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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Inez Novialita Primanti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalis pengaruh pembangunan ekonomi yang diukur dengan menggunakan indikator-indikator pembangunan terhadap penurunan dampak bencana alam, yang diindikasikan dengan tingkat kematian dan kerusakan ekonomi yang dialami oleh 18 negara APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) dari tahun 1999 sampai 2013. Tingkat kematian dan kerusakan ekonomi keduanya dipengaruhi oleh indikator pembangunan ekonomi umum, yakni tingkat PDB per kapita, tingkat keterbukaan perdagangan, pengeluaran umum (total) pemerintah dan tingkat korupsi yang memiliki hubungan negatif terhadap kedua variabel dependen, kemudian diikuti oleh variabel kontrol berupa jumlah kejadian per bencana alam dan kepadatan populasi. Dengan berbagai metode dan tes terhadap data panel, ditemukan bahwa meningkatnya pembangunan ekonomi memang mengurangi kedua dampak dari bencana alam yakni tingkat kematian dan kerusakan ekonomi per PDB dengan pendapatan per kapita, keterbukaan perdagangan, tingkat korupsi dan pengeluaran pemerintah sebagai variabel yang signifikan. Walaupun di beberapa model tidak sesuai dengan hipotesa.
This study aims to analyze the impact of economic development measured through notable development indicators, upon natural disaster impacts reduction indicated by total human loss and economic damages sustained by each 18 observed APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) member countries from 1999 until 2013. Both human losses and economic damages are affected by the same economic development indicators, namely GDP per capita, trade openness, general government expenditure and corruption level with negative relationship as well as some controlling variables, occurrence per disasters and population density with positive relationship upon both natural disaster impacts being used. Through several methods and tests on panel data, the results obtained had proved that economic development indicators did reduced impacts from natural disasters for both total deaths and economic damages with income per capita, size of government, trade openness and corruption level being significantly able in affecting disaster impacts reduction. Although in some models the hypothesis does not hold.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damayanti Wardyaningrum
Abstrak :
The study of network communication has significant implication for disaster mitigation research. Network communication providing map for information dissemination regarding disaster mitigation, quantifying the relations between people, the vulnerable people need evacuation could be identified, and the intervention to the group in network communication could help people to promote the behaviour changing in disaster mitigation. The concept strength of weak ties as one of the sub concept of network communication by Granovetter use for these research. His research find that pople use their weak ties than their strong ties to have new information for getting new job. Contrary, for finding information in disasaster mitigation the use of strong ties is more dominant than the use of strong ties. This research has some significant finding. First, there are diferences in structure of tweleve network communication in some elements of centralization, betwenes, diameter and size. Second, the network decentralized to the people in social structure, common local people and people from outside vilages. Third, local people prefer using their strong ties rather than using their weak ties in seeking disaster mitigation information. Fourth, there is no significant diferences between people using the information (old information and new information regarding the mitigation disaster) and their relation (strong ties or weak ties). Fitfth, Javanese culture affect the serve of strong ties. Those are patrilineal culture, collectives culture and the traditional perception regarding Merapi volcanoe that still remain in some local people.
Kajian jaringan komunikasi merupakan disiplin ilmu yang memiliki kontribusi penting dalam penanganan bencana. Penyebaran informasi lebih cepat dilakukan pada jaringan yang padat, orang yang terisolasi dari jaringan cenderung tidak selamat ketika terjadi bencana, serta intervensi pada kelompok dapat dilakukan dengan menempatkan aktor-aktor pada jaringan untuk mempromosikan perubahan perilaku. Jaringan juga memainkan peranan dalam adaptasi berbasis komunitas pada peristiwa bencana. Konsep kekuatan ikatan lemah (strength of weak ties) menekankan bahwa orang memperoleh informasi tentang pekerjaan baru dari ikatan lemah (weak ties). Sebaliknya, mereka yang memiliki sedikit ikatan lemah (weak ties) akan tercabut dari akses informasi dan cenderung terikat hanya pada informasi dari berita-berita di sekitar wilayahnya atau dari teman-teman dekatnya saja dan menghilangkan berbagai kesempatan dalam mengakses ide-ide baru serta peluang di pasar tenaga kerja. Dari penelitian diperoleh beberapa temuan penting. Pertama, terdapat perbedaan struktur pada dua belas jaringan komunikasi dalam mitigasi bencana untuk elemen sentralitas, antara, diameter, kepadatan, dan ukuran jaringan. Kedua, sentralitas jaringan tersebar ke orang-orang yang merupakan orang-orang di struktur sosial, warga dusun biasa dan orang-orang yang berasal dari luar dusum. Ketiga, warga dusun lebih mengandalkan relasi dengan ikatan kuat (strong ties) dibandingkan dengan ikatan lemah (weak ties) dalam memperoleh informasi tentang bencana. Keempat, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara jenis informasi yang digunakan warga dusun (informasi lama atau informasi baru) dengan jenis relasi warga (strong ties atau weak ties) Kelima, ikatan kuat (strong ties) yang terbentuk karena lingkup budaya Jawa yang menganut patrilineal, kolektivis dan masih adanya sebagian masyarakat yang memiliki kepercayaan tradisional tentang Merapi.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nana Sebastian
