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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nasution, Syahfiry
Pada sekitar pertengahan tahun 1997 Bank Indonesia menetapkan kebijakan
melepas band intervensi terhadap mata uang dolar Amerika, Kebijakan ini
mengakibatkan tetjadinya depresiasi nilai rupiah cukup tajam. Industri perbankan
yang merupakan motor penggerak perekonomian Indonesia tidak terkecuali juga
terkena dampak dan krisis moneter yang timbul akibat depresiasi rupiah tersebut.
Dampak konkretnya adalah likuidasi oleh pemerintah terhadap 16 bank swasta
nasional. Langkah yang ditempuh pemerintah ini semata-mata untuk menyehatkan
sistem perbankan nasional. Akibatnya pemerintah harus menanggung dana nasabah
bank yang dilikuidasi tersebut dengan pengadaan program darurat yaitu blanket
guarantee. Program ini menyebabkan pemerintah harus menyalurkan dananya
mencapai Rp 2,3 tnliun sebagai dana talangan, dengan maksimal penggantian Rp 20
juta per nasabah.
Terlepas dari tertutup dan tidaknya dana masyarakat dengan adanya jaminan
dan pemerintah, sudah saatnya untuk dipikirkan j aminan dan penlindungan hukum
bagi nasabah bank. Pemerintah tampaknya perlu mempertimbangkan adanya asuransi
simpanan (insurance deposit) sebagai saran perlindungan dana simpanan konsumen di
bank. Lembaga asuransi simpanan ini sebenarnya telah diatur dalain pasal 37B
Undang-Undang no. 10 tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan.
Oleh karena keberadaan lembaga ini dapat mengembalikan kepercayaan
masyarakat kepada sistem perbankan, maka pertanyaan ?bagaimana meningkatkan
tabungan dalani negeri dengan cepat untuk membiayai pembangunafl nasional? sudah
terrnasuk dalam jangkauan asuransi simpanan ini. Disamping itu pembinaan
kepercayaan kepada bank merupakan tujuan daii asuransi simpanan tersebut.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hukom, Grace A.D.
"Dampak Program JPS bagi proses pemberdayaan perempuan diangkat sebagai masalah utama tesis ini karena banyak fakta menunjukkan bahwa situasi krisis sangat berisiko bagi perempuan dan anak-anak, sementara intervensi JPS hanya menjadikan perempuan sebagai objek dari distribusi bantuan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus tentang masyarakat penerima manfaat pada Program JPS yang dilakukan World Vision dengan dukungan CIDA yang dilakukan di wilayah Kelurahan Cilincing dan Kalibaru. Analisis kasus dilakukan dengan menelusuri siklus manajemen proyek dan berbagai dokumen. Analisis jender yang dilakukan pada kelompok masyarakat penerima manfaat bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi atau data mengenai peran jender yang melekat pada laki-laki dan perempuan dalam kelompok masyarakat di wilayah Cilincing dan Kalibaru.
