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Abstrak :
[Central to the book are questions concerning the existence and the characteristics of justice motives, and concerning the influence that justice motives and justice judgements have on the emergence, but also the solution of social conflicts. Five main themes will be addressed : (1) "Introduction and justice motive", (2) "organizational justice", (3) "ecological justice", (4) "social conflicts", and (5) "solution of conflicts." The authors of the editions are scholars of psychology, as well as distinguished experts from various other disciplines, including sociologists, economists, legal scholar, educationalists, and ethicists. The common ground of all contributors is their independent conduction of empirical research on justice issues. Apart from the German contributors, authors represent scholars from the US, India, Korea, New Zealand, and various European countries (Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, UK, Sweden).;Central to the book are questions concerning the existence and the characteristics of justice motives, and concerning the influence that justice motives and justice judgements have on the emergence, but also the solution of social conflicts. Five main themes will be addressed : (1) "Introduction and justice motive", (2) "organizational justice", (3) "ecological justice", (4) "social conflicts", and (5) "solution of conflicts." The authors of the editions are scholars of psychology, as well as distinguished experts from various other disciplines, including sociologists, economists, legal scholar, educationalists, and ethicists. The common ground of all contributors is their independent conduction of empirical research on justice issues. Apart from the German contributors, authors represent scholars from the US, India, Korea, New Zealand, and various European countries (Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, UK, Sweden).;Central to the book are questions concerning the existence and the characteristics of justice motives, and concerning the influence that justice motives and justice judgements have on the emergence, but also the solution of social conflicts. Five main themes will be addressed : (1) "Introduction and justice motive", (2) "organizational justice", (3) "ecological justice", (4) "social conflicts", and (5) "solution of conflicts." The authors of the editions are scholars of psychology, as well as distinguished experts from various other disciplines, including sociologists, economists, legal scholar, educationalists, and ethicists. The common ground of all contributors is their independent conduction of empirical research on justice issues. Apart from the German contributors, authors represent scholars from the US, India, Korea, New Zealand, and various European countries (Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, UK, Sweden).;Central to the book are questions concerning the existence and the characteristics of justice motives, and concerning the influence that justice motives and justice judgements have on the emergence, but also the solution of social conflicts. Five main themes will be addressed : (1) "Introduction and justice motive", (2) "organizational justice", (3) "ecological justice", (4) "social conflicts", and (5) "solution of conflicts." The authors of the editions are scholars of psychology, as well as distinguished experts from various other disciplines, including sociologists, economists, legal scholar, educationalists, and ethicists. The common ground of all contributors is their independent conduction of empirical research on justice issues. Apart from the German contributors, authors represent scholars from the US, India, Korea, New Zealand, and various European countries (Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, UK, Sweden)., Central to the book are questions concerning the existence and the characteristics of justice motives, and concerning the influence that justice motives and justice judgements have on the emergence, but also the solution of social conflicts. Five main themes will be addressed : (1) "Introduction and justice motive", (2) "organizational justice", (3) "ecological justice", (4) "social conflicts", and (5) "solution of conflicts." The authors of the editions are scholars of psychology, as well as distinguished experts from various other disciplines, including sociologists, economists, legal scholar, educationalists, and ethicists. The common ground of all contributors is their independent conduction of empirical research on justice issues. Apart from the German contributors, authors represent scholars from the US, India, Korea, New Zealand, and various European countries (Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, UK, Sweden).]
Berlin: [Springer-Verlag;;;, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agata Jacqueline P.
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai offers of services yang diajukan oleh Komite Internasional Palang Merah dalam suatu Konflik Bersenjata Internasional. Komite Internasional Palang Merah sebagai guardian dari keempat Konvensi Jenewa 12 Agustus 1949 mempunyai status khusus sebagai neutral intermediary dari para pihak yang berkonflik. Oleh karena status khusus inilah, Komite Internasional Palang Merah tidak dapat memaksakan para pihak yang berkonflik untuk menaati ketentuan-ketentuan dalam keempat Konvensi Jenewa berserta Protokolnya. Offers of services ini menjadi suatu instrumen yang digunakan Komite Internasional Palang Merah untuk mengingatkan para pihak untuk menaati ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Konvensi Jenewa yang dalam penerapannya memerlukan persetujuan para pihak yang berkonflik. Lebih lanjut, skripsi ini akan membahas dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkan baik dari penerimaan maupun penolakan offers of services ini dari para pihak yang berkonflik.
This paper is discussing about the offers of services of The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in international armed conflicts. The ICRC as the guardian of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 has a unique legal status as a neutral intermediary to the warring parties and thus is not capable of forcing the warring parties to comply to the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and its Protocols. The offers of services, hence, is an instrument used by the ICRC to notify the warring parties of their compliance to the Geneva Conventions, which, in its application, requires the consent of the warring parties. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the effects caused by its acceptance as well as its rejection by the warring parties.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Routledge, 1997
303.6 THE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trias Kuncahyono
Jakarta: Kompas Media Nusantara, 2011
956.94 TRI j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Horney, Karen
New York: W.W. Norton, 1945
616.852 HOR o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Unsymmetrical decentralization have wearied by many states to finish the problem of separatism. Conflicts which growing on effect of steep difference [among/between] central government and or real other group is manifest's of dissatisfaction will the division of power which do not proportional. Since Indonesia stay in governance system which is centralistic, since then arise dissolution seed because lack of area participation in dtermnining his own chance. Papua and Aceh are regional example of Indonesia which is ebb stay in high political tension because dissatisfaction of central government performance to his area. So that, applying of unsymmetrical decentralization at least replying requirement of real [in] desire area will to develop; build area alone without extension of hand government.
