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Tinker, Anthea
London : Longman , 1984
362.6 TIN e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria G Ernawati
Latar Belakang: Osteoporosis laki-laki adalah penyakit degeneratif yang penting
diperhatikan oleh dokter gigi dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan
mulut, karena osteoporosis pada bagian tubuh yang lain juga bedampak pada
tulang rahang. Osteoporosis pada tulang rahang dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan
dalam pembuatan gigi tiruan, pemasangan implan dan perawatan penyakit
periodontal. Untuk mengatasi kegagalan perawatan perlu pemeriksaan kadar
testosteron dan pemeriksaan densitas tulang. Pemeriksaan kadar testosteron dan
pemeriksaan densitas tulang mahal dan hanya ada di kota-kota besar di Indonesia,
karena itu perlu dibuat indeks untuk memprediksi penurunan kadar testosteron
darah dan indeks untuk memprediksi penurunan densitas tulang mandibula lansia
laki-laki. Tujuan: mengetahui faktor risiko yang berperan pada penurunan kadar
testosteron dan faktor risiko yang berperan pada penurunan densitas tulang
mandibula lansia laki-laki dan untuk membuat indeks prediksi penurunan kadar
testosteron dan indeks densitas tulang mandibula. Metode: uji diagnostik dan uji
kasus kontrol pada lansia laki-laki usia > 60 tahun dengan wawancara pengisian
kuesioner, pemeriksaa klinis dan radiografi. Hasil: Faktor-faktor Risiko yang
berperan pada penurunan kadar testosteron dan penurunan densitas tulang
mandibula serta indeks untuk menentukan penurunan kadar testosteron dan indeks
untuk menentukan penurunan densitas tulang mandibula lansia laki-laki.
Dihasilkan software dan indeks sebagai alat bantu prediksi.

Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools, Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London : HMSO , 1994
362.6 CAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Watson, Roger
Jakarta : EGC , 2003
610.736 5 WAT p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miller, Carol A.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott , 1995
618.970 231 MIL n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gallo, Joseph J.
Jakarta : EGC, 1995
618.970 231 GAL g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
S. Tamher-Noorkasiani
Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 2009
613.043 8 TAM k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Czeresna Heriawan Soejono
"A complaint of unwillingness to eat in the elderly is often overlooked, both by the patient, the family, or the doctor. Such condition may have a more serious underlying background, such as infection. A reduced physiological deposit and different clinical manifestations gives importance lo the analysis of the problem of anorexia. Changes in body composition, reduced physical activity and basal metabolism rate, reduced Na+-Kl~-ATP-ase, teeth that are no longer in optimal condition, reduced taste and smell ability, increased CCK satiation effect, reduced gastric emptying, reduced NO-synthase activity of the gastric fundus, as well as reduced endogenous opioid level, could all influence the development of anorexia. In addition, there are also several other clinical conditions that play a role, such as polypharmacy, dementia, depression, and physiological disturbance in swallowing."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Riasmini
"Peningkatan jumlah penduduk usia lanjut di Indonesia membawa konsekuensi munculnya permasalahan yang cukup kompleks baik dari aspek fisik, psikologis dan sosio ekonomi. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kemandirian usia lanjut dalam melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari (ADL). Aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari merupakan tingkat ldnerja seseorang dalam melakukan fungsi kehidupan sehari-hari, mencakup aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari yang bersifat dasar (ADL Dasar) maupun aktivitas yang lebih kompleks (ADL Instrumental). Kemampuan usia lanjut dalam melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor antara lain karakteristik demograii, masalah kesehatan kronis, tingkat fimgsi kognitif dan dukungan keluarga.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang laktor apa saja yang berhubungan secara bemtakna dengan kemampuan usia lanjut dalam melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari di Kelurahan Palmeriam Kecamatan Matraman Jakarta Timur.
Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan populasi usia lanjut di Kelurahan Palmeriam Kecamatan Matraman Jakarta Timur (100 RW). Sampel diambil dengan metoda proportional random sampling sebesar 166 responden usia lanjut bemsia 60 tahun ke atas. Pengumpulan data dengan cara kunjungan rumah pada keluarga yang mempunyai usia lanjut yang dilakukan pada bulan Juli sampai dengan Agustus 2002. Data diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan Regresi Logistik Ganda.
Hasil penelitian pada analisis unjvariat rnenggambarkan bahwa dari karakterisrik usia Ianjut sebagian besar berumur antara 60-69 tahun (47,0 %), betjenis kelamin perempuan (75,3 %), status janda/duda (60,2 %), berpendidikan rendah (82,5 %), tidak bekerja (77,7 %) dan mempunyai masalah kesehatan kronis ringan (64,5 %). Sebanyak 53,0 % tidak mengalami gangguan kognitif dan 57,2 % memperoleh dukungan memadai dari keluarga. Secara umum usia lanjut mempunyai kemampuan mandiri dalam melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu sebesar 53,6 % Berdasarkan uji Chi-Square didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan bermakna antara umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, masalah kesehatan kronis, tingkat fungsi kognitif dan dukungan keluarga dengan kemampuan usia lanjut dalam melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari.
