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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Adhipradana Prabu Swasito
Abstrak :
[Kebijakan yang didasarkan pada hubungan antar sektor (linkage) menjadi semakin populer beberapa tahun terakhir, dan kebijakan ini telah pula diterapkan di berbagai negara berkembang. Di Indonesia, pemerintah telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan pelarangan eksor mineral mentah yang didasarkan pada hubungan antar sektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keterkaitan antara besarnya nilai hubungan antar sektor dengan kontribusi masing-masing sektor terhadap pendapatan ekspor, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan peningkatan nilai tambah. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sektor yang memiliki nilai hubungan antar sektor yang besar tidak selalu berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap perekonomian. Oleh sebab itu, kebijakan yg didasarkan pada hubungan antar sektor belum tentu tepat sasaran;Policies based on intersectoral input linkages have been very popular and have been implemented in many developing countries. Recently, the Government of Indonesia introduces a policy to restrict exports of unprocessed material, which is based on forward intersectoral input linkages. This essay examines the relationship of sectors’ forward linkages to sectors’ contribution to net export earnings, employment generation and value added creation of Indonesia’s manufacturing sectors between 1995 and 2005. This study finds that industrial sector with high forward linkages not always have high contribution to the economy. Therefore, placing emphasis on forward linkage for policy making is unwarranted, Policies based on intersectoral input linkages have been very popular and have been implemented in many developing countries. Recently, the Government of Indonesia introduces a policy to restrict exports of unprocessed material, which is based on forward intersectoral input linkages. This essay examines the relationship of sectors’ forward linkages to sectors’ contribution to net export earnings, employment generation and value added creation of Indonesia’s manufacturing sectors between 1995 and 2005. This study finds that industrial sector with high forward linkages not always have high contribution to the economy. Therefore, placing emphasis on forward linkage for policy making is unwarranted]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivandes Doli Parulian
Abstrak :
Perbankan memiliki beberapa formula, antara lain CAMEL untuk penilaian kesehatan perbankan dan formula 5C dalam menyalurkan kredit perbankan kepada debitur, tetapi untuk penyaluran dana ke lembaga keuangan mikro melalui linkage program, maka formula yang dipakai ada banyak versi. Penelitian ini menganalisis persepsi perbankan terhadap potensi linkage programme sektor perbankan terhadap lembaga keuangan mikro bentukan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta yaitu Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Kelurahan (KJK PEMK) dengan mengacu pada penelitian Arora dan Meenu (2012) di Punjab, India dengan 8 elemen yaitu welfare, economic, utilize, profit, women empowerment, risiko, beban kerja dan kompetisi. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki kecenderungan sama dengan hasil penelitian Arora dan Meenu (2012) tentang persepsi potensi linkage programme sektor perbankan terhadap keuangan mikro perbankan di Punjab, India terutama terkait pemberdayaan masyarakat miskin produktif agar masyarakat ekonomi lemah tersebut dapat mengembangkan potensi yang dimilikinya sehingga dapat mencapai taraf hidup (welfare) yang lebih berkualitas walaupun tetap terdapat beberapa perbedaan terkait faktor risiko, beban kerja serta persaingan usaha dengan sektor informal yang akan dihadapi jika sektor perbankan menerapkan linkage programme terhadap KJK PEMK.
