk mengukur kadar kolesterol LDL,
HDL dan trigliserida serum. Rerata ulruran lingkar pinggang subyek adalah 84,8 ±
9,42 em dengao sebagian besar subyek (67,3%) tennasuk dalarn kategori lebih.
Rerata asupan total energi subyek penelitian adalah 1571 ± 303,2 kkal, dengan
sebagian besar subyek tennasuk dalarn kategori cukup jika dibandingkan dengan
kebutoba energi total. Rerata asupan makronutrien untuk karbohidrat adalah 213,7
± 40,73 gr (54,7 ± 6,24 o/oE), sera! 11,2 ± 4,52 gr, protein 54,0 ± 13,25 gr (13,7 ±
1,89 %E), lemak 56,0 ± 17,76 gr (31,6 ± 5,62 %E), SAFA 25,8 ± 8,84 gr (14,6 ±
3,44 %E), MUFA 14,1 ± 5,07 gr (8,0 ± 2,02 %E), PUFA 12,3 ± 5,85 gr (6,9 ±
2,84 %E) dan kotesterol 242,2 ± 118,36 mg per hari. Berdesarkan aujuran asupan
oleh PERKENI, asupan kaibohidrat, protein, MUF A dan PUF A sebagian besar
subyek dikategorlkan cukup. Sementara asupan lemak, SAP A dan kotesterol
sebagian besar subyek dikategorikan lebih dan asupan serat kurang. Kadar
kolesterol LDL, HDL dan trigliserida subyek berturut-turut adalah 126,3 ± 29,71
m8fdL, 58,2 ± 9,46 mg/dL dan 84,7 ± 35,81 mg/dL. Kadar ko1esterol LDL dan
trigliserida serum sebagian besar subyek dalam kategori normal. Kader kolesterol
HDL serum seluruh subyek dahun kategori normal. Tidak terdapat hubungan
bermakna antara jumlah asupan energi total dan masing-masing makronutrien
terhadap ukuran lingkar pinggang. Namun terdepat korelasi derajat lemak
antara kadar trigliserida serum dan ukuran lingkar pinggang.

Modernization on some major cities in Indonesia specially Jakarta bas raised the
number of working women from year to year, and alter their !!restyle including
their total nutrition intake and macronutrient composition. Accompanied with
decreasing estrogen level in early climacteric women, there was big concern that
there had been alteration on lipid profile and fat distribution among these women.
The aim of the study was to evaluate daily intake of total energy, macronutrients
and lipid profile among healthy female government employee on early
climacteric phase (aged 35-45 years), and their association with waist
circumference. This cross sectional study took place in Cultural and Tourism
Department of Republic Indonesia. Sixty six women have provided consent,
while 52 subjects (78.8%) have completed the study. Data collection were
conducted from interviews, anthropometric measurements and dietary assessment
using 3 x 24 hours food record. Serum triglyceride, LDL, HDL cholesterol level
were assessed as well. Mean value of waist circumference was 84.8 ± 9.42 em,
and categorized as high, as well as on the majority of subjects (67.3 %).Mean
value and standard deviation of to!al energy intake was 1571 ± 303,2 kcal, and
categorized as moderate. The mean intake value of carbohydrate was 213,7 ±
40,73 g (54,7 ± 6,24 %E), fiber 11,2 ± 4.52 gr, protein 54.0 ± 13.25 g (13.7 ± 1.89
%E), fut 56.0 ± 17.76 g (3L6 ± 5.62 %E), SAFA 25.8 ± 8.84 gr (14.6 ± 3.44
%E), MUFA 14.1 ± 5.o7 gr (8.0 ± 2.02 %E), PUFA 12.3 ± 5.85 gr (6.9 ± 2.M
%E) and cholesterol 242.2 ± 118.36 mg!day. Based on PER.KENI
recommendation for macronutrient intake, majority of subject's intake of
carbohydrate, protein, MUFA and PUF A were categorized as moderate, the intake
of daily fat, SAFA and cholesterol were high, and all subject's intake of fiber was
low. Subject's serum LDL and HDL cholesterol level were 126.3 ± 29.71 mg/dL
and 58.2 ± 9.46 mg/dL respectively, while serum triglyceride level was 84.7 ±
35.81 mg!dL. Majority of subject's lipid profile categorized as normal. No
significant associations were found among total energy as well as macronutrients
with waist circumference. Nevertheless, there was weak significant association
between triglyceride serum level and waist circumference."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2012
613.2 PRE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
St. Louis: Elsevier, 2017
615.854 KRA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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