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Ibnu Abas
Prevalensi lansia penyandang demensia terus bertambah, sehingga lansia dengan risiko
demensia harus dicegah agar tidak menjadi demensia. Senam GLO 30 menit tiga kali seminggu,
aktifitas hobi, interaksi sosial dan dukungan keluarga mampu memelihara fungsi kognitif
lansia. Tujuan inovasi CERDIK ASIK adalah untuk melihat pengaruh Aktifitas hobi, Senam
GLO, Interaksi sosial dan dukungan Keluarga terhadap fungsi kognitif lansia. Metode yang
dipilih adalah eksperimen semu tanpa kontrol dengan intervensi senam GLO, asuhan
keperawatan komunitas dan keluarga selama 3 bulan. Sampel 20 lansia dari populasi 59 lansia
dengan risiko, 10 keluarga lansia, kader kesehatan dan penanggungjawab program lansia di
Puskesmas. Uji statistik menggunakan paired t test. Hasil uji menunjukan ada peningkatan
pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kader, keluarga dan tenaga kesehatan tentang demensia,
serta pengaruh intervensi terhadap fungsi kognitif. Rerata MMSE pre intervensi = 22.30 (SD =
1.34) dan pot intervensi menjadi 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0,000 < α = 5%). Perbedaan
mean MMSE pre dan pos 4.8, SD=1.28 (p value = 0,000 < α = 5%). Implikasi; Program
CERDIK ASIK menjadi pilihan intervensi untuk lansia risiko demensia di masyarakat dan
dasar penelitian selanjutnya. Kesimpulannya, implementasi program CERDIK ASIK
meningkatkan fungsi kognitif secara signifikan. ABSTRACT
The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia
must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week,
combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain
cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the
influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of
Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without
control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3
months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres
responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t
test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and
paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function.
Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α
= 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%).
Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the
community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK
ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia
must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week,
combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain
cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the
influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of
Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without
control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3
months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres
responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t
test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and
paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function.
Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α
= 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%).
Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the
community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK
ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia
must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week,
combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain
cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the
influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of
Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without
control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3
months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres
responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t
test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and
paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function.
Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α
= 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%).
Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the
community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK
ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia
must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week,
combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain
cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the
influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of
Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without
control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3
months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres
responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t
test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and
paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function.
Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α
= 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%).
Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the
community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK
ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia
must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week,
combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain
cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the
influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of
Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without
control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3
months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres
responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t
test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and
paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function.
Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α
= 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%).
Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the
community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK
ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clemen-Stone, Susan
St. Louis: Mosby, 1998
362.173 CLE c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasrul Effendy
Jakarta: EGC, 1998
610.734 NAS d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asti Melani Astari
"Perawat memiliki potensi dalam pencegahan primer dan melakukan pendidikan di masyarakat, ietapi dalam implementasi beberapa program utama rencana aksi percepatan penurunan angka kematian ibu di Indonesia peran perawat hanyalah sebagai pendukung bahkan pelibatannya sangat minimal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengoptimalkan kompetensi perawat dalam program perawat kesehatan masyarakat (Perkesrnas) terintegrasi pelayanan maternitas pada ibu hamil berisiko di Kabupaten Cianjur melalui pengembangan program pelatihan p~rkesmas maternitas. Penelitian tahap satu merupakan penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi. Penelitian tahap dua yaitu pengembangan program pelatihan dan modul perkesmas yang dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan pada 10 perawat puskesmasPenelitian tahap tiga, penelitian kuasi eksperimen menggunakan metode consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 66 orang (33 orang kelompok intervePsi dan 33 orang kelompok kontrol).
Hasil penelitian kualitatif teridentifikasi tiga tema dan lima subtema yang dinyatakan partisipan. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif membuktikan bahwa pelatihan modul perkesmas mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, keterampilan dan kegiatan perawat dalam implementasi perkesmas dengan nilai kemaknaan 0,00. Implementasi modul mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku ibu hamil berisiko paska intervensi dengan nilai kemaknaan 0,00. Melalui analisis regresi logistik dibuktikan ada pengaruh variabel pengetahuan , sikap dan perilaku ibu hamil berisiko kelompok interverisi terhadap pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan.
Kesimpulan bahwa melalui pelatihan perkesmas maternitas, perawat puskesmas mampu berkontribusi dalam pelayanan :maternitas pada ibu hamil berisiko.
......Nurses have a potential role in primary prevention and health education in community. However their role in the main programs in planning to reduce mother's death number in Indonesia is only as a supporter, and even gives a minimum involvement.