There are several formulas in banking, such as CAMEL rating for financial health assessment and 5C formula for credit assessment, but there are another versions of formula that is used for banking funds distribution to microfinance institutions through the linkage programme. This study analyzed the bankers? perception about banking linkage programme potentiality for microfinane institutions that created by the Government of DKI Jakarta, namely Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Kelurahan (KJK PEMK) with reference to Arora and Meenu (2012) research in Punjab, India with 8 elements, including welfare, economic, utilize, profit, women empowerment, risks, workload and business competition. The results of this is equally as the results of Arora and Meenu (2012) research on the bankers? perception about banking linkage programme potentiality for microfinane institutions in Punjab, India that mainly related to the empowerment the poor that economically productive so they can develop their potentiality to achieve a higher quality of living standard (welfare), although there are still several considerations related to risk factors, workload and business competition with the informal sector when implementing the banking linkage programme to KJK PEMK., There are several formulas in banking, such as CAMEL rating for financial health assessment and 5C formula for credit assessment, but there are another versions of formula that is used for banking funds distribution to microfinance institutions through the linkage programme. This study analyzed the bankers’ perception about banking linkage programme potentiality for microfinane institutions that created by the Government of DKI Jakarta, namely Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Kelurahan (KJK PEMK) with reference to Arora and Meenu (2012) research in Punjab, India with 8 elements, including welfare, economic, utilize, profit, women empowerment, risks, workload and business competition. The results of this is equally as the results of Arora and Meenu (2012) research on the bankers’ perception about banking linkage programme potentiality for microfinane institutions in Punjab, India that mainly related to the empowerment the poor that economically productive so they can develop their potentiality to achieve a higher quality of living standard (welfare), although there are still several considerations related to risk factors, workload and business competition with the informal sector when implementing the banking linkage programme to KJK PEMK.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
O`om Komariah
Abstrak :
Rumah sakit Fatmawati merupakan rumah sakit vertikal kelas B Pendidikan milik Departemen Kesehatan RI, merupakan rumah sakit rujukan untuk wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Dengan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 117 tahun 2000, maka Rumah Sakit Fatmawati ditetapkan sebagai rumah sakit pemerintah dengan status Perusahaan Jawatan. Rekam medis adalah salah satu sarana pendukung untuk pelayanan kesehatan pasien di rumah sakit, di mana penyelenggaraan rekam medis dimulai saat diterimanya pasien di rumah sakit, diteruskan dengan kegiatan pencatatan data medis pasien selama pasien mendapat pelayanan medis di rumah sakit, dan dilanjutkan dengan penanganan berkas rekam medis yang meliputi penyelenggaraan penyimpanan serta. Hasil dari pemantauan waktu pelayanan rekam medis terhadap 151 berkas rekam medis pasien menunjukan bahwa 95,4 % berkas rekam medis pasien berada di rak penyimpanan berkas rekam medis aktif, 2,6 % berkas rekam medis berada di rak penyimpanan berkas rekam medis in aktif, dan masing - masing 0,7 % berada di ruang rawat dan polildinik. Sedangkan pengembalian berkas rekam medis ke sub bagian rekam medis 61,6 % dilaksanakan setelah seluruh pasien selesai diperiksa oleh dokter, 22,5 % segera setelah pasien selesai diperiksa, dan 15,9 % dilakukan diluar jam kerja. Rata - rata waktu yang diperlukan untuk pelayanan rekam medis di Instalasi Rawat Jalan mulai dari pendaftaran sampai dengan berkas rekam medis diterima di poliklinik adalah 24,82 menit. Rata - rata waktu dari setiap tahapan kegiatan pelayanan rekam medis bervariasi, di mana lama waktu dari pendaftaran sampai persiapan rekam medis adalah 