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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
England : The Avi Publisher, 1967
610.28 FIR s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hatfield, Dolph L., editor
"Many health benefits have been attributed to selenium that include preventing various forms of cancer (e.g., colon cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer), heart disease and other cardiovascular and muscle disorders, inhibiting viral expression, delaying the progression of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients, slowing the aging process, and having roles in mammalian development, including male reproduction and immune function. The purpose of the book is the same as the first two volumes which is to bring an up to date status of current research in the rapidly developing selenium field centered around the health benefits attributed to this element and how this element makes its way into protein."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang: Pitiriasis versikolor (PV) merupakan infeksi jamur superfisial kronik dengan prevalensi tinggi. Belum ada data yang membandingkan sampo SeS2 1,8% dengan ketokonazol 2% pada terapi PV. Tujuan: Mengetahui efikasi mikologis, keamanan, kekambuhan, dan efikasi biaya antara sampo selenium sulfida 1,8% dibandingkan dengan ketokonazol 2% pada PV. Metode: Uji klinis acak tersamar ganda terhadap pasien PV bulan September hingga Desember 2018, dengan terapi sampo SeS2 1,8% atau ketokonazol 2% sesuai dengan alokasi random. Dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik, uji provokasi skuama, lampu Wood, dan kalium hidroksida. Efikasi mikologis dianalisis dengan intention to treat dan kekambuhan dengan analisis per-protokol. Efikasi biaya dengan menghitung Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER). Hasil: Efikasi mikologis lebih tinggi pada ketokonazol 2%, yaitu sebesar 94% vs 86%, tetapi tidak berbeda secara statistik (RR=2,3(95%IK0,6-8,5), p=0,182). Efek samping pada ketokonazol 2% lebih tinggi, yaitu 22% vs 8%. SeS2 1,8% lebih murah 14.880 rupiah, dengan risiko KOH masih positif sebesar 8% lebih tinggi dibanding ketokonazol 2%. Kekambuhan sebulan didapatkan lebih besar pada SeS2 1,8%, yaitu sebesar 8% vs 14%. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan efikasi mikologis, efek samping, dan kekambuhan sebulan, antara SeS2 1,8% dengan ketokonazol 2%. Penggunaan SeS2 1,8% pada terapi PV lebih murah dengan risiko gagal terapi lebih tinggi dibandingkan ketokonazol 2%.
......Background: Pityriasis versicolor (PV) is a chronic superficial fungal infection which highly prevalent. There is no data comparing SeS2 1.8% with 2% ketoconazole shampoo in the treatment of PV. Objective: To assess the mycological efficacy, safety, relaps, and cost-efficacy of SeS2 1.8% and ketoconazole 2% shampoo for the treatment of PV. Methods: A double blind randomized controled trial was performed in patients with PV during September-December 2018, based on block randomization. Physical examinations, scale provocation test, Woods lamp and potassium hydroxide examination were conducted. Intention to treat analysis was performed to evaluated mycological efficacy and per-protocol analysis to evaluated relaps. Cost-efficacy was analyzed by calculating the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER). Result: The mycological efficacy, side effect and relaps were higher in the ketoconazole group; 94% vs 86% (RR=2.3(95%CI 0.6-8.5), p= 0.182), 22% versus 8%, and 14% versus 8%. We found lesser cost for SeS2 1.8% of about 14.880 rupiah with risk of persistent positive KOH smear is 8% higher than ketoconazole. Conclusion: There were no significant differences of mycological efficacy, side effect, and relaps, between both arms. The cost-efficacy revealed a lesser cost for SeS2 1.8% with higher risk of persistent positive KOH as compared to ketoconazole."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pramita Gayatri Dwipoerwantoro
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Fahreza Akbar
Latar Belakang: Selenium secara tidak langsung dapat berpengaruh pada kadar hemoglobin melalui fungsi proteksinya, namun tidak diketahui efeknya secara langsung pada bayi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui korelasi Kadar Selenium dengan Kadar Hemoglobin Bayi Usia 8-10 Bulan di Jakarta Pusat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional yang dilakukan pada 75 sampel sesuai dengan kriteria penelitian. Kadar selenium dalam serum diukur dengan metode LC-MS/MS Liquid Chromatography ndash; Tandem Mass Spectrometry dan kadar hemoglobin diukur menggunakan HemoCue Hemoglobin system yang dilakukan oleh tenaga terlatih. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov dan uji korelasi Pearson korelasi bermakna jika diperoleh p0,05. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat korelasi bermakna antara kadar selenium dengan kadar hemoglobin bayi 8-10 bulan di Jakarta Pusat.

