"[Latar Belakang Gangguan penglihatan adalah gejala kedua yang sering muncul pada tumor otak setelah nyeri kepala. Gejala gangguan penglihatan yang paling sering terjadi pada tumor otak adalah penurunan visus atau tajam penglihatan (low vision sampai kebutaan), sedang tanda yang paling sering dijumpai adalah atrofi n. optikus dan papilledema. Penurunan tajam penglihatan yang dialami penderita tumor otak dapat sangat berat hingga berupa kebutaan. Sampai saat ini belum terdapat data angka kejadian gangguan penglihatan sampai kebutaan pada tumor otak di Indonesia. Metode Sebagai studi potong lintang analitik, dikumpulkanlah data pasien penderita tumor otak di atas usia 6 tahun yang datang berobat ke poliklinik Bedah Saraf FKUIRSCM pasien September 2013 hingga Februari 2014 dari catatan rekam medis. Hasil Jumlah pasien tumor otak yang mengalami buta sebanyak 37 orang (34,6 %) dengan usia rata-rata 45,3 (SD 11,3 tahun). Sebesar 86,5 % penderita berada pada usia produktif 15-54 tahun. Dari 37 pasien tumor otak yang buta terlihat proporsi gejala penyerta terbesar adalah sefalgia (terutama sefalgia kronis), diikuti oleh gangguan oftalmologi lain. Data pemeriksaan funduskopi hanya ditemukan pada kurang dari 50 % penderita, dengan temuan yang terbanyak adalah papil atrofi. Kesimpulan Besar angka kebutaan pada pasien tumor otak menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ini tidak hanya menjadi masalah medis saja tetapi juga masalah sosial yang serius. Banyaknya jumlah pasien tanpa data funduskopi menandakan masih lemahnya standar pemeriksaan neurooftalmologi ataupun pencatatan yang ada saat ini, padahal pemeriksaan funduskopi berperan sangat penting mendeteksi dini kejadian tumor otak pada pasien dengan gangguan penglihatan.
......Background Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign. Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in Indonesia. Method As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014. Result As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache (especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms. Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding was optic nerve atrophy. Conclusion Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for brain tumor patient with vision impairment.;Background
Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after
headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common
manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign.
Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no
data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in
As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record
regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the
neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014.
As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean
age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the
productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache
(especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms.
Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding
was optic nerve atrophy.
Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social
one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for
brain tumor patient with vision impairment., Background
Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after
headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common
manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign.
Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no
data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in
As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record
regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the
neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014.
As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean
age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the
productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache
(especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms.
Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding
was optic nerve atrophy.
Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social
one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for
brain tumor patient with vision impairment.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014