2,67 menit, lama waktu untuk pencatatan pada buku register adalah 3,89 menit, lama waktu untuk pengambilan kembali berkas rekam medis adalah 5,02 menit, lama waktu untuk pencatatan pada buku ekspedisi adalah 4,28 menit, lama waktu untuk penginiman berkas rekam medis adalah 5,42 menit, dan lama waktu penerimaan berkas rekam medis adalah 3,72 menit. Faktor - faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelancaran waktu pelayanan rekam medis antara lain persiapan berkas rekam medis, pencatatan pada buku register, penyeleksian berkas rekam medis per poliklinik pencatatan pada buku ekspedisi, kepadatan rak penyimpanan, keberadaan berkas rekam medis di ruang rawat, keberadaan berkas rekam medis di SMF, keberadaan berkas rekam medis di poliklinik jarak sub bagian rekam medic dengan ruang rawat, jarak sub bagian rekam medis dengan ruang penyimpanan berkas rekam medis in aktif jumlah pasien rawat pengeluaran berkas dari tempat penyimpanan untuk melayani peminjaman apabila diperlukan untuk kepentingan pasien dan keperluan lainnya. Dampak nyata dari terjadinya krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia adanya peningkatan pengunjung di Instalasi Rawat Jalan pada tahun 2000 sebesar 35 % dibandingkan tahun 1999. Di mana rata - rata pengunjung per hari 1200 orang. Hal ini tentu saja merupakan suatu beban yang cukup berat bagi rumah sakit Fatmawati khususnya dalam hal penanganan berkas rekam medis pasien. Salah satu indikator mutu pelayanan pasien di rumah sakit Fatmawati adalah waktu tunggu pasien. Waktu tunggu pasien untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan berkaitan erat dengan waktu pelayanan rekam medis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tentang waktu yang diperlukan untuk pelayanan rekam medic di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Di Rumah Sakit Fatmawati dan bagairnana persepsi pasien dan petugas kesehatan serta faktor - faktor apa yang berhubungan dengan waktu pelayanan rekam medis. Metodologi penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan pengamatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mempergunakan lembar formulir pemantauan waktu pelayanan rekam medis selama tiga hari dengan harapan jumlah sampel minimal yang diperlukan tercapai. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa univariat yaitu untuk melihat distnibusi variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Dan analisa bivariat dengan menggunakan uji Pearson's Correlation untuk melihat hubungan waktu pelayanan rekam medis dengan persepsi pasien dan juga persepsi petugas kesehatan. Sedangkan untuk melihat perbedaan persepsi pasien dan persepasi petugas kesehatan terhadap waktu pelayanan rekam medic dilakukan uji statisti ?t sampel berhubungan? (t paired samples correlations) jalan, kerja sama petugas kesehatan dengan petugas rekam medis, ruang kerja petugas rekam medis menjadi satu dengan ruang penyimpanan berkas rekam medic. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa semakin pendek waktu pelayanan rekam medis maka semakin baik persepsi pasien atas pelayanan rekam medis ( r = -0,112 dengan p = 0,000 ). Hal yang sama juga terjadi dengan persepsi petugas kesehatan, semakin pendek waktu pelayanan rekam medis ternyata semakin baik pula persepsi petugas kesehatan atas pelayanan rekam medis ( r = - 0,121 dengan p = 0,000 ). Jika persepsi pasien dibandingkan dengan persepsi petugas kesehatan, ternyata di antara keduanya ada perbedaan persepsi (t = 0,451 dengan p = 0,000 ). Maka hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa rata - rata lama waktu pelayanan rekam medis adalah 24,82 menit. Semakin pendek waktu pelayanan rekam medis maka semakin baik persepsi pasien atas pelayanan rekam medis. Hal yang sama juga terjadi dengan persepsi petugas kesehatan, semakin pendek waktu pelayanan rekam medis ternyata semakin baik pula persepsi petugas kesehatan atas pelayanan rekam medis. Jika persepsi pasien dibandingkan dengan persepsi petugas kesehatan, ternyata di antara keduanya ada perbedaan persepsi. Dengan diketahui rata-rata waktu pelayanan rekam medis di Instalasi Rawat Jalan, maka dapat dipakai sebagai dasar oleh manajemen rumah sakit Fatmawati untuk menetapkan suatu kebijakan tentang standar waktu pelayanan rekam medis di Instalasi Rawat Jalan.