Abstrak :
Pulau Pramuka, di Kepulauan Seribu Utara merupakan pulau mikro dengan luas daratan pulau 16 Ha yang dikelilingi perairan yang luas. Pulau Pramuka terlalu kecil jika digolongkan sebagai pulau kecil menurut UU No.27 Tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, yakni dengan luas maksimum 2000 km2.. Hal tersebut berdampak pada tidak adanya peraturan yang sesuai untuk mewadahi kekhasan pulau mikro, termasuk rencana penataan ruangnya. Oleh karena itu, melalui skripsi ini, saya ingin mencari tahu bagaimana penataan ruang Pulau Pramuka selama ini, dan bagaimana penataan ruang yang sesuai dengan kekhasan Pulau Pramuka. Hasilnya, penataan ruang Pulau Pramuka selama ini belum mewadahi kekhasan Pulau Pramuka sebagai pulau mikro. Penataan ruang pulau mikro seharusnya memiliki struktur dan pola ruang yang berasal dari analisa tapak yang komprehensif terhadap pulau mikro, memiliki integrasi antara ruang darat dan ruang laut dalam satu gugus pulau mikro, serta penataan ruangnya memiliki aspek mitigasi bencana melalui strategi adaptif yang diterapkan pada tapaknya. ABSTRACT
Pramuka Island, located in North Kepulauan Seribu, is a micro island with land area around 16Ha, surrounded by vast waters. Should be classified into micro island, Pramuka Island is considered too small according to definition of small island in UU No.27 Tahun 2007 about Management of Coastal and Small Islands, which maximum land area is 2000 km2. It has an impact on the lack of appropriate regulations to accommodate the peculiarities of micro island, including it?s spatial planning. Therefore, through this undergraduated thesis, I want to find out how the spatial planning works on Pramuka Island during this time, and how the spatial planning supposed to be in accordance with the peculiarities of the micro island. The result is that, the existing spatial planning has not yet accommodated the peculiarities of Pulau Pramuka as a micro island. Micro island?s spatial planning should have spatial structure and spatial pattern derived from comprehensive site analysis of the micro island, have integration between land space and sea space within a group of micro island, and have disaster mitigation aspect through adaptive strategy that is implied onto the site. ;Pramuka Island, located in North Kepulauan Seribu, is a micro island with land area around 16Ha, surrounded by vast waters. Should be classified into micro island, Pramuka Island is considered too small according to definition of small island in UU No.27 Tahun 2007 about Management of Coastal and Small Islands, which maximum land area is 2000 km2. It has an impact on the lack of appropriate regulations to accommodate the peculiarities of micro island, including it?s spatial planning. Therefore, through this undergraduated thesis, I want to find out how the spatial planning works on Pramuka Island during this time, and how the spatial planning supposed to be in accordance with the peculiarities of the micro island. The result is that, the existing spatial planning has not yet accommodated the peculiarities of Pulau Pramuka as a micro island. Micro island?s spatial planning should have spatial structure and spatial pattern derived from comprehensive site analysis of the micro island, have integration between land space and sea space within a group of micro island, and have disaster mitigation aspect through adaptive strategy that is implied onto the site. , Pramuka Island, located in North Kepulauan Seribu, is a micro island with land area around 16Ha, surrounded by vast waters. Should be classified into micro island, Pramuka Island is considered too small according to definition of small island in UU No.27 Tahun 2007 about Management of Coastal and Small Islands, which maximum land area is 2000 km2. It has an impact on the lack of appropriate regulations to accommodate the peculiarities of micro island, including it’s spatial planning. Therefore, through this undergraduated thesis, I want to find out how the spatial planning works on Pramuka Island during this time, and how the spatial planning supposed to be in accordance with the peculiarities of the micro island. The result is that, the existing spatial planning has not yet accommodated the peculiarities of Pulau Pramuka as a micro island. Micro island’s spatial planning should have spatial structure and spatial pattern derived from comprehensive site analysis of the micro island, have integration between land space and sea space within a group of micro island, and have disaster mitigation aspect through adaptive strategy that is implied onto the site. ]
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library