ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai pokok permasalahan yaitu: alasan Indonesia
mengalur varietas lokal, penerapan HKI terhadap varietas lokal dan hubungan
antara WTO, UPOV dan hukum nasional Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian Tesis ini
untuk menjawab pokok-pqkok permasalahan yaitu untuk méngelahui mengapa
variezas lokal harus diatur oleh hukum nasional Indonesia, kemudian untuk
mengetahui apakah HKI bisa diterapkan terhadap varietas lokal yang merupakan
ciri khas Indonesia yang memiliki hak komunal, serta untuk mendapatkan
hubungan mengenai varietas lokal antara WTO, UPOV dan hukum nasional
Indonesia. Penelitian Tesis ini menggunakan yuridis normatif karena
penelitian Tesis ini merupakan fokus penelitian untuk mengkaji penerapan norma
di dalam hukum positif. 'Tipe penelitian yuridis normatif menggunakan
pendekatan perundang-uandangan (statue approach) dan pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia harus
mengatur varietas lokal, penerapan HKI terhadap varietas lokal harus memberikan
benefit sharing kepada masyarakat melalui Pemerintah serta hubungan mengenai
varietas lokal antara WTO, UPOV dan hukum di Indonesia adalah ketentuan
Pasal 27 ayat (3) huruf b TRIP's Agreement. Penelitian Tesi sini juga ményarankan
agar Indonesi tidak perlu masuk menjadi anggota UPOV dan Indonesia perlu
memperbaiki UU No. 29 Tahun 2000 agar menjmin hak petani dan benefit
sharing atas penggunaan varietas lokal.
AbstractThis thesis will discuss about the principal problems that the reason by Indonesia
to set the local varieties, application of IPRs to the local varieties and relationship
between the WTO, UPOV and Indonesian national law. The aim of this thesis
research to answer the points problem is consist of find out why local varieties
should be govemed by national laws to Indonesia, then to determine whether IPRs
can be applied to the local varieties that are characteristic Indonesia which have
communal rights, and to obtain the relationship about the local variety between
the WTO, UPOV and Indonesian national law. This, Thesis research is using
normative legal for this thesis research because the focus of research to
examine the application of the norms in the positive law. Type of the normative legal
research using the approach of legislation (statute approach) and the approach of
concept (conceptual approach). The results of this study showed that Indonesia
should manage the local varieties, the application' of IPR's to the local varieties
must offer benefits to the community sharing through the the Government and
the relationship about the local variety beetween WTO, UPOV and law in
Indonesia is the provision of Article 27 paragraph (3) point b of the TRIP's
Agreement. This thesis research also suggests that lndonesia should not become a
member of UPOV and Indonesia needs to improve the Act No. 29 of 2000 in
order to guarantee the rights of farmers and benefits sharing for the use of local
varieties. "