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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Napitupulu, Astrid Wulandari Emeline
"Penerapan rheraplay diberikan kepada anak laki-laki berusia 5.5 tahun dengan Reactive Attachment Disorder Inhibited Type, yaitu anak yang secara persisten gagal memulai atau rnerespon dengan cam yang tepat pada kcbanyakan interaksi sosial. Tujuan dari intervensi adalah mengctahui pengamh penerapan rheraplay terhadap hubungan antara orangtua dan anak dengan Reactive Attachment Disorder. Penerapan scsi theraplay yang berlangsung selama dua bulan dilakukan dalam rangkaian dua scsi asesmen pre-test, sembilan sesi theraplay, dan satu scsi post-test untuk melihat perubahan kuaiitas hubungan antam orangtua dan anak. Setelah theraplay selesai dilakukan, terlihat ada peningkatan kualitas hubungan antara orangtuadananak.Orangt\1alebihnampakmemahami tingkahlakuanakdan rnenyadari pentingnya peran orangtua dalam hubungan orangiua dengan anak dan pengaruhuya terhadap rasa tidak aman yang ada dalam diri anak. Anak menjadi lebih terbuka dalam mcnerirna kegiatan yang membuatnya tentram dan nyaman; dan lebih dapat mengikuti aturan dan batasan yang diberikan oleh orangtua dibandingkan dengan kondisi sebelumnya. Beberapa satan yang dapaf dibexikan antara Iain: Ibu memperbanyak waktu berkualitas dengan anak dau mmgisinya dengan interaksi yang telah diperkenalkan dalam sesi theraplay orangtua meme:-iksa kegiatan rutin yang hams dilakukan secara konsisten oleh anak, dan diadakannya konseling pemikahan ataupun theraplay bagi Ayah dan Ibu......Theraplay treatment was given for a 5.5 year old boy with Reactive Attachment Disorder Inhibited Type, whom persistenly fails to initiate and to respond appropriately in most social interactions. The aim of intervention is to know how theraplay influencing the relationship between the child and his caretakers. The theraplay treatment carried out for two months andconsists of twelve sessions sequenee;which is two sessions of pre-test assesment., nine sessions of theraplay treatment, and one session of posttest. Posttest session was held to see the change of attachment quality in the relationship between the parent and the child. After the theraplay treatment had been given, there was enhancement of attachment quality in the relationship between thc parent and the child. The parent could understand her child better. Furthermore, the parent had an increased awareness about the importance of panent?s role in making a relationship with a good quality of attachment with their children. Parents also now understand how insecure attachment developed. After the treatment, the child was more at ease when taking nurturing activities. Moreover, the child followed the structured activity while being in his parents control better compared to when he had not in the theraplay treatment. Some suggestions that was given are: having more quality time between the parent and the child by using the theraplay dimension activities, the parent should consistently checking the child's routine activities, and referring marriage counseling or theraplay for the parents."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathya Artha Utami
Anak memiliki regulasi diri yang baik apabila ia mampu mengendalikan tindakannya. Pada usia prasekolah, kemampuan regulasi diri diharapkan sudah dikuasai oleh anak agar bisa berfungsi lebih baik pada kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya lingkungan sosial. Jika kemampuan ini terhambat, maka anak dapat menunjukkan berbagai permasalahan khususnya masalah perilaku dan menghambat berbagai aspek kehidupannya. Beberapa studi menemukan bahwa masalah regulasi dapat diminimalisir sedini mungkin melalui attachment yang positif dengan pengasuhnya. Sikap sensitif dan responsif orangtua berkontribusi terhadap secure attachment anak yang berdampak pada perkembangan regulasi dirinya. Pada kasus B, yang berusia 4 tahun 1 bulan, ia memiliki masalah regulasi diri sekaligus attachment dengan orangtua. Dalam menangani kasus tersebut, pada penelitian ini theraplay digunakan dengan melibatkan orangtua. Penelitian ini menggunakan single-case design. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan theraplay efektif dalam menangani masalah regulasi diri pada B yang terlihat dari perubahan perilaku B dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, penurunan skor perilaku pada profil CBCL, dan perubahan positif pada interaksi orangtua anak yang dilihat secara kualitatif dari MIM.

Children have a good self-regulation if he is able to control his actions. At preschool age, the ability of self-regulation is expected to be mastered by the child to function better in everyday life, especially social context. If this ability is hampered, then the child can indicate a variety of problems, especially problems of behavior and inhibit various aspects of life. Some studies found that regulatory issues can be minimized as early as possible through a positive attachment with a caregiver. Sensitive and responsive attitude of the parents contribute to the child's secure attachment which affect the development of the self-regulation itself. In the case of B, aged 4 years and 1 month, he has a problem with self-regulation at the same attachment parenting. In dealing with such cases, theraplay used in this study by involve parents. This study uses a single-case design. Results from this study indicate that the application of theraplay effective in addressing the problem of self-regulation in B seen from the behavior changes in everyday life, decrease behavioral scores on CBCL profile, and positive changes in parent-child interactions are seen qualitatively from MIM.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adisti Fathimah Soegoto
"Theraplay merupakan suatu intervensi yang berdasarkan pada teori attachment dan bertujuan untuk mcningkatkan hubungan yang positif antara anak dau pengasuh. Terdapat empat dimensi dalam theraplay, yaitu structuring, engaging, challenging, dan nurlming. Theraplay antara lain dapat diterapkan pada anak yang agresifl mengalami ADHD, atau mengaiami maltreatment.
Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, theraplay dibenkan kepada anak Iaki-laki berusia 7 tahun yang mengalami Child Mallreatmenl dari kedua orangtua, herupa physical abuse dan emotional abuse. Berdasarkan hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya, fheraplay terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan interaksi positif antara orangtua dan anak yang mengalarni child maltreatment.
Penerapan sesi theraplay yang berlangsung selama tiga bulan dilakukan dalam rangkaian dua scsi pre-intervention assessmen! menggunakan Marschak Interaction Method, scpuluh scsi llzeraplqv, dan satu sesi post-intervention assessmen: untuk melihat perubahan kualitas hubungan antara orangtua dan anak. Setelah mengikuti theraplay, Frekuensi Ibu dalam melakukan emotional abuse dan physical abuse menjadi berkurang. [bu merasa hubungannya dengan anak menjadi lebih baik dan Iebih menyenangkan.
......Theraplay is an intervention which based on attachment theory. The main focus of this therapy is to develop and enhance relationship between caregiver and child. There are four dimensions on theraplay: structuring, engaging, challenging, and nurturing. Theraplay can be applied in many cases, such as on aggresive child, child with ADHD, or child who experiences maltreatment.
In this final project, theraplay was given for a 7 years old boy, who had been maltreated by his parents, physically and emotionally. Based on previous researches, theraplay is proven success to improve parent child interaction for children who had been maltreated by their parents.
The theraplay treatment carried out for thrcc months and consists of three sequences, which are pre-intervention assessment using Marschack Interaction Method, ten sessions of theraplay intervention, and post-intervention assessment using Marschack Interaction Method. Post-intervention assessment was held to see the change of quality in the relationship between the parent and the child. After the theraplay treatment had been given, the Eequency of physical and emotional maltreatment, decrease, and positive interaction between mother and child was established. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library