Jakarta: Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN),
321 JIPW
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The forward to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) describe the convention as a response to the globalisation of the tobacco epidemic and in particular,to the liberalisation of trade.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philipus Tule
Abstrak :
Indonesia yang berideologi Pancasila, dikenal sebagai suatu bangsa yang toleran meski memiliki aneka sukubangsa, budaya dan agama. Akhir-akhir ini, isu dan realitas konflik antaragama dan antarsukubangsa semakin merebak. Simbol-simbol keagamaan acapkali dimanipulasi oleh kelompok-kelompok tertentu. Manipulasi semacam itu yang melahirkan konflik-konflik agama turut menantang khasanah budaya Indonesia yang toleran, yang telah sekian lama diakui dan dijunjung tinggi. Semangat toleransi itu di antaranya dibangun diatas landasan ideologi nasional Pancasila dan khasanah budaya lokal seperti pela gandong dari Ambon atau budaya rumah adat dari Flores. Dalam artikel ini penulis berargumentasi bahwa manipulasi simbol-simbol agama tidak akan pernah dapat menyelesaikan konflik-konflik agama dan sukubangsa yang terjadi, baik di Ambon maupun tempat-tempat lain diIndonesia. Bertolak dari teori bandul toleransi antaragama (pendulum swing theory of religious tolerance), penulis berargumentasi bahwa pendekatan budaya sebagaimana dikaji dalam studi kasus tentang 'budaya rumah adat Keo' dari Flores Tengah dan peristiwa Kupang (1998) dapat menjadi acuan untuk belajar dari pengalaman. Lebih lanjut, otonomi agama,baik di tingkat institusi maupun personal, merupakan suatu kondisi mutlak untuk mempertahankan Indonesia sebagai suatu negara kesatuan. Agama tanpa otonomi, dan bahkan yang secara sengaja dipolitisasi oleh sejumlah elite politik dan kelompok-kelompok fanatik, akan secara mudah menyulut terjadinya konflik-konflik agama. Pemerintah Indonesia, pemimpin-pemimpin agama dan para penganut aneka agama seyogianya menyatakan rasa 'sesal dan tobat', bila mereka ingin membuka jalan ke arah rekonsiliai dan melanjutkan kehidupan yang harmonis sebagai suatu negara kesatuan.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia, 2017
327 IND t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad S. Hanifa
Abstrak :
Selama berabad-abad, Kota Yerusalem menjadi ajang pertikaian yang seakan tiada akhirnya. Berbagai bangsa telah datang silih berganti menguasai kota tersebut. Hingga kini, Kota Yerusalem masih tetap menjadi ajang persengketaan antara Palestina dan Israel, dimana kedua negara sama-sama bermaksud menjadikan Kota Yerusalem sebagai ibukota masing-masing negara. Konflik yang terjadi antara Palestina dan Israel bersumber pada dorongan nasionalisme. Semangat nasionalisme Bangsa Palestina dan Bangsa Yahudi mengalami benturan yang kemudian berkembang menjadi sualu konflik terbuka, dimana keduanya bercita-cita untuk mendirikan negara dan ibukota di atas wilayah yang sama. Hingga kini, telah dilakukan berbagai upaya penyelesaian yang melibatkan mediasi pihak ketiga untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mempelajari latar belakang sejarah konflik antara Palestina dan Israel dalam persengketaan memperebutkan Kota Yerusalem, mengetahui kepentingan Palestina dan Israel terhadap Kota Yerusalem, serta mencoba memberikan solusi penyelesaian status Kota Yerusalem. Maka, dari permasalahan yang ada, pertanyaan penelitian ini ialah: Apa arti Kota Yerusalem bagi Palestina dan Israel? Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, kepentingan Palestina dan Israel terhadap Kota Yerusalem bukan semata hanya menyakut aspek politik, latar belakang sejarah, dan demografi, namun juga melibatkan aspek religius terhadap tempat-tempat suci yang ada di Kota tersebut. Solusi yang kiranya dapat diterapkan ialah dengan kembali merujuk pada Resolusi Majelis Umum PBB No. 181 tangga] 29 November 1947, mengenai status khusus bagi Kota Yerusalem (corpus separatum) di bawah pengawasan pemerintahan internasional. Palestina dan Israel diikutsertakan dalam status sebagi pengontrol, serta komposisi yang terdapat dalam pemerintahan internasional tersebut benar-benar dapat mewakili kepentingan dari kedua pihak yang bersengeketa. Namun apabila dilihat pada kenyataannya, terdapat aksi klaim sepihak oleh Bangsa Yahudi atas wilayah Palestina dan Kota Yerusalem. Apapun bentuk dan alasannya, tindakan pengambilalihan serta pendudukan suata wilayah suatu bangsa secara paksa tidaklah dapat dibenarkan. Tindakan tersebut jelas melanggar prinsi-prinsip kemanusiaan serta melecehkan harkat dan martabat bangsa yang mendiami wilayah tersebut.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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