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Ditemukan 58 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Akhmad Luthfie
Abstrak :
The Automated Target Firing Simulator allows the trainer to perform several tasks, which previously required judgments of a skilled operator.
The instrument can adjust its mode of operation, which is previously on the recorded. The output format at the internal side at the dome can be tailored to customary format, which easily modified on demand.
The instrument can allow measuring the success rate and consistency of the trainer over the entire field of vision. This instrument is consists of Dome, Joystick, LEDs as the simulated Aeroplane, Laser is simulated as Gun, Computer Interface and the printer.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanang Sulistiyanto
Abstrak :
Dalam sistem giroskop serat optik, pengendalian suhu junction Super Luminance LED (SLED) sangat penting untuk menjaga akurasi pengukuran laju rotasi. SLED tersebut umumnya telah dilengkapi dengan pendingin termoelektrik (TEC) yang menyatu dalam satu kemasan metal. Dalam tesis ini, sistem pendingin termoelektrik tersebut dimodelkan berdasarkan fenomena fisika yang meliputi: efek Peltier, efek Joule, dan difusi termal. Persamaan diferensial yang terkait dengan fenomena fisika tersebut diaproksimasi dengan menggunakan metode Euler. Parameter model yang diperlukan ditentukan berdasarkan respon sistem terhadap perubahan arus SLED dan TEC yang diperoleh dari eksperimen dan hasil estimasi berdasarkan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari datasheet. Selanjutnya, model sistem pendingin tersebut disimulasikan untuk mengestimasi parameter PID dengan menggunakan metode pertama Ziegler-Nichols. Respon transien yang diperlukan diperoleh dengan cara mengubah secara mendadak arus operasi SLED dan TEC dari 0 menjadi 200 mA. Hasil estimasi parameter PID ini selanjutnya diimplementasikan ke dalam sistem FPGA (Spartan 6 LX9) yang dirancang sebagai sistem kendali PID digital 64 bit. Hasil pengujian mengindikasikan bahwa sistem pengendali suhu mampu mempertahankan suhu junction SLED pada suhu referensi tertentu dengan kepresisian sekitar 0,002°C. Suhu referensi tersebut dapat diubah mulai dari 20°C sampai 25°C, atau sebaliknya, secara bertahap dengan step maksimum tidak melebihi 1°C untuk menjamin agar sistem tetap stabil. ......In fibre optic gyroscopes, controlling junction temperature of Super Luminance LED (SLED) is important for maintaining accuracy of rotation rate measurements. Commonly, the SLED dan a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) is embedded in a metal package. In this thesis, the TEC has been modelled based on physical fenomena including Peltier efect, Joule efect, and thermal diffusion. The differential equations related to the phenomena have been approximated by using Euler method. The parameters of the model have been deteminated based on system response to the changes of SLED and TEC currents obtained from experiments and an estimation based on secondary data obtained from datasheet. Furthermore, the model has been simulated to estimate PID parametes by using the first Ziegler-Nichols method. Required transient response has been obtained from changing of both SLED and TEC currents from 0 to 200 mA. The estimated results have then implemented into FPGA system (Spartan-6 LX9) that is designed as a 64-bit digital PID controller. Experiment results have indicated that the control system can maintain junction temperature at a set point with precision about 0,002°C. The set point can be gradually changed from 20°C to 25°C, or viceversa, at steps no more than 1°C to ensure system stability.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arum Setyowati
Abstrak :
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan konfigurasi perangkat optik untuk mengukur kandungan kadar air pada serbuk teh hijau. Konfigurasi perangkat tersebut bekerja dengan memanfaatkan fenomena reflektansi dan absorbansi, yang terdiri dari LED ( λ = 970 nm), wadah kaca, LED driver, pemisah berkas, dan fotodioda. Dari pengujian terhadap serbuk teh hijau diperoleh hubungan yang konsisten linier antara intensitas reflektansi pada rentang variasi kadar air 6% - 57 %, yaitu menurun seiring dengan peningkatan kadar air dengan gradien -18 x 10-3. ......This preliminary research describe reflectance optical characterization results of four varieties of tea leaf, as a basis of optical device configuration designing to measure watercontent in green tea leaf. The device configuration works by utilizing reflectance andabsorbance phenomena, consisting of LED (λ = 970 nm), cuvette, LED driver, beam splitter and photodiode. From that results could be concluded that the range variances of water content 6% - 57%, of teas has consistent relationship with the output device. This relationship is showing trend of negative slope with gradien -18 x 10-3.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dossis, Nick
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012
621.381 522 DOS b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendro Saputro
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi perilaku konsumen untuk membeli lampu LED sebagai lampu hemat energi di rumah tangga, dilihat dari perspektif theory of planned behavior dan Customer Satisfaction. Sikap, Norma dan Perceived behavior control berpengaruh terhadap perilaku membeli lampu LED. Customer Satisfaction terhadap lampu yang mereka gunakan saat ini berpengaruh terhadap perilaku membeli lampu LED. Secara keseluruhan model TPB dengan Customer Satisfaction memiliki kecocokan untuk memprediksi intensi perilaku membeli lampu LED.
