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Friedberg, Robert D.
New York: Guilford Press, 2009
618.92 FRI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nindyastuti Erika Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Pada masa remaja, individu sudah memiliki minat untuk berpacaran, namun banyak orang tua yang melarang anak remajanya berpacaran. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan konflik di antara mereka atau justru membuat anak berpacaran tanpa sepengetahuan orang tua. Orang tua melarang anak remajanya berpacaran karena mereka memiliki pandangan negatif tentang pacaran pada remaja, padahal ini belum tentu benar. Konsep pacaran dan perilaku pacaran pada remaja perlu diketahui agar orang tua dapat menyikapi dengan lebih bijaksana keinginan anaknya untuk berpacaran dan dapat mengantisipasi terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan berkaitan dengan pacaran. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi sebagai pendukung hasil wawancara. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada remaja awal karena konflik antara orang tua dan anaknya berkaitan dengan dengan masalah pacaran memuncak pada masa remaja awal (Medinnus & Johnson, 1969). Subjek penelitian berjumlah empat orang (2 orang laki-laki dan 2 orang perempuan) berusia 14-15 tahun, yang termasuk ke dalam kategori remaja awal menurut Lerner (1993). Keempat subjek memiliki konsep pacaran yang berbeda-beda, namun mereka memiliki kesamaan dalam karakteristik esensial pacaran, yaitu adanya "penembakan" untuk menjadi pacar. Tiga dari empat subjek menampilkan perilaku pacaran yang serupa, yaitu mengobrol, jalan-jalan, mengunjungi rumah pacar/dikunjungi, berpegangan tangan, cium pipi, berpelukan, dan berciuman bibir. ...... In adolescence, an individual usually has already had interest to go dating, but many parents forbid their children to do so. This situation can lead to a conflict between them or cause the adolescent to go dating without his/her parents know about it. The parents forbid their children to go dating because they have negative thoughts about dating in early adolescence, even though these thoughts may not be correct. The dating concept and dating behavior need to be known so parents can respond more wisely on dealing with their adolescent children?s interest to go dating and so they can anticipate the negative things caused by dating. The researcher in this study uses a qualitative approach with interview method and observation method to support the result of the interview. This research is focused among early adolescents because conflict between parents and their children related to dating issues is peaking in early adolescence (Medinnus & Johnson, 1969). There are 4 subjects of the research (2 males and 2 females) aged 14-15 years old, which fall under the category of early adolescence according to Lerner (1993). All four subjects have different dating concept, but they have similarity in essential characteristic of dating, that is there must be a proposal to be someone?s girlfriend/boyfriend. Three of the four subjects have similar dating behavior, namely having conversation, going somewhere together, visiting the partner?s house/being visited by the partner, holding hands, kissing cheeks, hugging, and lip kissing.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdur Rokhman Wachid
Abstrak :
Body image didefinisikan sebagai suatu gambaran mental seseorang mengenai bentuk dan ukuran tubuhnya, serta bagaimana individu tersebut mempersepsikan dan memberikan suatu penilaian tentang apa yang dipikirkan dan dirasakan terhadap bentuk dan ukuran tubuhnya. Obesitas merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan dengan tingkat prevalensi cukup tinggi di Indonesia.  Adanya masalah obesitas pada remaja tentunya juga dapat dipicu oleh berbagai faktor salah satunya adalah terkait dengan bagaimana seorang remaja mempersepsikan gambaran tubuhnya sendiri (body image). Prevalensi obesitas pada mahasiswa S-1 Reguler  FKM UI angkatan 2019 bisa dikatakan masih cukup tinggi, yaitu sebesar 21 %. Sedangkan pada mahasiswa S-1 Reguler FKM UI angkatan 2022, besar prevalensi obesitas sudah mencapai di angka 18 %. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang memiliki tujuan untuk menggali informasi secara mendalam terkait faktor yang dapat berperan penting terhadap pembentukan persepsi body image pada mahasiswa S-1 Reguler FKM UI Tahun 2023. