Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wilman Agustiawan
Abstrak :
Lampu Flourescent telah digunakan oleh banyak pihak dikarenakan lampu ini lebih efisiensi dibandingkan dengan lampu pijar. Pada awalnya digunakan ballast elektromagnetik untuk mendukung kerja dari lampu fluorescent. Namun ballast elektromagnetik memiliki faktor daya yang kecil dan efisiensi yang kecil yang mendorong timbul ballast elektronik untuk mengatasi masalah pada ballast elektromagnetik.
Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perbandingan unjuk kerja dari ballast elektromagnetik dan ballast elektronik. Perbandingan yang dilakukan pada skripsi ini adalah power quality, current crest factor dan segi ekonomis. Pada perbandingan power quality tentang konsumsi daya didapatkan bahwa ballast elektronik 18 W lebih efisien 36.40 % daripada ballast elektromagnetik 18 W.
......Fluorescent lamps have been used by many parties because this lamp is more efficient than incandescent bulbs. Initially used to support the work of electromagnetic ballasts of fluorescent lamps. However, electromagnetic ballast has a small power factor and efficiency that arise encourage small electronic ballast to overcome the problem of the electromagnetic ballast.
In this study aims to compare the performance of electromagnetic ballasts and electronic ballasts. Comparisons are done on this thesis is the power quality, current crest factor and economically. In the comparison of power quality on power consumption was found that the electronic ballast 18 W 36.40% more efficient than electromagnetic ballast 18 W.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Lutfi Mohammad Rido Shohibudin
Abstrak :
Sebuah kapal memiliki suatu sistem agar kapal dapat tenggelam dan mengapung di dalam air. Sistem ini disebut sistem ballast. Sistem ballast ini merupakan suatu sistem untuk memanipulasi berat benda di dalam air. Pada skripsi ini membahas mengenai kelayakan sistem apung tenggelam yang menggunakan air dan udara bertekanan. Sistem ini akan diterapkan pada sistem apung tenggelamya kapal keruk yang bertipe Cutter-Suction Dredger. Kapal keruk ini memilki dua buah ponton di samping kiri-kanannya sebagai alat penyeimbangnya atau menjaga kestabilannya. Sistem ballast ini diterapkan di ponton-ponton ini dengan air dan udara bertekanan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan stabilitas dan memberikan kemudahan operator saat bekerja. Maka dirancanglah sebuah simulasi tangki ballast dengan volume 0,027 m3. Sistem ballast ini mampu membuat ponton dapat tenggelam dan mengapung dengan cepat dan efisien. Dengan menggunakan sistem udara tekan ini juga diharapkan dapat mempercepat ketika beroperasi.
......A ship has a system so that the ship can sink and float in the water. This system is called a ballast system. Ballast system is a system for manipulating heavy objects in the water. This thesis discusses the feasibility of sinking a floating system that uses water and compressed air. This system will be applied to the floating system dredger which-Cutter Suction Dredger type. This dredger pontoon has two pieces on the left-right as a tool to maintain balance or stability. Ballast system is implemented in the pontoons, the pontoons with water and pressurized air. It aims to provide stability and provide ease of operator at work. Then designed a simulated ballast tank with a volume of 0.027 m3. Ballast system is able to be submerged and floating pontoons quickly and efficiently. By using the compressed air system is also expected to accelerate when in operation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Aster Sitohang
Abstrak :
Ballast elektronik adalah alat yang berfungsi untuk menyalakan lampu yang menggunakan flouresen, seperti lampu neon (TL). Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di PUSPIPTEK-LIPI Serpong, didapatkan bahwa ballast elektronik lebih rendah penggunaan energinya sampai setengah kali (1/2) kali ballast konvensional.
Ballast elektronik juga memiliki berbagai keunggulan lain, kecuali dalam hal harga.
Untuk mendapatkan ballast elektronik dengan harga yang sebanding fungsinya, PT. X sebagai salah satu produsen ballast elektronik dalam melakukan kegiatan produksinya harus melakukan perencanaan, mengatur dan mengendalikan semua aliran masukan dan keluaran dalam suatu urutan produksi.