The Fatmawati hospital is categorized as the B class hospital in vertical education owned by the Indonesian Health Department where the hospitals remarry for south Jakarta territory. This hospital has a capability to perform all kinds of specialist and sub specialist services. Medical record is a supporting tool for health services at this hospital. The performance of medical records begins since the acceptance of a patient in the hospital, continued with registering all patients? data during he gets medical services at the hospital, and finally handling filing in and filing out patient record. One of the impacts of the Indonesian economic crisis increased visitors in Outpatient Department in year 2000 about 35 % compared to 1999. The average visitor comes per day is about 1200 people. This situation absolutely makes a burden to the Fatmawati hospital specifically to the patient's medical record filling. One of the indicators of the patient service quality at Fatmawati Hospital is duration time of waiting for a patient. The waiting time is very connected to the medical record waiting time. The objectives of this research is to have a picture of time needed by the medical record at the Outpatient Department at Fatmawati Hospital, what is patient's and health official perceptions, and what factors are connected to the medical record services time. The methodology research used is survey using cross sectional descriptive. Data collecting used questioner forms that is based on patient's medical records taken for samples. Data collection took 3 days in July 2001. The data is analyzed by univariat to see the distribution of independent and dependent variables. Bivariant analysis uses Pearson's Correlation to see a correlation time services between patient's and health official perceptions. To see the differences patient's and health official's perceptions towards medical record services using "t paired samples correlation". The samples collected and analyzed in this research are 151 medical record's cards. The results of the univariat analysis shows that 95,4 % medical record's patient are at the filing selves of the active medical records, 2,6 % at the filing selves of inactive medical record, and 0,7 % at inpatient rooms and outpatient rooms. The return medical records to medical record department is 61,6 % after all patient services has finished to physical examination by doctors, 22,5% soon after a patient has finished to physical examination by doctor, and 15,9% return medical record after out of working time. Average time of medical record services on outpatient department at Fatmawati hospital is 24.82 minutes, It is distributed by 2.67 minutes for preparing medical records, 3.89 minutes for registration in registration books, 5.02 minutes for retrieving medical, 4.28 minutes for registration of expedition book, 5.42 minutes for sending medical record, and 3.72 minutes for receiving medical record by nurse at the polyclinic. The factors which are correlated with medical record services time are: preparing medical record, registration on registration and expedition book, selection of medical record by policlinic, the density of filing selves, the existing of medical record at inpatient and outpatient rooms, the existing medical record at doctor's office, the distance between medical record department with inpatient room and the filing selves of in active medical records, the sum outpatient per day, coordinating between health staff and medical record staff and the working room of medical record staff and file room medical record becomes one. The result from the bivariat analysis using Pearson correlation is to know how is the correlation between medical record services time to patient's and health official's perceptions, to show correlation coefficient ( r ) between - 0,112 and - 0,121 and p value = 0,000, means that the shorter medical record services time, the better the perceptions of patient's and the health officials' with patient's perceptions compared to health official?s perception, in fact that both has differences perceptions (t = 0.451 and 0.000). Conclusion of the research is that the average medical record services time on outpatient department at Fatmawati hospital is 24.82 minutes, if comparing with the average visitors per day about 1200 peoples, it shows that the shorter medical record services time will be the better patient perception on medical record services. And so the shorter medical record services time will be the better health official perception on medical record services. By knowing the average of medical recording services time, the management can make a policy to decide a standard of medical record services time on outpatient department at Fatmawati Hospital. Medical record linkage
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pamela Kresna
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Bank umum mempunyai kewajiban untuk membiayai UMKM di Indonesia, salah satu caranya melalui linkage program yang dapat berpola executing maupun channeling. Dalam praktek linkage program berpola executing, banyak bank umum meminta jaminan fidusia atas daftar piutang kepada BPR dan melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang diperlukan untuk melindungi dana pinjamannya. Jaminan fidusia atas daftar piutang itu sendiri merupakan salah satu bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi bank umum selain melakukan perjanjian penjaminan dengan perusahaan penjamin dalam rangka mitigasi resiko. Walaupun terdapat unsur mempertaruhkan dana nasabah yang dihimpun oleh BPR dalam menjaminkan daftar piutang tersebut, namun dikarekan terdapat kepentingan nasional yang lebih besar dibandingan kepentingan nasabah BPR maka hal ini diperbolehkan. Tesis ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif yang menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data utama dan data primer berupa wawancara hanya berupa penunjang.