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif FKM UI, kerabat/sahabat terdekat mahasiswa FKM UI, ahli gizi, ahli psikologi, serta ahli antropologi. Pemilihan informan pada penelitian  adalah dengan menggunakan  metode purposive sampling yang sudah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor psikologis (sikap, motif, pengalaman) dan faktor sosial (dukungan sosial, paparan media sosial, pola asuh orang tua) berperan penting terhadap pembentukan persepsi body image pada mahasiswa. Dimana persepsi terhadap tubuh juga berkaitan dengan gaya hidup sehat dan kondisi kesehatan mental mahasiswa itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, disarankan kepada Klinik Satelit Makara UI dan organisasi kesehatan di UI untuk mengoptimalkan dalam hal mensosialisasikan pentingnya mahasiswa untuk memiliki kesadaran terkait dengan bentuk tubuh ideal. ......Body image is defined as a person's mental image of the shape and size of his body, as well as how the individual perceives and gives an assessment of what is thought and felt about the shape and size of his body. Obesity is a health problem with a high prevalence rate in Indonesia. The problem of obesity in adolescents, of course, can also be triggered by various factors, one of which is related to how a teenager perceives his own body image (body image). The prevalence of obesity in FKM UI Regular Undergraduate students class of 2019 can be said to be still quite high, namely 21%. Whereas in FKM UI Regular Undergraduate students class of 2022, the prevalence of obesity has reached 18%. This research is a qualitative research which aims to dig up in-depth information regarding factors that can play an important role in the formation of body image perceptions in FKM UI Regular Undergraduate students in 2023. Informants in this study are active FKM UI students, relatives/closest friends of students FKM UI, nutritionists, psychologists, and anthropologists. The selection of informants in the study was to use a predetermined purposive sampling method. The results showed that psychological factors (attitudes, motives, experiences) and social factors (social support, exposure to social media, parenting patterns) play an important role in the formation of body perceptions in college students. Where it is felt towards the body is also related to a healthy lifestyle and the mental health condition of the students themselves. Therefore, it is suggested to the Makara UI Satellite Clinic and health organizations at UI to optimize it in terms of socializing the importance of students to have awareness related to ideal body shape.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Friedrich, William N.
London: Sage Publications, 2001
618.92 FRI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wenar, Charles, 1922-
New York: McGraw-Hill , 1994
616.89 WEN d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agita Pramita
Abstrak :
Remaja merupakan periode dimana individu disibukkan dengan tujuan yang berkaitan dengan masa depan. Namun, remaja yang memiliki penyakit kronis akan menghadapi berbagai permasalahan yang berdampak terhadap kemampuan mereka menghadapi kehidupan di masa depan. Thalassaemia Mayor merupakan salah satu penyakit kelainan darah yang diturunkan dan merupakan penyakit kronis yang dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah mengenai harapan masa depan bagi penderitanya. Penelitian-penelitian menunjukkan bahwa harapan berhubungan dengan kemampuan individu untuk bertahan hidup, menghadapi penyakit, dan berpikir mengenai masa depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan teori harapan dari Snyder (1994) yang mengatakan bahwa harapan merupakan kombinasi dari willpower (kemampuan individu yang dibutuhkan seseorang untuk mencapai tujuan) dan waypower (kapasitas individu yang digunakan untuk menemukan jalan untuk meraih tujuan) yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan. Penelitian ini melibatkan empat orang subyek remaja yang berusia 15-22 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan karakteristik optimisme, self-esteem, dan afek positif pada keempat subyek dalam mencapai beberapa tujuan yang mereka miliki. Willpower & waypower berbeda tergantung pada tujuan yang dimiliki. Tiga orang subyek memiliki willpower tinggi dan waypower rendah. Hanya satu orang subyek yang memiliki willpower & waypower tinggi untuk semua tujuannya.