Background Selenium can indirectly influence haemoglobin levels by its protective function, but its effect is unknown on infants. Objective This study is aimed to observe the correlation between selenium levels and haemoglobin levels on 8 to 10 months old infants in Central Jakarta. Method This study applies the crosssectional design which was conducted on 75 samples based on study criteria. Selenium levels were measured by LC MS MS Liquid Chromatography ndash Tandem Mass Spectrometry method and haemoglobin levels were assessed using HemoCue Hemoglobin system by trained personnel. The data was analyzed with KolmogorovSmirnov test and Spearman correlation test significant correlation if p0.05 . Discussion In conclusion, there was no significant correlation between selenium levels and haemoglobin levels on 8 to 10months old infants in Central Jakarta. p 0.53."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamburian, Christha Zenithy
"Cedera iskemia reperfusi (CIR) berperan pada patofisiologi sejumlah besar penyakit diantaranya Acute limb ischemia (ALI). Kerusakan yang terjadi dapat bersifat lokal, tetapi juga dapat berefek sistemik yaitu kerusakan organ jauh seperti paru-paru. Kerusakan paru-paru yang terjadi akibat CIR merupakan mekanisme kompleks yang melibatkan pembentukan Reactive oxygen species (ROS), mediator inflamasi dan aktivasi neutrofil. Salah satu strategi untuk mengurangi kerusakan yang terjadi adalah dengan pemberian antioksidan. Selenium merupakan komponen penting dari enzim antioksidan, Glutation peroksidase (GPx) yang dapat mengikat ROS sehingga sel terlindungi dari kerusakan.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan derajat kerusakan paru-paru akibat CIR tungkai pada tikus Sprague-Dawley (SD) yang diberikan selenium dengan yang tidak diberikan selenium. Penelitian eksperimental ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas kedokteran hewan, IPB dan Departemen Patologi Anatomi RSCM, Fakultas Kedokteran UI. Lima belas tikus SD dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol atau iskemia reperfusi tanpa pemberian selenium (A), kelompok yang dilakukan iskemia, diberikan selenium lalu direperfusi (B) dan kelompok yang dilakukan iskemia, direperfusi lalu diberikan selenium (C). Iskemia pada semua hewan coba dilakukan selama 2 jam dengan meligasi a. femoralis komunis bilateral dan reperfusi dilakukan selama 3 jam. Dosis selenium yang diberikan yaitu 0,2mg/kgBB secara intravena.
Setelah dilakukan reperfusi, hewan coba dikorbankan, jaringan paru-paru direseksi dan dilakukan analisis histopatologik. Pada kelompok A, median derajat kerusakan paru-paru adalah berat, kelompok B adalah ringan dan kelompok C adalah sedang (p=0,015). Dilakukan analisis post hoc, didapatkan perbedaan bermakna gambaran histopatologik kelompok A dibanding kelompok B (p=0,011) dan kelompok A dibanding kelompok C (p=0,031), sedangakan perbandingan antara kelompok B dan kelompok C tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,221). Sebagai kesimpulan, pemberian selenium dapat menurunkan derajat kerusakan jaringan paru-paru akibat CIR tungkai pada tikus SD.
Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of a large number of diseases including Acute limb ischemia (ALI). IRIs damage can occur locally, but also systemic to distant organs such as the lung. Lung damage caused by IRI is a complex mechanism that involves the formation of Reactive oxygen species (ROS), inflammatory mediators and neutrophil activation. One strategy to reduce the damage is administering antioxidant therapy. Selenium is a component of the antioxidant enzyme, Glutathione peroxidase (GPx), which can bind ROS and protect the cell.
The aim of this study to compare the degree of lung injury due to ischemia-reperfusion limb in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats given selenium with those not. This experimental study was conducted at the Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB and the Department of Pathology Anatomy RSCM, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia. Fifteen Sprague-Dawley male rats were divided randomly into 3 groups: group ischemia-reperfusion or control (A), group ischemia-reperfusion with selenium before reperfusion (B) and group ischemia-reperfusion with selenium after reperfusion (C). All animals were undergone 2 hours of ischemia by occlusion femoral artery and 3 hours of reperfusion. Selenium was given IV at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg.