The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights.;The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights.;The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights., The focus of this study is to investigate which factor may influence intention of customer behavior to buy LED light as energy saving lamps in households, viewed from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and Customer Satisfaction. Attitudes and subjective norms and perceived behavior control has insignificant influence towards the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Customer Satisfaction toward existing light also influence the intention of customer behavior to buy LED light. Overall the TPB and Customer Satisfaction modal can be use to predict behavior intention to buy LED lights.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rully Syahputra
Abstrak :
Teknologi sistem pencahayaan menjadi kebutuhan pokok manusia seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi penerangan seperti lampu yang digunakan pada kegiatan sehari-hari ataupun pada ruangan-ruangan. Dalam perkembangan teknologi penerangan yang membuat konsumsi energi meningkat sehingga diperlukan penghematan dan mengoptimalkan penggunaan energi. Penghematan dan pengoptimalan penggunaan energi yang mudah untuk dilakukan adalah pemilihan lampu yang dapat bekerja secara efektif dan efisien. Oleh sebab itu, lampu yang dibuat harus memiliki bentuk konfigurasi susunan LED yang tepat untuk memperoleh pola distribusi cahaya yang paling baik. Pengujian terhadap tingkat iluminasi dari beberapa titik dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana pola distribusi cahaya yang terjadi pada bidang kerja ketika terdapat perbedaan bentuk konfigurasi. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh data yang menunjukkan bahwa konfigurasi bentuk melingkar memiliki pola distribusi cahaya yang menyebar mengikuti bidang kerja. Distribusi cahaya pada lampu LED E Customize lebih baik karena lebih menyebar atau merata pada rentang sudut 0° hingga 180° sampai 189 lebih terang dibanding dengan lampu LED D yang memiliki jenis sumber yang sama. Titik Iluminasi tertinggi dari masing-masing lampu LED didapatkan pada titik tengah pengukuran sudut 90°. ......Lighting system technology becomes the basic needs of human beings in line with the development of lighting technology such as lights used in everyday activities or in rooms. In the development of lighting technology that makes energy consumption increased so that required saving and optimize energy usage. Saving and optimizing energy usage is easy to do which the selection of lights that can work effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the lamp that is created must have the right LED frame configuration to obtain the best light distribution pattern. Tests on the illumination level of several points are conducted to see how the pattern of light distribution occurs in the work plane when there is a different form of configuration. The result of this research shows that the configuration of a circular shape has a pattern of distribution of light that spread following the work field. Light distribution on LED E Customize lamps is better because it is more diffuse or evenly distributed in the range of angles 0° to 180° for 189 brighter compared to LED D lights that have the same source type. The highest illumination point of each LED lamp is obtained at the midpoint of the measurement angle 90°.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Mahmudah Kurniasari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai penerapan Intelligence Led Policing ILP di KPK dalam penanganan kasus korupsi infrastruktur dalam konteks memahami lingkungan korupsi yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan korupsi yang dihadapi oleh KPK melibatkan pihak legislatif, pihak eksekutif, dan pihak swasta yang memiliki kekuasaan dan kewenangan yang besar. Dalam penanganan korupsi infrastruktur selama ini, KPK mengandalkan informasi dari pengaduan masyarakat yang kemudian dianalisis oleh unit penelaah informasi yang utamanya akan disajikan untuk mendukung Bidang Penindakan. KPK belum memiliki konsep yang jelas dalam penerapan Intelligence Led Policing secara komprehensif, terutama dalam mengintegrasikan program kerja di Bidang Penindakan dan Pencegahan serta penyusunan rencana strategis lembaga. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa KPK perlu untuk mengembangkan unit intelijen aktif sebagai bagian dari infrastruktur lembaga untuk membantu kegiatan taktis operasional dan perencanaan strategis lembaga dalam mencapai sasaran strategis KPK yaitu menurunkan tingkat korupsi di Indonesia.