Temuan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa Program JPS yang merupakan pendekatan sosial untuk memberdayakan masyarakat yang terkena dampak krisis dilakukan dalam jangka waktu pendek dan lebih menjawab kebutuhan pangan dan kesehatan masyarakat penerima manfaat saja. Dengan kata lain, program itu hanya menjawab kebutuhan praktis jender seperti makanan, gizi ibu dan anak, sanitasi lingkungan. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa pola bantuan JPS yang berjangka pendek dan menggunakan pendekatan dari atas ke bawah membuat pelaksana program JPS tidak peka lagi terhadap strategi pemenuhan kebutuhan yang telah dimiliki setiap individu. Pendekatan itu tidak lagi mengkategorikan mereka yang paling terkena dampak krisis, tetapi memberi bantuan kepada keluarga. Pelaksana JPS tidak menyadari bahwa dalam keluarga telah terjadi pembagian kerja sesuai dengan peran masing-masing, akses dan kontrol pada sumber daya yang ada. Akibatnya, intervensi bantuan justru menambah beban peran perempuan."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisia Nur Dwi Agusta
"Penelitian ini membahas proses kemiskinan relatif rumah tangga ibu-anak di Jepang dan peran NPO Food Bank Yamanashi dalam program jaring pengaman pangan yang membantu rumah tangga ibu-anak dari kerawanan pangan. Tujuan dari program jaring pengaman pangan adalah menyediakan bantuan makanan bagi rumah tangga miskin dengan ide pemanfaatan food loss. Teori strukturasi dan teori pertukaran jaringan digunakan sebagai landasan dalam menganalisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitaif dengan studi literatur dari berbagai survei dan statistik resmi kementrian Jepang, artikel berita online, video, dan artikel jurnal internasional. Berdasarkan data-data yang telah dikumpulkan dan dianalisis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa struktur tenaga kerja dualisme neoliberal Jepang, struktur patriarki, dan sistem kesejahteraan menekan (constraint) rumah tangga ibu-anak untuk hidup dalam kemiskinan relatif dan tidak menciptakan lingkungan pekerjaan yang ramah terhadap kebutuhan ibu rumah tangga. Peran NPO Food Bank Yamanashi dalam memberikan jaring pengaman bagi rumah tangga ibu-anak miskin Jepang menunjukan adanya perpanjangan tangan pemerintah dalam penyedia jasa kesejahteraan di mana biasanya diampu oleh pemerintah atau swasta. NPO Food Bank Yamanashi dalam jaring pengaman pangan berperan sebagai perantara yang efektif bagi pihak yang ingin berdonasi dan pihak yang membutuhkan dalam hal ini rumah tangga ibu-anak miskin sekaligus menyerap program subsidi pemerintah kotamadya dengan tepat.
......This research examines the relative poverty process of mother-child households in Japan and NPO Food Bank Yamanashi's role in the food safety net program that helps poor mother-child households from food insecurity. The purpose of the food safety net program is to provide food assistance to poor households with the idea of using food loss. Structuration theory and network exchange theory are used as the basis for the analysis. This research uses a qualitative method with literature studies from various surveys and official statistics from the Japanese Ministry, online news articles, videos, and international journal articles. Based on the data that has been collected and analyzed, it can be concluded that the Japanese neoliberal dualism workforce structure, the patriarchal structure, and the welfare system constrain mother-child households to live in relative poverty and does not create a work environment that is friendly to the needs of homemakers. NPO Food Bank Yamanashi's role in providing safety nets for poor Japanese mother-child households indicates the distribution of power in welfare service providers, usually managed by the government or the private sector. The distribution of power occurred because of network exchange linkages between food banks and government associations, social organizations, and the community. NPO Food Bank Yamanashi in the food safety net program as an effective intermediary institution for those who want to donate and those in need, in this case, poor mother-child households, and absorbs the municipal government subsidy program appropriately."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jasmine Nabila Ramadha
Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum adanya payung hukum terhadap protokol manajemen krisis untuk mencegah dan menangani krisis perbankan yang terjadi di Indonesia. Krisis perbankan tersebut berdampak bukan hanya bagi kegiatan perekonomian negara, melainkan bagi keadaan politik yang begitu luas. Dalam penulisannya, metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu metode yang dilakukan dengan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder.
Tesis ini menyoroti sejarah krisis perbankan yang melanda Indonesia dan Inggris dan bagaimana mekanisme dan aplikasi Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan yang ada pada masing-masing negara tersebut. Adapun pertimbangan yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk mengakat tema ini adalah, kedua negara tersebut sama-sama terkena imbas krisis subprime mortgage dari US pada tahun 2008 dan keduanya sama-sama mengalami krisis perbankan akibat satu bank kecil yang berdampak sistemik. Namun, saat ini Inggris sudah memiliki Undang-Undang yang mengatur koordinasi antar lembaga/otoritas dalam mencegah krisis dan menjaga Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan negaranya
The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
, The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library