Salah satu yang bisa dipakai sebagai dasar perencanaan, pengaturan dan pengendalian adalah biaya operasi total. Biaya operasi total juga dapat dijadikan dasar dalam penentuan besarnya harga jual dan persentase keuntungan serta untuk perhitungan titik impas.
Atas dasar hasil analisa perhitungan biaya operasi total yang didapat selama penelitian, penulis membuat rancangan biaya operasi total usulan untuk PT.X dengan meningkatkan kapasitas produksi sehingga didapatkan biaya operasi total/unit ballast elektronik yang Iebih rendah. Peningkatan kapasitas produksi dalam rancangan ini dilakukan karena selama melakukan penelitian penulis melihat belum maksimalnya penggunaan sumber daya di PT. X disamping masih terbukanya peluang pasar.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rakhmadani Hutama
Abstrak :
[Skripsi ini membahas mengenai lampu swa-ballast impor yang berguna untuk penerangan dalam suatu rumah. Lampu swa-ballast haruslah sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yang sudah dilakukan pengujian oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN). Kementerian Perdagangan melakukan pengawasan berkala terhadap produk lampu swa-ballast merek Citylamp asal China lalu pelaku usaha lampu Citylamp tidak konsisten dalam memproduksi lampu swa-ballast. Pada produksi awal telah sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku namun pada produksi selanjutnya pelaku usaha menurunkan standar dari barang yang diproduksi. Konsumen haruslah waspada terhadap peredaran lampu swa-ballast karena dalam kemasan terdapat label SNI namun pada kenyataannya tidak sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku.
, This Thesis discusses about imported swa-ballast lamp that use for the lighting in the house. Swa-ballast lamp must be according to the Indonesian National Standard that being test by the National Standard Comittee. Ministry of Trade has monitored the Citylamp swa-ballast lamp that is made in China. The producer of Citylamp inconsistent that make a swa-ballast lamp. In the first production of Citylamp Swa-Ballast lamp the producer has made a qualified lamp, but in the second or third of production, the producer made unqualified lamp. The consumer must be aware to the trade of swa-ballast lamp, because in the cover of the lamp, it showed SNI labels, but actually the lamp is not qualifed.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Pranandhy
Abstrak :
Indonesia merupakan negara maritim dengan kekayaan laut berupa ikan yang belum dapat sepenuhnya memanfaatkan seluruh jumlah tangkapan ikan di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Indonesia. Salah satu cara meningkatkan produksi ikan dalam negeri adalah dengan metode offshore aquaculture, yaitu budidaya perikanan atau produksi ikan dan hewan laut lainnya di laut lepas yang tetap terkendali. Studi analisis ini bertujuan menganalisis desain offshore aquaculture milik SalMar ASA apakah dapat digunakan di perairan laut Indonesia. Perancangan Offshore Aquaculture dalam tugas akhir ini berjenis semi-submersible rigid cages. Pengoperasian dilakukan di daerah lepas pantai barat Sumatra dengan kondisi setengah terapung, sehingga dilakukan analisis sistem ballast dan sistem mooring untuk menjaga offshore aquaculture tetap pada posisinya. Hasil analisis desain menunjukkan bahwa volume air yang dibutuhkan offshore aquaculture untuk tenggelam sebesar 31147 m3. Jumlah pompa yang dibutuhkan yaitu 12 buah dengan masing-masing pompa memiliki kemampuan mengalirkan debit sebesar 2855.14 m3/h. Tali tambat yang digunakan untuk struktur keramba ini memiliki tegangan maksimal sebesar 1960.78 kN. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah offshore aquaculture milik SalMar ASA dapat dioperasikan di perairan laut Indonesia dengan beberapa perubahan pada sistem ballast dan sistem mooringnya.
