ABSTRAIT ll y a le temp quand wte organization devient grande. Dans cet moment-la, il
y a beacoup des gens en fonctions differents, faisent beaucoup des choses dans cette
organization. Parfois, les structures des positions, les responsabilites de chaque
position, les remunerations dans cette organization devient pas tres claire. Les
responsabilites de chaque position et les differenciation entre chaque position et les
autres devient tres varies et complexes.
Pour connaitre le condition de structure des positions d 'organization, et pour
construire un meillure structure des positions et de remuneration dans cette
organization, une organisation doit faire une evaluation des positions.
II y a quelques methods d'evaluation des positions. John M. Ivancevich, dans
son livre Human Resource Management (Gestion de Resource Humaines), montre
quatre methods d'evaluation:
1. The Rating method
2. Classification method
3. Tite Point system
4. The Factor method
PT. Schneider Indonesia and PT. Schneider Ometraco, membre du Groupe
Schneider, ont decide de faire wte projet d'evaluation de position pour toutes les
positions dans les organisations. Cette projet-la a commence a octobre jusqu'a Ia fm
de decembre. lls ont invite le consultant du management International qui s'appelle
William M. Mercer Indonesia (il ete connu le Corporate Resource Group/CRG) pour
faire d'evaluation des positions sur Schneider.
William M Mercer offre son method d'evaluation des position, qu'il
s'appele International Position Evaluation (IPE). William M. Mercer International est
ie proprietaire de cette method d' evaluation des positions.
Je m'interesse de montre dans cette mernoire qu-est que ce le method
International Position Evaluation (IPE). Je montre le definition de IPE, les fonctions,
et les demarches d' evaluation des positions sw1out l' evaluation des positions qui a eu
a Schneider. Je montre de comparaison entre le method de IPE avec les autres
methods d'evaluation des positions mentione avant A Ia fin de cette memoire, je
montre les avantages et les inconvenients de chaque method d'evaluation.
ABSTRACTWhen an organization was created, perhaps it will consist of only several
positions doing several different functions. The creation of the tittles or positions and
the definition of duties and responsibilities (job description) perhaps was in the hand
of one person or several people tmder the Human Resource function. When the
organization was not complicated, it wouldn't be too complicated to construct the job
description and to create the positions grading within the organization. When the
organization evolves, the needs for the positions doing more and more functions
develop along the development of the organization. At this point, the definition of job
description, the def"mition of the roles and responsibilities, and the differentiation of
the salary structure become very complicated. There will be time when the
organization needs to know its effectiveness and condition.
To check the integrity of the organization and to create a better organization
structure, the organization needs to do the evaluation on jobs or positions which exist
in the organization. There are some methods on the job evaluation. Four of them are
mentioned by John M Ivancevich, in his book "Human Resource Management". The
methods mentioned are:
1. The Rating method
2. The Classification method
3. The Point System
4. The Factor method
PT. Schneider Indonesia and PT. Schneider Ometraco, as one of a
multinational company operating in Indonesia, feels the urge to do Job/position
evaluation within the organization. They have decided to invite an International
Manageruent consultant, William M Mercer Indonesia, to be involved in doing the
position evaluation. William M Mercer offers its own method of job/position
evaluation known as International Position Evaluation to be applied on the job
evaluation in Schneider. In doing the evaluation, they will be able to know:
1. Whether its structure is good. The organization may be able to construct
better organization structure. The structure will be based on the worth of
each position for the organization.
2. The salary structure will be improved by having the salary structure which
is based on the position worth for the organization.
3. The roles, responsibilities and the duties of the positions will be clarified.
Then the relation between fimctions will be clear.
4. The Schneider has found out that the position tittles in the OIBaniz.ation
can be simplified. Therefore it will simplify the works of the Human
Resource Management.
5. The career planning will be based on the more good-structured position
By comparing the International Position Evaluation (IPE) method with the
other job evaluation methods mentioned above, the IPE method offers more factors
to be considered. So it is obvious that the IPE method is the most sophisticated than
the other evaluation methods.