"Penelitian ini akan mengungkapkan keterkaitan kebijakan perparkiran yang bisa melengkapi penyediaan angkutan massal Transjakarta Busway serta penerapan electronic road pricing (ERP) dalam mereduksi tingkat kemacetan di Jakarta. Kebijakan pentarifan dan penyediaan lahan parkir merupakan bagian dari strategi Transportation Demand Management (Prayudiyanto dan Tamin, 2007), yang bisa mempengaruhi warga kota dalam menentukan jenis moda transportasinya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dengan teknik stated preference survey dengan responden pengemudi mobil pribadi yang menggunakan fasilitas parkir dalam gedung (off-street parking) di Jalan Thamrin Jakarta untuk mengetahui tingkat Willingness to Pay (WTP) mereka. Analisis logit biner digunakan untuk menentukan utilitas dan probabilitas keputusan perpindahan moda dari kendaraan pribadi ke angkutan umum.
Dari 95 responden yang berhasil menjawab kuesioner dengan benar, 51 diantaranya memperoleh kemudahan pembayaran tarif parkir, baik berupa parkir gratis maupun reimbursable payment dari kantornya. Sedangkan 44 responden menanggung sendiri biaya parkirnya. Nilai WTP untuk Kondisi A (existing condition) mencapai Rp 2.440, untuk Kondisi B (ada perbaikan fasilitas parkir) Rp 2.880, dan Kondisi C (terdapat perbaikan fasiltias parkir dan earmarking untuk angkutan massal) Rp 3.240.
Agar peningkatan tarif parkir berdampak efektif terhadap pembatasan minat masyarakat menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, diperlukan pengetatan peraturan penyediaan lahan parkir maupun perubahan sistem perpajakan parkir sehingga menjadi berorientasi nilai rupiah per lahan parkir yang disediakan.
As a part of the Transport Demand Management strategy for pushing the commuters to leave their private vehicles at home, the existence of reliable mass rapid transit networks should be supported by adequate parking policy for private motorists as well as the implementation of an Electronic Road Pricing system. This research examines the elasticity of parking fee in Thamrin Road (the heart of Jakarta) through a stated preference survey for 95 private motorists who park their cars at parking slots in 6 different buildings located alongside Thamrin Road during working hours. The data shows that 44 respondents pay their parking fee, while the rest of them get either free pass of carpark facility or reimbursable parking fee from their working company. Binary logistic is used to analyze the value of willingness to pay of the priced parking slots below: IDR 2,440 if the existing condition will go ahead, IDR 2,880 if some improvements will come to carpark facilities, and IDR 3,240 if there are both of carpark facility improvements and an earmarking system enforced from parking revenue to Transjakarta Busway. This constellation results at inelastic condition of parking price in Thamrin area, unless there will be significant improvements of both parking retribution system and the limitation of parking slot provision in the office buildings. Those policies are critically required prior to the better implementation of the Transit Oriented Development system in Jakarta. "