ABSTRAKPustakawan sebagai suatu profesi ditunjukkan dengan adanya organisasi profesi/asosiasi yang dapat mewakili kepentingan profesinya. Fungsi organisasi profesi ini di antaranya untuk mengembangkan profesi dan status profesi, serta mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan bidang profesi. Fungsi tersebut dapat tercermin melalui karya tulis yang dicetak dan diterbitkan dalam suatu media.
Salah satu media yang diterbitkan sejak tahun 1992 adalah publikasi bidang perpustakaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pusat Perpustakaan dan Komunikasi Penelitian (PUSTAKA), Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen Pertanian yaitu Jurnal Perpustakaan Pertanian.
Melalui publikasi ini, semua pustakawan diharapkan akan mendapatkan manfaat yaitu penambahan wawasan dan pengetahuan bidang kepustakawanan (membaca) dan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengemukakan aspirasi/pengetahuannya (menulis). Dengan demikian akan terjalin komunikasi dengan sesama pustakawan atau masyarakat luas, selain mendapatkan manfaat lain berupa penambahan angka kredit bagi pustakawan yang bersangkutan.
Apabila di pandang dari sisi pengelola, saat ini masalah yang paling dirasakan adalah sulitnya mendapatkan naskah yang sesuai dengan misi penerbitan. Namun demikian, perlu pula dipelajari hai-hal yang berhubungan dengan pembaca (pustakawan). Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran mengenai persepsi pustakawan terhadap Jurnal Perpustakaan Pertanian, mengidentifikasi karakteristik pustakawan sebagai pembaca Jurnal Perpustakaan Pertanian, mendapatkan gambaran mengenai hal-hal yang melatarbelakangi pustakawan membaca Jumal Perpustakaan Pertanian, dan mempelajari hubungan antara karakteristik pustakawan dengan persepsi mereka tentang Jurnal Perpustakaan Pertanian.
Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan bersifat deskriptif dengan desain korelasi. Sasaran penelitian adalah pustakawan Badan Litbang Pertanian Departemen Pertanian di Bogor, berjumlah 32 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sensus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket dan wawancara, sedangkan teknik analisis datanya adalah analisis statistik non parametrik dengan rumus Spearman (uji korelasi).
Hasil .pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan ada hubungan yang kecil antara karakteristik umur dengan persepsi terhadap penyajian, dan jumlah jurnal yang dibaca dengan isi dan penyajian. Sedangkan karakteristik umur dengan persepsi terhadap isi dan periode penerbitan, jumiah jurnal yang dibaca dengan periode penerbitan, serta karaktersitik pendidikan, jabatan fungsional, golongan/kepangkatan, dan masa kerja, tidak berhubungan secara nyata dengan persepsi pustakawan terhadap isi, penyajian dan periode penerbitan Jurnal Perpustakaan Pertanian.
ABSTRACTThe Perception of Librarians on the Journal of Agricultural Library : A Case Study of The Librarians of The Center for Agricultural Library and Research Communication (PUSTAKA), the Department of Agricultural Library in Bogor A librarian as a profession is pointed on by the existence of the professional organization which can represent the need of its profession is among others to develop the profession and its status, also to develop the science of the professional field. This function can be implied through a writing, which is printed and published in certain media.One of the media which has been published since the year 1992 is the publication on the library field, published by the Center Agricultural Library and Research Communication (PUSTAKA), Agency for Agricultural which is the Journal of Agricultural Library.Through this publication, all of the librarians are hoped to get benefit, there are additional scope knowledge of the reference field (reading) and processing the opportunity to purpose the aspiration/the knowledge (writing). So they will make a communication relationship among librarian or society, besides getting other additional benefits in the form of a credit value for the librarians themselves. If viewed from managerial side, nowadays, the problem which is felt in the difficulty of getting the scripts fit with the publication mission. Nevertheless, it is necessary to learn the things related to the reader (librarians). Due to that, the aims of this research were obtain the perception of the librarian's characteristics as a reader of the Journal Agricultural Library, to get the perception on all the librarian's backgrounds in reading the Journal of Agricultural Library and to study the relationship between the librarian's characteristics about the Journal of Agricultural Library.The method which was used for the research was descriptive by correlation design. The respondents of this research were the librarians of the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, the department of Agricultural in Bogor consisting of 32 persons. The sampling technique were conducted the through a questionnaire and interview, whereas the data analysis technique used was non-parametric statistics by the Spearman's formula(correlation's test). The hypothesis test results showed that there was a relationship between age characteristic with the perception on the presentation, and the number of journals which were read with the content and presentation. While the age characteristics with the perception of the content and publication period, number of journals which were read with the publication period, as well as the educational characteristic, functional status, hierarchical staff status, and the length of work had no significant relationship with the librarian's perception on the content, perception and the publication period of the Journal of Agricultural Library."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2003