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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Carissa Ista Indriani
"[Penicillium marneffei merupakan fungi patogen yang ditemukan di Asia
Tenggara, khususnya Thailand. Penisiliosis dapat menyebabkan mikosis sistemik
sehingga membahayakan nyawa penderita immunocompromised, khususnya
penderita HIV/AIDS. Antifungi seperti Fluconazole dan Ketoconazole, digunakan
untuk mengatasi infeksi P. marneffei. Akan tetapi, penggunaan antifungi secara
jangka panjang dapat memicu kemungkinan munculnya mutan resisten P.
marneffei. Resistensi pada fungi dapat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, salah satunya,
overekspresi transporter pengeluaran obat (drug efflux transporter). Mekanisme
pompa pengeluaran obat diatur oleh berbagai transporter. Transporter yang paling
umum diketahui ialah transporter ABC (ATP-binding-cassette) dan MFS (Major
Facilitator Superfamily). Transporter ABC multidrug (MDR) pada P. marneffei
telah dipelajari dengan baik, sedangkan transporter MFS MDR pada fungi
tersebut, belum mendapatkan perhatian yang sama. Penelitian ini fokus pada satu
transporter MFS MDR P. marneffei, yakni PMAA 067100, yang diekspresikan
pada Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADΔ; sistem ekspresi yang sangat rentan terhadap
berbagai macam antifungi. Pengamatan melalui mikroskop konfokal dan uji Disk
Diffusion menunjukkan bahwa transporter PMAA 067100 terlokalisasi pada
membran sel S. cerevisiae ADΔ dan resisten terhadap Fluconazole dan
Terbinafine.;Penicillium marneffei has been known as a pathogenic fungi which is
found in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand. The infection by this fungi
recognized as Penicilliosis, that caused systemic mycosis, might be lethal in
immunocompromised patient, specifically HIV/AIDS patient. Antifungal such as
Fluconazole and Ketoconazole, had been used against P. marneffei infection.
However, the long-term-use of antifungal might cause an emerging resistant strain
of P. marneffei. The resistance phenomenon in fungi is caused by several factors,
one of it is the overexpression of drug efflux transporter. Mechanism of this efflux
pump is regulated by some of transporters such as ABC (ATP-binding-cassette)
and MFS (Major Facilitator Superfamily) transporter. The ABC multidrug (MDR)
transporter of P. marneffei has been studied well, yet the underrated MFS MDR
transporter of the same fungi has not received the same attention. This study focus
on one of P. marneffei MFS MDR transporter, known as PMAA 067100, which
was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADΔ; an expression system which is
very susceptible to many kind of antifungal. Observation through confocal
microscope and Disk Diffusion test showed that PMAA 067100 transporter was
localized in S. cerevisiae ADΔ cell membrane and resistant against Fluconazole
and Terbinafine., Penicillium marneffei has been known as a pathogenic fungi which is
found in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand. The infection by this fungi
recognized as Penicilliosis, that caused systemic mycosis, might be lethal in
immunocompromised patient, specifically HIV/AIDS patient. Antifungal such as
Fluconazole and Ketoconazole, had been used against P. marneffei infection.
However, the long-term-use of antifungal might cause an emerging resistant strain
of P. marneffei. The resistance phenomenon in fungi is caused by several factors,
one of it is the overexpression of drug efflux transporter. Mechanism of this efflux
pump is regulated by some of transporters such as ABC (ATP-binding-cassette)
and MFS (Major Facilitator Superfamily) transporter. The ABC multidrug (MDR)
transporter of P. marneffei has been studied well, yet the underrated MFS MDR
transporter of the same fungi has not received the same attention. This study focus
on one of P. marneffei MFS MDR transporter, known as PMAA 067100, which
was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ADΔ; an expression system which is
very susceptible to many kind of antifungal. Observation through confocal
microscope and Disk Diffusion test showed that PMAA 067100 transporter was
localized in S. cerevisiae ADΔ cell membrane and resistant against Fluconazole
and Terbinafine.]"
[, ], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yura Vebliza
"Universitas Indonesia Culture collection (UICC) memiliki koleksi strain-strain Rhizopus arrhizus Fischer yang diisolaasi dari tempe dan telah diidentifikasi berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan fisiologi. Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh identitas yang akurat pada tingkat spesies dari lima strain R. arrhizus (UICC 26, UICC 36, UICC 39, UICC 55, dan UICC 121) berdasarkan data sequence daerah internal transcribed spacers ribosomal DNA dan analisis filogenetik. Amplifikasi dan sequencing daerah ITS rDNA dilakukan menggunakan primer forward ITS5 dan primer reverse ITS4. Pencarian homologi sequence dilakukan dengan program BLAST. Sequence alignment dilakukan menggunakan program Clustal X. Konstruksi pohon filogenetik dilakukan menggunakan metode neighbor joining dengan model dua parameter Kimura dan nilai bootstrap 1000 pengulangan. Karakterisasi morfologi dan fisiologi (pengujian pertumbuhan pada variasi suhu) dilakukan untuk melengkapi deskripsi strain. Panjang fragmen daerah ITS rDNA kelima strain R. arrhizus sekitar 600--700 pb.
Hasil BLAST menunjukkan kelima strain UICC memiliki homologi dengan type strain R. oryzae CBS 112.07T pada kisaran 98,9--99,8%. Pohon filogenetik menunjukkan strain UICC 36 dan strain UICC 55 berada dalam satu grup yang monofiletik dengan type strain R. oryzae CBS 112.07T dan neo type R. arrhizus NRRL 1469NT. Saat ini R. arrhizus merupakan sinonim dari R. oryzae, sehingga kedua strain tersebut diidentifikasi sebagai R. oryzae. Strain UICC 26, UICC 39, dan UICC 121 berada dalam satu grup yang monofiletik dengan type strain R. delemar CBS 120.12T, sehingga ketiga strain diidentifikasi sebagai R. delemar. Rhizopus oryzae dan R. delemar merupakan dua spesies yang berkerabat sangat dekat, sehingga secara morfologi tidak dapat dibedakan. Re-identifikasi lima strain R. arrhizus UICC secara molekuler menghasilkan identitas spesies yang berbeda menjadi R. oryzae dan R. delemar, namun karakter morfologi dan fisiologi lima strain tersebut menunjukkan karakter sebagai R. oryzae.
Universitas Indonesia Culture Collection (UICC) has collection of Rhizopus arrhizus Fischer strains, which were isolated from tempeh and were identified based on morphological and physiological characters. The aim of this study was to obtain accurate identification at species level of five strains of R. arrhizus (UICC 26, UICC 36, UICC 39, UICC 55, and UICC 121) based on internal transcribed spacers (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence data and phylogenetic analysis. Amplification and sequencing of ITS region of rDNA were performed using forward primer ITS5 and reverse primer ITS4. Sequence homology search was performed using BLAST. Sequence alignment was carried out using Clustal X. Construction of phylogenetic tree was performed using neighbor joining method, Kimura?s two parameter model and bootstrap values of 1000 iterations. Characterization of morphological features and growth at variation of temperature were carried out to support the description of the strains. The fragment length of ITS region rDNA from five strains of R. arrhizus was about 600--700 bp.
Results of BLAST homology search of the strains showed 98.9--99.8% similarities to the type strain R. oryzae CBS 112.07T. Phylogenetic tree showed that UICC 36 and UICC 55 were clustered together in a monophyletic group with the type strain R. oryzae CBS 112.07T and neo type strain R. arrhizus NRRL 1469NT. Currently, R. arrhizus is a synonym of R. oryzae, therefore both strains were identified as R. oryzae. Strains UICC 26, UICC 39, and UICC 121 were clustered together in a monophyletic group with the type strain R. delemar CBS 120.12T, therefore they were identified as R. delemar. Rhizopus oryzae and R. delemar are very closely related species and morphologically similar. Re-identification of five strains R. arrhizus UICC based on molecular has difference of species identity as R. oryzae and R. delemar, but the five strains show similar morphological and physiological characters as R. oryzae."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book combines state-of-the-art expertise from diverse pathogen model systems to update our current understanding of the regulation of fungal morphogenesis as a key determinant of pathogenicity in fungi."
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library