This thesis focuses on the implementation of Intelligence Led Policing ILP in the investigation of infrastructure corruption in KPK. It also aims at understanding the elements of corruption environment in KPK. This research uses qualitative paradigm and analytical descriptive approaches. The results show that environment in infrastructure corruption involves the legislative, the executive, and private parties who have great power and authority. In conducting corruption investigation, KPK relies on information from public complaints. This information is analyzed by an information review unit, which will be presented primarily to support the work of investigation unit. KPK does not yet have a clear concept in applying a comprehensive Intelligence Led Policing, particularly in integrating the action plan of prevention and investigation unit as well as to develop the organisation strategic plan. Therefore, this study suggests that KPK need to develop an active intelligence unit as part of its institutional infrastructure. This unit will be responsible for supporting operationaltactical as well as other KPK rsquo s strategic activities to reduce corruption in Indonesia Keywords Intelligence Led Policing, infrastructure corruption, KPK
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Handoyo
Abstrak :
Penggunaan LCU berirradiansi tinggi secara medis berpotensi merusak jaringan pulpa gigi akibat kenaikan suhu yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh LCU LED dengan metode kombinasi PWM dengan durasi penyinaran selama 20 detik untuk mendapatkan irradiansi ≥ 1200 mW/cm2 dan suhu sinar output ≤ 37℃. Mode PWM disusun dengan menggunakan kombinasi penyinaran irradiansi sinar output rendah (PWM 3/7) dengan penyinaran irradiansi tinggi (PWM 6/7) dalam 5 mode. LED biru high power komersial Model Pl.02.Xl.04041 sebagai sumber sinar. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa irradiansi sinar output adalah 715 ± 24 mW/cm2 dan suhu sinar output adalah 37,4 ± 0,6 °C. Untuk menghasilkan irradiansi sinar output yang lebih tinggi, studi lebih lanjut akan meningkatkan metode kombinasi PWM dan LED untuk mencapai irradiansi sinar output ≥ 1200 mW/cm2 dengan mempertahankan suhu sinar output 37,5 ° C. ......The use of high-energy LCU LED may potentially damage dental pulp tissues due to temperature rise caused by. The objective of this research is to obtain a LED LCU using PWM combination methods with time irradiation of 20 seconds to obtain irradiance beam output ≥ 1200 mW/cm2 and light temperature output ≤ 37 ℃. PWM mode is programmed by combining a low output of  irradiance beam (PWM 3/7) with a high irradiance beam (PWM 6/7) into 5 modes. A 5 W blue LED high power Model Pl.02.Xl.04041 was used as a source of light. Results showed that the irradiance beam output was 715 ± 24 mW/cm2 and the temperature output was   37.4 ± 0.6 ° C. To produce a higher irradiance beam output, further study would be to improve the combination of PWM method and LED source  in order to reach the irradiance beam output ≥ 1200 mW/cm2 with maintained light temperature output of  37.5 °C.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nitya Gandiani
Abstrak :
Saat ini kepedulian konsumen terhadap lingkungan terus meningkat hampir di seluruh dunia Kepedulian dan kesadaran konsumen terhadap lingkungan ini merupakan konsekuensi dari ancaman kerusakan lingkungan yang menjadikan konsumen terus berperan aktif untuk turut melestarikan lingkungan Kebanyakan konsumen di negara maju juga mempertimbangkan isu perlindungan lingkungan ini sebagai faktor penting dalam keputusan pembelian Peattie 1992 Sikap tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya pertumbuhan drastis pada pasar produk ramah lingkungan green product Berburu Dorfman 2009 Akibatnya tuntutan untuk produk ramah lingkungan green product menjadi tak terelakkan Manget 2009 Green marketing sangat dekat dengan isu isu pelestarian lingkungan Apalagi saat ini mulai banyak konsumen yang sangat peduli terhadap lingkungan Tentunya aspek yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan dalam green marketing ini selain mengemas dalam bentuk positioning green product ialah kualitas produk itu sendiri Kualitas produk dan inovasinya menentukan sikap konsumen dan dapat menstimuli konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian dan membentuk persepsi positif yang dapat mengutungkan bagi perusahaan dalam meningkatkan penjualan Penelitian ini diharapkan mencapai temuan 1 Apakah green marketing awareness berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention 2 Apakah perceived innovation berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention Untuk itu penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengaruh atas dua variabel yaitu green marketing awareness dan perceived innovation terhadap purchase intention Saat ini kepedulian konsumen terhadap lingkungan terus meningkat hampir di seluruh dunia Kepedulian dan kesadaran konsumen terhadap lingkungan ini merupakan konsekuensi dari ancaman kerusakan lingkungan yang menjadikan konsumen terus berperan aktif untuk turut melestarikan lingkungan Kebanyakan konsumen di negara maju juga mempertimbangkan isu perlindungan lingkungan ini sebagai faktor penting dalam keputusan pembelian Peattie 1992 Sikap tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya pertumbuhan drastis pada pasar produk ramah lingkungan green product Berburu Dorfman 2009 Akibatnya tuntutan untuk produk ramah lingkungan green product menjadi