Hasil analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik ganda didapa: adanya hubungan bemulma antara umur, tingkat timgsi kognitif dan dukungan keluarga dengan kemampuan usia lanjut dalam melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Setelah dilakukan uji interaiksi, temyata ada interaksi antar variabel tingkat fumgsi kognitif dan dukungan keluarga terhadap kemampuan usia lanjut dalam melakukan aktivitas kehidupan.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan kepada pihak Suku Dinas Kesehatan Wilayah Jakarta Timur dan Puskesmas Kecamatan Matraman agar mengembangkan berbagai program kegiatan yang terkait dengan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari usia lanjut dengan penekanan pada upaya promotif dan preventiil Disamping itu perlu dlkembangkan program home vis!! dalam rangka memberdayakan dukungan keluarga terhadap usia lanjut, juga pemberdayaan masyarakat unluk menggerakkan penduduk usia lanjut dalam mengikuti berbagai aktivitas kelompok di masyarakat.

Increasing number of elderly in Indonesia has emerged complex problem : physically, psychologically and socio-economically. lt will affect their ability to do activities of daily living (ADL). Activities of daily living is a performance of doing daily function, includes basic activities of daily living (Basic ADL) and complex activities of daily living (Instrumental ADL). The performance of elderly in doing activities of daily living is influenced by several factors, those are demography characteristic, chronic health problem, cognitive iitnction level, and family support.
This research aims to identity information on what are the dominant factors that are influence the elderly abilities in doing activities of daily living in Palmeriam Village, Matraman District, East Jakarta.
The research design is analytical descriptive with cross sectional approach ofthe elderly population in Palmeriam Village, Matraman District, East Jakarta (10 RW). The sample of this study is 166, the subjects are older than 60. The sample was taken by proportional random sampling rncthod. Data was collected through home visit to family who have elderly &om July to August 2002. Collected data is analized with Chi-Square and Multiple Logistic Regression test.
Univariate analysis described that most of the elderly population characteristics are aged between 60-69 year (47,0%), women (75,3%), widow/widower (6O,2%), low educated (82,5%), unemployed (?77,7%), light cronic health problem (64,5%). Almost 53,0% of the sample do not have cognitive disturbance and S7,2% have proper support fiom family. Generally, S3,6% of the elderly have self ability in doing their activities of daily living. Chi-Square test showed that there is a relationship between age, education, job, chronic health problem, cognitive function level and family support, and the elderly ability in doing their activities of daily living. Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis demonstrated that there is a relationship between age, cognitive function level and lamily support, with the elderly ability in doing their activities of daily living.
Following interaction test, it showed that there is an interaction between the variable cognitive iitnction level and Family support to the elderly ability in doing their activities of daily livingb Based on this research, it is recommended to Health Authority at East Jakarta and Health Centre at Matraman District to develop programe that relates to the elderly activities of daily living with focus on promotive and preventive eH`ort. In addition, it is needed to develop a home visit programe in order to encourage support from the family to the elderly, also to empower society to motivate the elderly to follow several group activities in society."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galia Wardha Alvita
"Dukungan keluarga diperlukan untuk meningkatkan perawatan diabetes mellitus pada lansia karena dapat meningkatkan motivasi lansia untuk bersikap dan berperilaku sehat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan perawatan diabetes pada lansia di rumah di Kelurahan Cisalak Pasar Kota Depok dengan menggunakan metode descriptive correlational dan desain cross sectional, melibatkan sampel 81 responden dengan tekhnik total sampling. Analisis menggunakan chi-square dan regresi logistik ganda.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan ada hubungan antara dukungan emosional, dukungan penghargaan, informasi dan instrumental dengan perawatan diabetes pada lansia (p < 0,05). Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa dukungan emosional merupakan faktor yang dominan terhadap perawatan diabetes pada lansia setelah dikontrol dengan jenis kelamin dan pendapatan lansia dengan nilai OR: 14,402. Dukungan yang diberikan keluarga kepada lansia dapat meningkatkan motivasi lansia dalam melakukan perawatan DM sehingga perawat perlu meningkatkan peran serta keluarga dalam merawat lansia DM khususnya dengan memberikan dukungan emosional.
Family support is needed to maintain elderly with DM because of improving encourage elderly motivation to healthy behaviour. This study aimed to determine the correlation between family support and diabetes care of elderly at Cisalak Pasar, Depok, using descriptive correlation method and cross sectional design. A total of 81 respondent participant in this study. Statistical analyzed used chi-square and multiple logistic regression.
The result showed that there was correlation between emotional, prestige, information, and instrumental with diabetes care of elderly (p < 0,05). The dominant factor is emotional support controlled by sex and financial (OR: 14,042). Nurse have to increase family role for managing DM of elderly with emotinal support."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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