Ditemukan 31 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Agus R. Rahman
"This study proposes a research question on why six of Eastern European countries held the same their foreign policy orientation toward EU. To answer the question,the study relies on comparative perspective in which its level analysis is still nation state level.Despite of same factors on European-based context, there are substantial different factors on individual contex and process of their negotiations. Breakdown of the Soviet Union and the Warwasa Pactare dominant factors of the regional context, and by this way, EU gives the highest point of his foreign policy's priority to this Eastern Europe countries.Basically,changing of their political systems from close to open society determined their positions in process of the negotiation and the current "
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Breteche, Jean
"This article examines the state of play of the relations between the European Union and Indonesia.It proposes a review of the progress achieved since the publication in 2000 of the communication from the European Comission that is aimed at strengthening the relations between Indonesia and The European Union. It underlines that both the European Union and Indonesia have become stronger players in the international and regional arena. It also finds that the EU-Indonesia relations have intensified,diversified and given new perspectives for stronger EU-Indonesia partnership."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Since the second half of the 1990s, cross-sectoral and company level bargaining has developed into a key movement in transnational industrial relations in the European Union...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sabila Fadhiah
"Sengketa investasi antara sebuah perusahaan asuransi asal Belanda, Achmea B.V. dengan Republik Slovakia mendorong lahirnya perubahan fundamental dalam rezim perlindungan investasi di wilayah intra-EU. Sengketa yang dibawa pada Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ini membuahkan putusan yang menyatakan ketidakselarasan klausa mekanisme investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) dalam Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) yang dijalin Belanda – Cekoslovakia dengan hukum tertinggi dalam wilayah EU, yaitu EU Law. Putusan ini mendorong analisa panjang terkait keabsahan BIT intra-EU lain yang seluruhnya mengandung klausa mekanisme ISDS dengan EU Law. Hasilnya, seluruh BIT intra-EU dinyatakan tidak selaras dengan EU Law dan wajib untuk diakhiri. Pengakhiran BIT intra-EU otomatis menghilangkan dasar hukum bagi perlindungan investasi di wilayah intra-EU yang selama ini diberikan oleh BIT. Penelitian ini memberikan analisa terkait dampak dari putusan CJEU dalam kasus Achmea B.V. dan Slovakia, perlindungan investasi setelah adanya putusan CJEU dan deklarasi pengakhiran BIT intra-EU, serta alternatif mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa investasi intra-EU pasca putusan CJEU.
An investment dispute between a Netherland insurance company and Republic of Slovakia resulted in a fundamental change in the intra-EU investment protection regime. The dispute brought under Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) birthed a decision that the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism contained in the BIT used by the disputing parties is incompatible with EU Law. This decision results in the termination of all intra-EU BITs since all of them contain the similar ISDS mechanism clause to the Netherland – Czchoslovakia BIT. The termination automatically put intra-EU investment protection at a great risk since BITs are the most far-reaching legal basis in intra-EU investment protection. This research is analyzing the impact of CJEU’s decision on Achmea B.V. and Slovakia dispute, investment protection after the termination of intra-EU BITs, and the alternative mechanisms on investment protection after the decision by CJEU."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Mario Josko
"The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of food safety regulation in European Union for Indonesia shrimp export to European Union countries period 1997-2007. Food safety regulation and high standard requirement which are imposed by most of developed countries could be indicated as barrier for developing countire because most of them could not meet the high requirement which is asked by developed countries. The European commission made a various regulations to regulate the requiremen of food safety and requirement for food and feed product. One of the regulations is Regulation (EC) no. 178 year 2002 laying down the general priciples and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Savety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety. It regulation is aimed to provide high level of protection of human health and it consumer interest. The result of this research showed that regulation had a negative and significant impact on Indonesia shrimp export into several European Union countries. In addition, Gross Domestic Product of destination countries, relative price and nominall exchange rate also influence Indonesia shrimp export.
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa Pengaruh Kebijakan Keamanan Pangan di Uni Eropa terhadap eksppor udang Indoensia ke negara-negara Uni Eropa periode 1997-2007. Kebijakan keamanan pangan dan persyaratan standar yang tinggi yang diterapkan oleh negara maju dapat diindikasikan sebagai hambatan bagi negara negara berkembang karena sebagian besar negara berkembang belum dapat memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan oleh negara maju. Komisi Uni Eropa telah membuat berbagai peraturan yang mengatur persyaratan keamanan makanan. Salah satu peraturannya adalah Regualtion (EC) No. 178/20002 tentang prinsip-prinsip umum tentang ketentuan-ketentuan hukum pangan, authority dan tanggung jawabnya serta prosedur dalam hal keamanan pangan untuk menjamin perlindungan yang ketat dalam hal kesehatan manusia atau konsumsi makanan secara umum pada masyarakat Eropa. Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa regulasii ini berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap ekspor udang Indonesia ke beberapa negara Uni Eropa. Di sisi lain, PDB dari negara Uni Eropa, harga relatif dan kurs nominal juga berpengaruh terhadap ekspor udang Indonesia ke Uni Eropa."