tak terelakkan Manget 2009 Green marketing sangat dekat dengan isu isu pelestarian lingkungan Apalagi saat ini mulai banyak konsumen yang sangat peduli terhadap lingkungan Tentunya aspek yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan dalam green marketing ini selain mengemas dalam bentuk positioning green product ialah kualitas produk itu sendiri Kualitas produk dan inovasinya menentukan sikap konsumen dan dapat menstimuli konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian dan membentuk persepsi positif yang dapat mengutungkan bagi perusahaan dalam meningkatkan penjualan Penelitian ini diharapkan mencapai temuan 1 Apakah green marketing awareness berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention 2 Apakah perceived innovation berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention Untuk itu penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengaruh atas dua variabel yaitu green marketing awareness dan perceived innovation terhadap purchase intention.
The current consumer concerns for the environment continue to increase almost all over the world Concern for the environment and consumer awareness is a consequence of the threat of environmental damage that makes consumers continue actively to contribute to preserving the environment Most consumers in developed countries are also considering the issue of environmental protection is an important factor in purchasing decisions Peattie 1992 Such attitudes lead to a drastic growth in the market of environmentally friendly products green products Hunting Dorfman 2009 As a result the demand for environmentally friendly products green products become inevitable magnets 2009 Green marketing is very close to issues of environmental preservation Moreover today began many consumers are very concerned about the environment Of course a very important aspect to consider in green marketing is in addition to package in the form of green product positioning is the quality of the product itself Product quality and innovation define the attitude of consumers and may stimulate consumers to make purchases and establish positive perceptions that can mengutungkan for the company in increasing sales This study is expected to reach findings 1 Is green marketing awareness influence on purchase intention 2 Does the innovation perceived influence on purchase intention For this study aimed to determine the effects of two variables green marketing awareness and perceived innovation towards purchase intention.
Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Levy Aninditio
Abstrak :
ABSTRACT The energy crisis in the future will be a threat for human life. Many advancement of technology currently focus on creating something that perform better than its predecessor but consuming less power. LED lighting technology has been introduced as a breakthrough of technology which possesses big advantages over the other lighting technology. LED lighting technology is able to produce a high luminous flux with very low power consumption, and also lasts longer than others. By consuming lower power, hence the amount of energy being consumed in order to generate the same amount of light will be reduced, and hence, energy saving will happen. This undergraduate thesis discusses replacement analysis of lighting at classrooms at Engineering Center of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia. The analysis is in terms of illuminance aspect, power quality performance and cost, and it is done by replacing the existing CFL with three different options of LED lamp exist in the market with competitive price. The study suggests that using LED lamp as a replacement for CFL at classrooms at Engineering Center of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia is more efficient; consuming less energy by 42.86 , and moreover saving the electricity cost as well, from IDR 864,360 annually to IDR 493,920. A comparative analysis between the three different LED lamp options is also performed.
The energy crisis in the future will be a threat for human life. Many advancement of technology currently focus on creating something that perform better than its predecessor but consuming less power. LED lighting technology has been introduced as a breakthrough of technology which possesses big advantages over the other lighting technology. LED lighting technology is able to produce a high luminous flux with very low power consumption, and also lasts longer than others. By consuming lower power, hence the amount of energy being consumed in order to generate the same amount of light will be reduced, and hence, energy saving will happen. This undergraduate thesis discusses replacement analysis of lighting at classrooms at Engineering Center of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia. The analysis is in terms of illuminance aspect, power quality performance and cost, and it is done by replacing the existing CFL with three different options of LED lamp exist in the market with competitive price. The study suggests that using LED lamp as a replacement for CFL at classrooms at Engineering Center of Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia is more efficient consuming less energy by 42.86 , and moreover saving the electricity cost as well, from IDR 864,360 annually to IDR 493,920. A comparative analysis between the three different LED lamp options is also performed.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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