After reperfusion, all animals were euthanized and the lung tissue harvested for histopathological analysis. In group A, the median degree of lung injury was severe, group B was mild and group C was moderate (p = 0.015). Post hoc analysis was performed, there was a significant difference between group A compared to group B (p = 0.011) and group A compared to group C (p = 0.031), while the comparison between group B and group C was not significantly different (p = 0.221). In conclusion, the administration of selenium significantly decreases lung injury induced by limb ischemia-reperfusion in SD rats."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Hartin Rahaju
"An exploration of selenium containing herbs was carried out in the Kerinci -Sumatra, Toraja highland-Sulawesi and Rinjani-Lombok. The herbs were sampled according to their morfofisiological characters and local etnopharmalogical information. The analitical parameters were the selenium and selenomethionine content as measured by ASS and GC respectivelly, gluthathione peroxidase as measured biochemically dan cell model shrinkage observation to reveal the selenium containing extract effect on celluler development. The result indicates the diversity of both content and functional selenium compounds in the selected herbs. The relatively high selenium content herbs such as allium sativum 1 NHR had hingher gluthathione peroxidase and hence its antioxidant activity. However the relatively lower selenium content of physalis angulata 33NHR was able to induce more cell model shrinkage. The phenomenon of relation among selenium based selenoamino acid, antioxidant and cell shrinkage potential need to be futher studies on these selected herbs."
Bogor: Pusat Penelitian Biologi, 2009
BBIO 9:4 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liu, Junqiu
"This book provides both the basic biology and biochemistry knowledge of selenoproteins, and sophisticated approaches for the development of new selenoprotein mimics."
Heidelberg : Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nurul Kirana
Latar belakang: Kerusakan oksidatif berperan dalam proses penuaan dan juga beberapa penyakit degeneratif. Menjaga status antioksidan tubuh merupakan hal penting dalam mencegah terjadinya kerusakan oksidatif. Selenium adalah mineral yang penting mengingat perannya dalam pembentukan enzim antioksidan (selenoprotein), salah satunya glutation peroksidase untuk perlindungan terhadap radikal bebas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan antara asupan selenium dan aktivitas glutation peroksidase dengan karbonil plasma pada usia lanjut. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan di 5 Posbindu di Jakarta Selatan. Dilakukan wawancara untuk mengetahui identitas dan riwayat penyakit kronis. Data aktivitas fisik didapat melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE). Indeks massa tubuh diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan antropometri berupa berat badan dan tinggi badan dari konversi tinggi lutut. Data asupan makan subjek diperoleh dari wawancara food recall 24 jam pada satu hari kerja dan satu hari libur serta Semi Quantitative-Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). Pemeriksaan laboratorium dilakukan di laboratorium biokimia FKUI untuk mengetahui aktivitas glutation peroksidase, dan karbonil plasma. Hasil: Sebanyak 94 usia lanjut dengan rerata usia 70,34 ± 6,079 tahun mengikuti penelitian ini. Sebanyak 40% subjek mempunyai status gizi normal dengan 69,1% subjek memiliki riwayat penyakit kronis. Sebanyak 75,5% subjek pada penelitian ini belum mencukupi kebutuhan asupan selenium yang direkomendasikan Rerata kadar karbonil plasma 5,83 ± 1,95 nmol/ml dan 69,1% subjek mempunyai aktivitas glutation peroksidase yang rendah.. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat korelasi antara asupan selenium dengan aktivitas glutation peroksidase. Pada analisis multivariat asupan selenium dan tiga variabel perancu yaitu usia, indeks massa tubuh, dan asupan beta karoten hanya mempengaruhi kadar karbonil plasma sebanyak 3,7%. Diskusi: Hasil asupan selenium pada penelitian ini jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Makanan sumber selenium banyak berasal dari makanan berprotein yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari sehingga data asupan selenium didapat dari gabungan antara food recall 2 x 24 jam dan SQ-FFQ. Pemeriksaan status kognitif subjek juga perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan ada tidaknya gangguan kognitif. Pemeriksaan status antioksidan endogen lain seperti glutation (GSH) juga perlu dilakukan pada penelitian berikutnya untuk mengetahui faktor lain yang mempengaruhi aktivitas glutation peroksidase dalam menekan kerusakan oksidatif pada usia lanjut.

