ABSTRAKPenulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum adanya payung hukum terhadap protokol manajemen krisis untuk mencegah dan menangani krisis perbankan yang terjadi di Indonesia. Krisis perbankan tersebut berdampak bukan hanya bagi kegiatan perekonomian negara, melainkan bagi keadaan politik yang begitu luas. Dalam penulisannya, metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu metode yang dilakukan dengan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder.
Tesis ini menyoroti sejarah krisis perbankan yang melanda Indonesia dan Inggris dan bagaimana mekanisme dan aplikasi Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan yang ada pada masing-masing negara tersebut. Adapun pertimbangan yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk mengakat tema ini adalah, kedua negara tersebut sama-sama terkena imbas krisis subprime mortgage dari US pada tahun 2008 dan keduanya sama-sama mengalami krisis perbankan akibat satu bank kecil yang berdampak sistemik. Namun, saat ini Inggris sudah memiliki Undang-Undang yang mengatur koordinasi antar lembaga/otoritas dalam mencegah krisis dan menjaga Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan negaranya
ABSTRACTThe writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
, The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country