Adolescence is a period where individual occupied with a purpose related to the future. But, there are several problems exist for the adolescents with a chronic illness affecting to their ability to encounter future life. Thalassaemia Major is an inherited disease caused by a genetic blood disorder and one of a chronic illness which presents a wide range of problems including expectations of the future. Numerous studies indicate that hope related to individual ability to survive, cope with illness, and start a future thinking. In this study, the researcher used qualitative research method and hope theory from Snyder (1994) who defines hope as a willpower (individual?s capacity which initiate and sustain movement to reach the goals) and waypower (individual?s ability to find one or more effective ways to reach that goals) for goals. This study involved four adolescents with Thalassaemia Major aged 15-22 years. The results of this study found that all subjects had hope characteristics such as optimism, self-esteem, and positive affect to reach their own goals. They also had different willpower and waypower level which depend on their goals. Three subjects had high willpower and low waypower. Only one subjects had high willpower and waypower for all her goals.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indri Apsari
Abstrak :
Beberapa tahun terakhir ini fenomena indigo di Indonesia mulai banyak diangkat oleh media masa dan mengundang berbagai pandangan positif maupun negatif. Anak indigo memiliki karakteristik kemampuan yang berbeda dengan anak seusianya, yaitu pengalaman ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), spiritualitas tinggi, dan rasional. Adanya kesadaran bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakteristik akan mempengaruhi konsep diri individu indigo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran perkembangan konsep diri remaja akhir indigo dan faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara dan observasi pada remaja akhir indigo yang berusia 18-22 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja indigo merasa berbeda dari teman sebayanya sejak kecil. Mereka merasa memiliki kelebihan dan cenderung merasa superior sehingga tidak suka diatur dan seringkali mendapatkan pandangan negatif dari lingkungan sosial. Adanya pandangan negatif ini menyebabkan mereka merasa ingin normal dan menolak kemampuan dirinya. Meskipun demikian, mereka tetap mendapatkan positive regard dari lingkungan sosial dan orangtua sehingga mereka dapat kembali menerima dirinya. Perkembangan konsep diri mereka dipengaruhi oleh orang tua, lingkungan sosial dan pengalaman memasuki lingkungan baru. Remaja indigo juga memandang indigo sebagai sebuah label dan merasa karakteristik indigo telah menjadi bagian dari diri mereka sejak kecil.
Nowadays the indigo phenomenon is getting popular in Indonesia's mass media and there are negative and positive opinions about this topic. The indigo children have different characteristics of ability among another children in their age, such as ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) experience, high spirituality, and rational. Awareness of this different characteristics will affect their self concept. The purpose of this study is to get description of the development of self concept in late adolescents indigo and factors that affect it. Qualitative method is used by doing some interviews and observations on 18-22 years old late adolescents. Result on this study describes that adolescents indigo feel different among another children in their age. They feel that they have higher ability and feeling of superiority that makes them disobey rules and get negative judgements from their social environment. This negative judgements make them want to become a normal person and deny their ability. However, they still get positive regard from their parents and social environment that make them finally accept themselves. The development of their self concept is affected by parents, social environment and experience in the new environment. Indigo adolescents see the term indigo as a label and they feel indigo characteristics already a part of themselves since their childhood.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
155.2 IND g
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Children and adolescents are vulnerable groups concerning alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption by children and adolescents in marginal economic status area negatively influence their own selves as well as their social environment involving criminilaties....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Najib Advani
Abstrak :
Background: there is clearly growing population of young adults with potentially important coronary artery disease after Kawasaki disease (KD) during childhood, and cardiologist must be prepared to take care for them. As Kawasaki disease in adolescent and adult is rare and under-recognized, it is important to study data on patient presentations which may permit development of diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines for this age group.This study aimed to compare the clinical profile of KD between adolescents (>10 years of age) and children ≤10 years. Methods: This is a cross sectional study. A total of 1150 KD cases (age 1-192 months) during the period of January 2003-December 2016 were analyzed. The clinical profile of subjects aged >10 years (adolescents) and ≤10 years (children) at acute phase of KD were compared. Results: we found 17 cases of KD in adolescents among 1150 total cases (1.5%). Incomplete KD was more often seen in adolescents compared to children ≤ 10 years of age (59% vs. 29%). Some clinical features were more frequently seen in children than in adolescents, e.g. conjunctivitis (85% in ≤ 10 years of age vs. 65% in > 10 years), mucosal changes (94% vs. 77%), rash (86% vs. 59%), and hand/foot changes (68% vs. 41%). While other clinical features were more often seen in adolescents, e.g., cervical lymphadenopathy (82% vs. 39%) and coronary dilatation (47% vs. 29%). Laboratory results (hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein) did not differ much between the two groups. Conclusion: Kawasaki disease in adolescents has some different clinical profile from that of younger age. Majority of adolescent patients have incomplete presentation. Some clinical features such as conjunctivitis, mucosal changes, rash, and hand/foot changes are more often seen in children ≤ 10 years compared to in adolescents, while cervical lymphadenopathy and coronary dilatation are more frequently seen in adolescents. The ratio of male to female is much higher in adolescents.