Introduction: Oxidative stress contributed in aging process and several degenerative diseases. Maintaining the body's antioxidants status were important to prevent oxidative stress. Selenium was an important trace element due to as a component of antioxidants enzymes (selenoproteins), including glutathione peroxidase for protection against free radical. We aimed to study the association between selenium intake and glutathione peroxidase activity with plasma carbonyl in elderly. Methods: Cross sectional study was held in 5 elderly communities in south Jakarta. Identity and chronic disease history were obtained from interview and Physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE) questionnaire used for assess physical activity. Weight and knee height measurement used to determine body mass index. Dietary intake data obtained from repeated 24 hours recall and Semi Quantitative-Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). laboratory examination held in laboratory of biochemistry FKUI for assess glutathione peroxidase activity and plasma carbonyl level. Results: There were 94 elderly with mean of age 70.34 ± 6.079 years old contributed to this study. 40 % subjects had normal nutritional status and 69.1 % subject had history of chronic disease. There were 75.5 % subject had low intake of selenium. Mean of plasma carbonyl was 5.83 ±1.95 nmol/ml and 69.1% subject had low glutathione peroxidase activity. Statistical analysis results showed there were no significant correlation between selenium intake and glutathione peroxidase. In multivariate analysis selenium intake, age, body mass index, and beta-carotene intake explained 3,7% of the plasma carbonyl. Discussion: The result of selenium intake in current study much lower than previous study. Dietary selenium data obtained from repeated 24 hours recall combine with FFQ-SQ because the selenium food source similar with protein foods that consume daily. Assessment of cognitive function among subject needed for ensure cognitive status related to ability to remember dietary intake. Status of endogen antioxidant including glutathione (GSH) need to be considered for understanding about another factor that influence glutathione peroxidase in preventing oxidative stress."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clara Gunawan
"Panjang badan merupakan salah satu parameter kualitas hidup anak. Pertumbuhan linier dipengaruhi oleh mikronutrien, salah satunya selenium. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui korelasi kadar selenium dan panjang badan bayi usia 8-10 bulan di Jakarta Pusat. Metode penelitian berupa cross sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2014. Terdapat 75 data yang digunakan yang sesuai kriteria penelitian. Data dikumpulkan di lokasi Cempaka Putih Barat, Kramat, Paseban, dan Rawasari. Kadar selenium diukur menggunakan metode LCMS/MS, sementara panjang badan diukur dengan length board. Distribusi data kadar selenium normal dan panjang badan dengan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Dilakukan uji bivariat menggunakan korelasi Pearson dengan nilai p yang dianggap bermakna < 0,05. Karakteristik subjek terbanyak berdasarkan jenis kelamin adalah bayi perempuan sebanyak 39 bayi 52 . Sementara, bayi terbanyak berdasarkan usia adalah usia 8 bulan sebanyak 34 bayi 45,33 . Rerata kadar selenium 63,0267 13,2665 ?g/L dan rerata panjang badan 70,5453 2,8048 cm. Uji korelasi menghasilkan nilai r 0,277 p=0,016 . Dari penelitian ini, korelasi kadar selenium dan panjang badan bersifat lemah, signifikan, dan berbanding lurus.

Body length is one of the life quality parameters. Linear growth is influenced by micronutrients, one of which is selenium. The aim of this study is to find whether there is a correlation between selenium level and body length on 8 to 10 month old infants in Central Jakarta. This study used cross sectional method using secondary data from study which was done in 2014. There are 75 data which are used in this study which fulfill research criteria. Data were collected in Cempaka Putih Barat, Kramat, Paseban, and Rawasari. Selenium level was measured by LCMS MS method while body length was measured by length board. Selenium level and body length data distribution are normal using Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Bivariat test used Pearson correlation using p value which is considered significant is 0,05. The highest number in gender group is female babies, 39 babies 52 . While the highest number in age group is 8 month old babies, 34 babies 45,33 . The selenium level mean is 63,0267 13,2665 g L while the body length mean is 70,5453 2,8048 cm. Correlation study result is r 0,277 p 0,016 . From this study, the correlation between selenium level and body length is weak, significant, and positively proportional."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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