T 27679
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Hafizh Sibqotaulloh
ABSTRACTPengukuran kinerja internal pada administrasi pajak (DJP) dalam beberapa tahun terakhir menghasilkan nilai kinerja yang tinggi. Salah satu dari dua puluh dua indikator yang diuji pada 2015 adalah pencapaian target penerimaan. Pencapaian target penerimaan merupakan tolok ukur hasil dari keseluruhan kinerja DJP. Namun faktanya, tolok ukur hasil ini dalam beberapa tahun terakhir tidak pernah terpenuhi meskipun DJP mendapat nilai kinerja yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan alat pengukuran kinerja lain yang dapat mengukur kinerja DJP baik dari hasil dan aspek lainnya secara adil. Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu perangkat pengukuran yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja fiskal di Europe Unionyakni, EU Fiscal Blueprints. EU Fiscal Blueprints memiliki lima dimensi yang diukur menggunakan metode teknik pengambilan data kuantitatif melalui kuesioner dengan responden dari Konsultan Pajak dan DJP. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan pembobotan berdasarkan EU Fiscal Blueprints.Dari lima dimensi yang diuji, secara umum memiliki hasil yang baik, meskipun dimensi "struktur, kerangka dan dasar" dan "manusia dan perilaku" tidak mencapai nilai yang diinginkan. DJP diharapkan untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerja dua dimensi tersebut melalui program-program strategis.
ABSTRACTThe measurement of internal performance on tax administration (DGT) in the past few years has resulted in high performance values. One of the twenty-two indicators tested in 2015 was the achievement of the revenue target. The achievement of the acceptance target is a measure of the results of the overall performance of the DGT. But in fact, the benchmarks of these results in the past few years have never been fulfilled even though the DGT received high performance scores. Therefore another performance measurement tool is needed that can measure DGT performance both from the results and other aspects fairly. This study uses one of the measurement tools used to measure fiscal performance in Europe Union, the EU Fiscal Blueprints. The EU Fiscal Blueprints has five dimensions that are measured using quantitative data collection techniques through questionnaires with respondents from Tax Consultants and DGT. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis carried out by weighting based on the EU Fiscal Blueprint. From the five dimensions tested, generally have good results, although the dimensions of "structure, framework and basis" and "human and behavior" do not reach the desired value . DGT is expected to be able to improve the two-dimensional performance through strategic programs."
[, ]:
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustina Dinar Moneta
"Skripsi ini menganalisis alasan pemerintah Jepang meliberalisasi sektor agrikulturnya pada European Union-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EU-JEPA) padahal sebelumnya, seringkali mendapatkan penolakan dari aktor-aktor domestiknya. Metodologi yang digunakan studi ini adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi literatur dan wawancara. Melalui teori two-level games, skripsi ini menjelaskan proses negosiasi dan alasan Jepang meliberalisasi sektor agrikulturnya melalui tiga determinan dan satu faktor pendukung dalam penelitian ini yang dirangkum dari proses negosiasi di Level I dan Level II. Pada Level I, terdapat kompromi antara Jepang dan UE terhadap tarif produk sektor agrikultur yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak dan adanya kebijakan Abenomics dengan salah satu pilar reformasi agrikultur. Pada Level II determinan I, terdapat pengurangan dominasi aktor-aktor domestik yang tidak pro liberalisasi sektor agrikultur dan adanya kepentingan Shinzo Abe untuk melakukan kerja sama ekonomi. Pada Level II determinan II, semakin besarnya peran lembaga eksekutif Jepang (perdana menteri dan Kantei) di bawah Shinzo Abe yang intervensionis dan suara partai oposisi yang terpecah belah dan lemah. Adapun faktor pendukung yang ditemukan dalam studi ini adalah keberhasilan liberalisasi sektor agrikultur Jepang di Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, studi ini melihat bahwa sikap proteksionis Jepang terhadap sektor agrikulturnya mengalami adaptasi seiring dengan desakan liberalisasi.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Shofiyah Adila Farhana
"Pada tahun 2022, pemerintah Indonesia telah mengakui bahwa dampak perubahan iklim dapat memicu potensi bencana yang dapat merugikan perekonomian, sosial, dan kesehatan di Indonesia hingga mencapai angka 544 triliun rupiah. Dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa dibutuhkan dana yang besar untuk pendanaan iklim dan adanya peningkatan target Indonesia terhadap dunia internasional untuk menurunkan emisi karbon, pemerintah Indonesia memutuskan untuk merencanakan penerapan pajak karbon dan perdagangan karbon secara simultan untuk satu sektor yang sama yaitu Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Batubara melalui Undang-Undang No.7 Tahun 2021 tentang Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan dan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral No. 16 Tahun 2022. Merujuk kepada doktrin dari Gunningham dan Sinclair, apabila akan diterapkan dua atau lebih kebijakan untuk satu target yang sama, maka perlu untuk dilihat koherensi dan urutan dari