ABSTRACT Commercial banks have obligation to finance development of small medium scale businesses in Indonesia. Linkage program, either with executing or channeling pattern can be used by commercial banks to accomplish the obligation. In the implementation, many commercial banks demand a receivable list from existing debtors as fiduciary security to rural banks. Beside demanding collateral, commercial banks also make a guaranty agreement with credit guarantee company to mitigate the risk of linkage program credit. Altough, there is a customer fund gambling element, but demanding this kind collateral is allowed, since national interest is more important than rural bank?s customer interest. This thesis is juridicial normative research, which is more focused in secondary sources and primary sources in form of interviews with commercial bank officer and notary are used for supporting and complement the research.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Moh. Hiu Dilangit Ramadhan Sasongkojati
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menginvestigasi keterikatan antara politik Brazil dengan bantuan luar negeri A.S. yang terfokus pada “linkage” antara kebijakan luar negeri A.S. dan arah pembuatan kebijakan rezim militer Brazil antara tahun 1964-1985. Pada saat itu, bantuan A.S. melibatkan skema promosi demokrasi sebagai syarat bagi negara penerima bantuan, meski literaturnya belum menghubungkan “gelombang ketiga” demokratisasi dengan bantuan luar negeri A.S., terutama dengan studi kasus per negara sebagai penerima bantuan. Maka, tesis ini bertujuan untuk meletakkan hubungan antara bantuan A.S. sebagai salah satu faktor penyebab demokratisasi di Brazil dengan menggunakan teori modernisasi dan demokratisasi, serta konsep profesionalisme baru militer. Riset ini menggunakan logika bahwa, apabila bantuan A.S. adalah upaya jangka panjang untuk membangun kedekatan dengan negara-negara yang dianggap penting secara geopolitik pada masanya, maka bantuan A.S. bersifat instrumental dalam menghadirkan demokratisasi di Brazil yang berdampak signifikan terhadap politik dalam negeri, walau dipicu secara lintas perbatasan. Tesis ini berkesimpulan dua hal: pertama, militer adalah satu institusi yang bertindak sebagai pemerintah dan juga aktor keamanan yang sekaligus menjadikannya penerima berbagai jenis bantuan, sehingga pengaruh besar militer terhadap masyarakat membuka satu jalur di mana A.S. dapat memengaruhi proses pembuatan keputusan rezim sehingga dapat menjauh dari sikap otoriter dan membuka jalan untuk transisi menuju pemerintahan sipil; kedua, bahwa fokus spesifik terhadap hak asasi manusia memaksa rezim militer untuk mengimbangi keamanan nasional atau hak individu, dalam konteks hubungan ketergantungan dengan A.S. ...... This thesis investigates the interlocking relationship between Brazilian politics and U.S. foreign aid, focusing specifically on the linkage between U.S. foreign policy and the Brazilian military regime’s policymaking directions between 1964-1985. Accordingly, U.S. aid includes democracy promotion as a condition for countries to receive aid, though studies have not gone as far as linking foreign aid to the “third wave of democratization” and, in particular, the experience of individual countries as recipients of aid. This thesis aims to establish the link between U.S. aid and democracy promotion in Brazil through abertura by employing the theories of modernization and international factors of democratization. The research embraces the logic that, if U.S. aid was a sustained effort to maintain close ties with countries deemed crucial to the geopolitical imperatives at the time, then aid was instrumental in bringing democratization to Brazil that, while international in nature, had significant national effects. This thesis concludes with two overarching points: first, as the military represented a single institution in charge of both government and security, therefore becoming a negotiating actor to multiple forms of aid, the overarching influence of the armed forces in civil society allows for a single channel in which U.S. aid influenced Brazilian politics, giving the U.S. an indirect mechanism to influence the regime’s decision-making process to eventually withdraw from authoritarian behavior and pave the way for the transition to civilian government; second, that the singular focus on human rights forces a balancing act for the military government to prioritize either national security or individual rights, being situated in a dependent relationship with the U.S.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik Dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desca Fazrani
Abstrak :
Motor BLDC menjadi motor yang sangat banyak digunakan sekarang karena kelebihannya dibandingkan dengan motor lainnya dalam hal efisiensi, kecepatan dan torsi yang lebih baik, serta umur yang cenderung lebih panjang. Banyak dilakukan penelitian untuk meningkatkan kinerja dari motor BLDC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari rancangan motor yang paling optimal, dengan membuat rancangan yang divariasikan pada bagian stator. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi motor tanpa beban dan dengan beban. Pada penelitian ini dibuat empat variasi bukaan alur yang dilakukan pada simulasi tanpa beban dan berbeban. Variasi yang dilakukan adalah membuat lengkungan pada alur dan memvariasikan ukuran bukaan alur pada stator. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan nilai-nilai flux linkage, Back EMF kemudian diolah untuk mendapat Ke pada keadaan tanpa beban dan torsi ripple pada keadaan berbeban untuk dibandingkan agar dapat mengetahui rancangan mana yang memiliki performa terbaik. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa dengan rancangan ukuran yang tepat pada bagian bukaan alur di stator dapat mengurangi daerah saturasi, sehingga pada daerah yang terdapat saturasi dapat diminimalisir panas pada bagian daerah stator motor tersebut dan dapat memperkecil nilai torsi ripple hingga persentase sebesar 6.78% dengan rata-rata torsi ripple sebesar 0.583596818 Nm. ABSTRACT