Indonesia is a maritime country with a maritime wealth of fish that has not been able to fully utilize all fish catches in Indonesia rsquo s Exclusive Economic Zone. One of the way to increase domestic fish production is by offshore aquaculture method, which is an aquaculture cultivation or fish production and other marine animals in the high seas that is executed under full control. This study is conducted to analyze the design of offshore aquaculture from Salmar ASA that can be operated on Indonesia rsquo s ocean The design of the offshore aquaculture used this study is the semi submersible rigid cases. The operation is carried out in the offshore of West Sumatran shore with a half afloat condition, thus, analysis of the ballast and mooring system is conducted to keep the offshore aquaculture stays in position. The result of the study showed that the water volume needed to sink the offshore aquaculture is 31147 m3. 12 pumps are needed with the ability of each pump to drain on water is 2855.14 m3 h. The mooring rope used for this offshore aquaculture has a maximum tension of 1960.78 kN. The result of this study suggested that offshore aquaculture from SalMar ASA can be operated on Indonesia rsquo s ocean with some changes in ballast system and mooring system.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Farhanah SM Johan
Abstrak :
Ballast is one of the
main structures for the railway tracks. It can resist the lateral movement
under dynamic loading transferred by the passing trains with repeatedly. Under
some circumstances, ballast can suffer degradation or breakdown due to the
repeated loading and maintenance. Ballast is easily exposed to the weather
because it is laid on the track. Acid rain affects the performance of the
railway track near the industrial and urban
area. As a result, it starts to foul and the small chips from ballast filled
the void, as well as reduce the shear strength of ballast particles. This
situation can contribute into the increasing of maintenance frequency and
costing. This paper examines the potential of rubber inclusions in increasing
the shear resistance of rubber-ballast composites in simulated water and acid soaked
conditions with several configuration. This lab-based exploratory work is only static load simulation in conventional shear box
setup measuring 60 mm × 60 mm.
The aggregates size is 10 times smaller than actual size of ballast. In order
to identify the shear resistance deterioration of rubber-aggregates mixture
under poor drainage conditions by soaked a batch of aggregates in water and
acid solution for 2 weeks to simulate accelerated weathering effects. The shear
resistance did not rise dramatically with the rubber reinforcement. This
susceptible shear strain plots indicate ductile behaviour on the
aggregates-rubber composites. This is evident by the linear rise of shear
stress with strain up to approximately 10% for the control samples (CS) until
it reaches a constant value. Note that all the specimens including CS are in a
loose state during the testing because there were no tamping been applied on
the samples. Overall the circular patch (CP) specimen was the most favourable
than the other configurations. Both mechanisms contributed to the reduced
overall subsistence, accompanied by an increase in the shear resistance. The
inclusion of rubber elements apparently prevented the dilation of the granular
material when approaching the shear failure and the reducing the settlement.
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Farhanah SM Johan
Abstrak :
Ballast is one of the main structures for the railway tracks. It can resist the lateral movement under dynamic loading transferred by the passing trains with repeatedly. Under some circumstances, ballast can suffer degradation or breakdown due to the repeated loading and maintenance. Ballast is easily exposed to the weather because it is laid on the track. Acid rain affects the performance of the railway track near the industrial and urban area. As a result, it starts to foul and the small chips from ballast filled the void, as well as reduce the shear strength of ballast particles. This situation can contribute into the increasing of maintenance frequency and costing. This paper examines the potential of rubber inclusions in increasing the shear resistance of rubber-ballast composites in simulated water and acid soaked conditions with several configuration. This lab-based exploratory work is only static load simulation in conventional shear box setup measuring 60 mm × 60 mm. The aggregates size is 10 times smaller than actual size of ballast. In order to identify the shear resistance deterioration of rubber-aggregates mixture under poor drainage conditions by soaked a batch of aggregates in water and acid solution for 2 weeks to simulate accelerated weathering effects. The shear resistance did not rise dramatically with the rubber reinforcement. This susceptible shear strain plots indicate ductile behaviour on the aggregates-rubber composites. This is evident by the linear rise of shear stress with strain up to approximately 10% for the control samples (CS) until it reaches a constant value. Note that all the specimens including CS are in a loose state during the testing because there were no tamping been applied on the samples. Overall the circular patch (CP) specimen was the most favourable than the other configurations. Both mechanisms contributed to the reduced overall subsistence, accompanied by an increase in the shear resistance. The inclusion of rubber elements apparently prevented the dilation of the granular material when approaching the shear failure and the reducing the settlement.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:5 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library