"Sistem pelayanan kesehatan memiliki tantangan besar yakni untuk memberikan pelayanan berkualitas tinggi dengan sumber daya yang terbatas contohnya seperti mengenai tarif. Sebanyak 30 - 40% total biaya pelayanan kesehatan adalah biaya perbekalan farmasi. Apoteker bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai di rumah sakit. Kegiatan pengelolaan meliputi pemilihan yang berkaitan pula dengan penetapan harga.Mengumpulkan data dari rumah sakit mengenai daftar paket Tindakan 2023, estimasi tarif paket tindakan 2022, harga beli obat dan BMHP per 2023, serta harga jual obat dan BMHP per tahun 2023. Kemudian data yang didapatkan diolah dengan Microsoft Excel.Terdapat dua paket tindakan yang dilengkapi estimasi biayatindakannya di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia yakni Paket Tindakan Tiroidektomi dan Venography. Terdapat 141 paket tindakan yang dikoreksi dan diperbaharui estimasi biaya tindakannya di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia yangsebagian besar mengalami kenaikan. Hal ini disebabkan karena beberapa faktor seperti kenaikan dari supplier, kenaikan bahan baku obat, dan lainnya.Diperlukan adanya pembaharuan tarif harga secara rutin agar mengoptimalkan pelayanankefarmasian di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia.
The health service system has big challenges, namely providing high quality services with limited resources, for example regarding tariffs. As much as 30 - 40% of the total cost of health services is the cost of pharmaceutical supplies. Pharmacists are responsible for managing pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and consumable medical materials in hospitals. Management activities include elections related to price setting. Collecting data from hospitals regarding the list of 2023 surgery packages, estimated rates for 2022 surgery packages, purchasing prices for drugs and BMHP as of 2023, as well as selling prices for drugs and BMHP as of 2023. Then the data obtained processed using Microsoft Excel. There are two surgical packages which include an estimate of the cost of the procedure at the University of Indonesia Hospital, namely the Thyroidectomy and Venography Surgery Packages. There were 141 surgical packages that were corrected and updated in the estimated cost of procedures at the University of Indonesia Hospital, most of which experienced an increase. This is due to several factors such as increases from suppliers, increases in medicinal raw materials, and others. It is necessary to regularly update price rates in order to optimize pharmaceutical services at the University of Indonesia Hospital."