BLDC motors which becoming very widely used now because of its advantages compared to other motor in terms of efficiency, speed and better torque and life tend to be longer. Many research to improve the performance of the BLDC motor. This study aims to find the most optimal motor design, to create designs that varied in the stator. This research was conducted by simulating the motor no load and load. In this study is made of four variations of slot opening performed on the no load and load simulation. Variations to do is make the fillets in the slot opening and varying the size of the slot opening in the stator. In this study obtained values of flux linkage, Back EMF and then processed to obtain Ke in the load simulation and torque ripple at the load simulation of each design are compared to determine which designs that have the best performance.This research found that the design of the right size in the slot opening in the stator can reduce the saturation region, so that in the area there is saturation can be minimized heat in the area of the motor stator and can minimize torque ripple value up to a percentage of 6.78% with an average of 0.583596818 Nm of torque ripple. ;BLDC motors which becoming very widely used now because of its advantages compared to other motor in terms of efficiency, speed and better torque and life tend to be longer. Many research to improve the performance of the BLDC motor. This study aims to find the most optimal motor design, to create designs that varied in the stator. This research was conducted by simulating the motor no load and load. In this study is made of four variations of slot opening performed on the no load and load simulation. Variations to do is make the fillets in the slot opening and varying the size of the slot opening in the stator. In this study obtained values of flux linkage, Back EMF and then processed to obtain Ke in the load simulation and torque ripple at the load simulation of each design are compared to determine which designs that have the best performance.This research found that the design of the right size in the slot opening in the stator can reduce the saturation region, so that in the area there is saturation can be minimized heat in the area of the motor stator and can minimize torque ripple value up to a percentage of 6.78% with an average of 0.583596818 Nm of torque ripple. ;BLDC motors which becoming very widely used now because of its advantages compared to other motor in terms of efficiency, speed and better torque and life tend to be longer. Many research to improve the performance of the BLDC motor. This study aims to find the most optimal motor design, to create designs that varied in the stator. This research was conducted by simulating the motor no load and load. In this study is made of four variations of slot opening performed on the no load and load simulation. Variations to do is make the fillets in the slot opening and varying the size of the slot opening in the stator. In this study obtained values of flux linkage, Back EMF and then processed to obtain Ke in the load simulation and torque ripple at the load simulation of each design are compared to determine which designs that have the best performance.This research found that the design of the right size in the slot opening in the stator can reduce the saturation region, so that in the area there is saturation can be minimized heat in the area of the motor stator and can minimize torque ripple value up to a percentage of 6.78% with an average of 0.583596818 Nm of torque ripple. , BLDC motors which becoming very widely used now because of its advantages compared to other motor in terms of efficiency, speed and better torque and life tend to be longer. Many research to improve the performance of the BLDC motor. This study aims to find the most optimal motor design, to create designs that varied in the stator. This research was conducted by simulating the motor no load and load. In this study is made of four variations of slot opening performed on the no load and load simulation. Variations to do is make the fillets in the slot opening and varying the size of the slot opening in the stator. In this study obtained values of flux linkage, Back EMF and then processed to obtain Ke in the load simulation and torque ripple at the load simulation of each design are compared to determine which designs that have the best performance.This research found that the design of the right size in the slot opening in the stator can reduce the saturation region, so that in the area there is saturation can be minimized heat in the area of the motor stator and can minimize torque ripple value up to a percentage of 6.78% with an average of 0.583596818 Nm of torque ripple. ]
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dani Irezza Febrianto
Abstrak :