This research was aimed to optimize nurse's competencies in community health nurses program (perkesrnas) which is integrated with maternity nursing care for high risk pregnant women in Cianjur Region through maternity perkesmas training program development. First stage of this research was a phenomenological qualitative. The second one was perkesmas training and module development which was followed by training for 10 primary health service nurses. The last stage was a quasi experiment research using consecutive sampling method with 66 respondents (33 each for intervention and controlled groups).
From the qualitative research, it was identified three themes and five subthemes. Meanwhile, the quantitative research proved that perkesmas module training was able to enhance nurse's knowledge, attitude and skills in perkesmas program with 0.00 significance. Module's implementation enhanced knowledge, attitude and skills among high risk pregnant women with 0.00 significance. Logistic regression analysis proved the influence of knowledge, attitude and skills variables among high risk pregnant women in intervention group on health facility usage.
In conclusion, through perkesmas maternity training, primary health service nurses were able to contribute in maternity nursing care for high risk pregnant women."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clark, Mary Jo
New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 2003
610.734 3 CLA c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Higgs, Zana Rae
Philadelphia: FA. Davis, 1985
610.734 3 HIG c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ressa Andriyani Utami
Cedera menyebabkan 5,8 juta kematian di dunia dan 16 kasus menyebabkan kecacatan. Faktor perilaku yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan keluarga dan anak usia sekolah terkait pencegahan cedera berpengaruh terhadap kejadian cedera pada anak usia sekolah. strategi pencegahan cedera yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan Model Simbol menggunakan video animasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran penerapan Model Sandi Simbol Andi dalam pencegahan cedera pada tatanan komunitas dan keluarga. Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment pre-post test without control group. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 136 orang yang diambil melalui tehnik purposive total sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan anak usia sekolah dan keluarga dalam melakukan pencegahan cedera setelah dilakukan intervensi Modis, terjadinya peningkatan kemandirian keluarga setelah diberikan intervensi Modis. Intervensi Modis terbukti efektif meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan cedera. Intervensi Modis diharapkan dapat dijadikan salah satu pendekatan intervensi keperawatan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan risiko cedera pada anak usia sekolah.
Injury causes 5.8 million deaths worldwide and 16% of cases of disability. Behavioral factors of children and family that include knowledge, attitudes and skills. Prevention strategy that can be done is with Symbolic Modeling using video animation. This study aims to provide a description of the Model Sandi (Simbol Andi) in community and family context. The design of this study was a quasi experiment pre-post test without control group. The number of research sample is 136 people taken through purposive total sampling technique. This research was conducted for 6 months. The results showed an increase in perceptions, attitudes and achievements of children and families in taking precautions after intervention. Modis, increasing self-reliance of the family after being given. Modis intervention proved to be an effective boost. Modis intervention is expected to be one of the approaches of nursing intervention to solve injury risk among children"
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Sari
Tuberkulosis TB paru merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi paru menular yang hingga saat ini masih menjadi perhatian. Penyakit TB paru merupakan salah satu penyakit yang masih menimbulkan stigma di masyarakat. Stigma yang ada akan menghambat program pengendalian TB dan meningkatkan risiko penularan, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu intervensi. Intervensi keperawatan dapat dilakukan ditatanan keluarga maupun komunitas melalui asuhan keperawatan. Karya ilmiah akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan di keluarga melalui peningkatan peran keluarga maupun komunitas dengan membentuk kelompok pendukung Warga Peduli TB Wali TB untuk mencegah dan meminimalkan stigma TB. Hasil intervensi didapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan keluarga maupun masyarakat terkait TB dan penurunan stigma TB di keluarga serta masyarakat. Peningkatan peran keluarga dalam memberikan dukungan bagi klien TB dan adanya kelompok pendukung berupa Wali TB merupakan salah satu intervensi yang dapat dilakukan dalam mencegah dan meminimalkan stigma TB. Kata Kunci: kelompok pendukung, keluarga, stigma, tuberkulosis, keperawatan

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a contagious lung infection disease that still becomes public concern. Pulmonary tuberculosis poses stigma in the community. Stigma will inhibit TB control programs and increase the risk of transmission. Therefore, it needs interventions. Nursing interventions can be provided to family and community settings through nursing care. This study aims to portrait the implementation of nursing care in the family through increasing the role of family and community. It was done by forming a support group of TB as namely Community Care for Tuberculosis Wali TB to prevent and minimize TB stigma. The result showed that increasing the role of family and community by Wali TB able to increase knowledge, attitude, and skill of family and community related to TB and decrease of TB stigma within family and community. Increasing the role of the family in providing support for TB clients and the presence of Wali TB are nursing interventions that can be done in preventing and minimizing TB stigma. Keywords support group, family, stigma, Tuberculosis, nursing"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Glod, Carol A.
Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 1998
610.73 GLO c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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