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Saptarini
Abstrak :

Akne vulgaris (AV) adalah penyakit inflamasi yang kronis pada bagian pilosebasea.  Pada umumnya akne terjadi pada masa pubertas, dewasa muda, dan banyak terjadi pada remaja. AV mempengaruhi 85% dewasa muda usia 12-25 tahun dan secara konsisten menduduki “the top three most prevalence skin condition“ dalam populasi umum Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi timbulnya akne vulgaris dan yang masih menjadi perebatan adalah faktor nutrisi. Dengan menggunakan cut-off <20 ng/mL, prevalensi defisiensi vitamin D bervariasi antara 6-70% di Asia Tenggara, hasil penelitian di Malaysia lebih dari setengah (58%) jumlah remaja memiliki 25(OH)D <50 nmol/L. Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang yang membandingkan nilai rerata kadar vitamin D serum antara dua kelompok derajat akne pada remaja siswa sekolah menengah atas usia 15-18 tahun di kota Depok. Jumlah subjek total 60 orang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok, 30 orang kelompok akne vulgaris ringan (AVR) dan 30 orang akne vulgaris sedang-berat (AVS). Rerata kadar vitamin D serum subjek adalah 17,29±6,77 ng/ml. Sebanyak 21 subjek (35%) berada pada kondisi sufisiensi vitamin D dan 39 subjek (65%) berada dalam kondisi insufisiensi-defisiensi (terdiri dari 43,3% insufisiensi, 21,7% defisiensi). Kadar rerata vitamin D serum pada kelompok AVR 15,45±6,7 ng/ml dan pada AVS 19,13±6,8 ng/ml dengan p=0,034.

Kesimpulan : hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar vitamin D serum dengan akne vulgaris. vitamin D serum.


Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease as a part of pilosebaceus. In general acne occurs during puberty, but it can also occur in young adults, and many occur in adolescents. Acne vulgaris affects 85% of young adults aged 12-25 years and consistently occupies "the top three most prevalence skin conditions" in the general population. One of the factors that influence acne vulgaris and which is still a debate pro and contra are nutritional factors. This study aims to find a relationship between vitamin D serum level and the degree of acne in adolescents. Previous researches that linked vitamin D levels with acne was not conclusive, especially in adolescents. This is a cross-sectional study that compares the mean values of serum vitamin D levels between two groups of acne levels in adolescents of high school students aged 15-18 years in the city of Depok. The total number of subjects was 60 people divided into 2 groups, 30 people in the group of mild acne vulgaris and 30 people with moderate-severe acne vulgaris. The mean of vitamin D level of the subject serum was 17.29 ± 6.77 ng / ml. The mean of vitamin D serum level in the mild group was 15.45 ± 6.7 ng / ml and moderate group was 19.13 ± 6.8 ng / ml with p = 0.034. A significant association was found between serum vitamin D levels and the degrees of acne vulgaris.

Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between serum vitamin D levels and degree of acne vulgaris. The mean of vitamin D level are lower in mild acne group than in moderate group

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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