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Rianayanti Asmira Rasam
"[Dalam konteks pengobatan modern, kompleksitas sistem perumahsakitan dianggap sebagai faktor utama penyebab insiden kesalahan medis. Dengan paradigma ”pelayanan berfokus pasien”, hak pasien mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang aman adalah indikator utama dalam Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit versi 2012 (SARS 2012) di Indonesia, melalui penerapan 6 Sasaran Keselamatan Pasien (SKP).
Adapun salah-satu jenis penyakit dengan mortalitas dan morbiditas yang tinggi adalah Sepsis. Pengunaan modifikasi klinis Internasional Classification of Desease (ICD) berbasis revisi ke-9, telah menimbulkan kerancuan terminologi dan meningkatkan mortalitas sepsis. Secara global, mortalitas sepsis mencapai 8 juta/tahun, dengan pertumbuhan di negara berkembang berkisar 8 – 13% per-tahun. Untuk memastikan efektifitas Keselamatan Pasien pada alur pelayanan penyakit sepsis, dilakukan penelitian terhadap imlementasi Tatakelola 6 Sasaran Keselatanan Pasien. Melalui kerangka studi kasus, dengan pendekatan kualitatif diskriptik analitik, dilaksanakan penelitian di Rumah Sakit Tebet Jakarta, pada bulan April-Mei 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, efektifitas Tatakelola 6 SKP mencapai 96,283%,
dengan tingkat kesalahan 5%. Penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan implementasi Tatakelola 6 SKP pada alur pelayanan penyakit sepsis. Disimpulkan bahwa Tatakelola 6 Sasaran Keselamatan Pasien sangat efektif mengurangi resiko KP.;In the context of modern medicine, complexity hospital’s management is regarded as the primary cause of medical error (ME). The new healthcare paradigm of “Patient-Focused Care”, patient’s right to receive safe healthcare treatment is considered as main indicator in Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit of 2012 (SARS
2012) in Indonesia, through the implementation of the 6 Targets of Patient Safety (KP). In the category of emergency medical treatment, Sepsis is considered as a disease with high mortality and morbidity rate. The use of The International Classification of Diseases, based on Ninth Revision, have caused terminological confusion and contribute to the increase of sepsis mortality rate. Globally, sepsis’ mortality rate
reaches 8 million/year or 24.000/day, with growth rate of 8-13% per-year. To ensure the effectiveness of KP standard implementation in sepsis medical treatment, a research on the implementation of 6 Targets of KP in RS Tebet is conducted. Using case study, qualitative and descriptive analysis, this research is performed in the course of April-May 2015. The research shows that effectiveness 6 Targets of KP implementation reaches 96,283%, with 5% margin of error. This research proves that implementation of 6 Targets of KP in healthcare treatment procedure for sepsis cases can reduce the risk of ME., In the context of modern medicine, complexity hospital’s management is regarded
as the primary cause of medical error (ME). The new healthcare paradigm of
“Patient-Focused Care”, patient’s right to receive safe healthcare treatment is
considered as main indicator in Standar Akreditasi Rumah Sakit of 2012 (SARS
2012) in Indonesia, through the implementation of the 6 Targets of Patient Safety
In the category of emergency medical treatment, Sepsis is considered as a disease
with high mortality and morbidity rate. The use of The International Classification
of Diseases, based on Ninth Revision, have caused terminological confusion and
contribute to the increase of sepsis mortality rate. Globally, sepsis’ mortality rate
reaches 8 million/year or 24.000/day, with growth rate of 8-13% per-year.
To ensure the effectiveness of KP standard implementation in sepsis medical
treatment, a research on the implementation of 6 Targets of KP in RS Tebet is
conducted. Using case study, qualitative and descriptive analysis, this research is
performed in the course of April-May 2015. The research shows that effectiveness 6
Targets of KP implementation reaches 96,283%, with 5% margin of error. This
research proves that implementation of 6 Targets of KP in healthcare treatment
procedure for sepsis cases can reduce the risk of ME.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rany Wulan Agus
"Perawat dalam melaksanakan penerapan sasaran keselamatan pasien SKP dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor yang berkaitan sebagai sistem. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk menjelaskan gambaran penerapan pasien serta hubungan antarafaktor individu, faktor kompleksitas pekerjaan, faktor lingkungan kerja, sertafaktor organisasi dan manajemen terhadap penerapan SKP di RSUD dr SlametGarut. Desain penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan metode cross sectional,dengan sampel sebanyak 286 perawat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan gambaranpenerapan sasaran keselamatan pasien lebih dari sebagian masih kurang 52,8 .Faktor individu meliputi masa kerja p=0,000 memiliki hubungan denganpenerapan SKP, sedangkan umur, status kepegawaian pelatihan dan pendidikantidak. Faktor kompleksitas pekerjaan meliputi serah terima pasien p=0,000 ,memiliki hubungan dengan penerapan SKP sedangkan beban kerja dan kerjasamatidak, ketersediaan SOP merupakan variabel komposit. Faktor lingkungan kerja P=0,000 memiliki hubungan dengan penerapan SKP. Faktor Organisasi danManajemen meliputi supervisi, budaya organisasi dan komunikasi tidak memilikihubungan dengan penerapan SKP. Faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhiadalah lingkungan kerja Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlu dilakukanpengukuran berkala dan Hazard Identification and Risk Assesment HIRA terhadap seluruh area lingkungan kerja.
......Implementation of Patient Safety on Nurse was influenced by various factor arerelated each other as a system. The objective of this research was to decribe ofpatient safety implemention and relationship between individual factors, workcomplexity factors, work environment factors, organizational and managementfactors with patient safety implementation in Hospital dr Slamet Garut. Thisresearch design used a descriptive correlative with cross sectional method, thesampels were 286 nurses. The result showed the picture of patient safetyimplementation is more than some still lacking 52,8 . The influencing factorsof individual factor for patient safety implementation were length of service p 0,000 , meanwile other factors such as age, employment status, training andeducation were not influential. The influencing factors of complexity factors forpatient safety implementation were patient handover p 0,000 , meanwile otherfactors such as workload and cooperation were not influential, SOP wascomfounding variable. The influencing factors of work environment for patientsafety implementation. Factors of organizational and management such asupervision, organization culture and communication were not influencing. Themost dominant factors influencing for patient safety was work environment. Thisresearch recommend that it require periodic measurements and HazardIdentification and Risk Assesment HIRA of all working area."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Nurhayatiningsih


