"Supply chain is a system in which an organization transfers products and services to the customers. This chain is actually a network of various entities from downstream to upstream which has different processes and activities, but to serve common purposes to create a value in the form of products or services to final customer.
The shift in business landscape, such as market globalization, more demanding custOmers, and shorter product life cycle, has caused supply chain ag ility becom i ng o ne maj o r facto r th at d ete rm î n es corn p a ny? s corn petitive advantage.
This report tries to describe the supply chain in Alcatel with focus in Mobile Network Division. it ¡s one among several business divisions inside Alcatel concerned with equipments for mobile network infrastructure as its main product. It will also cover the process along the chain, from headquarter in France, Indonesian? subsidiary and final customer.
The supply chain description is concentrated in its main process and activities which are planning and customer?s order fulfillment. It also describes the information system used to support the process and exchange of information between parties involved. These aspects will be seen from the point of view of headquarter and from Indonesia?s subsdiary.
The analysis of supply chain performance ¡s based on qualitative and quantitative analysis. The first will be based on supply chain drivers which are: transportation, information, inventory, and facilities. The seconnd is done by measuring some common metrics and compare them with targets internally set by Alcatel.
From the observation and analysis done, ¡t can be concluded that Alcatel?s
supply chain performance has not reached ¡ts optimum level due to some reasons:
-Planning process is becoming a weak point because it can not anticipate
change or modificatIon in customer demands which create high inventory
-Application of Alcatel?s standard supply chain process which has not
reached supply chain?s entities in Indonesian subsidiary
-Less concern for development of information system to support supply