ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempeiajari konsumsi glukosa. aktivitas spesifik LDH
dan pola isozim LDH pada kondisi hipoksia sistemik kronik. Penelitian dilakukan
terhadap hati tikus yang diinduksi hipoksia sistemik kronik 1, 3. 7 dan 14 hari.
Konsumsi glukosa diukur dengan metode enzimatik Trlnder. Aktivitas spesiflk LDH
diukur dengan metode German Society of Clinical Chemistry (DGKC). Poia isozim
LDH dianaJisis dengan eJektroforesis Titan Gel. Hasil peneHtian menunjukkan bahwa
konsumsi g!ukosa pada hipoksia sistemik kronik cenderung rneningkat walaupun
tidak. berbeda dengan kontrol. Aktivitas spesIfik LDH ditemukan paling tinggi pada
hipoksia 3 hari sedangkan pola elektroforesis isozim LDH menunjukkan perbeda.an
pada hari ke-3 dan ke-7 hipoksia dengan kontroL Tidak terdapat hubungan antara
konsumsi glukosa dengan aktivitas spesifik LDH.
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to observe glucose consumption, specific activity of
LDH and electrophoretic LDH isoenzyme patterns on systemic chronic hypoxia. The
study was carried out with Jiver tissue of rats exposed to systemic hypoxia for 3, 7
and 14 days. Glucose consumption was measured by Trinder method. The specific
activity ofLDH was performed using Gcnnan Society of Clinical Chemistry (DGKC)
method, while LDH isoenzyme patterns were analyzed using Titcm Gel
electrophoresis, Results indicated that glucose consumption showed tendencies to
increase compared to control group, although the difference were not sigr.itlcant. The
specific activity of LDH was highest on day 3 of the hypoxic group. Electrophoretic
patterns of LDH isoenzyme showed differences on day 3 and day 7 of hypoxia with
controL It is concluded that glucose consumption is not related to specific activity of