penerapan kebijakan tersebut untuk melihat apakah tujuan utama dari diterapkannya dua atau lebih kebijakan dapat tercapai tanpa menciptakan smorgasbordism. Norwegia merupakan negara Eropa yang memiliki situasi mirip dengan Indonesia. Norwegia menerapkan kewajiban untuk sektor petroleum lepas pantai berpartisipasi di perdagangan karbon Uni Eropa melalui European Union Emision Trading System (EU ETS) dan membayar pajak karbon melalui Carbon Tax Act No. 21 on Petroleum Activities. Sayangnya, hingga saat ini, tidak ada data yang menunjukkan bahwa emisi karbon di sektor petroleum lepas pantai Norwegia berhasil menurun paska diterapkannya dua kebijakan instrumen ekonomi secara simultan. Alih-alih menurun, data menunjukkan bahwa hingga kini produksi petroleum lepas pantai tetap menjadi nomor urut pertama sumber emisi karbon di Norwegia. Berkaca dari Norwegia, apabila Indonesia ingin menerapkan pajak karbon dan perdagangan karbon untuk menurunkan emisi karbon di sektor PLTU Batubara, maka Indonesia perlu untuk mempertimbangkan bahwa 1) pajak karbon tidak dapat dikenakan sebagai ‘sanksi’ yang menimbulkan efek jera agar pelaku industri PLTU Batubara di Indonesia mau berpartisipasi di perdagangan karbon; 2) pemerintah perlu memastikan bahwa terdapat insentif yang cukup untuk menarik pelaku usaha ke perdagangan karbon, baik melalui sanksi denda atau sanksi sosial, tanpa mengandalkan pajak; 3) hasil pajak karbon benar-benar dialokasikan untuk proyek lingkungan hidup.
By 2022, the Indonesian government has recognized that the impacts of climate change could trigger a potential catastrophic economic, social, and health cost in Indonesia of up to IDR 544 trillion. Considering the large amount of money needed for climate finance and Indonesia's increasing international targets to reduce carbon emissions, the Indonesian government decided to plan the simultaneous implementation of carbon tax and carbon trading for the same sector, namely Coal Fired Power Plant through Law No.7 of 2021 on Harmonization of Taxation Regulations and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 16 of 2022. Referring to the doctrine of Gunningham and Sinclair, if two or more policies will be applied for the same target, it is necessary to look at the coherence and sequence of the application of these policies to see if the main objectives of the application of two or more policies can be achieved without creating smorgasbordism. Norway is a European country that has a similar situation to Indonesia. Norway has an obligation for the offshore petroleum sector to participate in EU carbon trading through the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and pay carbon tax through Carbon Tax Act No. 21 on Petroleum Activities. Unfortunately, to date, there is no data to suggest that carbon emissions in Norway's offshore petroleum sector have decreased following the simultaneous implementation of these two policy economic instruments. Instead of decreasing, data shows that until now offshore petroleum production remains the number one source of carbon emissions in Norway. Reflecting on Norway, if Indonesia wants to implement carbon tax and carbon trading to reduce carbon emission in coal power plant sector, Indonesia needs to consider that 1) carbon tax cannot be imposed as a 'sanction' that creates deterrent effect so that coal power plant industry players in Indonesia want to participate in carbon trading; 2) the government needs to ensure that there are sufficient incentives to attract business actors to carbon trading, either through fines or social sanctions, without relying on taxes; 3) carbon tax proceeds are truly allocated for environmental projects."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Ramedhan
"The article examines the current political development of the integration process of the EU. The author takes a closer look at the electoral voles of three very important EU members of the EU. The result of the EU referendum in three EU member countries shows a different opinion and ideology of the European citizen. Spain's weak and meek "yes" to the EU constitution obtained through a massive campaign by the political establishment and jointly by government and opposition alike. The result "no " in the Netherlands has shown signs nationalistic backlash towards EU constitution. A part from Holland social decline, the "no "from the left was this time based on the ELI lack of appeal. And the French "no" with high electoral participation was based on the excesses of the free market system within the EU constitution., necessarily implying a lessening of the French social welfare system, increased unemployment, and lowering of living standards. The author concludes with the questions: what the EU will be to the European Union? and where the process of the EU integration or disintegration will lead"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article discusses the national sovereignty and regionalism in the context
of the membership of a state into regional economic organisations. It concludes
that in nowadays-shrinking world the traditional concept of sovereignty is less
relevant since states have suffered a loss in their sovereignty. It found that
member states of regional economic organisations have to cede a degree of
sovereignty, such as in the EU. This phenomenon however is not the case for
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2013
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library