Nama : Tri Nurhayatiningsih
Program Studi : Mutu Layanan Kesehatan
Judul : Analisis Hubungan Faktor Individu dan Faktor Tim Kerja Terhadap
Perilaku Petugas Kesehatan dalam Mendukung Keselamatan Pasien di
RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta Tahun 2019
Pembimbing : Prof. DR. R. Ayu Dewi Sartika, Apt, Msc
Rumah sakit sebagai suatu organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang pelayanan kesehatan
dituntut untuk selalu meningkatkan mutu pelayanannya. Salah satu parameter untuk
menilai mutu rumah sakit adalah penilaian akreditasi oleh lembaga yang telah
tersertifikasi nasional maupun internasional. Fokus penilaian pada proses akreditasi
adalah peningkatan mutu berkelanjutan yang mengutamakan keselamatan pasien.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa gambaran perilaku tenaga kesehatan dalam
mematuhi standar pelayanan yang mengutamakan keselamatan pasien sehingga risiko
insiden yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan pasien menjadi berkurang dan
berdampak terhadap mutu pelayanan yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
mix method observasi lapangan dan metode kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional.
Sampel penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel
sebanyak 161 responden. Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui observasi
lapangan dan telaah dokumen sedangkan data primer dilakukan melalui pengisian
kuesioner. Hasil penelitian diketahui perilaku petugas yang mendukung keselamatan
pasien pada tingkat kepatuhan 90% sebanyak 64%. Faktor yang mempunyai hubungan
dengan perilaku petugas mendukung keselamatan pasien adalah pendidikan (p value
0,001), profesi (p value 0,047), pengetahuan (p value 0,029), sikap (p value 0,001),
supervise (p value 0,001) dan kerjasama tim (p value 0,001) dengan variabel dominan
dari hasil analisis multivariate adalah sikap (OR 12,382) dan confounding factor umur,
pendidikan, profesi pengetahuan, supervise dan kerjasama tim, namun tidak didapatkan
adanya interaksi antar variabel tersebut. Butir permasalahan yang masih rendah pada
perilaku adalah terkait beban kerja dimana masih ada yang memaksakan bekerja saat
kondisi lelah dan konsentrasi berkurang serta mengerjakan yang diluar kewenangannya.
Upaya yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki perilaku terkait keselamatan pasien
adalah dengan melakukan pemetaan dan penghitungan beban kerja pegawai khususnya
unit pelayanan pasien, membuat materi edukasi terkait keselamatan pasien melalui
media audio visual, memasukan perilaku terkait keselamatan pasien ke dalam penilaian
kinerja pegawai, membuat program yang dapat memacu pegawai untuk berupaya
menjadikan perilaku keselamatan menjadi budaya kerja. Upaya perbaikan keselamatan
pasien harus dikelola dengan pendekatan sistemik. Sistem ini dapat dilihat sebagai suatu
sistem terbuka, di mana sistem terkecil akan dipengaruhi, bahkan tergantung pada
sistem yang lebih besar.
Kata kunci: keselamatan pasien rumah sakit, perilaku petugas, faktor individu, faktor
tim kerja


Name : Tri Nurhayatiningsih
Study Program : Quality Health Services
Title : Analysis of Correlation Individual and Team Work Factor with
Behavior of The Health Providers in Supporting Patient Safety at
Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta
Counsellor : Prof. DR. R. Ayu Dewi Sartika, Apt, Msc
The hospital as an organization engaged in the field of health services is required to
always improve the quality of the services. A parameter for assessing the quality of
hospitals is the assessment of accreditation by institutions that have been national and
international certified. The focus of assessment on the accreditation process is
continuous quality improvement that prioritizes patient safety. This study aims to
analysis description of the behavior of health workers to adhere the service standards
that prioritize patient safety so that the risk of patient safety incidents had been reduced
and have impact on better service quality. This research was conducted with a mix
method study of field observation and quantitative study with a cross sectional design.
The study sample used simple random sampling with a total sample of 161 respondents.
Secondary data collection was carried out through field observations and document
studies while the primary data was carried out through filling in questionnaires. The
results of the study revealed that the behavior of officers who supported patient safety at
90% compliance that amount of 64%. Factors that have a relationship with the behavior
of supporting patient safety are education (p value 0.001), profession (p value 0.047),
knowledge (p value 0.029), attitude (p value 0.001), supervision (p value 0.001) and
teamwork (p value 0.001) with the dominant variable from the results of multivariate
analysis is attitude (OR 12,382) and confounding factor are age, education, profession,
knowledege, supervision and team work, in the otherside not found interaction of that
varaible. The problems that are still low on behavior are related to workloads there are
still who force work when conditions are tired and the concentration is reduced, the
other who work that is beyond their authority. To improve behavior related to patient
safety is to mapping and calculate employee workload, especially the unit of patient
services, make educational materials related to patient safety through audio visual
media, incorporate behaviors related to patient safety into employee performance
indicator, create programs that can support employees to try make safety behavior to be
a work culture.
Keywords: hospital of patient safety, health provides behavior, individual factors, team
work factors

Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library