Sejak teknologi magnet permanen ini mulai banyak dikembangkan, motor BLDC telah digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi . Motor BLDC dengan kapasitas daya yang besar banyak digunakan untuk penggerak utama mobil listrik, sepeda listrik, mesin penggerak pada industri-industri. Bentuk atau geometri serta dimensi dari bagian-bagian motor adalah salah satu topik yang umum dibahas dan diteliti dalam riset pengembangan perancangan motor BLDC. Motor BLDC menggunakan magnet permanen pada rotornya sebagai sumber medan magnet. Aliran fluks mempengaruhi torque ripple. Salah satu yang paling mempengaruhi aliran fluks magnet pada motor BLDC adalah bentuk dari stator. Stator sendiri dapat divariasikan bentuknya yang dapat mengatur aliran fluks dari magnet. Pada penelitian ini divariasikan perancangan bentuk stator untuk perancangan rotor yang sama. Variasi yang dilakukan adalah variasi ukuran lebar gigi dan yoke. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bentuk ukuran yang optimal dari enam variasi yang digunakan adalah bentuk perancangan payung lengkungan stator yang memiliki lebar gigi 10 mm, ukuran lebar yoke 125 mm dan ukuran lebar alur bukaan sebesar 2.4 mm. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa dengan perancangan ukuran yang tepat dan dengan memberikan lengkungan pada bagian kaki stator dapat mengurangi daerah saturasi, sehingga pada daerah yang terdapat saturasi dapat diminimalisir panas pada bagian daerah stator motor tersebut dan dapat memperkecil nilai torsi ripple hingga persentase sebesar 2.31% dengan rata-rata torsi ripple sebesar 0.579770359 Nm. ABSTRACT
Since the permanent magnet technology is starting much developed, BLDC motors have been used for various applications. BLDC motors with high power capacity widely used for main propulsion electric vehicles, electric bike, the engine of the industries. Shape or geometry and dimensions from parts of motors is one of the general topics discussed and studied in the research design development BLDC motor. BLDC motors use permanent magnets in the rotor as the source of the magnetic field. Flux flow affects the torque ripple. One of the most affecting the flow of magnetic flux in BLDC motors is the shape of the stator. Stator can be varied forms which can regulate the flow from magnetic flux. In this research designs varied forms of stator for the same rotor design. A variation performed are wide variations tooth thickness and yoke. This research found optimal size form of the six variations used is a forms of umbrella design opening stator which has a tooth width of 10 mm, 125 mm widths yoke and the size of the slot opening width of 2.4 mm. In this research it was found that the design of the right size and by providing fillet on the legs stator can reduce the saturation region, so that the area contained saturation can be minimized heat in the area of the motor stator and can reduce torque ripple to a percentage value of 2.31% with an average of 0.579770359 Nm of torque ripple., Since the permanent magnet technology is starting much developed, BLDC motors have been used for various applications. BLDC motors with high power capacity widely used for main propulsion electric vehicles, electric bike, the engine of the industries. Shape or geometry and dimensions from parts of motors is one of the general topics discussed and studied in the research design development BLDC motor. BLDC motors use permanent magnets in the rotor as the source of the magnetic field. Flux flow affects the torque ripple. One of the most affecting the flow of magnetic flux in BLDC motors is the shape of the stator. Stator can be varied forms which can regulate the flow from magnetic flux. In this research designs varied forms of stator for the same rotor design. A variation performed are wide variations tooth thickness and yoke. This research found optimal size form of the six variations used is a forms of umbrella design opening stator which has a tooth width of 10 mm, 125 mm widths yoke and the size of the slot opening width of 2.4 mm. In this research it was found that the design of the right size and by providing fillet on the legs stator can reduce the saturation region, so that the area contained saturation can be minimized heat in the area of the motor stator and can reduce torque ripple to a percentage value of 2.31% with an average of 0.579770359 Nm of torque ripple.]
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Acheson, E.D.
London: Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford University Press, 1967
362.1 ACH m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ooijen, J. W. van, 1957-
Abstrak :

Genetic linkage maps are an increasingly important tool in both fundamental and applied research, enabling the study and deployment of genes that determine important biological traits. This concise introduction to genetic mapping in species with disomic inheritance enables life science graduate students and researchers to use mapping software to produce more reliable results. After a brief refresher on meiosis and genetic recombination, the steps in the map construction procedure are described, with explanations of the computations involved. The emphasis throughout is on the practical application of the methods described; detailed mathematical formulae are avoided and exercises are included to help readers consolidate their understanding. A chapter on recognising and solving problems provides valuable guidance for dealing with real-life situations. An extensive chapter dedicated to the more complex situation of outbreeding species offers a unique insight into the approach required for many economically important and model species, both plants and animals.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013
572.86 OOI g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library