"[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penerapan perbaikan proses bisnis pada salah
satu divisi riset di Bank XYZ untuk aktivitas penyebarluasan laporan hasil
analisis tim atau Economic Report Dissemination. Penulis menerapkan model
rekayasa ulang proses bisnis (Business Process Re-Engineering/BPR) dari
Muthu, Whitman et al (1999) yang terdiri dari lima tahapan yakni persiapan,
pemetaan proses saat ini, perancangan proses baru, implementasi dan perbaikan
berkelanjutan. Dalam memetakan proses bisnis, penulis menggunakan alat bantu
flowchart dan kerangka perbaikan proses Baltzan (2014) dalam mengidentifikasi
masalah dalam proses saat ini.;This research discuss about the implementation of Business Process
Improvement (BPI) in XYZ Bank?s research division. The object of this research
is their main activity called Economic Report Dissemination (ERD) which is the
process to distribute economic report throughout the firm in accordance to its
needs. This research followed Muthu, Whitman et al (1999) Business Process
Reengineering consolidated model that consist of five steps include preparation,
current process mapping, develop new process, implementation and continuous
improvement. The current and to-be process was drawn using flowchart. To
identify the problem in current process, Baltzan (2014) business process
improvement model was used.;This research discuss about the implementation of Business Process
Improvement (BPI) in XYZ Bank?s research division. The object of this research
is their main activity called Economic Report Dissemination (ERD) which is the
process to distribute economic report throughout the firm in accordance to its
needs. This research followed Muthu, Whitman et al (1999) Business Process
Reengineering consolidated model that consist of five steps include preparation,
current process mapping, develop new process, implementation and continuous
improvement. The current and to-be process was drawn using flowchart. To
identify the problem in current process, Baltzan (2014) business process
improvement model was used., This research discuss about the implementation of Business Process
Improvement (BPI) in XYZ Bank’s research division. The object of this research
is their main activity called Economic Report Dissemination (ERD) which is the
process to distribute economic report throughout the firm in accordance to its
needs. This research followed Muthu, Whitman et al (1999) Business Process
Reengineering consolidated model that consist of five steps include preparation,
current process mapping, develop new process, implementation and continuous
improvement. The current and to-be process was drawn using flowchart. To
identify the problem in current process, Baltzan (2014) business process
improvement model was used.]"